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11025350 No.11025350 [Reply] [Original]

How much light do you need to take away to make the glaciers grow back?

Let's say you have a local mountain range of about 1000 km2. How many balloons do you need to fly over it to have a significant effect. Assume high altitude and reflectivity so all captured light goes back out.

According to the following link, the space based concept is targetting a reduction of 1.7% of sunlight to counter a doubling of CO2. (We're not there yet though)

Now with a small localized area, this might not be enough due to incoming winds of adjacent areas.
But what would be?

>> No.11025420
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Bump save the glaciers.

>> No.11026011

bump faggots.

>> No.11026927

Seriously I think I've come up with a system that can hover a reflector over a fixed mountainous area for about the price of 5 million per square km.

>> No.11026951

lol so fake.
I'm not a denier in the least, but that's just ridiculous.

>> No.11027009

According to the IPCC we're at around a total radiative forcing component of about 3 W/m2.
Average solar radiation of a given spot on earth is about 240 W/m2
Since glaciers typically melt in summer and during the day we can say that most of the melt happens when the sun hits it with 1000 W/m2.
Now it would seem to me that at the least one should cast have a ratio of 1/330th of shadow vs illuminated area and at the most 1/80 no?
So for a mountainous area of 1000 sqkm we should probably see significant improvement with reflectors of 10 sqkm in size. Which I think could be constructed for 50 million.
You could save quite a bunch of strategic glaciers if you ask me.