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11009803 No.11009803 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11007813

>> No.11009821

populate mars with manlets, in a few generations they will be tall fags. We will exterminate shortlets

>> No.11009822


>> No.11009823
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Starship version of this when

>> No.11009827

>a fucking penguin

>> No.11009840
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Starship must be a ara ara nee-san~~

>> No.11009844

So let's address the elephant in the room:

What the hell is Starship's abort mode going to be?

>> No.11009849

Ejector pod.

>> No.11009864
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SLS, Orion, The entire Artemis mission will never work and is a waste of money.

In a better mood today, no need for the greentext.

>> No.11009865

fire engines and a solid belt cabin that can both take gamma shots using water walls and be able to take hard landings. Which basically means fire engines, and fall somewhere else.

>> No.11009866

The same as the Space Shuttle's

>> No.11009873
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>> No.11009880

So praying?

>> No.11009883

Superheavy explodes, all Starship has to do is survive the explosion and maintain flight control. Fly-through abort.

>> No.11009889


>> No.11009892

Still dont understand how they will get large earth moving vehicles off it

>> No.11009896

send in pieces and assemble

>> No.11009897

In pieces by crane. You aren't sending fully assembled bulldozers, you're flatpacking the components and reassembling on Mars.

Some assembly required. Nuclear batteries not included. See store for details. Offer not available in Quebec.

>> No.11009898
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If you have the time for it, yeah.

>> No.11009899
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>> No.11009917

With math and science. Or in plainfolkspeak, magic.

>> No.11009920

>So let's address the elephant in the room:

>What the hell is the 747s abort mode going to be?

>> No.11009922

Second this

>> No.11009927

the answer is simple: you fire your engines and ride it out
with dual-bell raptors, six engines should be enough to lift a laden Starship

>> No.11009929

Nice Gets, Nee-san confirmed.

>> No.11009940

>space colonization is finally happening
>cant afford a ticket
some dreams were meant to stay dreams

>> No.11009958

Sell your home, car, bonds, lfiesavings. $250K for ticket to mars.

>> No.11009966

The whole Elon schtick is that anyone could afford it if you made it a life goal like you might owning a detached home, and for a similar cost.

>> No.11009982

its called gliding anon

>> No.11009989

>implying i own those things

>> No.11009990
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The A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ Chinese dream, to colonize Mars.

>> No.11009995

Enjoying those money spent on weed? LMAO

Numales/Millenials are dead weight to colonizing mars.

>> No.11010001

>Numales/Millenials are dead weight to colonizing mars.
this. Whereas females will be like gold dust (they need to breed somehow, and convincing women to live in a tin can in the middle of a dusty shitstorm for the rest of their lives will be pretty hard)

>> No.11010002

Chinks and Pakis with Texan accents. The Expanse got it right.

>> No.11010010

Apart from the preacher.

>> No.11010024

Guise i'm actually glad for all of this happening, it makes me think that maybe tour collective future won't be shit.

>> No.11010034

Oh ye of little faith. It will be just as shit, but we'll also be in space. That means incels in space, shitposting in space, murder in space, sex in space, jello babies, government surveillance in space, corporate overreach in space, etc. All we're doing it taking all our existing problems and adding "in space". But that sounds cool, so let's do it.

>> No.11010040

We have that on earth, but we're still doing it. What the difference in why we shouldn't do it in space?

>> No.11010041

>>b-b-but SLS is being assembled on launchpad!

>> No.11010043

Yes, "in space" added really make all that shit sound better for me, because there also all the rest, the good parts.

>> No.11010044

It'd be much cooler to do things in space, so we absolutely should. Preventing a single rock from wiping out humanity is a nice perk. But it will be Expanse style grungy belters smoking weed and welding shit, not Star Trek utopia.

>> No.11010058

Starship Launch cost <$1,000,000 in ten years. If anyone can do it, it would be Elon.

>> No.11010060

The stakes will be a lot higher so a load of that shit will go away the window

>> No.11010073

Only if we let the ilks of Earthers spread to other planets. They should select only the brightest and the bestest of Earthers and then breed them in space. Nuke Earth so they don't have to deal with lazy fucks or stoners.

>> No.11010106

did someone tweet this @ Elon?

>> No.11010120

yes, Elon has like twenty million people tweet that at him

>> No.11010139

Fun fact, I know someone that knows someone that knows Elon. Can anyone on /sci/ beat that?

>> No.11010156

Lazy fucks will always exist. Including on Mars (after the initial setup phase). Unionized workers will exist. Organized crime will eventually exist. Welcome to space, Han Solo will be your guide.

>> No.11010178
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>> No.11010191

Jim what's up

>> No.11010197

since the twitter thread already has "ripping Jim over SLS" covered, I'm gonna point out that if Boeing and SpaceX are delayed by similar amounts when both are working for NASA, the problem is NASA. If SpaceX was cutting Crew Dragon resources to fund Starship like Jim kinda implies, Boeing would be ahead of them. They aren't.

>> No.11010210

Yes, but let’s be very honest again. We do have a commercially available super heavy lift vehicle. SLS may someday come about. It’s on the drawing board right now. Falcon Heavy is real. You’ve seen it down at Hawthorne. We’re building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the launchpad at Kennedy... I don’t see any hardware for an SLS, except that they're going to put Shuttle parts together and that becomes SLS. It’s not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.11010213

I preemptively logged off Twitter as soon as I saw the tweet because I feel sorry for the shredding Jim will receive. I’m a bit perplexed why he posted it...

>> No.11010224
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rip this shipping

>> No.11010225

This feels like something Jim was forced to post for PR.

>> No.11010226

Reminder that nasa required seven (7) flights of block five with no issues before allowing DM-1 to proceed. What a seething agency.

>> No.11010228

tbf I can see where he's coming from, Commercial Crew is years late and Elon's is just casually building superheavy lift vehicles instead of finishing CC. Why this ISN'T fair is that 90% of the CC delay is NASA's doing (10% being the Dragon 2 RUD).

>> No.11010229

(with a static design too)

>> No.11010235

It does...gotta sacrifice himself at the alter of Shelby to get Artemis funding.

>> No.11010240

in a surprising twist Jim deletes the tweet and blames Shelby for stealing his phone

>> No.11010242


>> No.11010246

>Sorry SpaceX, but we are a safety focused agency so we can't accept fewer than 7 successive flights with no major problems before we put our people on your rockets.
>Crewed flight on the first SLS launch? Can do! Anything for Shelby!

>> No.11010250

Tell that to the literally thousands of people who die in aeroplanes every year.

>> No.11010251

do you know how much fucking money 7 consecutive SLS flights will cost

>> No.11010257

More than the GDP of Malta?

>> No.11010276

actually that's about the right amount desu, $12B for 7 SLS flights doesn't seem far off (including dev costs, if you don't it's lower)

>> No.11010283

He doesn't say shit about boeing with their starliner and SLS shit.
But to be fair I guess he is like that to spaceX because he thinks they are the only ones worth a damn. You complain to someone who is willing to work on said issue. Not the lazy fat guy down the street

>> No.11010292

Jim should tell Elon to shitcan dragon 2 entirely and get Starship flying to the ISS by 2021

>> No.11010305

That would require him to admit that BFR can be useful for NASA and he can't do that without being torn up by the Senate.

>> No.11010317

Career suicide, release an official statement recommending the end of the SLS program in favor of commercial superheavy lift programs, then resign. Get a cushy job as a marketer for SpaceX.

>> No.11010323

bridenstine murdering shelby then fleeing to mars

>> No.11010326

Literally impossible because it's written into law that SLS gets used. Changing the law would require convincing the Senate to do so, and you can see the problem from this.

>> No.11010330

elon, president of mars, confers the official title "napoleon on elba, but in space" to bridenstine

>> No.11010334

I feel bad for jim though. Imagine walking into the dumpster fire that is NASA and some dude saying "oh yeah you gotta fix this" "Also you inherit the shitshow that is SLS and orion."

>> No.11010336
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>> No.11010341

Imagine being a SpaceX employee, working 70 hours a week on designing Starship, the best thing to happen to spaceflight in forever. Then Jim stomps on you because you're not helping to put two humans in a LEO station to grow vegetables for fluffy research.
Also imagine being a SpaceX employee, working 70 hours a week on crew Dragon. Then Jim stomps on you because you're not progressing through NASA's own red tape hell fast enough.

>> No.11010342
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>oh yeah you gotta fix this, but not by doing the things that would fix it

>> No.11010345

interesting that he phrases it as "SpaceX's announcement" as to not @ Elon

>> No.11010354

>because you're not helping to put two humans in a LEO station to grow vegetables for fluffy research
Hey! Growing roses in space to see how differently they smelt compared to roses grown on Earth was VERY important research. Imagine how many lives that wouldn't be saved if we didn't know that both roses smelt the same!

>> No.11010356

He could write a memo recommending it and then resign in protest over his inability to do what's best for NASA. That may not convince Shelby, but it might convince Shelby's constituents.

>> No.11010359

If you're working 70 hour days at SpaceX you're fully bought into the dream and probably accept overtime paid towards a Mars ticket rather than paid out. NASA is of no concern to someone who's totally bought into the Starship project.

>> No.11010366

it hits you right in the benis

>> No.11010371
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>70 hour days

>> No.11010382

Relevant quote from Hans:
"You need to [try to not] get money from the government, otherwise the government will tell you what to build and how to build it… they will tell you how to build this and that’s just not always – I mean for some things it’s the best to do, but in others it’s actually not.”

>> No.11010386
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>> No.11010398
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more liek,

>> No.11010401

Shelby's constituents are the contractors who are making SLS. Of course they know how badly things are going, but they don't mind it because they're being paid big time. The memo could potentially make SLS unpopular to the public, but that wouldn't really change anything as the political force behind SLS is just too strong (plus most people don't know enough about spaceflight to care about it, most people don't even know that SpaceX can recover their boosters and why that's significant).

>> No.11010408

No no no, this one is based. Not only is it actually orbiting the moon in this shot, but also look in the background. There's a d-word there.

>> No.11010414

someone post contractors.webm

>> No.11010430

Is this NASA's COPE moment? LMAO

>> No.11010436

Every day is a cope moment for NASA.

>> No.11010444
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this is my understanding of the american senate

t. canada

>> No.11010469
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thanks Eric

>> No.11010474

he's not dissing SpaceX
he's saying that he expects better of NASA

>> No.11010493


>> No.11010505
File: 92 KB, 988x787, Mars colony food imports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder in order to colonize Mars, we'll have to change how we eat. We might even have to subsist on crickets.
Also a Mars colony will probably be largely reliant on food imported from Earth for DECADES.

>> No.11010506
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Pics related. Jim wants every NASA contractors to be better at their schedule. However I think he's bit annoyed that SpaceX is getting lot of media attention/hype around Starship and he probably hears a lot of rhetoric about how Starship will embarass NASA/SLS but still has bit of issues with their CrewDragon.

Aka pressure mounting on NASA so they lashing back when they can.

>> No.11010509
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>> No.11010510

somebody shoop the new starship design onto the airlock here

>> No.11010515

oh man, is that ACES

>> No.11010519

he's trying to shittalk Boeing without actually shittalking Boeing

>> No.11010522

that paper is the big gay

>> No.11010527
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Looks like it!

>> No.11010530

Bridenstine’s argument kinda works at a very simple level: Elon will likely talk about sending people to the Moon and Mars in the presentation, but it’s logical to suggest that SpaceX should first, instead focus on safely sending humans to LEO and back in Dragon 2 before talking about interplanetary travel.

Also, we don’t know about what’s going on behind the scenes, SpaceX maybe shifting people working on CC to Starship (just like they’ve shifted workers from Mk2 to work on Mk1 for the presentation) and Jim feels short changed by them not prioritising a taxpayer funded program.

>> No.11010535


>> No.11010537

To be fair for SpaceX, it looks like the CC program isn't going to be fruitful for them as the ISS is nearing the end of it's life.

>> No.11010542

interesting, I never actually bothered to see what it looks like
ACES is fucking ugly as shit holy damn, fuck hydrogen it's not aesthetic at all

>> No.11010545

CC is almost done with most of their engineering and it just needs bit of testing and that's it.

>> No.11010546

How is it ugly?

>> No.11010548

Nice. Jim should do this more often.
>>@Northrup Grumman could you stop screwing around and actually deliver JWST on time?
>>@Boeing you really seem to be taking the MAX amount of time with those SLS parts

>> No.11010551

look at it, it's not 1950s at all

>> No.11010552

That would mean he would have to fight with Shelby. SpaceX is easy target as they don't have a strong political defense and they're still seen as the "outsider" by the industry.

>> No.11010553

EM x JB just got cancelled

>> No.11010554

It appears that they're installing the leg fairings now.

>> No.11010557

One thing I've thought about is using mirrors in orbit to send more light to surface greenhouses.

>> No.11010559

ISS isn’t close to death, it’s lifespan is constantly being extended by Congress as welfare for Houston, but the ISS is so beloved that nobody cares.

We don’t really know what’s going at CC, but SpaceX have recently had a RUD and parachute failure, Jim’s anger maybe justified if their just coasting despite these self-induced wounds.

>> No.11010567

This isn’t the first time he’s slammed Musk and Co, remember the Joe Rogan incident? He dropped a workforce ethics review on SpaceX’s CC program because of it. That was before DM-1.

>> No.11010572

Anon, propellant depots and ice mining like this could make travel to cislunar space as cheap as air travel. Do you seriously care about what a gas station or fuel tanker looks like?

>> No.11010578

what if it was designed for Methane, then it'd just be a big tube without any of that ugly ugly umbrella shit
and what if it had aerofeatures and a heatshield so you could recover it repeatedly
basically what if it was just Starship

>> No.11010582

that's great anon, but unless you can provide actual numbers on it, it's on the same tier as fan fiction. Saw some numbers on a proposal for building orbital mirrors so that solar farms could operate at night. Numbers weren't great, although there was maybe a case for providing light to didney land at certain points in the night for shows.

>> No.11010584


NASA just gave new rounds of funding to various space companies.

$10M Rocket fuel creation demo.
$3M cryogenic fluid coupler for refueling Starship in orbit
>various others
Fuel generation/life support/thermal management/radiation proof power control board/cubesat two different propulsion/autonomous navigation/sensors

>> No.11010586

Modular Starship: Take what you need, stuff it into the cargo bay. Passenger module? Sure. Fuel module? Why not. Pressurized cargo? Yep! Scientific? Scientists would be drooling over it.

If they're detachable, that means a single common Starship hull can be made, and then slotted out as needed. It also means modules can be left up in space, either stand-alone or attached to a station, while Starship flies back to land and pick up the next mission.

>> No.11010597
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>> No.11010598


As long as they keep spending money on it, and they will because that's what its demented interest base want and wants exclusively, it will deliver its mediocre results, at the expense of a much grander program being denied us all. Its not pretty, by that's the reality.

>> No.11010601

isn't that a bit small?

>> No.11010610


Bridenstine's just salty that Spacex is going to trivialize his entire administratorship. Instead of some pivotal return to the moon effort that is a lynchpin in space development, he's building a system that will land people there later than starship for 20+x more cost per astro. Basically crippling moon development, as opposed to his mental master plan of the ''proper'' path being executed and he being its instrument. Bridenstine cares about that self image of himself and his role in history, as opposed to administration players like Scott Pace who don't care about what is actually meaningfully accomplished just that it's their obsessive preference of SLS based lunar missions, even as Spacex trivializes them.

Same reason Bruno is salty. Bruno's how its supposed to be done is junk that will never happen and he watches Musk build the pivotal thing that flies in the face of it all, and ULA is nothing.

The world owes neither of them meaningful placement.

>> No.11010614


The guy who built the real world equivalent of the warp drive in its impact on space development and some absolute nobody.

>> No.11010632

I mean its not his system. Its a system congress wants him to use. I just feel like jim is a cool dude and is the first mate trying to save a sinking ship when the captain is long gone

>> No.11010635


Total bullshit. SpaceX wants to build and operate a moonbase and a mars base for NASA, and that would be good for NASA, spaceflight development, and SpaceX's own aims, the permutations of the unfolding SLS program of record and its adherents purposefully obstruct that.

>> No.11010637

bruh Bridenstine I thought we were cool, why you gotta do this?

>> No.11010642

It doesn't require subsequent chained events or to be proven step by step, it can be done with overlapping concurrent development timelines. Spaces can walk and chew gum at the same time.

>> No.11010646

The fact that NASA keeps throwing SpaceX little bones like this for Starship shows that NASA isn't universally turning a blind eye towards it.
Also, all of these seem like useful technologies, but this partnership approach doesn't seem like the most effective way to get this tech integrated and flying. How effective is this scheme in practice?

>> No.11010652

No, that's your own false too generous projection. Bridenstine is pro SLS and moderately hostile jealous toward heathen mars lovers elon/spacex, bridenstine being a moon exclusive conventionalist who buys into dumb moon rhetoric like moon(with SLS) before mars. The moonites tend to hate the mars people for liking something they don't like and not liking the thing they like.

>> No.11010654

Each of them are only small portions of technology demonstrators.

Even if only 1 of them works out of these dozens or so, that's a win for NASA. This wing of NASA, aka research and development funding, is useful. Its small seeds that can grow into large trees. Basically similar to Silicone Valley start up funding model. They will fund hundreds but if only 1 of those works, it would have been worth it.

>> No.11010656


These sums are so small they are without meaning or real impact.

>> No.11010661

Roughly 24 hours till presentation.

>> No.11010664
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does he post here?

>> No.11010669

I have literally named a station in Kerbal Space Station the Shelby Memorial Depot

>> No.11010675

Bitch you better post proof.

>> No.11010676


Just a follow up. You gotta realize that some Mars guy is building a system, for Mars, that is a better lunar access system than anything the moon guys ever thought up for their own aims of lunar development. Shown up big time. As opposed to all the bullshit of a certain segment of the moon movement for whom the road to mars MUST pass through lunar isru development, through some SLS based path that reminds them of their Saturn 5 obsessed lore, to rationalize lunar development and their pet rocket approach and lord it over the mars interested community that they hate.

>> No.11010683

/vg/ doesn't have archives and if I fired up KSP right now I'd end up playing all night

>> No.11010685

Lunar South Pole: Shelby Memorial Depot
Lunar North Pole: Proxmire Memorial Station

>Proxmire was head of the campaign to cancel the American supersonic transport and particularly opposed to space exploration, ultimately eliminating spending on said research from NASA's budget. In response to a segment about space colonies run by the CBS program 60 Minutes, Proxmire stated that; "it's the best argument yet for chopping NASA's funding to the bone .... I say not a penny for this nutty fantasy".

>> No.11010686


Jim is trying to rig SLS perseverance and locking it in, on a moon focused path. He is not some secret good guy who we cannot detect because he must do all the bad things but he must be really good underneath secretly and without evidence, just our external conviction that that must be the case.

>> No.11010690

it was in equatorial LKO

>> No.11010691
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Starship is 150 feet tall and seriously overweight, barely any payload - 20 tons?

SuperHeavy is 250 feet tall and if it's overbuilt to the same degree as starship, I don't think it will be able to reach orbit.
It's going to have almost 2x the excess reinforcement weight as Starship based on height, and we all know that 2x is 20x with the rocket equation

>> No.11010695


This is bridenstine: maybe spacex can take over, ten fifteen twenty forty seventy years from now, hypothetically, at some hypothetical time I'm not involved, and also any real tangible effect I have in my timeframe under my tenure is to advance SLS as much as I can and only that.

>> No.11010703

that's right anon, they're building a rocket despite not calculating whether it'll be able to reach orbit

>> No.11010704

Apply for job at SpaceX. Tell them they're wrong and don't know how to build rockets.

>> No.11010705

>not doing at least 17 studies on if the rocket can reach orbit
>not doing the 100 meetings monthly on the merits of the rocket
bruh, do you even know how to oldspace?

>> No.11010710

Don't worry, I just applied and I'm going to teach them how to make good rockets

>> No.11010715

>gets rejected
>becomes anti spaceX as cope

>> No.11010717


>> No.11010724

Appearances are slightly deceiving, remember that Starship in it's crewed configuration will have eight times the habitable volume (1000m^3 compared to +-125m^3) of LOPG, and nearly 7km/s of dV, more than double the 2.8km/s budget of the Apollo vehicle. On top of this mass will probably be trimmed a bit as better iterations are built, and hypothetically (and this applies to all spacecraft of the near future) the use of newer alloys and better made carbon composites can make significant improvements to dry mass reduction without compromising structural durability. When a crewed Starship is docked with LOPG, it's like having eight LOPGs put together.

>> No.11010735

And I really hope that SpaceX can pull even half of that off so spaceflight can be free from the "well space is really hard so we can't really do much anyways" mindset.

>> No.11010743

Remember that this is the first prototype Starship, not the first operational one. Even if it was lighter, I don't think it has (or can be upgraded to add) the tooling to keep it in orbit and bring it back, let alone perform a mission. Musk saying that the weight will come down in future iterations is a little sketchy, but they're counting on that, so they'll do their best to pull it off.

>> No.11010746

I fully believe that it can be upgraded to be recovered from orbit
they might need some solar panels or something

>> No.11010763

I don't see how saying that the weight can be cut is sketchy, it takes extra time to figure out all the things you can strip off of a design to reduce it's weight without compromising it. On top of that the Starship upper stage isn't mean to reach orbit on it's own anyways so I don't see how that's an issue with this prototype since even the final production model will never fly into LEO on it's own either.

>> No.11010768

you can turn crickets and oxygen into delicious chicken and co2 with one weird machine called "a chicken"

>> No.11010777

>the use of newer alloys and better made carbon composites can make significant improvements to dry mass reduction without compromising structural durability
Or maybe machine an isogrid into the tank walls like the SLS. I mean, if the Starship can be reliably recovered and reused, then that opens up more expensive but better manufacturing methods.

>> No.11010784

I wonder, could an isogrid be forged separately then the outer skin attached to it to form the final structural unit?

>> No.11010787

you mean weekly

>> No.11010788

>and Elon's is just casually building superheavy lift vehicles instead of finishing CC
>instead of
What about Starship is getting in the way of CC (Dragon 2)? They don't compete for any resources that I know of.

>do you know how much fucking money 7 consecutive SLS flights will cost
Do you know how many fucking years 7 consecutive SLS flights will take? (not counting the time before the first one)
The real reason CC is late is that Congress kept low-balling its budget. Why should Boeing get paid for lack of progress, but SpaceX is expected to develop a manned spaceflight system for NASA, on its own dime, to be paid back later, eventually, we promise?

>> No.11010794

>What about Starship is getting in the way of CC (Dragon 2)? They don't compete for any resources that I know of.
Supposedly there's a bunch of SpaceX employees assigned to both projects but I don't think there's hard proof that CC is slowed by that.

>> No.11010795
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>> No.11010798

>100 meetings weekly
Assuming 40 hour work days, that comes out to 2.5 meetings per hour or 24 minute long meetings back-to-back from Monday to Friday.

>Why should Boeing get paid for lack of progress, but SpaceX is expected to develop a manned spaceflight system for NASA, on its own dime, to be paid back later, eventually, we promise?
Because Boeing is a "trusted" contractor who is completely 100% reliable, while SpaceX is the new kid on the block who's "unreliable" and "problematic".

>> No.11010800

i am elon

>> No.11010801

That's how ULA does it: make big flat isogrid slabs, then cold-shape them into curved segments.

>> No.11010803

Is there a video of this? That sounds pretty cool desu.

>> No.11010806

yes, as a person employed in a nominally oldspace company, this is in fact accurate

>> No.11010807


>> No.11010817



>> No.11010827
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>> No.11010831

that wouldn't be very efficient. Sure you could do it, but you won't necessarily be able to feed everyone chicken.

>> No.11010836

>imagine oldspace trying to develop a chicken

>> No.11010852
File: 465 KB, 437x721, megu_delta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be more spaceflight waifus.

>> No.11010895

I'd rather eat chicken twice a week then crickets daily.

>> No.11010903

It depends on what dish involving chicken you're trying to make. A chicken breast or a plate of wings isn't viable, but soups, stews, and grain-heavy dishes (chicken fried rice) would be.

>> No.11010905

I'd rather murder 1000s of vegans to make up for the CO2 caused by me eating pork 4 times a week.

>> No.11010909

>it's an anon gets whiny and preachy about vegans (when he just means vegetarians) episode

>> No.11010910

I'd rather eat a vegan than a cricket.

>> No.11010912

Do we know what time tomorrow the speech is?

>> No.11010914

vegans are even worse

>> No.11010915

Well that's logical it would be a healthier choice. Bugs are bad for you

>> No.11010916

Rumor had it at about 7PM Central time, but knowing Elon these things tend to start a little late.

>> No.11010920

Imagine how terrifying this thing will look when falling through the sky.

>> No.11010923

hey anon that's great and all, but because you've yet to provide any actual numbers on resources necessary I'm completely ignoring everything you just said.

>> No.11010930

Unfortunately space autists and drawfags are a very rare overlap

>> No.11010933

Imagine how terrifying this thing will look falling from the sky in a Space Force livery, blasting some god foresaken patch of desert near Tehran, and disembarking a company of Space Marines. Point to point, if it's as cheap as an airliner like promised, will be the new form of paradrop.

>> No.11010941


>> No.11010942

is that all you have to say? You're just going to call the paper gay rather than attempting to refute it. It is not that surprising that it's going to be difficult to produce food on Mars and we have to resort to literally every option in order to feed people.

>> No.11010944

>The most unique aspect of [the combustion tap-off cycle] is that it allows for the engine
to go into “idle mode” with a much lower thrust than maximum. The wide range of thrust options
allows for this cycle to be throttled, which is very appealing for rockets designed to carry people.
Could this cycle make a comeback in the era of reusable rockets? The low thrust of the idle mode can allow for smoother landing with fewer engines and thus make smaller landing rockets possible. Sure, Blue Origin abandoned it for their BE-3U, but that doesn't mean that it can be used again.

>> No.11010948
File: 2.74 MB, 670x360, Deploy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11010951

Good Lord. My dick.

>> No.11010955

It will look like a giant fireball as a single bullet from mohammed pierces it.

>> No.11010956

The paper assumes that pressurised space is inordinately hard to make which is simply not the case with a tunnel boring machine.

>> No.11010958

More likely is Starship will be used to rapidly stage troops at a forward operating base. Instead of taking days or weeks to get troops and materiel in position, now it would happen in the space of a single day or less.

>> No.11010962

After touching down at SpaceX's permanent private moon base with 100+ people and extensive Starship construction facilities Bridenstine will proudly announce that NASA has singlehandedly returned humans to the moon. Their shitty lockmeme lander will break down and have to be towed off the landing pad, the crew will be returned to Earth by a crew Starship.

>> No.11010964

>dozens of Starships simultaneously performing suicide-burn landings in/around your nation's capital without a moment's notice
The future's looking bright.

>> No.11010965

did you even fucking read the study anon?
>> If all food was produced in 12-ft diameter tunnels with a flat floor at ¼ of the tunnel height, then ∼14,500km of tunnel segments (which can be stacked vertically) would need to be operational by the end of the 53rd Mars year.

>> No.11010977

Thousands of people don't die on commercial jetliners every year. It's a few hundred at most in normal years.

>> No.11010987

>Hitting an object incoming on a ballistic trajectory
>Steel being pierced by a puny bullet
Try again, Rashid.

Megakeks. It'll be like that scene at the end of Dragonslayer where the king walks up to the blasted-out dragon and takes credit for it.

>> No.11010993

Yes, they are not utilising the space correctly. A flat floor growing food with another 3 metres left in height? Give me a fucking break, commercial indoor grow operations have rows that are half a metre or less in height. So even taking away some diameter for the circular shape you could easily fit at least three or four layers so you can slash that number fucking substantially, and you have a fucking century to do it lmao, in a decade or two you could have literally dozens of tunneling machines running 24/7. That paper also ignores a whole shitload of surface growing methods in bags/tubes which you can fit a metric shittonne in a starship and would require zero energy input and could even act as a waste heat dump for the colony. Shit paper, I'll wait for the presentations at the Mars society by people who have actually thought this through.

>> No.11010997

>Ballistic trajectory

They are shooting it as it lands you brainlet, I could hit a Falcon 9 during its landing burn near the pad from a fucking mile away and I'm an amateur.

>Piercing steel with bullets is impossible

Lul ok

>> No.11010999

don't forget the sonic booms

>> No.11011000

Starship's downmass isn't trivial, probably enough for self sealing tanks and some windward kevlar, in addition to your troops. A Superheavy loft could increase this dramatically. Armored. Dropships.

>> No.11011003

>not melting the bullet in the hot exhaust
Seriously though, at a mile or more it's going to have lost a lot of velocity. And you're making a naive assumption that there will only be one version ever, without any changes to make it more robust.

>> No.11011006

My soda can is more aesthetic than this shit.

>> No.11011009

>surface growing methods in bags/tubes
because they need to be PRESSURIZED anon. And when you add enough material so that they stay pressurized the light transmissibility decreases to the point where it's difficult to grow staple crops at all. Oh yeah and this paper is an improvement, because it shows that martian colonists wouldn't actually need to be vegan as Musk previously believed:

>> No.11011016

You faggots can't even keep mud huts dwellers from blowing up your zogbot tanks and helicopters and think that a fucking rocket won't get btfo by based Iranians with half a century of stockpiled proper weapons, not some 70s leftover Soviet junk. Iran will make Vietnam look like a fucking child's playground and will break your shithole country.

>> No.11011019

No retard, it's a thousand times easier to contain liquids than 1atm gasses.

>> No.11011022

lol I triggered either an iranian or vatnik

>> No.11011024

Enjoy being drafted to die for Israel.

>> No.11011029

Don't bother, he's a navy seal with over 100 confirmed kills.

>> No.11011030

he means growing plants in water

enjoy getting crisped by starship exhaust while flailing your AKs for allah

>> No.11011032

Zogbot consumer slave detected

>> No.11011033

checked and binary-pilled

>> No.11011034

What I was going for was more "suddenly transport two divisions of marines and all of their equipment in one afternoon to a secure staging area"

>> No.11011040

>self sealing tanks
how do you make a self sealing tank for pressurized gas?

>> No.11011042

However, you could have specialized Starships that perform orbital deployments of land and air assets, rapidly ejecting their payload (orbital drop marines, aerial drones not dissimilar to the concepts for submarine-deployed aircraft, etc) at extreme altitudes while the Starship continues on a different trajectory.

>> No.11011044

so you want to grow plants in water, great. Now how do you keep said plants supplied with CO2? Also if you can't provide any actual numbers on this concept, you're just writing fan fiction.

>> No.11011046

That's actually a really interesting problem with some cool solutions

>> No.11011048

Same way one can make self sealing tanks for non-pressurized fluids, have two tank walls that sandwich a material that expands when exposed to the fluid thus sealing any sufficiently small holes.

>> No.11011049

It's a cryogenic liquid, you mong.

>> No.11011056

You can buy CO2 water enrichment systems at your local aquarium shop. You can do this yourself at home with a sealed bucket and some duckweed. Nutrients can either be supplied to the plants or you could go the natural way, fish.

>> No.11011058

Compressors are going to be there to supply the fuel plant and provide water without the use of heavy equipment. As for how much CO2 will be available, that depends on how much CO2 you get when water needs are supplied (it's going to be much greater than the amount of water compressed and condensed).

>> No.11011060

You are growing algae, not plants you dumb fuck. You can pick up CO2 infusers from any fucking pet store. There are threads on NSF that deep dive into this much better than that shitpile of a paper designed to FUD Mars.

>> No.11011063

Could SpaceX make partial sized Superheavies by removing some tank rings? Or extend it as needed.

>> No.11011066

For what purpose?

>> No.11011069

Point to point
Self explanatory? As long as the simulations say it's okay, they can add length without disrupting production lines.

>> No.11011079

>Also if you can't provide any actual numbers on this concept, you're just writing fan fiction.
pls spend several days researching before responding to my posts thanks.
I swear you're actually the author and are butthurt that we're not sucking dick.

>> No.11011086

It's already the size it need to be for point to point, it needs to make orbit so it needs the full size booster. As far as making it longer, I don't think it would be a good idea, it's already got a pretty long fineness ratio. If they want to make a bigger rocket they will just make it fatter like Elon suggested.

>> No.11011087

mars atmosphere is CO2. just need to pressurize it.

>> No.11011103

With superheavy can starship do 2 E2E in a row? Having insertion and extraction potential for anywhere on earth at the drop of a hat would be pretty mental.

>> No.11011129
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>> No.11011134

SS is freestanding

>> No.11011136
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>> No.11011139

>Elon no longer follows Jim on twatter

>> No.11011144
File: 26 KB, 534x574, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious scrap metal flying shitheap.

>> No.11011147

oh great, so that means that the bags you hold it in will have to hold that pressure?

>> No.11011149

>who do you think owns the press?
The Sumerians?

>> No.11011153


>> No.11011176

It's a liquid not a gas you dickhead so it needs to contain far, far less pressure.

>> No.11011180
File: 443 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190928-010619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you see it

>> No.11011184

Well, we already have a spaceflight boomie >>11009873, so what about a zoomie for spaceflight too?

>> No.11011187
File: 327 KB, 1536x2048, EFhZkieXYAA-H4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Foust is on site for tomorrow, along with Chris G and half of the other space reporting people

>> No.11011188

>a mere upper stage

>> No.11011196
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x720, 1569646365785.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the speed of this metal fabrication - beautiful!
Surely these talented metalworkers would make GREAT SpaceX employees!

>> No.11011198

Once rival companies begin establishing their own Martian colonies, Muskville01 will need a big beautiful wall.

>> No.11011200

Absolute unit

>> No.11011207


Mk2 moves to 39A late next month

>> No.11011212

I'm willing to take SpaceX's thoughts over yours based on their track record of putting lots of things in space and even bringing some of them back, versus your track record of putting zero things in space.

>> No.11011213
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God she's pretty.

>> No.11011220
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>it's got plently fineness ratio

>> No.11011224

Quite so. Seriously sandy vaginas over at NASA. It was funny to see mods on the LabPadre chat saying no anti-NASA comments, it must be a problem

>> No.11011233

>No anti NASA comments

You know that mod follows some I fucking love science page of Facebook.

>> No.11011234

but you need to dissolve gas in the liquid to grow your algae... And at low pressures it will come out of solution... Why don't you got put a can o' soda in your vacuum chamber?

>> No.11011236

... presentation inside the base of the rocket? Is that what I'm seeing with those weird doors?

>> No.11011238



>> No.11011239

those are the leg protective warts. The presentation is in the sprung structure; they were installing lights and stuff earlier

>> No.11011266


>> No.11011270

Well I wouldn't be so sure. All the same fuck going to space. I want everyone else to go. I'll watch from the ground.

You'd have to be a lunatic to want to go up there, it's completely inhospitable to life. And not like the Middle-East is inhospitable to life.

>> No.11011273

We don't want you anyway pussy, tell your Reddit faggot friends we will toss them out the airlock.

>> No.11011276

You need an economy of scale, and in particular infrastructure in orbit, to bring a launch to orbit that low. Launching into orbit, there has to be a reason to go, to attract enough capital that is becomes affordable. Right now there's no reason for anyone with money to go, except bragging rights.

>> No.11011279

>4channer acting tough on 4chan
peak levels of sad! here

>> No.11011280

Upboated! Epic post friend!

>> No.11011285

From a practical point of view starship can’t go below like 5 mil a launch

>> No.11011287

Theres no way thats nigger than the Atlas V

>> No.11011291

Your spellcheck is racist, good job.

It's only the final stage, the actual crewed ship minus the booster.

>> No.11011292

That's still only 50k a person. It will be a lot lower if they are launching the human sardine version. Elon says 1000 people in a starship to leo, at 80kg or so per person that's 80 tonnes which seems reasonable. At that amount of people a ticket is a mere 5k.

>> No.11011297

You can't cram 1000 people into that thing.

You can cram about 100 people. I'll be interested to see how long it takes before we get legit basket cases making it to orbit only to have a meltdown stuffed into a can with 99 other people.

>> No.11011300

Just my huge body weighs 80 kg, anon

>> No.11011301

An aeroplane has like 500 fucking people after most of its volume is used for baggage and starship has more volume you retard.

>> No.11011307

It's got more volume than most commercial jets which stack hundreds of people along with a huge cargo compartment

>> No.11011308

Yikes. Thanks for the clarification. I'll make sure my spellcheck goes through the proper sensitivity training.

>> No.11011316

That's part of why they're talking with the Air Force and working on earth-to-earth. If flight costs are as competitive as they say, then the US Military will find plenty of use even for a "rush delivery" cargo vehicle.

>> No.11011335

He will when Starlink fully operate.

>> No.11011336

>launching a starship to ISS
>not launching a Starship as an ISS replacement

>> No.11011344

He mad as fuck. Fucking Asshole, show your expendable

>> No.11011364

You mean senate lunch system

>> No.11011369

PS - if you want to get rich, open a catering company in DC and get on your local representative's good side.
>catered cold sandwich, bottled water, and bag of chips = $20/head for every congressional hearing

>> No.11011373


>> No.11011378

Eminent domain those fucking boomers and shove the bloodsucking parasite lawyer into an oven.

>> No.11011387
File: 201 KB, 1080x1576, 1553595767986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope all of the inhabitants who refuse to sell get kicked of their house and get nothing. Dare you to hinder glorious spaceage to start!

pic unrelated

>> No.11011388

expendable launch platform is the new hot thing for nasa

>> No.11011390

so I went back and reread Jim's tweet, and I've got to say: Shelby wrote that tweet, holy shit, so fucking salty
I didn't realize that he was specifically singling out Commercial Crew instead of just all the contractors at NASA

>> No.11011392

guys what if we could make the crawler expendable

>> No.11011395

Oh, Shelby loathes commercial crew, he has for years.

>> No.11011396

Yeah but then he retweeted Berger’s excuse so it’s all good :^)

>> No.11011398

artificial wombs when?

it is the missing piece

>> No.11011401

>Lazy fucks will always exist. Including on Mars (after the initial setup phase). Unionized workers will exist. Organized crime will eventually exist.

Not at the same rate as down on Earth due to founder effect. Space colonies will be founded by the very best of humanity.

>> No.11011403

And the rate/variety of possible accidents will make it possible for someone to arrange an 'accident' without it going noticed.

>> No.11011405
File: 133 KB, 1280x1100, 8znavczdt6p31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a special presentation thread in the evening ?

>> No.11011406

I mean, there will be SLS fans and such cringe stuff here in the /sfg/. I don´t want this subhumans in my presentation thread.

>> No.11011409
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>> No.11011412

An air plane doesn‘t stay in the air for months without landing, idiot.

>> No.11011417

Yes, I was going to make one about an hour before the event.
Also, I’ll probably add a short guide to viewing the Starlink trains to the next F9 Starlink launches. Interpreting TLE’s and such.

t. Your neighborhood SpaceX launch thread anon

>> No.11011419

Emperor Elon, destroyer of shelby, shame of bridenstein and king of arcadia bless you

>> No.11011421

Starlink is about to get really awesome. If SpaceX can actually keep pace with their plans for next year (around 24 launches), then for at least 20% of the nights next year at least one train will be visible.
Once all of those are up, dawn and dusk sightings of the network should start to be common in summer months.

>> No.11011427

Assuming the trains will be visible. SpaceX has made reflectivity changes to the design, and they might disperse and orient the sats earlier after deployment going forward / raise the orbits sooner. The main reason you could see them was due to the lower orbit, tumbling, and SV panels not being slaved to the sun yet

>> No.11011430
File: 110 KB, 997x741, EFhakvuUUAEqarZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday is LEG day.

>> No.11011433

how the fuck are they going to keep those nubs from disintegrating in the stagnation plasma on the windward side?

>> No.11011439

What you are looking at is the leeward side. maybe the hull gets reinforced on the other side. And in the end its stainless steel. so they are protected anyways. most pressure will occur at the edges of the canards and the fins, heat also.

>> No.11011446

The thermal protection tiles aren't installed yet either. Stainless steel can probably handle most of it. If not, there's always the hexagonal tiles.

>> No.11011454

maybe they have smoother nubs on the windward side, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies

>> No.11011479

instead of gliding why don't we just add parachutes to the plane

>> No.11011488
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>wing explodes

>> No.11011490

lamo NASA's shitty rocket is going to be barely-functional and 15 years late and will get a single 5 billion dollar flight that does fuck all

>> No.11011539

Nor does a ride to LEO you imbecile.

>> No.11011545

This piece of shit makes me smile everytime I look at it.

>> No.11011550

The piece of shit is gonna shit on all the "Tesla man bad." They're just move the goal post again lol. The whole NASA tweet calling out SpaecX is like birthday present to "Tesla man bad" forums on reddit. Its hilarious.

>> No.11011553

Starship could land 100 people on Mars and they will continue to move goalposts

>> No.11011564
File: 1.49 MB, 3840x2560, SpaceX-Emergency-Egress_Side[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NASA, SpaceX Test Pad Emergency Egress System

>> No.11011565
File: 802 KB, 5371x3069, Starship Mk1 Boca Chica 092719 (Teslarati - Eric Ralph) 1 (c).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011567

That place gives me fucking aneurysms, check out this gem from there

> Literally anyone can do this. It's called the "free market." The rocket technology already exists, all you have to do is buy it and deploy it. I'm not claiming that's what SpaceX is doing, I know they're developing their own shit, I'm just making a point. Most of what they've done isn't particularly novel in any meaningfully drastic or paradigm shifting way. This kind of rocketry was cutting edge... half a century ago. You give me a pile of cash and I'll buy the same shit from the Russians for probably half the price or less. What's "impossible" about that?

>> No.11011574
File: 253 KB, 1800x1057, index[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

likely cutaway render of the prototype

>> No.11011577

Looks a little short to me, I remember the payload bay being quite a bit bigger in the last presentation although maybe that's changed.

>> No.11011578

mk1 has a short payload bay

>> No.11011582

>I know they‘re devloping their own stuff
>but if they didn‘t, you could just buy the stuff they‘d be buying from the place they would be buying from
Talk about missing the point.
SpaceX is cheap and efficient precisely because they do almost everything themselves.

>> No.11011583

>likely cutaway render of the prototype
Its fan-made.

>> No.11011586

So will Elon be announcing what they'll ACTUALLY be building tonight? We've had too many meme versions and changes.

>> No.11011590

That‘s the whole point of the presentation.

>> No.11011591

no he's just going to present the latest meme version (mk 3), say they're building a different meme version in Florida (mk 2), and then show the design they're aiming for (mk 4/5)

>> No.11011595

Why does it look so fucking shitty? It's like a garden shed. Will the final versions be a bit more aesthetic?

>> No.11011596

What he announces is going to be pretty close to the final version yeah.

>> No.11011603

no, although they will have shuttle-esque black tiles, the slightly scuffed stainless look is staying

>> No.11011604

But Elon promised they'd look like smooth space dildos

>> No.11011614

They probably will in space. The space shuttle looks pretty scuff in HD as well. To be fair the Falcons looks fucking great.

>> No.11011616

I miss that white and black aesthetic

>> No.11011623
File: 6 KB, 299x168, 2032FC64-C92C-48FC-B6E7-9BD26A138EED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea the real groundbreakers are silver.

>> No.11011629

yeah, up close the Shuttles are scuff as hell, and Starship is going to look better than they did
the thermal blankets are incredibly ugly

>> No.11011642

How many hours till the presentation?

>> No.11011645


>> No.11011646

13 right?

>> No.11011653

It's 0525 CDT right now, so like 13 and a half, but that's if they start on-time.

>> No.11011660


>> No.11011669

Looks like we euros will have to stay up again to see the livestream.

>> No.11011673

it's going to be at uhhh
1 am GMT?

>> No.11011678

Fug dat, I'll watch it in the morning

>> No.11011704
File: 493 KB, 1536x2048, EFiHhfOXUAAy7s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my new dildo uwu

>> No.11011708

look at his fat face
look at his chubby cheeks

>> No.11011711


>> No.11011734

>Muh neighbourhood
This is retarded, they are being offered way more than they would ever get for these houses, if they don't want to sell than they'll have to put up with all the building and testing there, if they were so concerned with SpaceX there than they should have acted before it started building anything there

>> No.11011746

He's standing there like he actually did something meaningful. Top kek what a basedboy

>> No.11011747

They’re just holding out for more money. It is a shame for them though especially feel for the ones who have been loving all the Spacex stuff.

>> No.11011749

Boomers OUT
Space age IN

simple as

>> No.11011763

>bump limit
>page 4

>> No.11011772

>Mk2 moves to 39A late next month
Mk2 is going to be tested at 39A? That's bold. If something goes wrong...

>> No.11011789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11011795

not science or math

>> No.11011800

fuck off, newfag

>> No.11011804

Fuck you too

>> No.11011823
File: 61 KB, 444x592, 1569073444845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't be assed to keep threads going
>still complains

>> No.11011831

thread is fine, dumbass, this isn't /b/ or /v/ or whatever shithole you crawled out of, this thread will be up for another day or so

>> No.11011841
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x720, 13a62d9f86b4f9779a3bbd1d87558cc5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see the BIG

>> No.11011873

I really love how this beast sucks the initial flame back in before liftoff

>> No.11011874

Not all heroes wear a cape !!!

>> No.11011892

yeah it's good

>> No.11011920



livestream link

>> No.11011927

I would just use the money to build a house some miles out lol

>> No.11011933

the offers aren't large enough for that

>> No.11011963
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>> No.11011974

The cage-style stage connectors that Russia uses are /aesthetic/
Can't imagine they help the aerodynamics vs a closed design but they look amazing.

>> No.11012012

>its real

>> No.11012041
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1546301882822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nearly every last person in this thread a genuinely retarded idiot?
Serious question.

>> No.11012045


>> No.11012047

Reminder that there are "people" ITT who think building a wall is morally wrong.

>> No.11012050

Eminent domain can only be used by a public agency acting as a representative for the general public. I don't think even NASA can do it. SpaceX will resort to bribing these people like the slimy jews that they are.

>> No.11012055
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Have you looked at the catalog for /sci/?

>> No.11012058

It's funnier because the rest of Berger's tweets are him attacking Artemis as usual, yet Jim retweets that one cherrypicked tweet.

>> No.11012061
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>> No.11012062

If they don't like it, maybe they should offer to buy spacex's land for 3x the price.

>> No.11012072

that picture always reminds me of this


>> No.11012073
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I do support the underhanded methods SpaceX uses to acquire people's houses against their will. How could you tell?

>> No.11012077

Wait that is not a requirement to post here ?

>> No.11012079

god I wish I could lick elon musk's boots

>> No.11012088

I'm sure he'd let you suck his cock if you asked him.

>> No.11012114
File: 84 KB, 1000x1000, 66485264ebfe497017eb47db33ee294d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born that way, what's your excuse

>> No.11012128

Thunderf00t STILL ass blasted

>> No.11012151

Learn how to reply properly before posting here again.

>> No.11012159
File: 1.23 MB, 1092x737, 1552731402898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vindication of Bono awaits.

>> No.11012165

How are those cars and jets working in a place with no oxygen in the atmosphere?

>> No.11012168
File: 289 KB, 1125x1970, B831F7BB-276B-43FC-BF17-5464EC3A8991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snippity sneb

>> No.11012173
File: 50 KB, 554x555, obtfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what probably happened seconds after that photo was taken. Gotta have some crab legs for dinner while watching the show.

>> No.11012174

anon, that's Iraq during a sandstorm
you can tell because the sky is red

>> No.11012177

Why dont the US hire them for building the wall? LMAO

>> No.11012178
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>> No.11012191
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>> No.11012197

this thread isn't science or math either

>> No.11012225
File: 218 KB, 1200x945, EFapNVWUwAEe28O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even a stable configuration?

>> No.11012229

those claws could rip a tank apart!

>> No.11012230

how is it not?

>> No.11012235

what do you mean?

>> No.11012238

how is it not?

>> No.11012242

what happens when one of the engines goes out?

>> No.11012244
File: 157 KB, 791x1023, 144F859E-CC2F-4630-877E-A92D22B6651C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

411 would like to know your location

>> No.11012245

It generally isn't, however modern avionics are really good at dealing with inherently unstable vehicles. Most modern fighter jets for example would be un-flyable without avionic software interpreted FBW systems. The same is probably true for self-landing rockets as well, and probably any modern rocket since most of the vehicle's weight is propellant it's center of mass is going to change significantly in flight.

>> No.11012250


>> No.11012253

the other two gimbal a little and the whole thing has a lean on the way down

>> No.11012254

Yep a straight line is better.

>> No.11012258

the remaining engines gimbal and it leans slightly to compensate

>> No.11012260

I think Starship Mk1 is only going to use one engine at a time during landing, and only using all three at once during takeoff. If an engine shuts down during take off then the control system can manage as long as there's a good thrust-to-weight ratio.

>> No.11012261

When you draw a line connecting those two engines, that line also goes through the COM of the vehicle. That is not the case with the pic shown above.

>> No.11012264
File: 634 KB, 876x425, billatthe90s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atlas V 411 "Drift King"

>> No.11012265

how is it better?
if by straight line you mean a single engine, what happens if that engine goes out?

>> No.11012268

I think he meant having three engines in a straight line.

>> No.11012274

what's a good nickname for this starship prototype?

>> No.11012275

garbage can

>> No.11012279
File: 11 KB, 472x466, 2000k hours in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red is engine fail
green working
yellow is engine turned off

>> No.11012280

couldn't the 2 engines gimbal away from each other and aim at the center of mass?

>> No.11012282

ahh that makes sense

>> No.11012283

no, because that would still introduce incorrectable turning moment

>> No.11012285

"Water towers can fly"

>> No.11012287
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, bender pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Shut Up Baby, I Know It", then she can land on "Of Course I Still Love You"

>> No.11012290

I really hate these "complete the pattern" quizzes that /sci/ seems to love so much.

>> No.11012292
File: 47 KB, 681x617, 1486853617089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only because you're too stupid to solve them.

>> No.11012301
File: 130 KB, 960x987, thomas-1332075133596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Little Water Tower That Could

>> No.11012309

I thought it was going to be Heart of Gold

>> No.11012316

>Heart of Gold
>Looks silvery

>> No.11012317
File: 39 KB, 1545x1871, 3000k hours in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is Mk2 enjoy

>> No.11012328
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>> No.11012329

That's a terrible drawing. You should be flogged from the top of BFR for your insolence. The audacity that you must have to draw such an awful misrepresentation of the facts is just astounding.

Why did you draw something that implies that Elon has such tiny balls? Those are way too tiny for him.

>> No.11012335

Thing is, it's absolutely *not* just a case of assembling enough people and resources with your big pile of cash and waiting to win. With a venture like SpaceX they live or die on their ability to attract the finest talent for certain key roles. Money will work to an extent but more important is creating an efficient structure for extremely talented engineers to do their best work. And that's Elon's greatest achievement to me, and why SpaceX's market value should be much higher than just IP + earnings of whatever. He's created an innovation hub for rocketry that's turning the industry upside down by attracting the best and unleashing their talent.

>> No.11012339

Sorry meant to say obvs I know you didn't write that, and the guy that did is a moron.

>> No.11012346

Daily off-topic reminder that Grimes/Azelia(sp)’s leaked texts to one another implied that Elon does, in fact, have a big dick

>> No.11012353

>Heart of Gold
>of Gold

what's to say it isn't as gold as Trump Tower inside?

>> No.11012355

What I don't get about these is that there are literally infinite rules that could be behind them, aren't there?

>> No.11012365

>not having a dick in your mind all time?
what are you, straight?

>> No.11012370

Winged Trash Can

>> No.11012371

I guess its 8 but you are right

>> No.11012372

Oh and answer is 5 right

>> No.11012378

I think middle row is product of top and bottom but two black lines cancel each other out

>> No.11012390

Fuck Shelby

>> No.11012392

When I said 8 I was going with every single row you get two same and one different.
The last row there can be 2 answers but you cant use single line so I guess its the square.

>> No.11012393

Only 6 hours to go anons! I'm getting a preemptive kip in since it's a late one for us UK folk

>> No.11012396

7 hours*

I read that the head of the UK Space organization is calling for a UK Space Force.

>> No.11012397
File: 1.89 MB, 1668x1080, reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Shelby
Oh god no. Not even the entire SLS budget would convince me to tap that.

>> No.11012400

Silver suppository?

>> No.11012406

>At 3 minutes 31 seconds into the ascent, one of the central engine's two high-pressure fuel turbopump turbine discharge temperature sensors failed. 2 minutes and 12 seconds later, the second sensor failed, causing the shutdown of the central engine. This was the only in-flight main-engine failure of the Shuttle program.

Shuttle could make orbit with engine-out.

>> No.11012412

dildus maximus

>> No.11012414

as much as I'm excited, I think I'll save the presentation for my Sunday morning entertainment

>> No.11012416

>Shuttle could make orbit with engine-out.
I'm honestly surprised given how poorly designed it was.

>> No.11012421
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>> No.11012443


>> No.11012446

Chrome Boy.

>> No.11012474

Heading to King Soop’s in a bit to get snacks. What are good space themed foods?

>> No.11012478

Milky way.

>> No.11012486

Cosmic brownies

>> No.11012546

>3 am
fuck burger time.

>> No.11012555

>why is an american company launching american rockets from america running on american hours? europoors are people too!
no ypu aren't

>> No.11012587

Well the fucker could have made it in the FUCKING MORNING !!!!!!11111

>> No.11012591

>not using Martian time

>> No.11012595

then I'd have to get up before noon and wouldn't have time for beer and target practice before the show

>> No.11012605

Mars has time zones too, we just don't bother with them yet because nobody lives there. When it's high noon in the Mariner Valley, it's midnight in the Hellas Planitia.

>> No.11012608

>elon is posting pics without attribution again
uh oh

>> No.11012610
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>> No.11012613
File: 680 KB, 1920x1080, llps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boca chica launch pad progress

>> No.11012616

Is it me, or does it look like it smoothed out alot?

>> No.11012619

it's just you

>> No.11012624

>TARS, set shitposting to 60%

>> No.11012625

it's just a image taken by the estronaut, don't worry

>> No.11012628
File: 7 KB, 173x292, tars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a big guy, Coop.

>> No.11012632

for you

>> No.11012638
File: 602 KB, 788x568, Megumin did 911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrome boy Barry

>> No.11012641

5 hours to presentation


>> No.11012655

it's a sunday tomorow, i'm staying up for this, watching elon stutter while trying to explain something is always a delight.

>> No.11012656

those rocket popsicles

>> No.11012664
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>> No.11012675

Never ending commercial crew delays are worse than Jim badmouthing SpaceX once, SpaceX and Boeing have until March 2020 to launch crew or the US loses access to the space station they pay 80% of the bill for.

>> No.11012684

I have a gf anon

>> No.11012697

Thats like the joke about the Swiss Navy. How tf are we going to do anything in space when we don't even have access to it?

>> No.11012700
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, docking01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cooper, what's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.11012706

If Boeing actually received the needed funding we would have had manned capability in 2017.

Instead republicans split the money and look what happened.

>> No.11012707
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, docking02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Docking this ship... with survivors

>> No.11012731

>my political enemies are responsible for all the bad

>> No.11012735

>"If Boeing actually received the needed funding we would have had manned capability in 2017."
>Meanwhile Boeing still got paid for SLS even though they didn't complete their milestones and the project is still years behind
More money != More work, especially with oldspace.

>> No.11012740
File: 3.06 MB, 3778x2512, DSC_3421 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new starship (or super heavy)? being built

>> No.11012744

Let's keep the speculation down. It could be beginnings a water tower.

>> No.11012749

Dubs of truth.
I agree, people must be delusional if they think this is the Starship being built. must be a water tower for the site's workers

>> No.11012763

That ring was there when they lifted the top of Mk1 on yesterday.

>> No.11012764

I understand why some people might think this is a water tower but first of all there's no need for water tower at that particular location so clearly something is iffy.

>> No.11012770

One of these days SpaceX will build an actual water tower, and all of your minds will be blown by it.

>> No.11012771

That's the sacrificial work strip from the fairing. They cut it off before lifting the structure off of the concrete jig base.

>> No.11012794
File: 946 KB, 611x820, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so fucking shitty god damn, look at the absolute state of those wings at the top

>> No.11012814

Look at the fairing over the lower wings, the top wings will look like that soon enough.

>> No.11012824
File: 2.25 MB, 955x1281, monster_starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11012858

Will it only have two wings?
How will it stand and land? It can't stand on the reactor bells right?

>> No.11012865

the wings at the top do look a bit KSP I must admit, but otherwise not a bad show. If it flies, it flies. Just imagine this big bastard sitting on top of super heavy.

>> No.11012868

See those bulges at the base of the rocket? There are (or will be) legs in there. Six total.

>> No.11012869

6 legs as confirmed in a recent Elon tweet. Two on windward side, two on leeward, one next to each of the two wings.

>> No.11012880

It´s impossible

>> No.11012895

Imagine actually choosing that life of chasing the algorithm and having to post the weekly upload to stay relevant in a place where hundreds of others are doing the exact same thing, always hiding from the PC police and their latest moral panic

Where did we go so wrong that we lost an entire generation to this nonsense

>> No.11012899

When NASA became politicized and lacked a goal/vision for the 40 years after the moon.

>> No.11012907

>see those bulges

>> No.11012917

*notices bulge* OwO what's this?

>> No.11012958

>Where did we go so wrong that we lost an entire generation to this nonsense
For spaceflight? Lots of complicated reasons, but the main thing is that spaceflight was never that popular with people and it needed something big behind it to get support (ex. getting to the moon before the reds). However once that was gone, support got dry and spaceflight instead focused on staying barely afloat instead of trying to get meaningful stuff done. This made spaceflight even less interesting to the public which made it incredibly easy for YouTube celebrities to capture the imaginations of kids instead of space.

>> No.11012988


>> No.11013012

>someone else made the presentation thread

anyways here's the thread, I guess

>> No.11013125

New /sfg/ thread:


>> No.11013140

thank you for waiting
you probably could have waited a few more hours