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11038480 No.11038480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why whites dominate science?

>> No.11038504

cause you are on 4chan instead of studying

>> No.11038512

you mean asians?

>> No.11038669

you mean jews?

>> No.11038676

(((they))) do, not whites.

>> No.11038682

first accurate post,
Jews and Chinese dominate science due to their IQ and rigorous study regimes

>> No.11038692

Jews do well due to studying, only ashkenazis score high on IQ tests and have very low visual spacial so typically end up in the lower sciences rather than math or physics, semitic Jews score lower than whites. Chinese also study hardcore plus come from a culture of cheating being acceptable and encouraged and most (95% at my uni dropped out of math in 3rd year due to being unable to get by without cheating. Neither can compete with whites on an equal playing field especially in the true science/math

>> No.11038713

Chinese who come to the west cheat because we aren't as hard on cheaters + we give university spots to any retard willing to part ways with 50k+ ... the Chinese students who aren't just there because the couldn't have succeeded in China are miles ahead of everyone

>> No.11038717

Shiposting in designated shitpost thread

>> No.11038718

(((whites))) yes.
jews dominate the world. embrace it. jew women are fucking hot.

>> No.11038724

>very low visual spacial
Remember Einstein used a lot of visualisation in developing his theories.

>> No.11038731

You can find it on Wikipedia for ashkenazi intelligence and sources are linked there.
Jewish women are fucking gross until they get a nose job and it should be legally required to disclose rhinoplasty before marriage so you don't end up with jew nosed childreb

>> No.11038748

I found this:
>One study found that Ashkenazi Jews had only near-average visual-spatial intelligence

>Jewish women
Garbage. Had a Jewish female friend, looked good. Also just look at the images from Jewish female soldiers. Your fixation on noses is disconnected from reality.

>> No.11038750

go to grad school.
Every country has a grad school filled with non-whites.
Except poland. poland is white

>> No.11038751

My 'fixation' on noses is solely fixed in reality. There's a lot of jewish that live around me and there was a lot of Jews in my highschool, none of them I would find attractive until they all get their inevitable nosejob

>> No.11038753

Near average means abysmal, average people are retarded and have no place in STEM to begin with which is what we're talking about.

>> No.11038859
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>You can badmouth white christian people but you can't do that with any other race or confession.

>> No.11038894

White people are some of the dumbest people I’ve ever seen. This dude at a church literally was talking about how we’re creating matter. This one guy didn’t even know how to DEFINE science. Another chick was saying she was good with computers but didn’t even know what RAM was.

>> No.11039000

A major obstacle is language. White culture values "ornate" speech where minimal amount of information is stretched and filled with lot of ambiguity and fluff. Virtually any other culture values the opposite, so people have to re learn to speak the other wa round to get accepted in academia. That was a problem when translating the three body problem, which would sound almsot childish when translated word for word. (basically, most cultures put the burden on the speaker and perceive as elegant speech that is brief without sacrificing clarity, while western culture puts the burden on the listener to decipher language that is vague and often obscures what is really meant)

>> No.11039006

>At church
Found your problem anon

>> No.11039036

I'll give you some extra spicy sauce dude.
>grabs extra mild spice for white people

>> No.11039066

>White culture values "ornate" speech

>> No.11039067

>it's always nature>nurture until whitey gets surpassed

>> No.11039071

that's why nazis give up on capitalism. They feel surpassed and bad at making money so they want to use violence to stay on top using faulty biological pseudoscience to claim they're the best

>> No.11039084

Do you not read?