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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11017737 No.11017737 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking, what is the point of staying alive?

>> No.11017757

drive for self-preservation and anime
other than that there's no point

>> No.11017762

scientifically speaking, probably reproduction

>> No.11017763

The individual is a part and has obligations to the social whole, the part can not ethically abandon its obligations to the whole. Now when the social whole decides to end and replace itself with out-groups...

>> No.11017793

why shouldn't I just rape 600 women then? If the point is preservation/reproduction then Why not just rape as many people as humanly possible?
fuck society.

>> No.11017800

There´s no "point" in science.

>> No.11017804

Because you might not get to watch anime in jail

>> No.11017810

Because you probably live in a country where abortion is a thing. And I'm pretty sure you can't grow muscle, so how on earth would you be able to overpower anyone?

>> No.11017812

What's the point of reproduction when Earth will die eventually? The sun won't care how perfect genes it vaporizes.

>> No.11017858

Some french guy did this went to Africa and pregnate at 400 women, why don't you try to beat his record anon.

>> No.11017860

>t. gamer

>> No.11017863

good point
not all rape babies get aborted. Oddly, I could just rape older 30s year old women who were desperate for children anyways.
I could also go outside my country, form a group of foreign rapists.

>> No.11017866

I don't really like video games.

>> No.11017899

>scientifically speaking, what is the point of staying alive?
I thought of this while drivnig home from work yesterday. Imagine the first small single cell organisms coming to fruition. Why? What was the point of life starting as single cell organisms and how did the single cell organisms intelligently continue the process of life? and a short few billion years later, we are here continuing this process for some unknown reason beknown to us.

>> No.11018293

you have to create your own meaning if you are uber, or take one of the off the shelve ones if you are normie.

>> No.11018320

Bro, you can't just say scientifically speaking to sound smarter.

>> No.11018354
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The important issue to address is whether or not you've given an honest appraisal of that which you might lose.

>> No.11018358

Because let me tell you: if you know Karen Tooker, then you know that, "Ha! That's odd," is something she say A LOT.

>> No.11018369

if you're not alive, you're dead, or you don't exist... basically

>> No.11018383

this is more of a philosophical question than a scientific question by the way

>> No.11018438
File: 54 KB, 250x391, stayin alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the point of staying alive?
its a Saturday nite fever thing
you wouldn't understand

>> No.11018445



>> No.11018538
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>> No.11018545

what's your purpose? why do you do this?

>> No.11018598
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My intention is to totally destroy the society we have now, to knock it over as that tower was knocked over, and then to make a new, better one. I have it on good authority that everyone in the future is glad that I destroyed the culture I was born into, and they like m kingdom much better than any one ever liked the USA or any or other instance of a state not explicitly run by the Sovereign Lord God.

>> No.11018608
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>> No.11018614

based. I'd like to see your goals come to fruition.

>> No.11018623

My intention is to be Tooker's eternal hat maker, and install communication circuitry in it to have my A.I. feed him his bullshit fantasy wank-wank.

>> No.11018655


>> No.11018685
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When I look at Solivagus' image here, I see a woman in dungeon who has been terribly violated, and whose vagina has been filled with soil, and a tree grows in that soil. Maybe that will happen to people in the hell I create to teach fear of the Lord, I don't know and I certainly won't be micromanaging what happens there, but I will never do that sort of thing for my own amusement, and I hate it, and it is disgusting.

>> No.11018692
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jobs taken.

>> No.11018725

The perfect genes wont vaporize :)

>> No.11018729


1 Tree Vagina Please! Geometrically Free!

Well then I guess I'll just have to buy every human that Tooker could ever physically reach via any propulsion methods (mechanical/physical/energy) and turn them all into the greatest Truman Show Actors (rewrite Truman as Tooker)

>> No.11018736

>1 Tree Vagina Please! Geometrically Free!
Every time Helene has to go out of town and then complains about all of her "plants" dying, I think that's all the tree vaginas and trees of various sorts in her secret hidden basement in the artificial berm upon which her house is built.

>> No.11018745

What does 'out of town' mean? I only know my prison, El Arcón.
>Your alone in a room, projecting the universe out from the arrogance you call, "Riemann-Zeta."

>> No.11018758

It’s fun