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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11048284 No.11048284 [Reply] [Original]

I just got an A on my physics midterm. What /sci/-related achievements are you proud of recently?

>> No.11048286

I just passed my final P exam

>> No.11048295

>study hard for first linear algebra exam
>think i aced it
>prof hands back exams today
>”the class average was a 60”
>start sweating
>get back exam
>later that day
>learned that the first dif eq exam got handed back when i wasnt there
>got a 96
it was a nice little ego booster :)

>> No.11048299

I'm failing physics at a community college and will have to retake this class if I want to transfer. I also have to retake calculus for the 3rd time, and French. I never study or do Homework and I hate myself for not being able to concentrate without ADD medication.

I am currently retaking Chemistry. On the bright side, I expect to get an A in this class :)

>> No.11048313

>I never study or do Homework
thats something thats going to have to change, anon, if you cant get by otherwise

>> No.11048323

>be freshman in university
>haven't taken math since sophomore year in HS
>was retarded in math as a kid, thought computers should be doing everything so focused all my education in CS and not doing math hw
>now it matters and I want to get gud
>literally barely understand basic algebra
>study hard, do the hw, put in effort to understand concepts being taught
>got 90% on trig exam, class average 67%
>95% in precalc
I know that's babby tier compared to most you guys, but this is good for me and I'm gonna keep going.

>> No.11048362

>>haven't taken math since sophomore year in HS
did... did your high school not require 4 math credits?
other than that, great job, anon, keep it up

>> No.11048370

Took a statistical theory exam. It was hard, but not impossible. Everyone complained in the hallway after, but I didn't think it was that bad.

>> No.11048371

you only have to complete senior level math to graduate if I remember correctly, in America that is the first half of precalculus roughly.

>> No.11048372

i took pre calc junior year, and i was a year ahead
were you two years ahead, or did they just let you take it?

>> No.11048374

I got and A in my bio1101 and an A in its lab last semester. this semester i have an A in my algebra course and finished my EUH with an A, also taking a condensed PHI course... i am only 28 credits away from my AA. how much longer till i can be a geneticist and research the superiority genes?

>> No.11048377

Thanks anon, and haha no they didn't, they let CS count for the remaining math credits. Can't remember what I learned in that last class either. Think it was called secondary II.

First anon that replied wasn't me, but no I was definitely not ahead. Think I was dead average.

>> No.11048380

so are you still studying cs?

>> No.11048398

Yeah. Have been employed in software dev as well. CS was my first exposure to math being something you have command over to solve a problem instead of blindly solving what your teacher tells you to. It taught me math is something to be appreciated not only for it's practicality but also for it's own merit, and I've since been trying to catch up.
Wbu anon?

>> No.11048414

thats good to hear that you developed an appreciation for math, thats unfortunately not true for every cs major
im studying ee (switched from cs) rn, so math currently has its middle and ring finger up my asshole and is leading me around atm, but im doing ok (im >>11048295), i decided i want to do graduate study so im trying to get my gpa in a good place

>> No.11048439

Lmao, and haha yeah that's unironically awesome dude. Bet/hope you'll do well. Hear getting into grad is hard.
What prompted switch from CS and thinking you're gonna go for grad?

>> No.11048459

thanks anon
i decided to switch after getting buttmad from a few lousy cs professors (i denied it at the time but im ready to admit that it was a partial cause) but also because, despite programming in my spare time since i was like 12, i discovered that i kinda hate it, and would really hate being a software developer (which would be the career of the majority of cs majors). i still program a lot in my spare time, and i even recently pulled the trigger and put linux on my desktop :)
i decided to do try for graduate because either it would open up better industry jobs (far more interesting jobs than a bs could get you, i dont really care about salary, i just want a cool job), or become a researcher, which is a path i think i would really enjoy
im planning on starting undergraduate research soon, so i guess we’ll see whether its right for me, but the motivation i got just from the decision is incredible, im actually studying and doing homework which i never used to do, and i got a fuggin A+ on my dif eq exam, which i thought would be impossible

>> No.11048464

I'm going to the national math olympids as a trainer :D, also go to the regional ICPC

>> No.11048465
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I am changing my major from poli sci to physics so I've had to study using my university's math placement test system online. I've basically relearned all of my high school math in a week and a half, and only studying in my free time so like 2 hours a day.

I'm excited about the future.

>> No.11048468

congratulations, anon!
>I'm excited about the future.
you should be!

>> No.11048490

>far more interesting jobs or become a researcher, anon is more motivated
Heck yeah anon, I'm legit thinking I might do something similar, thinking I might get a Master's and try to specialize in computer vision or something like that. I've worked as code monkey and it sucks so I'm right with you there, the pay is not worth my happiness. Hope you can keep that determination up, might sound stupid obvious but something I've been thinking about is that it's necessary to believe in yourself at least a little and have at least some hope because otherwise you'll never try. I tend to always doubt I can be or do something cool, and maybe that's true, but everyone who ever did something meaningful had some kind of belief in themselves pushing them forward or they never could have done what they did. You just have to fkn try.
Sorry not sorry for out of context hype speech.

>> No.11048501

thats great, anon, youre right
too many people (a lot of my friends, in fact) have such a defeatist attitude and it drives me up the fucking wall
yeah, ive failed or given up on a lot of things in my life, but ive also accomplished a lot, and you cant be constantly thinking about your failures to the point where you decide youre not good enough for something before youve even began
theres a really cheesy facebook-tier saying that i like to remember sometimes
>a ship in port is safe, but thats not what ships are built for

>> No.11048515

>that's not what ships are built for
I like it bro

>> No.11048517

wow, nice! what country?

>> No.11048545
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Is your Java class going well, atleast? Kek.

>> No.11048602

Graduated with a decent GPA in computer science as a 30 y/o with wife and kid and 3 hours of sleep / night.

>> No.11048604

congratulations anon!

>> No.11048605

>I am changing my major from poli sci to physics
So you're de-pozzing yourself?
Regardless, nice job anon.

>> No.11048608

Thanks anon!

>> No.11048697

I passed my math exam despite intentionally skipping classes, neglecting homework and barely taking notes. Feels good, man.

>> No.11048702

i hope the homework isnt graded, mister
also, what exact was your grade? remember, you need to remember that content for the final

>> No.11048722

We only take one exam, the final one. And homeworks aren't graded, the system works in my favor.

>> No.11048737



>> No.11048738

I got picked up for a small oral talk at a national conference as an undergrad and I got a 100 on my Quantum Mechanics 2 midterm
Feels good

>> No.11049889

This is the frenliest thread in the history of /sci/

>> No.11049903

Not sure what pozz means but thank you.

>> No.11049966

i agree c:
hiv positive

>> No.11051456


>> No.11051537

What's interesting for grad school in EE? How did you begin to think about what undergrad major would set you up for the research in grad school that you were interested in?

>> No.11051634

I submitted a CompSci assignment seconds past the deadline 1-2 weeks ago, and received my grade yesterday. Not only did I not lose points for late submission, but I scored a 100 which is really encouraging. I'm now on track for an A in 2/5 of my classes, and I have a good shot at a 4.0 if I decide to put the effort in and drive it home now. I've never done that well in my classes before so it would be quite nice to see it happen, if only once. I think I'm going to go for it.

>> No.11051687

90/95 on my Microwave engineering exam. Gonna get Magna Cum Laude distinction at graduation. Feels good man.

>> No.11051715

I'm doing really well in my calc class. Just level 1 but shit is great. Might major in it

>inb4 millennial

I'm 26 and going for my first bachelor's

>> No.11051844

well, i chose my major before deciding to go for graduate
i honestly dont have the best idea what graduate EE looks like, but i was reading about some different phd programs from various schools and i get the impression that its kinda like “applied physics”. one of the programs was called “Plasma/Quantum Electronics and Optics“ which got my dick hard just reading it
but i guess we’ll see, it’s not like i have a crystal ball or anything

>> No.11051866

Interesting. It's probably the case that EE-Physics types have a similar amount of overlap with regards to different graduate research. Undergrad in this case might not be 100% relevant. I hope you find it to be enjoyable.

>> No.11051873

>Undergrad in this case might not be 100% relevant.
fine by me lol, i find the theoretical stuff far more interesting anyway
thank you, i hope i enjoy it as well

>> No.11051969

Advice from someone who received an A in all physics and calc I,II, and III classes and placed 4th in state for French (in high school):
You'll need to read the textbook to ace these classes, sorry.
Don't read the text AT ALL, just do the easier 2/3 of the problems at the end of each chapter
By far the easiest of the classes. Memorize the basic conjugations for -er, -ir, and -re verbs and that's basically it up through junior level courses.

Good job, bros!

Uh...are you me from a couple years in the past?

Literally all of the reading in poly sci classes is from white men pre-20th century, so it's far from pozzed. You also learn how to interpret statistics, so you find out quick that media channels are garbage at portraying the truth.


>> No.11052591

thanks anon c:

>> No.11052605

no you have to get an a all yer

>> No.11052611
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>> No.11052614

>muh achievement

>> No.11052622

hows it feel to be the only negative comment after 48 posts? everyone in the thread was just talking about their recent accomplishments and plans for the future and everyone was being very nice and supportive of each other, no vanity
please leave

>> No.11052855

>drinks water

Yes, vanity/pride are parts of humanity and can be used for good.

>> No.11052973

good job, anon
education is paramount, and youve taken the first step

>> No.11053327

I got a job as a postdoc.

>> No.11053714

Aced my Fields and Waves exam for Electrical Engineering, counted 30% of my grade

>> No.11053923
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>first person to finish bio test
>got a perfect score
>everyone else failed
>a lot of people said im really smart
feels good

>> No.11054008

Thinking about switching to EE. Do you like it?