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File: 168 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11054037 No.11054037 [Reply] [Original]

Need a Chinese space craft and JPL run by blacks and Asians to save your ass.

>> No.11054045

let chad die. he is the problem. he is the one who went around the world plundering and pillaging. there is no white privilege, only chad privilege. we must all unite against him.

>> No.11054057

Inject social justice themes and cultural interdependencies into the storylines of your movies to further Wall Street's control of society in order to increase profits.

>> No.11054064

How can you not see that tax slaves don't need a race or even a gender? If you need an identity they'll damn well sell you one and you're damn well going to buy it. Android vs Apple anyone? Nike vs Adidas? Ford vs Chevy? You want a Pepsi or a Coke you fat piece of shit?

>> No.11054076

lol nice try inc3l wagie but chad is infinitely more valuable that you.
>Need a Chinese space craft and JPL run by blacks and Asians to save your ass.
never noticed.

>> No.11054082

>people working together
>muh jews
Go outside.

>> No.11054188


Their incompetence was why chad was stuck on mars in the first place. He survived against all odds using science and ingenuity

>> No.11054195

>chad is infinitely more valuable that you.
t. incel

>> No.11054221

This movie is fiction, anon

>> No.11054251
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>> No.11054294

The White guy wouldn't be trapped on Mars if he didn't have to rely on chink shit spacecraft parts, poo in loo trajectory code, and astrophysics simulations rendered by apehoop basketball tricks.

>> No.11054307
File: 127 KB, 800x800, i fucking love science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run by blacks
Stopped reading there.

>> No.11054466
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Sending human on the surface of Mars was retarded in the first place.
They didn't need humans to shovel martian into a detector. Robot would have accomplished far more there than human ever will.

He isn't a badass survivor, he's a botanist protected by plotarmor and a fake "Lifehack that let you farm on Mars they don't want you to know!"
Because yeah, eating your own shit is the best you can hope if you are retarded enough to jump into another gravity well.

>> No.11054656

You have the mentality of a slave.

>> No.11054663

Say the Musk slave who is fooled by fake promise of green land on Mars

>> No.11054687

this. It's all chads fault

>> No.11054721

so was the helmet bubble a post-effect or just had it off temporarily?

I am legitimately excited for our new retrofuture of stainless steel spaceships that look a lot like Goddard's Colliers.

The purpose of sending humans to Mars is so they can live there permanently.

>> No.11054742
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>The purpose of sending humans to Mars is so they can die there
Fixed that for you.
I can't think of anything more cruel than throwing someone down another gravity wheel on a prison planet that will never ever be more comfy or efficient than space colonies would, forced to live underground or constantly repair inferior hut from a worse environment, all this with inferior source of energy and resources available.

If you want to save mankind, you should reeducate people about how the Next Frontier is space, not planet less habitable than the Arctic.

>> No.11054746
File: 1.59 MB, 1536x702, phobos orbital colony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daily reminder that the proper space colonization sequence is the obvious one: LEO station -> lunar base -> Mars colony -> orbital colonies. Anything else is trying to skip a step, like trying to run before learning to walk. At best it will end up like Apollo, overreach and then cancellation.

Right now we are at step 1 with the ISS. SpaceX (which would not exist without the ISS) intends to establish a (2) lunar base and THEN a (3) Mars colony. Step 4, proper orbital colonies located next to asteroids or small moons, will have to wait until we have a genuine space economy developed and people living on both Moon and Mars.

>> No.11054816
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, Kalpana One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one trying to run before you can even stand.
All the technologies required for a self-sufficient habitat and ISRU have to be figured out in space colonies before you send people beyond LEO with no supply line. It's a lie to pretend Mars soil can be cultivated or exploited easily.
Even a moon colony will be nothing more than training ground to industrialize and automate ISRU with Near Earth Asteroid being easier to reach and exploit than a glorified refuge on Mars.

Watch the video from >>11054742