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11033831 No.11033831 [Reply] [Original]

lets have some fun.
given the current state of robots and material physics what is needed to get a semi realistic sexbot that has basic talking skills and the ability to walk around like a normal human.
im not talking about doing ballet moves or being conscious. Just walk around bend over on command etc while not looking like a silicon flesh colored mat

>> No.11033904

What bothers me is the current best android is made by Boston Dynamics and it's a killbot.

>> No.11034858

Better, cheaper actuators
If you don't mind visible robotic joints, regular electric motors can be used
If you are going for more realism, you would need something like electroactive polymer muscles (expensive), or hydraulic/pneumatic bladders (cheaper but harder to control accurately and significantly more volume consumed for piping fluid in/out)
As for skin realism, I don't know, maybe texture the silicone and tattoo blood vessels and whatnot, maybe using some of the porous polyester fiber-polyurethane rubber materials they use for fake leather on the surface instead of just silicone.

>> No.11034898

>he wants the thing he fucks to move
bro just get a pocket pussy and be fine with that.

>> No.11034906

Why does that bother you so much? A lot of tech was first created or heavily expanded upon due to its usage in killing people. I wouldn't be surprised if proto humans started to use rocks to kill other proto humans before they used it as a tool for something else.

>> No.11034927

Fishing line can be made into a cheap and strong artificial muscles.
The issue becomes bipedal movement requires a fuckton of calculations to maintain balance let alone walking. You could have small processors controlling certain sections like the ganglia of arthropods. A ponybot (Which we know will be built in this field) would be a less demanding proof of concept

>> No.11034941

Those fishing line muscles are low-operating temperature thermal actuation, though, so they are necessarily quite inefficient

>> No.11036661
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That is just added realism.

>> No.11036670

So we have people able to build quantum computers but somewhat unable to create an artificial cerebellum?

>> No.11036712

Yeah, Moravec's parodox is related to this.

>> No.11036724

>Moravec's parodox
Didn't know about that, thanks

>> No.11036885

A very bad sex bot could be done right now. Take the best humanoid android, wrap it in rubber skin, stick a top of the line real doll talking head on it. Voila: Sex Bot. No one wants to do it because it will get a firestorm of push back. I think it will be done in the late 2020's though, not so much as a sex bot, but as a house maid home helper bot, that yea most people fuck. By late 2020s, religion will be an even bigger powerless goof than it is now. Most people will be happily single, most people are single now, but their is a lot of contention around it. And, there will be a crisis around lack of people to take care of the elderly.

As for what the Le Sex Bots need:
1. robotic hands that can do everything a person's hands can. No one wants to dump the money into this to pull it off, cause the Russians and Chinese will pretend they made it 5 minutes later.
2. Robot Android frame; the best ones can already move around better than 90% of the public. But, it still looks like a bulky overweight person. Slimming everything down in there will just take time.
3. Battery issues.
4. noise issues.

5. Basic talking skills?? would need more definition. A clever chat bot can already fool stupid people into thinking its a person

>> No.11036937

>Religion will be more powerless.

That's what you dumb kuffar think. By Allah I can't wait for your kind to go extinct.

>> No.11036938

Serious question: Why do you need a sexbot to walk? That's hardly the biggest priority.

It's a sexbot, not a sex and sandwiches that loves you for your personality and accompanies you for long walks on the beach and watch the sunset together -bot.

She doesn't need to walk. Srsly.

>> No.11036952

You only need the hands to be able to squueze so it's able to hold your hands or your dick.

>> No.11036972


You don't seem to understand that the ultimate goal of sexbots is to completely replace human females

>> No.11037003

If you just want to fantasize about V-zombies there's other boards you can go to.

>> No.11037019

Good, good
Let the butthurt flow through you

>> No.11037041

All you need to make sexbots a reality RIGHT NOW is a decent synthetic analogue to human muscle. Current linear actuators are too heavy and crude, the weight of the sexbot would crush your pelvis or the wrong jerky movement would tear your dick off. But that’s it, just get the muscle part down and you can literally side step every other issue by tethering the bot to your house. The “brain” and power supply would be a big ass server rack in your closet with a cord that runs up into your sexbots back.

Get to fucking work mat sci niggers

>> No.11037045

Tell me how you get funding for that and I'll fucking hop to it

>> No.11037054

create a small scale proof of concept, even a centimeters long.

>> No.11037064

>I think it will be done in the late 2020's though, not so much as a sex bot, but as a house maid home helper bot, that yea most people fuck.

yep, just like how the first vibrators were sold as "massagers"

>> No.11038550

There certainly has been a lot of development in that field. Motors are getting stronger every year. When will they be hydraulic?

>> No.11038641

necessity is the mother of invention. war is the #1 contributer to innovation.

>> No.11038728

In that case and given today's femoid situation, we should have sexbots by, well, yesterday.

>> No.11039338


I'd have to disagree with that. My estimate is at least 15 years from now

>> No.11040226

basically, as with all self propelled robots, energy storage is the bottleneck, and will always be, as we are constrained by the laws of physics.

>> No.11041151

BERTs are p good. and nvidia's megatron looks very promising.

>> No.11041171
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this. i want that gf i dreamed about, not the succubi that are human females. waifugfs can provide: loyalty, honesty, intellectual depth, and real companionship. all things women are incapable of other than a few outliers.

>> No.11041238

This thread is shit.

The entire idea is to EMULATE an experience. You don't need a working super advanced sex bot, which would be incredibly expensive

All you need is

- VR goggles
- Working physical inputs to simulate an experience
- Good high quality sound

Smell is easy.

In all that cases, the cost to make a working functioning human sexbot is WAY higher than creating a good virtual sexual experience

You use VR to augment the surroundings
You use actuated Sex Toys to simulate the sexual act

That's it, creating a self moving and walking robot is 100000x harder than creating the illusion of a living sex toy with VR and haptic feedback.

>> No.11041240

how far away are hologram waifus?

asking for a friend

>> No.11041244

It's just AR dude, not even hard. People in this thread are retarded.

Actually creating walking robots is incredibly challenging and high energy usage. Making a full sexual experience VR that is better than normal sex is easier than trying to make a walking lifelike robot.

>> No.11041246
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lol can you imagine what sort of fucked up mess this would look liek in action hell yes i'm all in let's do this i'ma throw them goggles and gloves on and saddle up the ole fleshlight take that mother fucker to POUNDTOWN OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.11041249
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty stupid but basically you would just create sex toy + VR

Want breasts? You don't need them attached to a body, just attached to a robotic arm that can move the light breasts around.

Once you put on a next gen VR headset, you have great surround sound, and you have the haptic feedback sex toy + robotic arm moved around breasts or whatever you are done

It's INFINITELY easier to achieve. All you have to do is trick the human mind, which is easy, and you have a sex bot at 1/10000000000th the difficulty.

You guys have no idea how hard human style movement is in a bot. VR does away with all the "fake looking" shit and allows you way more profitability on your brothel.

>> No.11041251

no, you just own a brothel with a bunch of stations. Inside each station is a spa/massage center. Get the dude in the mood with a 20 min massage from some woman, then he flips over puts the goggles on, they attach the fuck toy to his cock and walk out while he gets jerked off to some VR 10/10 waifu.

EASY AS PIE fuckhead

Imagine thinking building a robot means shit. Also you can hide the "machine" from the user.

>> No.11041260

Think of costs and scaling out

- Setting up Sex Toy brothels with included VR. Some massage specialists, and "happy endings" service legally.


- Designing a full fledged working android

Again, all you have to do is create an experience. You can do this without needing a fully working android. All you do is emulate enough aspects and it will trick humans.

>> No.11041265
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ololololol it's gonna be a happy world

>> No.11041270
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I dunno. It's just economics and basic business 101. Scaling out is one of the most important things. Look at non-powered current sex dolls and cost. Look at current VR and basic sex toy cost.

It's not going to be a competition. VR is where masturbation is OBVIOUSLY going. Android Sex Dolls is soooo much further away. It's not even remotely possible now and the alternative tech, emulation, is already possible.

VR + Good Haptic Feedback is going to be enough to fool a human into COOMing

>> No.11041272

>emulate visuals - check
>Emulate touch - Easiest shit in the world
>emulate sound....

Literally VR can do it already it's just at the literal border of existing. How hard do you think it would be to set up VR media + associated positioned sex toy

VERSUS a walking, moving, articulating sex bot that looks attractive?


>> No.11041277

Just watched the new child's play and realized that the foot soldiers of AI take over will be sex robots.

>> No.11041290

Why, are you retarded.

Drone + small charge capable of piercing the skull is all you need. It's a waste of energy and time to beat them to death.

>> No.11041316

Because that isn't what everyone will let into the home. Dumbass.

>> No.11041327

you don't have to get into their homes

you don't gotta do shit

Can just leave 50 of the death drones around their house and call it a day. AI doesn't care if you starve or walk outside to your fate. Not to mention just getting in via a window or whatever. Efficiency is all it'd care about.

>> No.11041329

Fuck yu puss. An eleven year old slingshots your drone.

>> No.11041344

so? Another drone picks up the pieces and flies it for repairs. Drones are godlike in war dumbass.

>> No.11041822
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They will easily get into many homes, pic. related.

>> No.11041883 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 600x847, 2d7ff84fb3e0c487f52e9b61fe9937d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of an AGI waifu gf with a BCI. This seems like the best way to go imo. No need for advanced robotics but we will have to figure out all key neuronal signalling so we can port this q experience right into the brain so one can interact with this perfection as though she was a physical being.

>> No.11041884
File: 77 KB, 600x847, 2d7ff84fb3e0c487f52e9b61fe9937d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of an AGI waifu gf with a BCI. This seems like the best way to go imo. No need for advanced robotics but we will have to figure out all key neuronal signalling so we can port this qt experience right into the brain so one can interact with this perfection as though she was a physical being. Oh and AGI ofc but we'd need that for a good robo waifugf experience anyway.

>> No.11041885
File: 115 KB, 360x450, 1537076112451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how people want to fuck oversized barbies and not actual robogirls like pic related. Life is hell.

>> No.11041887

It may be clumsy, but walking can be done.

>> No.11041890

Robogirls are much better than furfags, that's for sure.

>> No.11041894

sure, but the work to do that is so much higher than faking it with VR/AR and robotic arm/sex toys

>> No.11041956

Ha. I got robbed by a couple of black kids who brought cookies.