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11023294 No.11023294 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't the smartest women smarter than the smartest men?

>> No.11023305

Is it actually true though? (Yes I read that one /pol/ infograph once that states that men are dumber and smarter than women)

>> No.11023362

I've heard that female intelligence is more average, there are less female idiots and less female geniuses.

>> No.11023398

But for what reason bro

>> No.11023403

That's the /pol/ infograph mentioned above. As with anything that's stated there, I'm cautious until I find a more credible source.

>> No.11023411

The same reason the strongest women are weaker than the strongest men, genetics.
>inb4 genes dont matter with intelligence

>> No.11023414

I'm feelin the way that i'm feelin myself. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.11023427

Are woman superior to men in anything important?

>> No.11023433
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Squeezing little fuckers out of the cunt seems pretty important.

>> No.11023438

Better with social interactions I guess, also more flexible lol.

>> No.11023475

They might as well be, when do we ever by ourselves go outside and observe the "smartest women" and the "smartest men"? All we can do is read studies/articles that write about studies and decide to either trust or reject them.

>> No.11023483
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t. Peterson

>> No.11023484

>But for what reason bro
The male sex, in the case of humans and some other species, is nature's testing ground. The XX karyotype balances out genes, so females tend to cluster closer around the mean value while you may find more males exhibiting extremes. Both sexes have the same average IQ, but the spread in males is greater.
Side note: the highest credited IQ belongs to a woman.

>> No.11023498

>Better with social interactions I guess
Have you seen how women behave in the workplace?

They might seem better with social interactions because they can show (feign) interest in trivial things but don't mistake the volume of nonsense trivia for meaningful conversation.

>> No.11023798

it has less to do with intelligence and more to do with autism. men are able to give up everything for one thing while women prefer to have a balanced life. you’d be hardpressed to find a woman autistic enough to give up her love life for mathematics. also the iranian girl who died of cancer was pretty smart

>> No.11024039

How do you know that for a fact?
All we have are distorted and meaningless correlations.

>> No.11025083

It's not a /pol/ infograph you bumbling retard this is basic Psych101 stuff that has been studied extensively and is very well-known.

>> No.11025084

it is true.. men are more spread out on the extremes, both retards and geniuses, women tend to the center.

>> No.11025086

Based truth

>> No.11025087

>it is true because I say so

>> No.11025095

no way they are better than social stuff

>> No.11025096

no it's true because we have millions of data points and that's what they show.

>> No.11025099

May I see some of them?

>> No.11025101

just wanted to add it doesn't matter much, the average woman will still be smarter than 50% of men, but the top 1% of women will be less intelligent than a much higher percentage of men, but the positive for them being that works on the bottom range in their advantage

>> No.11025102


there's much more on this than that one piece. just google it yourself, that was the first result.

>> No.11025105

didn't even read it, and it actually rises a more dangerous precedent than I said, rather than being the extremes men in general are just more intelligent, oops.

>> No.11025114

its because the PATRIARCHY bred women to be stupid slaves who needed men, okay sweetie? all the incels here saying they're smarter than women but if they're so smart why are they still virgins? checkmate neckbeards!!!

>> No.11025116
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>> No.11025120

The smartest women are as smart as the smartest men. They're just rarer.

>> No.11025126

That might make sense if people lived to be 1000s of years old, but we don't and whether your born a boy or a girl youre coming from the same gene pool

>> No.11025132

Because women are too smart to waste their lives buried in a book or staring at a screen. They get some poor cuck to do it in their stead so they don't have to.

>> No.11025136

Based. Pleasure is really the only thing worth caring about.

>> No.11025137

Figures. Only intelligent people (read: men) take pleasure in intellectual endeavours.

>> No.11025149

intelligence is an arbitrary metric, men and women are good at different things.

>> No.11025295

I think in the following few decades you'll see women become smartest mathematicians in the world. And NO, NOT because they will be trans. Although, to be clear I am not transphobic either. I think trans women are women.

>> No.11025306

>double virtue signaling

>> No.11025308

Dude, virtue signalling isn't a think when you're anonymousposting. Unless you mean FBI, but why would I virtue signal to them?

>> No.11025312

It just be like that sometimes

>> No.11025313

>le feminine virtue meme
Is it because women are innately superior and that blasted patriarchy was just getting in the way?

>> No.11025316

I don't know, you tell me why you're doing it?
Now if you had said something like "I guess we'll see more women in leading STEM positions in the following years, because..." that would have turned out much differently.

>> No.11025325

Actually, women have been geniuses all along it's just that power hungry men have been stealing their achievements and claiming them to be their own. There are a lot of Ted-ED videos about these topics - for example I remember seeing one about the discovery of DNA. Actually the discoverer was a woman, not that racist Watson guy! Did you know that? I think there have been countless more examples of this shameless stealing of achievements by men and discrimination, countless more that we haven't even heard about and probably never will. Now the discrimination against women is starting to go down a bit, and that will start to fix the problem.

>> No.11025334

>women are innately superior and that blasted patriarchy got in the way

Right, well done. #correcttherecord #bluewave #stunningandbrave.
Nobody would have disagreed with you if you just said "I expect to see more women in the coming decades". That's a sensible take, but apparently not yours.

>> No.11025335

based and womanpilled. Angry misogynists don't want to admit this.

>> No.11025336

>unironically denying the patriarchy and the role it played in obscuring women's role in the sciences
Read a book sometime. Your boomer MAGAtard antics aren't helping you win an argument.

>> No.11025337
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imagine being this fucking retarded

>> No.11025341

Read up on Rosalind Franklin. Watch the movie Hidden Figures.
Also, the mathematician Sophie Germain had to literally use a male pseudonym M. le Blanc just to be taken seriously by the mathematical community.

>> No.11025343

and what of Emmy Noether, the brilliant mathematical physicist?

Her work was widely accepted and appreciated, because it was actually meaningful and original scientific work.

See my point? It's not a mistake or conspiracy.

>> No.11025345

Many people still think Euclid's Elements were written by a man, when in fact it was written by Hypatia, a woman.

>> No.11025351

>what of emmy noether
Good example, you sexist pig.
>Her appointment to the University of Göttingen in 1915 was nearly blocked by an academic who remarked, "What will our soldiers think when they return to the university and find that they are required to learn at the feet of a woman?" Noether lectured anyway, but the lectures were advertised under the name of her colleague David Hilbert so nobody could kick up a fuss.

You'd have to be blind to deny sexism and misogyny in academia.

>> No.11025359

>I don't buy your "hidden superiority" meme
>I must think women can't be geniuses
Galaxy brain take, sis.
I watched your ted-ed and it tells a story of basic bitch academic backstabbing, plus some legit sexist colleages. Very female superiority, much patriarchy. Wow.

Was obviously black you racist!

>> No.11025362

Good job ignoring all of my points.

>> No.11025364

Again, it's one thing saying you'd expect to see more, even if it's because of gender-restrictions which happened in the past, but a totally different thing saying women are superior.
Your sexism reeks of butthurt.

>> No.11025369

OK snowflake. Enjoy your patriarchy while it lasts.

>> No.11025373

>I think in the following few decades you'll see women become smartest mathematicians in the world.
This is your main point. Everything else has been feminist boilerplate to distract from that laughably absolutist statement. You are an ideologue and a retard if you think this.

>> No.11025379

>women are inherently, genetically better at math
Show le proof
>just having a dick removed and changed by a festering hole makes you a different gender.
What if i attach the paw of a dog to an ape, does he become dog?

>> No.11025380

>A person who acknowledges that women have been severely unfairly underrepresented in the scientists for the past decades is either ideologue or a retard
Whatever you say.Honestly sometimes I think what do sexists like yourself think of their mothers? Do they even view their own mothers as subhuman? Are they ashamed of having been born? Sexists are just so sad sometimes. No woder they're so unattractive to women and have so much difficulty (for lack of a better word LOL) having laid.

>> No.11025381

Nice goalposts, where'd you get the wheels installed?

>> No.11025383

>>women are inherently, genetically better at math
>Show le proof
Look up Julia Robinson. She solved one of the hardest mathematical problems posed by Hilbert.
>>just having a dick removed and changed by a festering hole makes you a different gender.
>What if i attach the paw of a dog to an ape, does he become dog?
If you actually think that's an appropriate analogy to make you're really ignorant. Read up on trans people and their issues, and by that I DON'T mean breitbart.
You aren't even making any sense now. Ran out of arguments, huh?

>> No.11025384


bluepilled cuck OP BTFO

>> No.11025387

You're not listening.

>> No.11025391
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Did you know they made a movie about you? Be sure to watch it.

>> No.11025392
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11025394

Pretty sure I've heard more than I need to make a judgement.

>> No.11025395

I think you're responding to the wrong person.

>> No.11025404

>N = 1
Okay, so you're literally dumb and not just shitposting here. Amazing to see one of your kind in here.
This is a "science" forum btw, anecdotal evidence never counts.

>> No.11025408

No, she(male) is just hysterical and thinks that women are inherently superior mathematicians BECAUSE WOMAN.

>> No.11025414

Yeah, I just didn't understand why she'd call me a snowflake. That made no sense.
I'm also a woman btw.

>> No.11025482
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>> No.11025489

Millions of data points about a test that's only accurate for people who are literally retarded.

>> No.11025796

>Side note: the highest credited IQ belongs to a woman

>> No.11025902

>Watch the movie hidden figures
Surely this is bait

>> No.11025910

>less female geniuses
And yet at my school there was always a disproportionate amount of women in GATE. I now understand that this was likely the result of female in group preference

>> No.11025918

because women are stupid

>> No.11025922

I know that Asians are feminine looks ng but Tao is clearly a man

>> No.11025936

This is because education is biased in favor of women. Women are quiet, more organised, not as affective. That's why they blend in better in general.

>> No.11025937

Like how men are better at intellectual endeavours and women are better at birthing and raising children

>> No.11025951

>men are more intelligent than women because they're taller
>no sources
Please read what you post before you do.

>> No.11026500

Cause they protec and man attac

>> No.11027445

Nope men are overall on average smarter than women.

>> No.11027454

300 iq post

>> No.11027459

The smartest women are as smart as the dumbest men.

>> No.11027670

>women suppressed by patriarchy
Men were decimated by wars.

>> No.11027675
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>> No.11027759

Pain endurance

>> No.11027969
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>> No.11028420

Dump your bait folder for me

>> No.11030149

Women have less deviation in most traits due to having two x chromosomes. Intelligence is no exception

>> No.11030578

Cause the smartest men are smarter than the smartest women

>> No.11030579


>> No.11030604

Vos Savant is a well known scam

>> No.11030615

I literally never met a woman that challenged me intellectually in my life, Either>>11023362 is right or i was incredibly unlucky.

>> No.11031210

Then spen 5 seconds looking it up instead of using the crutch of strawmanning /pol/, you lazy asshole.

>> No.11031236

Women aren't better at social interactions though. There's just more demand for them because most guys have low standards, so it's easier to get a social life as a female.

That's a myth, actually. Women's pain endurance is normally a lot worse than men's, although it goes up when they get pregnant.

>> No.11032754

Are there more of these?

>> No.11032765

is this a copypasta bait? I'm sure I've read this misprepresentation of Rosalind Franklin's role in the discovery of DNA too many times already.

>> No.11032772


How would you know? Assuming you have talked to a woman, if she were so much smarter than you then perhaps she didn't want to waste her time talking with you, or perhaps she was incomprehensible from your lowly intellect...

I have noticed that a lot of women simply don't talk to boys because they think you only see them as sexual fodder and don't want to encourage what will simply never be...

>> No.11032777

How do more intelligent women feel about motherhood and childraising?

>> No.11032799

Amusingly enough I've seen it described as the law of mediocrity

>> No.11032809

Also, even the weakest men are on a par with all but the very strongest women on some measures of strength. People forget how much physically weaker women

>> No.11032815

I don't believe this. Most women are fucking autistic around men and put it down to
> men don't know how to communicate
I swear it's the opposite of the truth just like all the other shit they've been indoctrinated with

>> No.11032827

on a comparative bodyweight basis the male olympic powerlifting record is around 25% higher than the female record
this is one of the highest performance differences, other sports such as running are closer around the 5-10% range