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1101716 No.1101716 [Reply] [Original]

Polling /sci

Question: Feminism: Hate philosophy or not?

>> No.1101722

pro-female isn't anti-male

>> No.1101719

feminism is supposed to have women and men be equal

but there's a word for that, its called equality

why would they need a new word with an emphasis on women if all they want is equality


>> No.1101730
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>> No.1101736

Hate defiantly.

Egalitarianism is word for the philosophy of equality.

>> No.1101738
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you must be stupid huh?

>> No.1101742

>why would they need a new word
yea, because words are never made up simply for the sake of being a synonym.

>> No.1101744

feminism= women are strong, capable, and can do everything a man can do better than a man can do it, but men are holding women down.

>> No.1101749

nice troll

>> No.1101750


I don't think attacking their position is enough when retards like this are running around.
>i know a 14 year old girl in the Netherlands that is demanding she gets a boat and goes around the world by herself
>Theres a teenage girl who just recently went out and knew she needed 56 stars tattooed on the right side of her face

WTF. I don't care what color or gender you are, your an idiot. If this is what "being a girl is" then i am fucking glad we're "systematically disabling girls"

>> No.1101751

Feminazis are retarded.

>> No.1101753

feminism= women who make other women look retarded

>> No.1101783

Feminism came out of the days when women showing ankles were considered sluts, and was all about giving women the same freedom of sexual expression as men. That was fucking awesome, but these days feminists are mostly fat chicks trying to make strip clubs illegal and other retarded crap.

>> No.1101790


> Feminism
> Philosophy

oh you did not just go there

>> No.1101795


stfu bitch and get back in the kitchen

>> No.1101797

Feminism came out of the days when women weren't allowed to vote, It was then all about giving women the same freedom of fuck up the government as men.

I wonder who thought THAT would be a good idea?

>> No.1101804

While feminism is sort of a decent idea, considering women do often have to face with some serious shit when trying to climb up the coporate ladder, feminists are fucking idiots. They want "equality" - But their interpretation of that word is that they get to run things, while men do all the work. That's not "equality".

Furthermore, men and women are not equal. Feminists whine about being equal, but when they need heavy lifting they will run to a man for it, because men are simply stronger.

They whine about politics(at least over here), that there has to be an equal amount of males and females in the government, without taking into account that males might actually be more qualified for the job. It's ridiculous to have to settle for an incompetent worker just to please some fucking feminists. I don't really see why they're making such a big deal, anyways - A lot of women enjoy spending time in the kitchen. It's only normal, evolution made them so. Feminists are a genetic anomaly and will be eliminated soon enough.

>> No.1101809

I have no problem with women who want equality. That's great.

The problem is, most people who label themselves "feminists" don't want equal treatment. They want special treatment.

And that's fucking bullshit.

>> No.1101822

Feminist = Chick with tramp stamps who throw a bitch fit when you politely open the door for them because 'THEY DON'T NEED A MAN'
Then promptly whine when a guy doesn't open the door.

At least that has been every feminist I've met.

>> No.1101900

The more I learn about what feminism is really about the more I think women really should be allowed to be , , , uhmmm . . . to be . . . ummm . . . .women..

I don't think that "equality" is working for anyone male or female...

>> No.1101925

Females truly are less than men not in a simple genetic way but chromosomally . . . they have one fewer functioning chromosomes than men.

And they lack one whole entire chromosome, and all the genes it carries.

>> No.1101946

that is a pretty shitty attempt at a question.

>> No.1101976


By that logic, those chicks with triple X syndrome should lead the world.

And those are crazy.

>> No.1101979

You realise this is a huge benefit if one of the chromosomes is faulty?

>> No.1102004

In every female cell one X chromosome is condensed into a non-functioning mass. It is called a Barr body. That leaves 45 functioning chromosomes.

Males have a full 46 functioning chromosomes including the Y chromosome with all its genes, most of which code for traits other than primary or secondary male sex characteristics.

The presence of two Barr bodies is diagnostic for the triple X syndrome.

>> No.1102012

On average, isn't half of a female's body expressing 1 X chromosome and the other half expressing the other X chromosome?

>> No.1102016

you're not hearing what he's saying. he's saying that if the x chromosome inherited should come bearing a fault or mutation... well if you're a woman you actually have another x chromosome to fall back on. if you're a man... you're just plain fucked.

>> No.1102169


Doesn't sound very nice to me at least to a population. A faulty chromosome should be removed from the gene pool not preserved.

Maybe that's why the X chromosome is the one with the most number of defects associated with it.

>> No.1102180


That means: More men have defects than women (true), however since when functional they have one extra chromosome, their makeup is more complex. (possibly better)

>> No.1102193
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'Sub bitches, putting the chromosome count of both genders of humans to shame. That's how I role, now make me president because therefore I'm way smarter and stronger than you guys.

>> No.1102197

ITT no scientists or science

>> No.1102209

Fun fact: The X chromosome has been systematically tearing apart the Y chromosome for hundreds of millions of years now. There are already people who are XY but biologically completely and totally female.

>> No.1102228


Wel actually X-inactivation is a random process. Women don't have "one faulty X-chromosome", rather, they have two good ones. Should one be faulty in an early stage, thanks to a mutation or an inheritable disease, those cells will die and the developed female will have only one type of active X-chromosome. Otherwise, on average 50% of female cells have the paternal X-chromosome, and the other half has the maternal X-chromosome. There are exceptions, of course, it's statistically possible to have a bad distribution by pure chance.

So no, the X chromosome is not "faulty". It has plenty of important genes.

Furthermore, the X-chromosome may have the largest number of defects associated with it, but that's because its genes are not essential to life. An X-linked defect is survivable, even if it may be a hassle to live with(like X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency). A lot of autosomal defects result in a swift death of the embryo, hence there not being as much of those around.

>> No.1102239
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Oh hey whats up i was just flexing my 670 billion base pairs bitch yeah thats right polychaos dubium in da hizzle

>> No.1102248


(citation needed)

>> No.1102260

Tell that to haemophiliac women, oh wait there are none, because the spontaneously abort. Tell that to your "X-linked defect is survivable" hypothesis.

>> No.1102262


I didn't say all of them bro, just a lot of them.

>> No.1102286


oh wait actually i did imply all of them

My bad. I meant "most of them" though.

>> No.1102306
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>> No.1102838

>Should one be faulty in an early stage, thanks to a mutation or an inheritable disease, those cells will die and the developed female will have only one type of active X-chromosome.

Wasnt a bad summary per se, but that bit about cells dieing is kind of wrong. By that theory, you would have an adult with 50% of her cells dead.

One X chromosome is inactivated at random in a cell, that results in interesting cases for X linked genetic diseases in females. They show a wide variation in the disorder, as opposed to males who either have it fully or not at all.

>> No.1102850

learn to spell it

>> No.1102871


A female who is a carrier for haemaphilia is not strictly a carrier, due to X inactivation. Its closer to autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance - because X chromosomes are transciptonally silenced at random, so the woman is a 50/50 mish mash of X's with the defunct allele, and not.

>> No.1102889

My bad. Im glad you took the time to correct me on that.

>> No.1102891

Feminism = women should be equal

Not that women are greater/better.