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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11053078 No.11053078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>anon once i'm done with my divergence of series problem sets i'll give you a blowjob
what do

>> No.11053081

Who the fuck are you and how did you get in my house?

>> No.11053082

Help her with her homework and get blowjob now

>> No.11053089

>using a laptop and paper for math problems
She's grabbing the answers from online. Dump her because she's a filthy cheater.

>> No.11053096

converge to the asymptotic limit of her location as the final solution epsilon becomes zero

>> No.11053098

she’s transcribing notes, probably writing up a TeX doc which is even gayer than working on “divergence of series” homework and then offering me a bj like im a 16 year old. also look at what’s written on the page she’s reading from idiot

>> No.11053105

No, she's just watching gay porn.
I know that because I have a sister

>> No.11053108

>look at what’s written on the page she’s reading from idiot
I see matrix what do you see

>> No.11053115

how about we solve the convergence problem first real quick *whips out cock on the table*

>> No.11053124

graciously accept

>> No.11053126

Notes. She’s transcribing them on her laptop, she’s fucking studying.

>> No.11053127

I guess i'm never getting a blowjob

>> No.11053131

is "blowjob" some kind of goodboypoints

I've never had to deal with "blowjobs" I normally just fuck bitches, if they propose something else I just fuck them harder until they shut up

>> No.11053132

based misogynist

>> No.11053134

>>anon once i'm done with my divergence of series problem sets i'll give you a blowjob
I'll lick your cunny to give you motivation

>> No.11053146

have sex incel

>> No.11053151

I do, though not as often as I would like. the problem is that women fall in love with me after I have fucked them, and moving on to the next fucktoy becomes difficult even after I have tired of one

I do not know if you are asking this, but yes, I do have an unusually large penis. my preferred condom brand is 'pasante king'. it turns out this is extremely relevant to the conversation, which is why I bring it up

>> No.11053164

Wake up from the dream.

>> No.11053165

I've never understood notes. Why not just read the textbook?

>> No.11053174

Note-taking is an effective learning strategy. Even if you never once read the notes. Essentially it forces multiple parts of your brain to pay attention... or so goes the theory.

>> No.11053178
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done be a pussy. Women cry and break their own heart over NOTHING and will be over it in a day. Just do you, break the hearts, and don't worry about it man. Bitches gunna cry, bruh.

>> No.11053198

Is this chick still in politics? I haven't heard from her lately.

>> No.11053210

It says pasante is 20 cm. Will I fit it if I’m 23 cm? Can’t fit normal at all so just raw but that’s gonna end badly eventually

I’m asking you because 1. google can’t answer this and 2. I want you to know I, too, have an unusually large penis

>> No.11053214

/sci/: where people talk about their unusually large penis

>> No.11053215

I'd rather get some help with algebraic geometry, I'm going to fail and have to kms. Just found out my shitty uni did not cover enough material for me to attend this class and succeed on my own

>> No.11053226

>How many questions are there?
>So.. I'll never get that blowjob?
>But I'm doing each question faster than the last! The nth question only takes me 1/n minutes!

>> No.11053244


>> No.11053257

what theorem would you use to justify the convergence of your homework?

>> No.11053258

I don't understand blowjobs either.
I am completely insensitive to it
Fuck, I'm actually insensitive to sex
Asexuality is boring (inb4 COPE)

>> No.11053302

my problem is more thickness than length. what I find comforting is the 60mm diameter as opposed to the standard 52mm diameter. the thickness alone appears to account for the amount of women falling in love with it, but who knows? if they also love length -- as I expect they would -- perhaps we can go in on a peper together with our findings.

>> No.11053321

>tfw if each question took her n minutes, I'd have had the bj 5 seconds before she started.

>> No.11053360

>1/n minutes
when a white girl hole collapses into a black hole

>> No.11053366

Obviously you must pre-emptively suck her dick anon.

>> No.11053896

that's just because the people you get your politics from have been screeching about greta instead

>> No.11054549
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>everyone except me is a mindless sheep who "gets his politics" from propagandists and echo chambers

>> No.11054678
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t. earnestly believes that Republicans got mad about the OAC dancing video

>> No.11054700

I am a nigger and a republican and jerk off to AOC all the time.

>> No.11054713

imagine my shock

>> No.11054734

>>anon once i'm done with my divergence of series problem sets i'll give you a blowjob
>what do

Start priming the love pump.

>> No.11054741

Let me see if you done well, first. Only then are you allowed to gobble on my hairy ball theorem.

>> No.11054752

Cant believe /sci/ would stoop so low replying to this trash thread.

>> No.11054765


>> No.11054776
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>Aight, let me know when you're done.

>> No.11054802
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>replies to the thread

>> No.11055470

i'm sorry love, i don't take blowjobs from cheap sluts who can't even afford a mac

>> No.11055478

by her notes she's taking entry-level linear algebra. how pathetic.

>> No.11055556

You couldn't be more gay if you tried.

>> No.11055569

t. Windows user.

>> No.11055603

So close quint 5's of Truth

>> No.11055614


>> No.11055673

Wait like the good boy I am, and once she's finished, get my blowjob if she still feels like it

>> No.11055681

>tfw she went to cambridge for physics and youre stuck in a shitty half-assed excuse of a uni too broke to even dream of it

>> No.11055688

OP here. I never got the blowjob. I found her messaging a black man on Facebook. They were planning to fuck after she finished me off.

>> No.11055692

This is Paige, a Cambridge student.
Maybe she and PartIII-anon could meet up?

>> No.11055693

>pure maths on a computer

>> No.11055694

Why is she hot in a weird way?

>> No.11055700

cheer up her parents probably had the money for public school.

>> No.11055706

dorks have low standards

>> No.11055725

Ask why the hell she would need a computer for first year math problems

>> No.11055751

either she is typing her notes (waste of time) or plugging problems into wolfram or it's a poorly thought out prop for a staged photo

>> No.11055755

lmao get cucked OP

>> No.11055851
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>it's a poorly thought out prop for a staged photo
+5, Insightful

>> No.11055897
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look at her day in the life video. she shows herself waking up with no makeup and I couldnt help my hearty kek. Its like this with all women. She spends 30 MINUTES everyday on makeup. I barely spend a minute everyday just brushing my teeth at night.


>> No.11055901

>the guy on the right
very based indeed

>> No.11057248

fuck im lazy and thank god im only in cs

>> No.11057253

I think it has to do with the fact of having written it. But, all that time spent writing the notes could have just been taking another glance at the chapter summary or section you didn't quite get. I understand everyone has their own way of learning, but a disgusting amount of people never even crack open their textbook.

>> No.11057918


>> No.11057955

If she takes effort to put makeup on in order to give me a boner, she's wife material. You go be with someone who doesn't look after themselves and leave the good ones to me.

>> No.11058071

do smart girls like dumb men in the same way that avergae men go for dumb girls? assuming i was dumb (im not) would smart bitches be into me?

>> No.11058110

kys fucking normalfag

>> No.11058121

Is this science and math or some literally who undergrad doing her elementary physics courses? Gee, I wonder. Fuck is your point OP?

>> No.11058123



>> No.11058647

It's an American thing.

>> No.11058722

you don't have to do your divergence of series problem sets, but you do have to eat this bowl of eggs

>> No.11058947
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>what do
She'll need to put up with this until she is done.

>> No.11059151

>if each question took her 2^n minutes, you'd have a blowjob a whole minute before she started

>> No.11059153

fucking KEK

>> No.11059165

Based chad