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File: 94 KB, 453x604, Full+pic+of+the+mouthgrab+_6a75cb3440019686a82ca9c693652e65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11024952 No.11024952 [Reply] [Original]

People in the gay/lesbian community are more likely to experience depression or commit suicide compared to the hetero community, which makes sense. But why is it that people who identify as bisexual are even more likely to experience depression/suicide than both hetero and gay?

>> No.11024953


Everyone hates traitors.

>> No.11024955

>which makes sense
Does it though?

>> No.11024968

A gay guy i know once told me there is a lot of sleeping around in the gay community and very few relationships last long because of this. I guess this could be one of the reasons why.

>> No.11024971

clearly both homo sex and hetero sex is bad for your mental state, so if you do both you combine the two

>> No.11024984

non meme answer: being gay is strongly correlated with losing familial support networks, as well as other constant sources of stress, such as worrying about discrimination in the workplace and in public. However most gays have strong networks of friends in gay communities that can at least somewhat counteract these effects. Bisexuals on the other hand (non closeted ones) are often ostracized by both communities. Their family etc, reject them for being gay, while gay communities reject them because they could just pretend to be straight and therefore aren't gay enough. The lack of either support network translates to greater risk of depression and suicide.

>> No.11024987

>being gay is strongly correlated with losing familial support networks
That's terrible...

>> No.11025777

prostitution is most defiantly correlates with such things too, hell stuff like changing your religion defiantly does that as well, that’s just what happens when somebody acts in a deviant way that can very easily be interpreted as that person being a failure or not a good person to be around.

>> No.11025787

>not having liberal atheist parents
lmat @ you

>> No.11025872

Basically this.
Bisexual people are probably more likely because not even gay guys like them.
Non-degenerate gays will pretty much ask them, "Why not just be fucking straight dude?"

>> No.11025877

Bisexual has to be one of the biggest memes. Just say that you like everyone. As in humans, life, animals. Sounds better than two sexuality.

>> No.11025885

Thats because switch hitters are always afraid to give aids to their families.

>> No.11025890

It's not the family who cut off the faggots, it's the faggots who cut off their family. Young people are groomed into homosexuality by older fanatics by the same radicalization process as ordinary boys are made into Islamic terrorists. Cutting off your old, "wrong"-thinking friends and family is an unspoken rite of initiation, and is at no step discouraged by the faggot community.

>> No.11025894

>It's not the family who cut off the faggots, it's the faggots who cut off their family.

Pretty much never the case, the pure amounts of hatred in this post tells everyone exactly what they need to know.

>> No.11025903

>facts are false
>concern is hatred
>a lack of information tells me all I need to know
These are effective rhetorical techniques when wielded by a high-IQ liar. That's not you. Go dilate

>> No.11025911

>being gay is strongly correlated with losing familial support networks
that’s amazing!!!

>> No.11025914

>Losing family support networks
No... All the gay people I know get spoiled ridiculously by their parents and live in expensive condos in their 20s/30s

>> No.11025924

I guess it's because bi people have a greater need for love/affection so they double their chances by including both genders.

And because they have a greater need for love, they also have a greater chance of depression/suicide if this need isn't adequately met.

>> No.11025927

I think it's something different. They think they have to be one or the other, they are not normal. There identity and how they feel as a person is unsure. They don't know what they are and feel like sitting between two chairs. It has less to do with people from the outside acting different, more to do with their inner thinking. Their unconcious mind.

>> No.11025934

Financial support alone isn't what a family is about.

>> No.11025942

This. Being bi feels confusing at times. Especially if you've just realized your bi-ness.

>> No.11025943

Actually interesting and sad at the same time. Has science been able to define what affection or love is? Is there an easier way to make these people satisfied?

>> No.11025946
File: 8 KB, 226x223, images (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole sense of self revolves around whether you suck dicks, or get your dick sucked
Are bisexuals the ultimate cumbrains?

>> No.11025948

of which you have provided none
>, it's the faggots who cut off their family. Young people are groomed into homosexuality by older fanatics by the same radicalization process as ordinary boys are made into Islamic terrorists.
much concern wow I can feel the compassion in this sentence

>> No.11025952

Your upper class liberal friends don't represent most of America let alone the world. They also probably aren't the ones killing themselves.

>> No.11025953
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I guess it's because rapists have a greater need for love/affection so they increase their chances by including alternative methods of acquisition.

And because they have a greater need for love, they also have a greater chance of depression/suicide if this need isn't adequately met.

>> No.11025954

I'm gay but I'd never seriously date a bi guy. Not because I have anything against bisexuality, but because on our society it's still advantageous to live in a hetero couple. For now, a the path of least resistance is to live as a hetero, so a a I feel a homosexual relationship with a bisexual has an expiration date.

>> No.11025955

This board really does make you think.

>> No.11025960

>no facts
>proceeds to quote facts
>segues into cheap attempt at emotional blackmail
If you cared about faggots as human beings you would help them, not enable them. Again, please select rhetorical techniques that match your IQ.

>> No.11025966

They are the ones threatening suicide to secure control over compassionate people, though.

>> No.11026082

Probably this. I'm gradually becoming attracted to masculinity but I think it's from porn addiction and generally being an open person

>> No.11026153

Rape isn't about love/affection, it's about power and dominance, so seekers of power/dominance will increase their chances of satisfying this with rape.

>> No.11026164

>All the gay people I know get spoiled ridiculously by their parents and live in expensive condos in their 20s/30s
imagine being so insular that this is ACTUALLY what you think gay people are like

>> No.11026295

I'd sleep with astolfo

>> No.11026308

>xhe said, posting from xher Apple ipad pro with Apple pencil

>> No.11026350

bceucause the walls talk more and the neighbors bully them harder

>> No.11026377

Why do cute boys make so much sense as sexual beings?

>> No.11026418

Not trans or gay, fag

>> No.11026436

Back to your containment board.

>> No.11026448

All you posted were your own idiotic opinions get out of here you bigot piece of shit. Your idea of helping is torturing the gay away isnt it?

>> No.11026449

Because males tend to be alot more sexual than females.

>> No.11026459


>> No.11026634

>while gay communities reject them because they could just pretend to be straight and therefore aren't gay enough.
More crucially, they're perceived by the less subtle among them as incurable aromantic fuck-anything-that-moves mansluts, or repressed neurotics--which is of course a crude caricature to which the usual fainter signal of statistical truth pertains. As for what the case really is without the hyperbolic distortion of clique-think, people mostly stick with whichever their stronger inclination is, once experience confirms and reinforces it, and insofar as the prevailing larger culture is humane. For instance, I'm attracted to some women, and vice-versa, but never enough for the melding action to happen, in its automatic way. In any case, I would never EVER sink to deception in such matters, since that would make idiots out of all involved, which is never a good thing except as sendup. It should also be emphasized that women have better gaydar than men of any orientation do, since they are more sensitive to the strength and kind of others' attraction, where it exists. This is one factor that makes merry-but-nostalgic widows good company: Their contempt for stupidly angry men is lofty as it is healing, as a perspective.

>> No.11026646

my god you're a faggot

>> No.11026648

Because they don't drink enough [math]D_{\vec{u}}ff[/math].

>> No.11026683


>> No.11026695

Dude. Who let you out of /pol/?

>> No.11027398
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Reminder: Bisexuals are immune to traps

>> No.11027429

>unproven, hate-filled claims about the rapist community
Wow. Just wow. I can just feel the compassion... not.

>> No.11027522

love is about power and domination too

>> No.11028961

I'm bisexual and attracted to traps and somewhat feminine

>> No.11028977

How do I find cute traps into regular men? All I ever see are twink chasers and """lesbian""" trenders.

>> No.11028987

>rape is only about power
This feminist meme needs to die. It can also just be about sex, or even in twisted reaction to unfulfilled desire for love. Insisting that rape is just about power is stifling womens' ability to comprehend it.

>> No.11028994

desu it's somewhat of a pain to be a feminine boy. You can't dress as you'd like and you often catch people looking at you in the street because sometimes they can't tell if you're a boy or a girl
>How do I find cute traps?
I guess most poeple like me do not have "common" hobbys, so maybe look at communities like gaming, cosplay or rol

>> No.11028995

Why do women need to comprehend rape?

>> No.11028999
File: 113 KB, 600x500, 1cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh...we already have an incel general, nerds.

>> No.11029003

forgot to say that if what you want is a trap, in the strict dewfinition of a trap (crosdressing in public, cumbrain, all the trap stereotypes...) forget about it. Those peopple do not exist. The most you can get is a feminine boy who wears feminine clothing that could pass for being unisex clothing (in public), crossdresses (in private) and is a submissive bitch for you and basically plays the role of a girlfriend

>> No.11029004

>Insisting that rape is just about power is stifling womens' ability to comprehend it.
Not to mention that the possible definitions of rape have gradually expanded to include
>sex with a 17 year old when you're 18
>sex where she had a glass of wine first
>sex she felt compelled to give you since not to do so would be impolite
none of which could plausibly be separated from other regular sex in how the male views it

>> No.11029017
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 1568513573956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11029021

Damn is that what (You) look like?

>> No.11029023

So what is rape from the male point of view? Gay rape?

>> No.11029027

no, it's you. That's a mirror

>> No.11029030

unconsensual sex

>> No.11029031

True, I do have a mirror... a word mirror. So what you said is reflected back and is true about you instead of about me.

>> No.11029035

Damn epic. U got me, nu-feelsguy poster.

>> No.11029066
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>> No.11029072
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>> No.11029073

what is consent?

>> No.11029074

spotted the furfag

>> No.11029195
File: 343 KB, 594x593, fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11029217

fake and gay

>> No.11029224

My guess is that, while gays are actually attracted to the same sex and not the other, bisexuals are generally just hedonists/sex addicts. Such lifestyles are always depressing since they revolve only around pursuing pleasure.

>> No.11029229

fuck you. I'm bisexual and it's just that I can be with both men and women

>> No.11029235

Tune in next week for more of the "Dumbest Takes Ever"

>> No.11029236

>bisexuals are generally just hedonists/sex addicts
maybe everyone just assumes that if you're dating a woman you're straight and if you're dating a man you're gay

>> No.11029237

Do you have aids yet?

>> No.11029239

jokes on you I'm a virgin

>> No.11029240

You're doubling up sexual confusion with more confusion about which to choose on top.

>> No.11029247

Those types of parents ostracize their own kids too if they don't follow their own nigh on religious dogma. It all comes with the territory of human tribal instincts.

>> No.11029271

You're either attracted to one sex or the other. "Bisexuals" are really just people who would fuck anything for a bit of pleasure. There is a reason there is a strong correlation between bisexuality and beastiality.

>> No.11029276

>There is a reason there is a strong correlation between bisexuality and beastiality.

>> No.11029277

>You're either attracted to one sex or the other.
go back to the 18th century, which you should have never left fucking retard. Imagine believing this

>> No.11029280

>current year is an argument
Back to plebbit

>> No.11029282

>reddit is an argument
back to the church

>> No.11029309

>"Bisexuals" are really just people who would fuck anything for a bit of pleasure.
Every bisexual person that wouldn't just fuck anyone disproves your claim.

>> No.11029326

>everyone who disagrees with me is a caveman
>general statements are to be treated with mathematical rigor
I can tell it's morning in San Francisco, the low IQ faggots are posting again

>> No.11029351

"Bisexuals are not real," is either true or not, and clearly some people are attracted to both sexes. So maybe you should just stop saying obviously wrong and stupid shit.

>> No.11029367

did your boyfriend break up with you and then start dating a girl?

>> No.11029379

>You're either attracted to one sex or the other
>I'm just pulling this out of my ass btw

>> No.11029431

So they don't buy into other memes like "just teach all the boys not to rape" or "sharing strategies to mitigate risk is S E X I S M".
So they're more informed, and resilient, and able to assert some fucking control over their own lives.

Evil exists and can not be protested away.

>> No.11029494

>cumbrain, bimboshit
Nah, that's not husband material anyway.
>a feminine boy who wears feminine clothing that could pass for being unisex clothing (in public), crossdresses (in private)
Yes. I know these hyper femme boys exist, I've seen them. They're just so god damn rare I don't know what to do.

>> No.11029529

>not dating a boy that has fem potential and "sexually bullying" him to crossdress and be more fem

>> No.11029534
File: 708 KB, 2048x1909, 1555030039398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not skipping the crossdressing bullshit and just dating a real man

>> No.11029544
File: 1.43 MB, 938x937, bi_whynotboth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dating both a guy and a girl at the same time

>> No.11029545

that image... fucking kek

>> No.11029549

already tried that once, got in a lotta trouble. don't do this, please.

>> No.11029555

What happened?

>> No.11029557

Had too much lust for the cock and cheated

>> No.11029576

The simple answer: They got too close to the truth and it burned them to a crisp.

>> No.11029596

>while this thread is still up
scientifically speaking, how can I get wider appearing hips without being a pill popping tranny? I already have a real slim waist.

>> No.11029602

don't eat any carbs, do cardio, squats. you will have a nice ass, anon.

>> No.11029604

Why would you want that if you're not a tranny?

>> No.11029607

More thigh workouts maybe? Wear pants that are brighter in color than your top? Wear tops that cling more tightly to your sides? Just spittballing ideas.

>> No.11029631

my greatest weakness! I'll try...
Im not a tranny but I AM a fag, nothing wrong with wanting to look sexier

>> No.11029660
File: 67 KB, 186x183, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a somewhat fatty diet. No carbs, but healthy fats. I can't stress the SQUATS enough.

>> No.11029668

Starting Strength

>> No.11029677

and about how many daily calories should I be getting from these healthy fats if I'm a 6'5" 170lb guy and what are some examples of healthy fats
t. eats a ton of fucking carbs and meat

>> No.11029690

oof. you're bigger than me, maybe you should just be learn2top. but you're pretty slim. eat the same number of calories as you've been doing (though if you really do start to workout, you'll need to eat more). cut the bread. meat is fine, eat more veggies.
healthy fats:
>olive oil
>fatty fish
>eat avocados like a basic bitch
>whole milk sparingly

>> No.11029813


>> No.11029858

thanks friend, I'll see what I can do

>> No.11030144

Yep, you're reddit alright. Current year in Muslim countries is to throw fags off roofs, how does that make you feel?

>> No.11030162

Are you suggesting we should be more like muzzies? Lmao

>> No.11030173

I don't see fags criticizing Islam much to be honest, it's almost like they are naturally suicidal. They focus on sucker punching low-hanging fruit I instead like the most tolerant religions that allow them to live. Ask any non-activist homosexual to go against the lemming herd and he'll be outcasted for wanting protection from Muslims.

>> No.11030200

>olive oil good
>milk bad
Are you falling for the saturated fats bad meme? The studies supporting that were mostly just correlations of lower sat fat consumption with positive outcomes and not accounting for major differences between those groups. That's all I've seen, although I would be happy to see contradictory evidence

>> No.11030244

Im a non-activist homosexual. I dont know what in the fuck you are talking about.
I didnt say milk is bad.

>> No.11030257

>I don't see fags criticizing Islam much to be honest
Why should they? Is it every persons obligation to constantly publicly criticise everything bad? I don't see Greta Thunberg criticise FIFA for their corruption. So what?

>> No.11030277

>It's not the family who cut off the faggots, it's the faggots who cut off their family.
This is an actual bold-faced lie.

>> No.11030287

>muh compassion
>on 4chinz

>it's about power and dominance REEE
what a retarded feminist-tier "argument".
no, it's not how it works.
that's a transposition of female shit into the male way of doing things, which is retarded, as everything ever done or said by femishits.
female trade sex to get power/money/whatever
men trade power/money/whatever to get pussy.
reality check: it's literally the business model of prostitution.
so stop being such a retarded cunt.
rape is simply about getting your rocks off.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
if i want to display power on a cunt, i just beat the shit out of it.
what is the cunt gonna do?
cry me into stopping?
*boohoo i'm just a grill, i didn't really mean it, #imadeaterriblemistake*?
just happen that cunts are much more meant to get fucked, but not so much meant to get hit repeatedly in the head.
that's the way nature made cunts.
raping is the way of nature.
as such rape is the politeness of man to cunt.
it validates the cunt as a hole worthy of being used at least once instead of being killed.
as a consequence, raped cunts should stop being their usual ungratefull selves and thank their rapist.
it could allways get way, way worst.
Fucking ungratefull cunts i swear.

>> No.11030292

You said to consume milk sparingly, which implies that there's something wrong with it compared to the other things recommended. Milk is a good source of macro and micro nutrients, easily better than most vegetables, I'd say. The only issue I can think of is that milk is calorie dense and has a moderate amount of carbs, but that can't be it. Calories are already constrained in this scenario, and vegetables, which were recommended, tend to be much more heavy on carbs

>> No.11030342

I said sparingly because of its effect on hormones. And no, lol, vegetables do not have moderate carbs (barring starches like potatoes and corn).

>> No.11030350

Makes sense since procreation is impossible for them.

>> No.11030854

no because you dont fuck wild animals and trees dont you?

>> No.11030856

its because they are born ugly btw.
beautiful bisexuals manage through life like Alexander The Great

beautiful gays are a waste they should donate their sperm at least

trannies are literal subhumans that lose their reproductive ability forever. so doesnt matter if born beautiful or is a fucking hon. good as dead really

>> No.11031009

This is what /pol/ does to the human brain.

>prostitution exists so I understand the psychology of rape
Why do people rape children? Children are not sexual and most child rapists aren't pedophiles. Why do people rape old people? Go read a book and spend less time on pol. This has nothing to do with feminism