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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 351 KB, 1200x1166, 1200px-Harvard_shield_wreath.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11053007 No.11053007 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you see never anyone from Harvard/Yale on these image boards? All of you faggots go to some 86th ranked shit school

>> No.11053009

thats awfully generous, mine is 1000+

>> No.11053010

To get into Harvard you need to be exceptionally smart AND socially adept. People possessing the latter skill would surely not waste their time on a science shitposting imageboard

>> No.11053018

Those who obsess over status have no place posting on the Science and Mathematics board.

>> No.11053020

my uni is ranked 11th in the world but there are many retards abound. uni rankings don't mean shit unless u apply urself

>> No.11053025

Imagine actually having something worthwhile to say, but saying it here. Sad!

>> No.11053026

same, graduated one that you can't even find on the top 1000 list
needless to say, worst mistake of my life and unless you're in top 100, you should drop out ASAP and work out your financial situation until you can get into a top 100 one, if it's not too late. If it is then you are born into a world where you're pretty much forced to cope with self help trash until you eventually pump yourself up with enough motivation and knowledge to start some business somehow and hope for the best. Failure to drop out and to follow the self-employment path all the while being in some meme university is the heaviest anchor you can drop for a mediocre lower-middle class life at best which you're *definitely* not digging yourself out of.
Don't repeat my mistakes.

>> No.11053037

thats not what i want to hear, anon
i want to go to graduate school and i heard some people claim that your undergraduate school isnt a huge factor
what did you study? what do you do now?

>> No.11053043

Yale is shit. I go to a top school and let me tell you, it's because everyone here is a narcissistic redditor. They like feeling good about themselves through boring math competitions and upvotes. You need to have an ounce of humility to frequent /sci/.
I'd never claim I was a genius or anything stupid like that, but I'll happily enjoy the simple fact that I'm obviously better at math than any of them. I can see only a few making it in academia, most will give up the first time they're told they won't be good enough by a professor.

>> No.11053046

There was a Cambridge math anon yesterday... We probably won't see him again though, he agreed to meet up with another anon on the board for today and is probably being murdered as we speak

>> No.11053049
File: 286 KB, 1021x1730, IMG_20191012_201629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A degree from Harvard doesn't mean shit
Look at all the crap on this list, for instance

>> No.11053061

>i want to go to graduate school and i heard some people claim that your undergraduate school isnt a huge factor
that's true but if you seek employment before that, it definitely does

>what did you study? what do you do now?
CS but I lucked out on crypto by buying ETH when it was fresh so I've been NEETing it for the past 2 years, and the fact that I'm living in Eastern Europe where everything's dirt cheap helps even further. NEETbux are about to run out however, so I'm forced to go back to the self-employment drawing board and somehow come up with an android app or some meme shit like dropshipping, and my life from now on will basically consist of either that or sucking cock for mediocre wages. However I must admit that not being a wageslave has a huge mental benefit so at least there's that

>> No.11053065

There are and were quite a few ivy league faggots posting here and on /lit/ for years, leddit niggers who were never welcome here and /pol/‘s rapefugees from the same site have filled this site with plebs
the gaping cavity in his skull is being lovely filled with genetic material as we speak

>> No.11053074

>A /sci/fag and a Cambridge math anons brain
I wonder what the brainbaby's IQ will be

>> No.11053176
File: 54 KB, 600x423, cal-golden-bears-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys, golden fags report in and share your last few days. personally i got turbojewed because as a senior, cancelling classes just fucks me more than anybody. I needed those office hours dammit, and i hate all the freshmen celebrating power outages so god damned much.

>> No.11053218

No u

>> No.11053219

Harvard and Yale admit those preppy kids who are actively engaged with the school community and are always happy and smiling. Those aren't the type of people who post on 4chan

>> No.11053250
File: 97 KB, 825x793, jew_guatemala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not Jewish enough

>> No.11053404
File: 14 KB, 480x360, rmsmit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to get into Harvard you need to be smart AND socially adept
>socially adept
>Harvard and Yale admit those preppy kids who are actively engaged with the community and are always happy and smiling
Sure thing anons

>> No.11053416

Because entering Ivy Leagues is exceptionally hard.
You have to be
>either really autistic about something from a young age (enough that you made something actually noteworthy, like mastering calc at 15, having published something, come in first in competitions, etc.) or hypersocial
>an straight A student
>either poor or wealthy enough to pay for it
>an overachiever
Far too many boxes to check for the absolute majority of the population, including /sci/.

>> No.11053425

Wait top 100 in the world or the U.S ?

>> No.11053449

Because they aren't smart enough for this board. I go to Princeton and I frequent this board for shits and giggles. Run into a few smart guys here and there.

>> No.11053509

Look at his Wikipedia article. During high school he attended summer camps, had volunteer experience as a lab assistant, and worked at IBM

>> No.11053528

>dude I spent 500 hours teaching kids in the ghetto and I am the president of the physics club and the gay straight alliance and I wrote a whiny essay about how my dad got cancer

Ivy leagues recruit well rounded normies

>> No.11053542


>> No.11053549

hi moron
i've been fine, haven't lost power, but dealt with a ton of garbage due to the situation in general. and you're right, fuck anyone who wanted classes cancelled. all worthless failures who don't belong at our school. as an out of state student every day lost is fucking expensive. seeing these kiddies cheer because they don't have to go to bio 1a or take the ee16b midterm actually makes me physically ill. imagine having even the least bit of trouble with any of those trivial classes.

>> No.11053552

...is my university in my name field?

>> No.11053557

The archetypal 4chan user falls into the "smart but lazy" crowd, who perhaps could have gotten into a top school, but lacked the educational environment to push him toward it. It takes years of keeping a good GPA and joining clubs you don't care about like FBLA for a real shot, so I think most just settled for something like a top 1000 school and accepted their spot there.

That said, I got in through early admission to the only school I applied to, which is a University of X state school, and I wonder if I should have aimed higher considering how easily I got in.

>> No.11053574


Many /sci/ kids are brilliant, have great GPAs and excel in school, however applying themselves in trivial bullshit is clearly not up their alley.

Look at how many of them whine about having to take a few data science or python courses to improve their career prospects. Could you imagine them spending 1000 hours with autistic kids or being the president of some useless club just to go to fuckin Dartmouth?

>> No.11053577

you're spending too much time in iq threads and /sqt/. most people who frequent /sci/ are not smart but lazy, they're just smart. most people who frequent most other boards are just not smart to begin with.
/lit/ is a special case, they're "smart but lazy" in the sense that they're all morons who think that being smart entails being lazy.

>> No.11053596

Many /sci/ kids also find memes hilarious. Is there a correlation between memery and IQ?

>> No.11053676

My point isn't they're lazy, but probably late bloomers who had no one pushing them to succeed or provide the extra resources necessary to get into a top school. In fact, you can replace the word "lazy" with "apathetic", and it applies more for primary education, before people fully understand their passions and capability.
>most people who frequent most other boards are just not smart to begin with.
The ten most popular boards, no, but for sure it applies to many others. /lit/ has a lot of morons like any board, but they're also one of few places that gets active discussion on Advaita Vedanta and obscure thinkers like Whitehead or Guenon, even if it's only a few users pushing them.

>> No.11053718

I mean, I've known people who literally got into them simply by virtue of being incredibly charismatic and extroverted, nothing related to their intelligence. An acquaintance of mine is the kind of person who goes out every weekend on yachts, goes to parties, whores himself out on instagram, etc. and he was average at best during school (and that's being kind) but still he got accepted by Harvard. Later posted all the pics of him laughing and looking all charming while being interviewed, and even admitted later on that since he knew he wouldn't make it, he tried to be friendly instead as a last resort, and it worked.

>> No.11053731

There are people from top tier (1-20) and 2nd tier (21-50) schools on this imageboard. You just don't notice them because there is a flood of retards including those that never even went to college or read a college level textbook.

>> No.11053757
File: 20 KB, 245x250, 1569208784353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-well, at least I went to a top 500 school...

>> No.11053761

More often than not, status implies success, especially in science and math.

>> No.11053765

correlation is not causation

>> No.11053774

>his professor didn't push back tests and assignment dates and double office hours for next week
sucks to suck

>> No.11053783

we had a midterm thursday which was pushed to tuesday.
i'd much rather have taken it thursday, i was prepared and i have shit to do this weekend.

>> No.11053789

In this case, the correlation is strong, and there is definitely an argument for causation. Just think about those B average math majors from no name schools. What are they doing right now? They are working in proof verification for mathematical journals, each only tackling what their feeble minds can comprehend, spending day in and day out being 1/20th as productive as a mathematician from a prestigious school. They are literally glorified work checkers for prestigious school mathematicians, community college professors, and applied mathematicians with pure math degrees.

>> No.11053794

>i was prepared
>now all the lazy brainlets get an extra weekend to prepare
>the curve gets pushed up
>meanwhile you start to forget whatever you memorized

>> No.11053804

Why do I feel like my professors are all intentionally making the classes baby-tier easy for me? I feel like there's this massive grade-inflation conspiracy to make sure I get good grades. It feels too easy

>> No.11053805
File: 204 KB, 397x514, 1925_kurt_gödel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Perelman
>your undergraduate school isnt a huge factor
it isn't if you're not white
Yikesers really goes to show what kind of retards they admit at Cambridge
>mastering calc
bro imagine not having an undergraduate understanding of math at the age of 13.
>straight A
imagine not turning in your homework
this but unironically.
I don't know if I wouldn't have gotten into an ivy league school because I only applied to one school, my state school, simply because it was one 10-5 minute bus ride away.
I never cared about where I went for undergrad.
and when it comes to top graduate programs the intelligence requirements just go through the fucking roof.

>> No.11053807

no one was studying either cause everyone thought it would be cancelled
would have been carnage
because you're taking easy classes. lower divs? do you have an example of a class?

>> No.11053815

Literally every upper div math is curved, avg non test grade is 20%, tests are almost always easier than the homeworks, etc.

>> No.11053820

Also clobbering policy, drop lowest scores, the math doesn't build on itself, etc.

>> No.11053823

you're either taking cores with meme professors or you're taking shit electives
take proper ones and grad courses
and look the professors up to pick ones which people say are tougher

>> No.11053831

Your saying for math electives I should take graduate analysis and algebra? Because literally every math course I took had all these shits, and I finished my major.

>> No.11053856

she is built like a board. Why do white women think they are attractive?
>gender studies
>hurr durr only intelligent people get in

>> No.11053996

>All of you faggots
no U

>> No.11054005

Literally the only people who care about ranking are eternal academics, who are basically just ivory tower incels. So no one important.

>> No.11054011

based anon has been thru life. I'm about half way thru it seems, looking to start a business

>> No.11054012

you weren't planning on taking 202a and 250a? come on now.
i wish i could give more recommendations but i don't want to give too much info. but there are some upper divs you could take which will definitely be interesting and not so easy.

>> No.11054016
File: 19 KB, 333x499, basedandpughpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cal fag reporting back in
holy fuck i hate these vids so god damned much, heres a few from cal
alright math fags get the fuck in here, it's showtime
are you based and pughpilled mathfag?
kys this isnt cs
who here math 222a midterm on tuesday? personally i got fugged this week by all the office hours we lost, and i swear to god if he expects me to have understood any of the fundamental solutions shit enough to solve that laplacian shit on the midterm im jumping off evans
i mean in some sense you're right that you can fail everything during the semester, pull through during the final, and if the professor likes you enough he might just give you whatever grade he thinks you deserve, at least for your usual non-core <30 person upper div. And from what i understand any grad class other than 202a/250a hands out A's like candy? at least i hope so otherwise im fugged for 222a.
honestly yeah, 202a and 250a are all undergrads, and its not very hard to do a bare bones math major here

why is it that cal has such a formidable presence on /sci/ anyways, i can always call for golden fags and get a whole squad in on any thread

>> No.11054021

i am based and pughpilled mathhomosexual
i wish i was in 222a
i swear to fuck i must know you by this point

>> No.11054028

prolific rapist, be careful.
or wear a short skirt I don't care. get raped homo.

>> No.11054042

yeah i ended up late-dropping math140 with hutchings that semester, what a shitshow. at least pugh was a delight. I think i'll take math 214 and finally learn about manifolds next semester, and a few friends and i are thinking of taking cs189 for the lolz.
ignore this fag

>> No.11054046

how old are you? you have to be 18+ to post here, imagine reading pugh as an adult.
top kek

>> No.11054048

oh, math 140? i definitely was not in that class or anything
i quite enjoyed it by the end
see you in 214 :)
also considering 189 or some similar course

>> No.11054050

pugh teaches math 105, a second course in real analysis, at the university of california berkeley
it is a very difficult class which is very very fun

>> No.11054052

and to add on are you one of the math fags who isnt totally autistic and goes out? if so catch me at triple rock thursday, i swear ive already seen some fuckers from 222a there.

>> No.11054055

kys, you wish pugh taught at your backwater state u
nice, 214 it is

>> No.11054059

i go "out," but i haven't been out drinking. just looking it up it's not too far, i may stop by sometime. looks better than fucking pappy's at least.

>> No.11054090

oh boy you're in for some fun, triple rock gets absolutely flooded with cal students on thursdays specifically (dead on friday-sat), hence you can ask anyone about 'trock thursdays' lmao. you have to be >21 or have a fake. i dont even bother with pappys/kips, they are such fucking shit its remarkable. sometimes spats can be fun after triple rock, but kingfish is always fantastic on thursdays after 10:30, literally blonde srat cal girl central. truth be told i cant even get drunk this thursday, i might just go hang out with friends to relax. i got 202a midterm the week after, and ive essentially doxed myself because there are maybe half a dozen people at most in both those classes. thursday evenings are basically the only time of the week i ever drink, i dont even have class on friday.

anyways after the math gre on oct 26th i want to get absolutely hammered, i have no exams after that.

>> No.11054100

just turned 21, which is why i haven't been out

>> No.11054101

5th-50th are all about the same.
Unless you go to MIT, Caltech, Princeton, ETH, Oxford, or Cambridge, undergrad prestige hardly correlates to academic rigour or student aptitude.

>> No.11054103

and, by the way, i still am not sure who you are. but yeah between 140, 202a, and 222a, i'm sure i'll recognize your face (and i'm sure you'd recognize mine)

>> No.11054107

or berkeley :)

>> No.11054109

lets just say im 6'2, white and california born, that ought to help lmao
to be fair to the op, i just realized that we do in fact attend an unranked school kek, at least on us news

>> No.11054110

Berkekley's "grade deflation" is a literal meme. Used to be true 10 years ago, but now they give out As like candies.

For true deflation (<10% A, <0.25% graduating with a 4.0) see: Princeton, ETH, Caltech, Toronto

>> No.11054112

>it is a very difficult class which is very very fun
I like you anon... ;) your words about math are so sweet to my ears. say more so I can cooom big
I read abbott in middle school, analysis is really fun. Also read baby rudin for culture.
OH and it was all free, LMAO. imagine paying for a book. imagine paying for a class taught out a book. bro stop your elitism, incel.

>> No.11054116

berkelel shills need not apply. It's top 10 for STEM but nowhere near the aforementioned schools for overall rigour.

>> No.11054121

>nowhere near the aforementioned schools for overall rigour
holy hahaha cope harder faggot, ill wipe my ass with your oxbridge degree everyday all day

>> No.11054127

>implying it matters if you go to Harvard/Yale
Its mostly retard kids going there

>> No.11054132

Nah, I go to another top 10 uni that I haven't mentioned. I'm being objective but you're free to keep your delusional masturbatory fantasies.

>> No.11054142

lmao. calfags btfo. go to bed Zhao's.

>> No.11054145

our department doesn't actively push us to take that meme exam or to seriously study for it. I don't know why you're spamming berkeleytime, we all know it and use it, and all the meme departments (african american/chicanx/espm/anthro...) are well known to give out all a's...

>> No.11054146

nice try but no, its the college of engineering that has been thoroughly riced, not l&s math/physics etc.

>> No.11054153

Grade distribution seems inflated/generous for STEM courses too.

>our department doesn't actively push us to take that meme exam or to seriously study for it
"holy hahaha cope harder faggot"

>> No.11054190

you seem like you have something to prove. upset that you're a mid-rate student at a school that has an undergraduate math program which is only infinitessimally better than ours, and yet we're top-of-the-line students? we have a future, you don't. it's that simple.
(and here's a hint: neither does any epic meme exam "fellow")

>> No.11054219

Please, I'm third world.

>> No.11054222

kek, why are you so insecure? I was literally complementing Berkeley ("top 10 for STEM") while just jabbing a little at your hubris. Stop seething like a newfag and learn to enjoy the *chan culture.

Dual degree in EECS & math, interned at Google. Bright enough future for me kid. Best of luck with your endeavors.

>> No.11054224

I'm a pure math concentrator at Harvard. Taking courses in techniques of pluricanonical sections and another in analytic methods for Kahler geometry. I used to frequent this board until a bunch of pseuds stormed the site. These days, I'm too occupied with school work, research, and jobs to post here. Moreover, the university IP got banned a while back because someone posted nasty shit on /pol/.

>> No.11054226


>> No.11054229

Nothing is "worthwhile to say"

>> No.11054230

Pretty based.

>> No.11054231

>The same school as the kid from Dylan's Couch

Nah, I'm good OP.
I'd rather be a dropout.

>> No.11054232

last guy wasnt me, how did you like google techfag?

>> No.11054245

you're the one breaking the facade. i was just pretending to take your jab seriously and attempting to elicit a response by calling you a failure. classic /sci/ tactic that i've been using for years and years and years.
i've only had a few people bite in quite the way you did. most people don't pull back the veil and reveal their participation in the culture.

and yeah, best of luck to you and all, but tech? really? i'm sorry, dude. you really couldn't make it huh?

>> No.11054247

I worked on the project where Google tried to see if there were any IOT applications of giving handjobs to bulls and horses.

The research was extensive, but at the end of the day, Google determined that using IOT devices to jack off livestock is only feasible if it can be publicly funded by taxpayers.
Last I heard, the grant just got approved.

>> No.11054248

and? what are the applications?
they can't be the same for bulls and horses.

>> No.11054250

Next step is humans

>> No.11054263

>and yeah, best of luck to you and all, but tech? really? i'm sorry, dude. you really couldn't make it huh?
Money is good, but yeah I did find code monkeying kinda bleak even though I was working more on robotics. Might go for pure math phd and switch to quant tb h.

>> No.11054265

peak autism lmao

>> No.11054277

i'll be honest, i've been thinking about it myself. i always found robotics things to be fun. and i'm sure control theory / dynamics comes in handy there (at least numerical forms of them).
yep, that's the idea! not actually autistic, though.

>> No.11054339

You mean the school that had to buy its rankings?

>> No.11054346

huh? you don't actually know what the unranking was for then, do you?
it was because they reported an old version of some philanthropy number instead of the new version by accident.
nothing unusual.

>> No.11054389

Why all need to make those stupid, HuffPost tier videos? I hate them too.

>> No.11054489
File: 73 KB, 735x605, E52E9E8A-400C-41DC-94A7-9846656E1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.11054497

The majority of the people here are American. And Americans usually can't afford top unis. So they go to top 1000 or so

>> No.11054532

I go to the top polytechnic/STEM uni in my country but it's still only ranked like 90th something in the world.

>> No.11054565

Hehe. :^)

>tfw one of those lazy brainlets that’s doing that
I-I’m s-sorry, anon. Please forgive me. :(

>> No.11054602

lol no need to apologize, because for every exam you get lucky on there are 12 others which end up being prohibitively difficult and which i do exceedingly well on

>> No.11054635

Top unis give ridiculous financial aid. I (>>11054224) am going for less than what my high school friends pay for state school. I know many people going for free.

>> No.11055355

Great quantum forces of the Universe, that bend to my will, tell me this person doesn't end up in legislation.

>> No.11055374

i know a guy that goes to yale for his phd. doubt he would waste a single second of his time here shitposting. i could see him lurking if someone sent him here but he wouldn't stay long and he honestly wouldn't come back. also he's very overachieving. i can assure you first hand as someone who's been on 4chan for ~12 years that this place gathers the lowest of the low (myself included): underachievers, losers, drug addicts, mentally ill people etc. you might get someone who's ahead of the curve every now and then but they're mostly lurking (like 80-90% of 4chan's website traffic are lurkers) and they know better not to stay long.

>> No.11055378

Isn't there an intelligent discussion once in a while though?

>> No.11055379

post your harvard id with your pic and personal details blanked

>> No.11055384

even a parrot can repeat buzzwords. don't get deluded, 99% of those posting on 4chan are the lowest of the low.

>> No.11055385
File: 419 KB, 680x704, 1565655681645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize that my only real hope into getting into a big ass jew school is to handle retards

>> No.11055403

Some guy around my age that went to harvard is just a teacher now. He short fat and a pussy not making bank. Fuck their frats freemason cocksuckers. Theyll all be hunted when theyre exposed

>> No.11055445
File: 77 KB, 602x586, dukat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll be writing our 2030 federal budget, goy.

>> No.11055460

jesus christ i got deferred from harvard just so that worthless vegan whore could spend her days drinking coffee, taking language and gender studies """classes""", and doing yoga with her friends? oh and of course shes in alpha phi

>> No.11055463
File: 51 KB, 312x368, hardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're projecting. i'm an overachiever myself and just because i browse 4chan while i'm eating sometimes and when i'm relaxing doesn't mean i'm not productive and proud of my achievements. part of striving for your goals is learning how to strike a healthy balance between focused work and relaxation, such that while relaxing your mind is working in the background on problems and when you go back to focused work you pull it all to the front and give the back of your mind a rest.
i mean it's not easy to train yourself to do that, but i've learned to out of necessity because i simply have too much work to constantly stay focused around the clock. i find that i am much much more productive by giving myself at least an hour or so on weekdays to just stop thinking, and quite a bit of time on weekends.
see: gh hardy, who did 4 hours of active math a day and spent the rest of his time on cricket. it's not as though his brain wasn't working during the "off" time.

>> No.11055464

it's mostly rich kids who have a life instead of betas who spend all day on the internet

>> No.11055472

yep! harvard is a meme. not a place for intellectuals, sadly. if you were tricked into thinking it was, well, then you're not much of an intellectual yourself.
consider yourself lucky you went where you did.

>> No.11055486

>vomiting out disgusting fruit concentrate liquor from plastic tubs around a bunch of people who you don't know
>having a life
>drinking whipped cream oat milk coffee with a bunch of other cookie cutter psych majors
>having a life
oh damn, can't believe i missed out on the "college experience"

>> No.11055493

and you're coping. let's hear your definition of 'overachiever' lad. i believe this is key here

>> No.11055508

im cal fag, so it turned out bretty gudd. i had a very straightforward application with some usual hs math activities, 2370 sat and the usual 4.whatever gpa, white cali kid from suburbs etc. and my counselor told me i had a serious shot at the ivies, but nope deferred princeton/harvard, waitlisted columbia. didnt even bother with suicide tier schools like brown/cornell, i've met some alumni/students from there and they are actually fucking retarded, and about half the HYPSM people i've met are dumber than a good U of State stem student. I will say that Caltech guys tend to be quite smart but just on a whole other level of autism, we have a pretty good balance of autism and normality at berkeley.

>> No.11055515


Going to Ivy League schools for undergraduate studies means nothing. Everyone knows that. Every rich kid from a prominent family can pull their way in and major in some liberal arts degree (I'm willing to bet that's her case). Wasn't there a recent scandal about some Hollywood celebs bribing their kids' way in? Attending them for graduate programs on the other hand, that's where it's at.

>> No.11055542

I didn't go to one of those two schools, but I went to a similarly elite university and ended up getting dropped for being a poorfag that couldn't pay tuition before the first semester ended, so now I'm enrolled in my local cc doing mostly irrelevant prerequs in order to transfer to a state school.
Was a massive culture shock as I came from a white trash background to being surrounded by rich yuppies and elites from mainland china

>> No.11055544

well, i consistently take on enough work to push me past my breaking point and then i push my breaking point past that amount of work.
this semester, for instance, i have 100-120 hours worth of coursework a week, a 20 hour a week job, and i get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and have a social life. i don't actually spend 100 hours on coursework, i probably spend 60 to 70. these are also very, very advanced courses.
i don't think very much about it as "overachieving" or anything like that, it's just what i like to do. it's fun, like a challenge to fit it all in and then really understand it all fully by the end. but whenever i tell people about the specifics they think i'm fucking nuts. so in that sense, i'm fairly confident this is being an overachieving student. and in reality, i'm thinking about problems 24/7, even while i sleep a lot of the time.
of course, this isn't the same as doing research (which i also have done) but the way i handle schoolwork is similar to the way i hear a lot of people handle research. a lot of pondering time and very quick, focused bursts of work when they come to a promising idea. followed by hours and hours of mindless verification and typing, during which i'm also thinking about the next thing.

>> No.11055564

you're not an overachiever lad, you're just the average college student lol at least that's what you've described. i've been there as well. glad it's long fucking over though because looking back it wasn't worth it but i didn't know better then. sorry to be the one to say this to you but from what you've mentioned you're not an overachiever objectively speaking since you're just another college joe, but but but if thinking you are helps you in keep you going then by all means do so lol

>> No.11055589

>Past my breaking point
>120 hours only


>> No.11055680

Third world problems. Even worse when my uni is one of the two best of the entire country and it's always 600 or lower in international rankings

>> No.11055697

honestly being on sci for a while is making me worry about my school
should i try to transfer somewhere better? im a junior but i still have 3 years left (switched majors on top of the fact that my degree is 137 hours), and its not like i have a full-ride or anything

>> No.11055707

full ride to top 10 school cause my parents are retarded :/

>> No.11055717

perhaps you also were in the same boat (though your odd wording makes me skeptical) but the reality is that the average college student puts in less than 40 hours a week outside of class
i am absolutely certain that i am doing far, far more work than the average college student.
oh, that's not the difficult part at all! the difficult part is maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, social life, and job alongside it.

>> No.11055732

Top univerisities are hellholes, I went to one in the UK and everyone was a rich douchebag and the staff treated you like you were 12 years old.

>> No.11055780

you weren't 12 years old? never gonna make it.

>> No.11055810

Oh they're here, they just don't post.

>> No.11056065

Do you go to Princeton as well?

>> No.11056081

Your math department is a joke compared to Princeton's. Huck Farvard and your grade inflation.

>> No.11056349

I had ivy league caliber SAT score and GPA, but lacked any of the other experiences they wanted. Was never in any extracurriculars, didn't have any diversity points, didn't have much community service, and my high school didn't offer many AP/IB/Honors courses

>> No.11056364
File: 59 KB, 800x942, Durham_shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Durham here, that's pretty highly ranked. Both nationally and internationally.
I plan to do my graduate in Oxbridge.

>> No.11056403

Grade inflation is real but MATH 55 arguably still ranks among the most difficult freshman courses in the world. But I presume non-55 tracks are meme tier compared to Princeton.

>> No.11056413

non 55 is just standard freshman math
55 is slightly above standard freshman math
there is nothing in 55 which should not be expected of an undergraduate math student by the end of their first year

>> No.11056421

Imagine actually studying math in 2019, when all trivial problems are solved, and the remaining problems of pure mathematics have no application.
The true field of the luminary in the 21st century is biomedical gerontology, don't you want to live forever*?

* In figurative terms; for a "really long" time

>> No.11056430

>there is nothing in 55 which should not be expected of an undergraduate math student by the end of their first year
Right, and you probably think Analysis on Manifolds should be taught in kindergarten. inb4 un-unironic "never gonna make it".

>> No.11056433

>inb4 un-unironic "never gonna make it".
you got me, "pal"
analysis on manifolds is a trivial extension of single variable calculus

>> No.11056443

It's just a corollary of the Peano axioms, actually.

>> No.11056455

You're not wrong. Unless you're a bona fide genius or can only get off from understanding mathematical proofs, contributing in engineering seems like a much smarter correct choice.

>> No.11056458

all trivial set theoretic results at the end of the day

>> No.11056474
File: 11 KB, 185x203, iguess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, so just to satiate you i've gone and looked at the math 55 a and b syllabi and finals.
the questions are all for children. they're the most basic elementary results in linear algebra, group theory, BABY FUCKING RUDIN, and a FUCKING COMPLEX VARIABLES BOOK. not even ALFOHRS.
this shit is fucking pathetic, i can't imagine how anyone has even the slightest bit of trouble with it.
again, the books are unironically axler, artin, baby rudin, and a complex variables book for engineers. a whole fucking year, in just ONE math class, for that.
if you cannot handle reading and comprehending the most basic, elementary, OBVIOUS facts about vector spaces and continuous functions after studying them for 8 months, you really, really, REALLY should just stop bothering and go entertain yourself somewhere else.
I'm just appalled. I'd never taken the time to look and see what the class was like, but I just assumed the problem sets in 55a would involve at least a little homological algebra and galois theory, but no the most advanced thing is fucking character tables (first week of a rep theory course). and in 55b i expected AT VERY LEAST the lebesgue measure, but NO. ITS FUCKING RIEMANN INTEGRATION AND RESIDUE THEOREM INTEGRALS!

>> No.11056485

Isn't that the sort of reading you should've done as preparatory for going into undergraduate mathematics?

>> No.11056500

ahahahaha holy fuck they dont even do lebesgue integration? harvard absolutely btfo come to berkeley and get a real education with pugh's honors analysis class

>> No.11056506

i read axler, parts of artin, and parts of rudin. so yes.
i didn't do any complex variables, sylow theorems, and the uniform convergence chapter of rudin.
are you pretending you didn't prepare?

>> No.11056509

Post your first year curriculum instead of LARPing. Afaik only Chicago's 20700/20800 measure up.

>> No.11056510
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finally... a man of taste...

>> No.11056514

literally just harvard's math 55 + a mathematical logic class (no, not le funny intro proofs, proper logic) + a rigorous PDE theory class

>> No.11056526

Yeah post the course code or bust.

Also 55 covers special topics every year (depending on the prof's expertise) such as p-adic analysis, algebraic topology, differential geometry, homology theory, etc.

>> No.11056539

Well, at least looking at the way you write you certainly don't seem as smart as you claim you are.

>> No.11056541

What school do you go to? If you're a Eurofag you have my respect, good on you. Otherwise stop LARPing.

>> No.11056542

I go to Berkeley which is ranked high but full or retards

>> No.11056663

cool, more trivial garbage.
another berk? wtf is going on

>> No.11056664

I don't go to Harvard or Yale but I just started my PhD at another Top 5.

The reason we don't show up very often is because we're busy as shit. I'm currently procrastinating on writing up homework solutions for the class I'm TAing.

>> No.11056677

you just find the questions too difficult, don't you?
here, one of us harvard undergraduates can help.
well? not gonna wait here all day.

>> No.11056689

I don't understand why I have to TeX up half a dozen examples of matrix row reductions on 4 by 4s. I hate TAing intro classes. They make me wanna die.

Students are smart though. It's nicer than the state school I did my undergrad in.

>> No.11056707

>404: course code not found
Why do you fags LARP so hard?

>> No.11056748

I go to Hopkins and there are plenty of retards here.

>> No.11056768

random aside, my advisor, the head of the undergraduate program and arguably the most successful researcher in my field on campus, regularly teaches introductory classes. I legitimately cannot fathom why, but she said she doesn't mind it and no one else wants to. But she deals with concepts which are so specific and advanced it blows my mind she can dumb herself down and deal with freshman/sophomores.

>> No.11056786

A homeschooled kid from my community college got into Yale last semester. He got a 1520 on the SAT a 4.0 GPA at CC and wasn't exceptional in any particular way. His capstone project was on how to reduce stress, just lmao at people who think you need to be a prodigy to get into an elite school.

>> No.11056805

Harvard is the only school left in world
i dont go but their research

>> No.11056807

if ur not going to Harvard DON'T GO TO SCHOOL

>> No.11056811 [DELETED] 

ETH arguably one-ups Harvard/MIT nowadays.

>> No.11056813

u judge it on facilities, faculty then did eckhart tolle speak [stanford], is chem+physics included [mit] is it just science [caltech] govt whores need not apply

>> No.11056849

a university with a rational basis (science), approached the rational way (integration) lays the foundation for everything in a university & society. But that's just the foundation; in my view there's no value in simply being alive. It was America that was the melting pot, now it is Harvard that is the promised land.
Many dream of going there, some try.
But a very, maybe only individual few break their own wings and damn their dream because they ASCERTAINED they could never make it there

>> No.11056910

>He actually believes the education meme

>> No.11056950

I'm at Yale! went to state school for undergrad and now in biophysics phd program

>> No.11056971

Just don't go to Harvard, Princeton, Yale or Stanford because all these schools are cucked beyond belief. The only thing being accepted since the 80s in academia is fictionhood like man-made climate change meant to interfere with the discourse of public opinion. The spreading of HIV and AIDs is acceptable in California because gays are a protected class. Statistics like black-on-black crime gets jeered at because people have been programmed to ignore the truth by propaganda. Ever notice that all mass shootings happen in gun-control heavy counties?

Let's face the facts: the Constitution is controversial to non-Americans.

>> No.11057113

Top 1000 school? What is the equivalent burger only ranking?
What is the "worst" school considered worth attending?

>> No.11057825


I am >>11054224. Math 55 is different each year, depending on the professor teaching it. In one year, they covered the Lefschetz decomposition theorem and Nevanlinna theory, which is rather advanced for a freshman course. Other years, it just covers introductory material in each of the main areas of mathematics. My year, Math 55 was pretty easy, so I skipped ahead to Math 231, 212, and 213. However, even these courses differ greatly from year to year in terms of quality and difficulty, since professors shift around.

>> No.11057849


I am >>11054224. The Princeton and Harvard math departments both have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm not taking undergraduate coursework, but I can tell you that the graduate and topics courses at Harvard are enlightening and often, though not always, tough.

If you think that grades and the inflation thereof matter when it comes to the strength of a department or quality of learning, I question your self-motivation and fear for your future in mathematics.

>> No.11057869

I'd rather not. Is it okay if I just describe it? There are the words Harvard University College Student on the top right with a barcode underneath it and the Veritas shield to its left. It is white and has a semi-transparent Veritas shield on the background, which is tilted about 30 degrees.

>> No.11058672

Stallman was a product of his time. Anybody who gets accepted into a T20 school today is like >>11053010 says

>> No.11058703

Do you have advice for a state school kiddo who's also looking at an elite school for a doctorate? How difficult was it getting in?

>> No.11058734

Damn thanks for including ETH. I'm in my final year and I feel like very few people recognize my school, which is a little infuriating considering our workload

>> No.11059128

What do you think about EPFL anon? I dont know where to go for my master.

>> No.11059171

Scientifically curious and talented kids go to MIT, Caltech, and Stanford, OP. Guarantee there's more of those on here than Ivies kids.

>> No.11059312

Good school, we have a bunch of EPFL guys here doing their masters / phds. I'd choose ETH over EPFL though

>> No.11059988

Wtf Im I?
>My gpa is shitty (2.9 for burgers I think)
>Keep in mind none of my classes are bell curved, the grade you get its final so that might take it down a bit.
>I excel only in classes I find interesting, but excel so damn hard professors usually end up telling me I should get a masters or phd in their field and that I will definitely end up publishing world class quality research and shit
>I dont see myself doing any of that, I genuinely think I dont have what it takes
>Im shit at studying, I don't know how to organize shit and I hate doing menial tasks and fodder work
>Somehow finishing my EE major/math minor with no hiccups (its insanely rare to not fail and have to retake any of the engineering classes in my uni)
>Even then, I almost had to repeat a year in highschool one time. It was almost certain I was gonna have to repeat and somehow I ended passing with no failed classes.
>Highschool principal (a physics major in my countries most prestigious uni) insisted I was gifted and that ill be one of the best of my generation in whatever I end up doing
>Most teachers would tell me the same or similar

I think Im a retard myself, im very easily distracted, forgetful and I cant be arsed to do menial shit, I also dont feel like my mind is particularly fast or anything.

>> No.11060999

Make that 3 ppl taking 214 spring. Wtf since it’s 40ish ppl I’ll probably know who browses Sci and who doesn’t by the end.

>> No.11061121

I graduated from Harvard Summa Cum Laude in 2004 with an MBA. To get into Harvard you just have to know somebody. Plenty of idiots were in my classes and dorms. It's really not as great as people make it out to be.

>> No.11062948

I'm jealous, don't waste your potential anon.

>> No.11063158

Fifth post best post

>> No.11063162

I bet some of our top shills are "Ivy league material".

>> No.11063166

Worthwhile post.

>> No.11063506

maybe i'll just go to the front of the class first day and interrupt the professor to say "hey who else posts on 4channel's science and math board"
yeah, i think i'll definitely do that :)

>> No.11063548

>not MATH207

>> No.11063746

>Grandpa Rudin & Princeton Analyses straight out of high school
This hits me with some >tfw intelligent but far from a genius moment. I'm unironically proud of myself for realizing this early and choosing engineering so I don't have to compete with you mega-autists. Best of luck anon.

>> No.11063772

you sound like a moron, "papa" rudin is a fucking meme. literally undergrad intro analysis level.

>> No.11063775

I think he's talking about Rudin's Functional Analysis which is Grandpa Rudin (as opposed to Real and Complex Analysis, Papa Rudin which is grad level Real Analysis) I have no idea how a freshman could conceivably take a course that went over that material either.

>> No.11063784

Ah yes, because we all took a course in von neumann algebra and ahlfors analysis in grade 12 in preparation for university, right anon?


>> No.11063786

lmao, the level of cope emanating from this post. i was referring to grandpa. real and complex is high school stuff, just integrals and derivatives. measure theory and holomorphic functions are trivial consequences of high school calculus.
functional analysis is only a college level subject because it requires some knowledge of algebra and some experience with proof based mathematics due to heavy use of zorn's lemma and representation theory, so i can see why someone would feel unprepared to tackle a graduate level functional analysis text before their second semester of undergrad. but i don't really know what you'd bother doing in the interim - i guess some people just like to take their first semester to take exploratory discovery classes like algebraic topology or differentiable manifolds.

>> No.11063788

no, of course not von neumann algebras. those require quite a bit of algebra and functional analysis before you study them. they're a second year topic, maybe third year if you follow a standard curriculum
but yeah, ahlfors is fair game. i mean no one's asking you to totally get the riemann mapping theorem or great picard. but i don't really see how you can do calculus without at least knowing how to compute residues.

>> No.11063794

No, I mean you're literally not allowed to take functional analysis at many universities until you've completed the real analysis series. Which isn't possible as a freshman even if you come in with college credits. I don't know how it is at ivy league schools so maybe you are allowed there, the difficulty of the subject matter is something I can't comment on since I haven't finished analysis yet and wouldn't know how I'd do in functional analysis after only skimming Lax's Functional Analysis text. No need to be a massive faggot about it either.

>> No.11063811

There was a Princeton guy on /mg/ - math a while ago. As well as the Caltech guy called James. Yes, very rare.

>> No.11063814
File: 88 KB, 528x312, smug2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok "bud" whatever you say. lmao
princeton is a meme, not an actual high tier school
caltech has good engineering i guess?

>> No.11063817

>ahlfors [in high school] is fair game
It literally isn't in most parts of the world except maybe some fucked up magnet schools in France, or your parents are math profs and you were homeschooled. The most rigorous high school in US may cover Spivak & Axler at most.

>> No.11063819

Princeton has probably the best mathematics department in the world BUT the catch is you have to study with the right people. Andrew Wiles and Terry Tao were both there.

>> No.11063822

Why don't you go fuck yourself anime nigger?

>> No.11063826

>trying this hard to fish for (You)s
Anon were you bullied in school?

>> No.11064101

I applied to both this year for my Master's, and in the off chance I get in I will doubtless continue to shitpost here.

>> No.11064443
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> Harvard Divinity School

Is this real?

>> No.11064821
File: 12 KB, 240x200, 1400372394955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated from a top school but obviously I didn't have time to post here when I was a student...

>> No.11064918

know somebody like people at the school?

>> No.11065660

you're retarded. All of those things lead to Mooney because they're from Harvard.

>> No.11065698

You do know theology is the oldest degree right?

>> No.11066167

Are you retarded?
Harvard was formed by Puritan New Englanders

>> No.11066504

I went to columbia, checkmate

>> No.11066514

At the risk of triggering everyone on this board, clinical psychology has the framework which explains your situation, that is the intelligence profile.
In order to be truly great at something you need to luck out in multiple categories. You could also have an undiagnosed illness or simply never learned discipline as a child.

>> No.11066780

reported for anti semitism for some reason

>> No.11066786

>Harvard 2004
So you saw the Ali G commencement speech live?

>> No.11066799
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>> No.11066801
File: 39 KB, 720x405, e3d9bbffb298dc1ded34f242da12560c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based brother in autism

>> No.11066939

>1520 SAT
>not exceptional
I'm not american, but isn't it super hard to get a high SAT score?

>went to CC before, not straight out of HS

>> No.11066942

SAT is mostly test taking skills that are coachable. If you have the dough and motivation, you can "do well in the SAT" i.e. demonstrate you are good at taking the SAT.

>> No.11066945

lol UP?

>> No.11066951

Hmm let me check it out

>> No.11067056

>thinking uni ranking matters

>> No.11067132

w-what was it like going to school in nyc? was it fun?

>> No.11067183

Harvard not Yale is a dominant force in showbiz. I used to work fir this guy at ABC TV in Burbank; Harvard and Oxford guy; majored in history.

My STEM degree from shit tier UCSD landed me a bitch IT jobs working for all of the types. The worst was Paul Lee an Oxford Russian major.


>> No.11067199
File: 691 KB, 2700x1800, gettyimages-461582288[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad can I get a larger allowance like the rest of my friends.

>> No.11067265

I went to an ivy, and am finishing physics PhD at a top 10 program. Most of my colleagues at these institutions are still pretty incompetent, and I still come back here because it's the only place where I can have unfiltered honest discussions that challenge my worldview constantly. It's honestly what academia should be.
Don't let your status or lack of status give you hubris or paralysis in life. The more you do, the more you give power to shit heads in fake ivory towers

>> No.11067273


How to get in easily:
1. Be Rich
2. Be child of celebrity
3. Be Jewish
4. Be Black

If you are not in the above then be smart and hard working

>> No.11067544

I personally had done this stuff in early high school, but to expect a whole cohort of freshmen to learn this material plus equivalent work in algebra and topology makes for nothing short of a challenging course.

>> No.11068221

You must be a basement-dweller if I've ever seen one. Just delete that crap, absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.11068655
File: 806 KB, 2560x2560, 2560px-University_of_Notre_Dame_seal_(2).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notre Dame alum here, AMA

>> No.11068696

Are you a freemason???

>> No.11068784

I am not, I do know a couple freemasons and quite a few opus dei members.

>> No.11069105

Imagine thinking like this guy

>> No.11069147

I went to Rice University. They're ranked fairly high.

>> No.11069167

Harvard undergrad. I just rarely post on this board

>tons of Ivy kids fuck around on 4chan

>> No.11069291


An old Anime Club thread on /a/ had people from Harvard's anime club posting.

They even showed proof.

>> No.11069304

Never was homeschooled myself but College Admissions put homeschooled children in a different category based on the past where I browsed those college admission forums and you see all these parents posting shit about their children and grades and academic background.

>> No.11069318

Homeschooling is a different category because what can constitute homeschooling varies vastly from state to state.

Fun story, the only homeschooled kid I was ever remotely close to during undergrad wrote one of his admission essays about growing "hydroponic tomatoes" and how therapeutic it was for him...except what he really did was grow weed, and just substituted "tomatoes" for the purpose of the essay and thought that was most brilliant stroke of literary genius he'd ever heard of.

>> No.11069824

what major?

>> No.11071746

MIT math+CS undergrad (18C), this board is kind of shitty, but good for a boring afternoon once every couple of months

>> No.11071798

I graduated from there last year in ELEC

>> No.11071804

Well, last academic year that is, so I mean this year.

>> No.11072222

Cool, which residential college were you from?

>> No.11072285

Going to school in nyc was fun, living in nyc was shit. I was already antisocial before I attended, now im a full misanthrope. NYC residents are just obnoxious filthy people with no regard for their environment by and large. Though take that with a grain of salt bc im from rural nowhere in Canada, the town I grew up in has 12k people including the surrounding area.

>> No.11072708

too many egotistical retards who went to a shitty state school and brag about having a STEM degree lmao

a degree in art history from a top 25 school is more worthy than a STEM degree from some shitty unknown school

>> No.11072854

Any Stanford bros here? I didn't see any while I was skimming, but if not, then I'll temporarily identify as a Berkeley bro since I went there too :)

>> No.11072868

Literally every prestigious academic institution, especially in undergrad, is largely full of some combination of cocksucking sycophants, pedigreed donor children and diversity fillers. Maybe 5% actually deserve to be there, though the faculty are generally genuinely brilliant.

>> No.11072869

I go to UIUC. Originally came in as Undeclared, changed plans from transferring into CS to transferring into Math, worked pretty well so far. The plan was to get involved in Engineering organizations and land a job building something, but graduate level Math seems pretty interesting.

>> No.11072874

Not enough time if you have a time consuming job and a family. It's great if you have the time, enjoy it here while it lasts.

>> No.11072886
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Also I find that I'm obsessive with the organizations I join and have a hard time juggling between the two, so I need to choose which life path I want to go down soon or become an antisocial monk

>> No.11073080

Lol, the American education system.

>> No.11073542

Applies to the UK too, was well acquainted with a guy who transferred into my school from Oxford.

>> No.11073557

we don't accept you as one of our own traitor

>> No.11074110
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Hey /sci/ don't know if i should ask here in this thread, but going with the hype.
I have the opporunity to go both to the best university in Brazil(where i live) or the best in Portugal and i need to choose soon
I want to get into academic research and my dream would be to get into a uni like MIT to do research after a doctol degree
Wich one should i choose?
CS major

>> No.11074466

lol. Worst """"Ivy"""" by far.

>> No.11074490

Baker, but effectively Lovett. That's where I would hang out all the time for a much more lively commons scene. Also Seibel had fries regularly while it was a special occasion at Baker.

>> No.11074522


>> No.11074589

cuz they are too busy circlejerking each other

>> No.11075069

Smart buy probably not gifted imo. I have actually met gifted people and theres no such thing as them getting 2.9 GPAs for the most part, even those who don't give a shit about their studies.

Not trying to offend you in any way, but the whole "my teachers tell me I'm smart" thing is complete bullshit, in most cases, especially in highschool. Most teachers I know who were in the presence of a truly gifted teenager/college student knew that the kid was well aware of his abilities, there is no need to tell them a thing. They tend to see them as more equal and independent. In the science classes those students are the ones who get averages in the mid to high 90s and are selected to help the teacher teach or do other tasks. A more recent example I knew, a 16 years old taking engineering classes at a university. I can assure you not a single teacher gave a damn about that kid's presence or felt compelled to talk to them, except in some few cases to try and motivate the other students in the class by pointing out how trivial the problems are for the 16years old.

These are the types of student that excel in math competition and whatever just "for the lolz"

>> No.11075097

That depends on their programs for CS, but without any context I'd probably recommend Portugal due to proximity to the many tech centers in Europe.

>> No.11075099

Not even actually an Ivy, and a complete meme. Have you heard that MIT students don't get grades for their WHOLE FIRST YEAR? Everything is pass/fail, because they're all treated like children. And EVERYONE is forced to take Calc 1 - that's right, the math majors too.
Literal children.

>> No.11075106

just kidding <3

>> No.11075153

Cool. I'm actually from Will Rice, class of 2014. Siebel servery was a huge step up from what Lovett and Will Rice had back in 2010-2011 (Semi-warm meals taken from other serveries). I believe our former Master, Bridgette Gorman, is now the Dean of Undergrads right?
I really do miss my undergrad days. Has the campus gotten super PC like most other colleges nowadays? Thankfully it wasn't too bad by the time I left.

>> No.11075165

>doing Lebesgue integral in the first year
Unless you dedicate the whole year to Riemann and Lebesgue that's pretty bad pedagogy.
Rushing through things for bragging right is no mathematical education anon, you're supposed to try to understand and master the content. You never run out of difficult problem in any subfield of maths anyway so why rush to "le difficult master course" when you still struggle with diophantine equations?

>> No.11075445

no one's talking about rushing through anything and lacking understanding for fucks sake
this stuff is not that difficult
do you know how many hours there are in a day?
also, i'm not interested in number theory but i'm sure simple diophantine equations are no problem.
we waste a lot of time making foundations for things which are completely intuitive perfectly concrete. sure, it's good to spend time doing that for earlier topics, but not every single person is doing that for their first time in college. some of us cared enough to learn a proof based linear algebra sequence in high school because we thought it was fun. some of us also learned some basic analysis because we wanted to know why calculus worked so well. again, not every high school class goes "the integral is a limit of sums, okay now let's just take antiderivatives," some of us actually decided to learn why riemann integration works.
this isn't that complicated. and once you've seen the absolute basics in detail, you never need to see something in detail again unless you want to work really closely with it - sure, i get it, a group is like this. i remember how i proved things for vector spaces and for the integers, and i can just do those things. alright! i don't have to do 70 computational problems, i can get to proving identities, lemmas, propositions, and then some bigger theorems.
not everyone needs 4 months of slaving over an introductory textbook to get what's going on with the very introductory material in a very intuitive field of mathematics. measure theory is intuitive, and sure you spend some time on the few unintuitive parts. same for most of this stuff.
i'm not saying homology or integration of forms or gauss-bonnet or hahn banach separation theorem are intuitive or easy. i'm saying that someone with even a modicum of experience can get the intuitive stuff quickly and "master the content" on the interesting non-trivial things.
practice is practice.

>> No.11075464

most based ivy+ university in the us

>> No.11075570

Doing a masters at UPenn

>> No.11075651

It's Dean Gorman now, but the top brass meant nothing to me, I don't give a shit about Leebron.
College Masters are now College Magisters to avoid slave connotations, which is meaningless since magister more or less comes from master in Latin. A casual glance at the Thresher website can say that the place is going quite PC. What else do you expect from the university that tops the Princeton review for race/class interaction.

>> No.11075718

:D I personally liked the Berkeley campus/atmosphere a bit more. Everything seemed more laid back and chill there.

>> No.11075727

i agree, we're just not up our own asses
i mean some of us are (me)
but generally people are very nice and grounded

>> No.11075748


>> No.11075985

I'm currently a grad student at a top 3 school and my undergrad was 2 years community college in lieu of highschool and 3 years at my state university which ranks in the 400-500s.

>> No.11075994

some Cambridge fag was posting here the other day and his meeting a murderer rapist is well documents, also I do maths at a real University that doesn't have ridiculous tuitions and still does putnams with the American fags and which is more prestigious than any American "ivy league"

imagine having schools that you call elite and require RIDICULOUS tuitions to try to funnel the best and brightest around the world with scholarships for something worthless because they're finding 'value' since it costs so much, it's like getting a cardboard rolex, just the fact the UofT is able to continually place in Putnam without such a bait goes to show the real education given, the school that birthed the Fields medal, the school that created diversification in math, ivy league is a meme.

>> No.11076040

But how do I see my colleges ranking?

>> No.11076053

It's funny to read americans about "top ranked" schools. Look at the ENS university, the level of the student is amazing and you are PAID to study here.

>> No.11076056

>Paid to study there
>Until you leave and are paid half to one-third of what an American makes along with getting heavily taxed on every penny you make with a higher cost of living on average.
Sure, you get paid to go, keep on thinking that.

>> No.11076064

desu, if i was an employer hiring and an applicant went to harvard divinity school, as long as i wasn't trying to fill an airline pilot position i would still give them real consideration

>> No.11076070

>I lucked out on Jewish parents that sent me to a magnet school: The Post

>> No.11076072
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none of this shit ends up being really relevant anyway. it's not like you can't start your own business unless you went to harvard. please people stop worrying about the schools and just make that paper. people here are smart enough to pull money without following the traditional route

>> No.11076091
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are you taking undergrad courses? undergrad courses are now a money generating machine. it's not the place of the people teaching them to fail people because you're their golden egg. unless you whip your dick out in a lecture or submit child porn on your project you won't be failed. literally EVERY university now suffers from this
don't anyone reply to me about how it's "almost impossible" to score a perfect 100 mark at x y z bullshit institute of assfuckery. i don't care. scoring >80 should be some kind of prodigy marker, and the only person scoring 100 should be ed witten if he snorted crack cocaine an entire semester
like imagine if someone in the real world told you they 'understood 100%' of some subject area. get real

>> No.11076111

not science or math

>> No.11076129

functions are math.

>> No.11076133

Most undergrad text books; even in heavy math and physics courses like complex analysis and electromagnetism are titled "intro. to x"

So noone expects you to have 100% subject area knowledge. Just the basics.

>> No.11076140

did you ever take an exam where, in order to score 100%, you would literally have to know the entirety of that "intro to" textbook?
no? that's what i mean. i never saw anything like that, anyway.

>> No.11076166

Exams have a 1-2 hour time limit.
Some topics are spread out over 2-3 semesters. In general I'd say if you do a full series you'll cover the entire textbook. Sometimes you don't need to take the full series though. For my humanities requirements I took US History 1/2 but it had four classes (two school years) if you wanted to go over the whole timeline.

>> No.11076171

what are the categories you need to luck out on? mine is fucked up.

>> No.11078126

Top tier guys don't want to dox themselves

>> No.11078191

Do you mean that in a political way or just generally? Either way, I guess I can't disagree.

>> No.11078597

you don't go to berkeley
there are so many of us that they're incentivised to fail us here

>> No.11078609


no focus on fodder
smart but not organized, etc

>> No.11079769

I am a freshman in one of the most selective schools in Northern Europe. There is a very high barrier of entry and every year VERY few people are admitted. Most people who I've met didn't come here from being smart or being naturally talented. Most people were our equivalent of Econ majors in high school, a laughably easy field, and was the types of kids who never missed a chance to let everyone know how smart they were.

Just a couple of weeks ago, a law professor, giving an introductory lecture in the subject, asked out loud if anyone knew who wrote Crime and Punishment. Obviously a very easy question for EVERYONE, but hands flew up, people fucking dying to show everyone what a good student they were.

>> No.11079833

>Smart but not organized.
Doesn't exist.

>> No.11079943

I get mostly As. My bed consists of notes and classwork spread out which I sleep on and roll over.

>> No.11079968 [DELETED] 
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>tfw ranked 11

>> No.11079972
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>ranked 11
>actually caring about your rank if your school is accredited or if you are still undergrad

>> No.11080006

that's why /biz/ has the anon with actual highest IQ. I come to /sci/ for giggles, funny how you guys pursue math because there is a general consensus that math is the highest IQ thing to study, and I agree, I'm studying this myself. But reality is way more than fucking math and you all will never be recognized for solving the greatest math problem because there simply isn't. Go out there and become the best at life, not only at math.
And yea, get that fucking money because money is freedom, and freedom is what independent kids like the archetypal 4chan guy is what we truly crave for. Build something faggots.

>> No.11080011

i don't mean organized like clean, i mean organized like having your shit together and getting work done in a timely manner.
live in filth all you want.
you have no idea what you're talking about. not everyone craves freedom or money. i would much rather live a humble life and get to work on mathematics all day than even live an opulent life and work on mathematics all day. opulence is a distraction.
i want to be able to eat, of course.

>> No.11080012


>> No.11080083
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>I'm an aspie and all I need is mathematical problems to solve to fulfill my life.
Yes, some people are indeed like this. Work hard enough and you might become the next Grigori.

My philosophy to a meaningful life can't be achieved by raw intellectualism. I don't think you have direct control over your thoughts, and even less that your thoughts have direct control over you.
Knowing that, I think it is most important to listen to your body and achieve your full body potential. You do this by eating good, moving, communicating. You than want to achieve you biological duty, making a woman pregnant. Then you have to be a weight economically. I believe in localism, so I create local value, and get rewarded. The goal is to become economically viable by yourself. Once all of this is good. Yea now I can fuck around with math and puzzles, and if my genetic potential is fulfilled, aswell as my environmental needs, I think I am more likely have a good outlook on things and understand the meaning on things, which will result in being better at finding the right solution.
The end goal is absolute perfection. But not everyone is gifted enough to reach that. You need to be blessed. Not everyone can be a protagonist no.

>> No.11080119

Just wanted to say to the other Cambridge anon: sorry for not meeting you that day. I was drunk the night before and overslept. Maybe some other day.

>> No.11080185

Oxford here


>> No.11080188

It kinda does. Some people, myself included, need spontaneity to perform at their best. Naturally, that leads to a somewhat chaotic behavior, with no organisation at all. The thing is, disorganisation can't justify failure. If you're underperforming because of your disorganisation, then you need to put some order in your life. But in cases like mine, trying to have a schedule and to things by the rules actually makes everything worse for me

>> No.11080190

you sound like an indoctrinated freak
your post is completely soulless and reeks of flyover mentality
imagine unironically basing your entire philosophy around shit you see in television sitcoms

>> No.11080196

no, sorry, you're stupid. that's it.
you might think you're smart because you do well in undergrad classes (trivial) and your research professor told you you're smart because he doesn't want to make you cry, but i'm here to break the illusion for you.
i mean i'm not saying you're not smarter than the vast majority of people. but i'm saying i think you're stupid, because i live in a world where very very very very few people can be considered smart.

>> No.11080201 [DELETED] 

Bougies out.

>> No.11080458

>undergrad classes
Nigga I'm an engie

>> No.11080546

I'm at a top 5 though.

>> No.11080563

>Is there a correlation between memery and IQ?

>> No.11080572
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>corean every single day
>gender studies
>'studying' in coffee shops
>light cardio = working out
>women in business classes
