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File: 43 KB, 610x960, 72232457_663855964023762_5730801543389642752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11033219 No.11033219 [Reply] [Original]

that means it's in the top 1% assuming you include only universities from USA and europe.
if you include the whole world it would probably be like top .002%

>> No.11033229

Just because your university is ranked high, doesn't mean you are, Zhang.

>> No.11033230

have sex incel

>> No.11033234
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Cool ranking, bro.

>> No.11033235

it also doesn't mean i'm not

>> No.11033240

lol mines over 1000
i suck

>> No.11033268
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>> No.11033271
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Not bad.

>> No.11033283
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>> No.11033292

I laughed too hard at this

>> No.11033363

So what?

>> No.11033439

Whoa cool for you mate. I feel so inferior now compared to you

i like this number because of the sex position

>> No.11033441

remember that time it flooded

>> No.11033483
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outta my way peasants

>> No.11033857
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This shit ranking is also based on male to female ratio.

>> No.11033868

Which field are you studying anon?

>> No.11033869

mega cope

>> No.11033937

Yeah, really shit ranking system. Doesn't account for school size either, it seems. Also based largely on wages so it's skewed in favor of massive code bootcamps.

>> No.11033941
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Who are you calling a peasant?

>> No.11033945

My uni is between 401-500 in the world, my course is placed between 301 and 400.
Is this good enough?

>> No.11033946

How does it feel to fall for Chinese propaganda?

>> No.11033974

I study female cunt juice at MIT rate my asshole

>> No.11033979

>tfw 3rd worlder who wants to learn but will never get education like this

>> No.11033982

just self study bro

>> No.11033985

do you know what the internet is and books and libraries and stuff and things you literal fucking nigger, you literally have more knowledge in your pocket than any great minds could ever dream of u fuckin azz cunt
don't do anything though just stay docile and dumb and let us whites annex ur shithole and burn it to the ground and let it grow anew

>> No.11033993
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So what?

>> No.11033994

My university sucked ass but I got excellent grades in my final year. I'm hoping to go to a university in the top 20 for my master's, am I setting my hopes too high?
I've heard conflicting stories about whether or not they care about undergraduate institutions.

>> No.11034001

thats bullshit. you do you.

thank god i fell for the "top school" meme during high school so i didnt have to suffer through ideologue indoctrination on my college

>> No.11034005

Just apply?

>> No.11034009

>ITT: People hiding their incompetence behind and linking their self-worth to their university's ranking.
Rich retards can get in almost any large US college, despite the insane amounts of shilling for aimed towards minorities.

>> No.11034012

What programme are you in anon? If it's too small and you're scared for identification you can name the department.

>> No.11034029
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>imagine being this much of a peasant

>> No.11034037

I'm in one. Thoroughly disappointed by my curriculum. First 2 courses one is baby tier programming. Really university should make their programming assignments more interesting. They can only make it hard by forcing you to use stuff that you normally would never use since it's garbage. Other one is fun statistics by hand just abstract low level how it works. Which is completely useless if you're doing research. I read a study which stated that around 78% of papers published contain at least a single statistical error and 36% picked the wrong statistical test to use. Have fun teaching Msc students garbage statistics by hand that they will never use since they just open SPSS, R or Python and get an output.

Sad thing is entire degree continues on like this with very easy programming where I wonder what I'm even doing at university and annoying math that isn't practical at all to solve real world problems. Not even the theory is useful, it is really only useful if you want to continue research for a phd and try to make your own original algorithms to handle things. Which I would say maybe 5% of the students are actually interested in. Probably less.

Just write stuff, do research, publish. Might falsify some data if you're publishing something social science related. I see people faking stats and so on all the time, just straight up changing numbers.

Not that anon. My master has 140 enrolled students in it. It's a shitshow and I think I'll drop out of it to pursue another master with more quality. I'm in Europe if I get my degree I'll be paying 14k euro a year instead of the 2k I'm currently paying. And I'm only interested in 1 year masters since I'm just in it for the fancy title and easy migration.

>> No.11034093

need to work on that f/m ratio bro

>> No.11034107

How is the math and CS (Informatik) department of ETH? I still can't decide what to study.

>> No.11034122

Is it really possible to be as educated as any academic in Harvard or Cambridge just through sheer will power and the internet?

>> No.11034124

D-PHYS, doctorate

I don't know

>> No.11034130

hit up Kitchen for breakfast, on the other side of downcity, so good

>> No.11034166

definitely yes.
>t. studies at Cambridge

>> No.11034194

You go to a fancy school for the brand name recognition

>> No.11034212

Based LARPer

>> No.11034232

Feels good man
Wanna change the world a bit like elon wish me luck

>> No.11034248

It's going to be hard
>sheer will power
Don't underestimate this. I would estimate that more that 90% people lack the will power and motivation to actually do that. So naturally, as you are a stranger, I expect you to fail. Good luck anyway though.

>> No.11034258

Underrated post.

>> No.11034270

You go for the contacts too

>> No.11034272

Sure, why not? You need to remember that a lot of the faculty that teaches there wasn't educated there.

>> No.11034367
File: 75 KB, 902x896, 71180852_421512675387903_8143608887749115904_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meetup at the reddo?

>> No.11034708

>widely regarded as one of my continent's very best
>ranked behind meme unis from my own country
How is it possible?

>> No.11034716

mine is 70th, fuck I don´t know how I got here

>> No.11034717

Mine is 32, based

>> No.11034721

as someone who studies in a decent uni, and who came from a third world country, its nothing magical

>> No.11034742
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I got a great education too with zero debt. No fucks given.

>> No.11035061

i say this as a person at a top uni: the average person at every university besides the very tiniest departments is going to be pretty stupid. you can COPE all you want about this, but being in a uni doesn't actually make you worth something. doing shitty pet projects and getting high test scores in high school doesn't require intelligence

>> No.11035093

mine doesn't exist in this website

>> No.11035142
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:( is it too late for me guys? What am I missing out on by not having gone to a better University?

>> No.11035155
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Whats up Florida bros

>> No.11035157

German universities are much higher - those rankings are a US elite circle jerk

>> No.11035177

Two same numbers

>> No.11035181
File: 345 KB, 1270x424, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be a Bothell nigga.
dangerously based and underrated.

>> No.11035206

>77 >55 >42 >42

What could this mean...

>> No.11035272

>giving a single fuck about technology

>> No.11035330
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I'm not complaining

>> No.11035350


>> No.11035363


>> No.11035509

This "ranking" is irrelevant. My university has the JD power award for initial quality so it's not really even a competition.

>> No.11035603

Seattle, my dude.

>> No.11035618

I wonder if other students at my uni frequent 4channel (formerly 4chan)

>> No.11035912

Ach Sören...
Schmücke dich doch nicht mit fremden Lorbeeren sondern erreiche lieber selber etwas ;^)

>> No.11036016
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A fellow Cantabrigian I see?
King's college checking in.

>> No.11036019


>> No.11036026

Holy yikes. Try having sex first

>> No.11036036

top 20 or bust.

>> No.11036043

How competitive is the doctorate program? Objectively speaking, compared to top burger unis like Princeton and MIT (3%~15% admission depending on year and the program). Can't find any numbers published

>> No.11036063
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I live there, and it's shit.
I absofuckinglutely hate how colleges work.
I could unironically autodidactly study law, pass the bar, and be a fucking lawyer. IF I SPENT MY TIME ON THAT. OH BUT HERE'S THE FUCKING CATCH IT'S TOTALLY FUCKIGN FREE.
I fucking hate colleges. I can learn this shit faster, for free, and probably better than some old shit prof who farts during lectures.
I want to see college institutions fucknig burn to the fucking ground.
and all those "lol le epic american spends thousands on what we get free" it's not even about money, it's about how fuckni retarded college is.
Either it's a shitty prof making shitty lectures that I could have just learned from a book and not have to listen to their fuckign whispers or shitty accent, or they teach straight from a fucking textbook.
they act like these niggas never read a book in their fucking lives. I own writing and writing technique books for reference, I own grammar books for reference. oh and yes I can figure out your MLA online in a few seconds.
biology? oh look a textbook, might as well not read it, "biology for frog poster", and just pay thousands to learn it instead...what's that? the book required is "biology for frog posters"?
This is not capitalism this is fucking usury, and it's fucked up. Trades should have a choice, we're exchanging out fucking lives for this shit? These people are worse than niggers. What's wrong with a few blacks? they just fuck, fight, and steal and not goddamn nearly to the extent that society is fucking YOU in the ASS, fighting you into submission as a little cuck, and stealing your damn soul.

>> No.11036067
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>No I fell for the better Ponzi Scheme!

>> No.11036133

Love it there! In CSE

>> No.11036393

99. Fuck.

>> No.11036414
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Any iowafags?

>> No.11036417
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>> No.11036428

>have sex
Ignore this cringe. I would respect the virgin who changes the world, than the mindless consumer Chad.
(Unless you are socially awkward then it's actually good advice.)

>> No.11036442

what is it? why dont you use shanghai list?