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11040487 No.11040487 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if the sun was immediately extinguished? Would humanity survive?
What about if we had, say, 50 years to prepare? Could we survive around geothermic vents or something?

>> No.11040504

Fusion = unlimited energy

>> No.11040510

>What would happen if the sun was immediately extinguished?

We would immediately vanish with it since it's the only thing that is causing the earth to be...well Earth.

>> No.11040519

Yeah, but how long would it take for all heat to drain from the earth? Hours? Days? And would there be any pockets of heat significant enough to sustain life, like around volcanic pools or hot springs?

>> No.11040565

>Yeah, but how long would it take for all heat to drain from the earth? Hours? Days? And would there be any pockets of heat significant enough to sustain life, like around volcanic pools or hot springs?

The only thing that causes all of that to begin with is the sun. So instantaneously.

>> No.11040607

By that logic if you're going 200 mph in a sweet Lambo and turn the engine off you'd immediately go to 0 mph

>> No.11040629
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The lambo still has momentum. The lambo is still being propped up into existence by the energy coming from the sun which turns the earth which provides the gravity that is currently keeping "lambo" existing and travelling on something with energy to sustain its existence.

Now take all of that away and replace it with the absence of the sun. Lambo has now become instantaneously sublimated into the vacuum of space just like the rest of the planet. The energy that was maintaining what it was is now gone, so where does the energy come from? Where is the energy that is perturbing all the atoms on earth into coherency? Into motion? It's gone, now there is no coherency. There is no motion. There is no definition. There is no earth!

>but what of the earth core?

What core? There is no longer a "dynamo" to speak of that is generating a heated core because there is nothing turning. It is gone, now at the mercy of the nearest pressure of space that it would be pulled towards.

>> No.11040633

All life on earth except maybe some extreme bacteria would be dead in a few hours.

>> No.11040639

Holy FUCK. The brainlets on this board. The earth would not lose all heat instantly you absolute moron.

>> No.11040644

I'm not even a STEMtard but I can smell that your post is utter shite all the same
The earth still has gravity, and an atmosphere, and is still spinning you fucking mongoloid

>> No.11040648

>Holy FUCK. The brainlets on this board. The earth would not lose all heat instantly you absolute moron.

So then explain to me what would keep the earth from instantaneously sublimating to the pressure of space? The answer would be "the sun" but that has instantaneously vanished now. So now what? It has no magnetic field now. It has no spin or method of generation. It has no means of sustaining itself without the sun keeping it in its place, turning it and continuously generating the atoms on it into motion. Its own heat? What own heat? It was only heated cause of the sun you jackass. Logically so because things don't define themselves now do they?

>> No.11040659

OP said extinguished, not removed. Would that make a difference if the Sun simply stopped all activity? I am genuinely ignorant of what state would the sun assume if it stopped burning.

>> No.11040663

>The earth still has gravity,

So then logically it should implode on itself then right? Of course that's if you believe the current bullshit theory of gravity that is. Really though it has absolutely no acceleration whatsoever. The thing that caused it is now gone, moron.

>and an atmosphere, and is still spinning you fucking mongoloid
The thing that cause all of that is FUCKING GONE NOW. IDIOT. Without light you get no atmosphere you dipshit. You get a big empty void that negates it instead.

>> No.11040664

that's not how things work

>> No.11040666

>OP said extinguished, not removed.

>No I didn't mean gone I meant acting as if it were gone!

Oh well okay then, the same fucking action would happen now wouldn't it?

I am genuinely ignorant of what state would the sun assume if it stopped burning.

It either dies out or goes supernova and takes everything else with it. So in both cases the earth would still be instantaneously destroyed.

>> No.11040671

>motion doesn't move
>no motion causes something to happen

So then tell me what motion and the absence of motion do since you're so smart.

>> No.11040688

Don't be mad, that's my only post. I'm another anon.
You say "instantly", though, do you really mean instantly or a few hours? Doesn't all solar activity take some time to travel to the Earth?
Wouldn't Earth just shoot at current travel speed in a straight line across the universe?
It's such an absurdly apocalyptic scenario it's almost funny.

>> No.11040693

an object in motion remains in motion unless an external force acts against the motion
high school physics

>> No.11040700

the earth does not need the sun to keep its form, it's gravity that maintains its form
sustaining life is completely another matter

>> No.11040705

>You say "instantly", though, do you really mean instantly or a few hours? Doesn't all solar activity take some time to travel to the Earth?

It depends on which school of brainwashing you're from. If you believe light "has a speed" and "travels" then yeah it would "take time" to "travel". If you believe that light is induced to exist and cannot possibly have a speed then no. All I can tell you is that it's impossible for something to travel in nothing.

>Wouldn't Earth just shoot at current travel speed in a straight line across the universe?

There are no "straight lines" in the universe.

>> No.11040710

you're just a retard that can't understand anything beyond what pop sci shit is fed to you
go away

>> No.11040713
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>> No.11040719

Eight and change minutes after the sun is extinguished all light on Earth suddenly vanishes, the sky becomes black in a way we have literally never experienced before, the moon will just be a solid black circle in the sky blotting out some stars. It will be so dark that sight without fire or electric lights will be practically useless. Temperatures will drop precipitously over the next few hundred to few thousand years (extremely fast in geological time) until eventually Earth will be so cold that it's atmosphere will freeze out and fall to the ground as snow. The only places even remotely habitable will be places where active volcanism is taking place, where heat can easily be harvested directly from Earth's mantle, or in self-contained environments which are heated constantly by a power supply. Humans have at least a chance of surviving because there's so much heat in our system it would take decades if not centuries for it to bleed out to the point where the atmosphere begins to freeze, we'd probably have enough time to fast-track fusion or at least stockpile huge volumes of fissile material to power environment systems for the forseeable future, however heat isn't the major issue, it would be food. The entire large-plant based biosphere would be guaranteed dead within a matter of months, food crops long before that. The vast supermajority of the population reliant on crops or crop fed animals are doomed to die of starvation, whether or not the species could survive depends on whether or not enough members survive the initial die-off to uphold a technological standard sufficient to keep themselves from starving using indoor grow houses and from freezing by generating enough electricity to keep themselves warm.
It takes light about 8 minutes to get to here from Sol, also assuming the sun's mass is still there just darkened by space magic then we'd still be in our proper orbit. If it vanished we would hurtle out at our orbital speed.

>> No.11040720

>an object in motion remains in motion unless an external force acts against the motion

Well you just took away all the motion so nothing has been violated. That which gives all motion to the earth is from the sun. Some from the moon and nearby planets, but those are all just controlled by the sun too. All you left with is the absence of motion. So that's what happens. The motion is negated.

>high school physics
>taught in highschool when your brain is not fully developed and susceptible to degenerate illogical ideas.

>the earth does not need the sun to keep its form, it's gravity that maintains its form

What is the gravity at the center of earth?

>> No.11040729

>So instantaneously.
Is that why everything freezes solid every night?

>> No.11040734

>If you believe that light is induced to exist and cannot possibly have a speed then no.
That sounds absurd. What about the Doppler effect?

>> No.11040737

>can't understand anything beyond what pop sci shit is fed to you

Absolutely correct. Pop science told me many illogical things such as the "speed of light", "force of gravity", "lines of force", all with no empirical evidence whatsoever. Why would I bother believing in bullshit with no proof? I may as well just join the church of Mormon while I'm at it.

>> No.11040744

anything that has mass has gravity
with the absence of any other force, two objecrs will attract each other
the new center of gravity would be the median between the centers of gravity of the two particles

>> No.11040746

i dunno, dude
The cavendish experiment was pretty darn convincing, but of course you're just going to conveniently ignore that

>> No.11040758

The sun is still out at night you idiot. That's why you're still able to see shit during the night. It reflects off of this other orb in the sky which we call "the moon" and generates this thing we call an "atmosphere" that also reflects light. Can you provide a question that isn't rhetorical or has your brain overloaded too much from a simple thought experiment?

>What about the Doppler effect?

Point source in motion compresses the waveform due to the medium in front compressing it and extends it in the back due to the medium being displaced.

>anything that has mass has gravity
So what is the gravity at the center of earth?

>with the absence of any other force, two objecrs will attract each other

With the absence of any other force there would be no fucking force. They would have no means of "attracting". They would instead both accelerate towards a NULL POINT in between both objects. So you tell me what is the mass of a null point?

>the new center of gravity would be the median between the centers of gravity of the two particles

At the center of gravity there is no gravity, therefore the cause of gravity is also no gravity. Shit doesn't makes sense does it?

>> No.11040762

VSauce covered this 6 years ago

>> No.11040786

Quite difficult for something the mass of the sun to be 'extinguished' and not immediately start putting out heat under it's own pressure and gravity again - if it were to be replaced with a small neutron star the same mass or a huge cloud of swirling gas many times larger than the sun, then sure.

>> No.11040820

The sun is a component of the atmosphere, however many other planets and planetoids such as Mars and Moon have little to no atmosphere, despite Mars spinning, despite the Moon being basically as close to the Sun as Earth. The atmosphere is largely kept intact by Earth's magnetosphere and it's rotation - The sun may have had an impact on the rotation of Earth but it would not stop rotating if the sun disappeared, likewise the Earth would not stop moving through space, it just wouldn't orbit anything and would travel in a relatively 'straight' line. Earth's rotation actually slows very fractionally over every year due to gravitational pull from other objects and planets nearby - but the effect is so small it may as well be ignored.
The core would continue to stay hot, since as far as we know there is nothing external to the Earth that maintains it's heat - just pressure, gravity of the earth and radiation of elements with very long halflifes.

>> No.11040849

The way I wrote this may have been a little misleading - The Sun constitutes 99% of the energy put into our atmosphere which creates the climate of the Earth, and photosynthesizing organisms do 98% of the work moving changing chemicals such as Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. So an absence of sunlight would within days to weeks start having drastic effects on weather patterns, primarily with a lot less activity on a global scale (localized weather mostly), and in longer terms the content of the atmosphere would start to change.. The atmosphere wouldn't go away, though.

>> No.11040854

Are you that bald camera guy?

>> No.11040864

No, because logically that's not what any current physical models predict.

>> No.11040878

Every living thing would be dead in 3 to 5 months. Took way too long for you to receive a proper answer.

>> No.11040883

Not talking heat. No sun = no heliosphere = No gravity well hold Earth in orbit.

Sun disappears, and we get flung off to the farthest reaches like a fucking slingshot

>> No.11040884

The time cube says otherwise.

>> No.11040888

9/10 bait. Normally I'd give it a 6/10 and guess that most people would immediately figure it out, but it seems sci has disappointed me in that regard

>> No.11040898

I think you're all thinking small time. Earth is moving along its orbit at 105,000km/h.

You've suddenly taken away the thing generating the gravity well that holds it in orbit via centrifugal force.

As another anon mention, an object in motion stays in motion. And that a LOT of momentum. Earth would suddenly be careening off into the furthest reaches of space. Considering the gravity well of the sun is also was generated our orbital spin, the suddenly change for centrifugal motion to linear motion would affect said spin, which in turn would rip our atmosphere away like tissue paper. This in turn would subject the Earth to vacuum. You suddenly have the Junji Ito Hellstar comic taking place, except instead of flying along its axis, everything not held down is instead flying off into space.

Now, the side effect of ALL this is that Earth's surface would immediate lose surface temperature. Due to entropy, it Earth's core would take substantially longer to freeze. Maximum of about a week

>> No.11040899

No I am not Ken Wheeler, but his hypothesis regarding the example is the same.
Since non of you seem to be willing/ smart enough to tell me what the gravity at the center of earth is, I'll have to answer it for you.

It's zero. The cause of earths gravity is no gravity. So "no gravity" would hold earth together. Thanks, now have a nice day.

>> No.11040929

That's a good point, even with the continued rotation of the earth and the magnetosphere, without the constant bombardment of solar wind there would probably be less pressure exerted on the upper atmosphere to keep it from leeching into outer space? What do you think?

>> No.11040932

just read the whole thread, i am random observer, and am 100% convinced this dude is trolling at this point lel. 9/10

>> No.11040934

See >>11040898
It would be a cascading affect. Changes would be immediate

>> No.11040935

How do you figure no gravity? That's just a relativistic phenomenon if you were to be at the center of the Earth and travelling in the same frame of reference as the Earth.

>> No.11040939

Lol! I bet you're also convinced that a center that has no gravity also has mass! Isn't it just hilarious that you can believe in such a contradiction to the theory of gravity! Contradictions are funny!

>> No.11040953

Don't fully agree that changing to linear motion would change the rotation radically, the Earth would continue to rotate and very slowly lose momentum through the tug of other gravitational bodies - I wonder if the drag of the atmosphere would even make a noticeable effect over time?

>> No.11040963

You can simulate the phenomenon you're talking about by jumping in a freefalling elevator, or going in one of those planes fly high then nose dive to simulate weightlessness.

>> No.11041032


this is not correct, almost everything would be dead, the lifeforms that subsist on geothermal vents deep in the ocean would be fine for as long as earth had geological activity.

>> No.11041043

>Would humanity survive?

>> No.11041044

People are fucking insects

>> No.11041053

What happens when you remove all the food in a habitat?
Stupid question OP, and we would all die anyways because we'd all go to war with each other for whatever resources left, bc no one will care about diplomacy by then

>> No.11041178

>What would happen if the sun was immediately extinguished?

The same thing that would happen if the Sun turned into a black hole.