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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11008117 No.11008117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the scientific explanation for the existence of incels?

>> No.11008139

an entire generation of males fooled by video games and anime into believing females don't have their own personal sexual/romantic preferences

>> No.11008140

evolution by natural selection through random mutation is a cruel, harsh experimental mistress

>> No.11008143

Faggots in denial

>> No.11008144

The existence of 4chan

>> No.11008150

Finally. A hard-hitting scientific inquiry.

>> No.11008161

well it's probably not genetic. My father was an absolute chad. Or maybe it is, cause my older brother is one too, and my younger brother plays sports and has friends.
what the fuck.
I think the issue is that my mother isn't really a stacy. She used to study a lot, she had friends but prioritized education, she said how she had to learn to be social.
I doubt it's as bad as my autism, but living with that kind of autistic/incel personality is easier as a female.
I'm 6 foot and work out a lot, but I don't make eye contact and am extremely off putting. It's started for a while. I remember being really confident as a kid, not because I wasn't aware but because I didn't know what rejection, lonelyness, and incelness really were, it just didn't develop yet. I was really caution and quiet as a little, but other kids are just so playful, I love making people laugh so I did anything I could to make them laugh even if it made me look like an idiot. I remember not knowing how to express my feelings for a girl and I over heard that being a rude mother fucker showed people you liked them and girls liked it, I have always been an extremely literal guy, so I beat up a girl. I was seen as an autistic freak. My only friend was this bad mouthing kid with a shitty homelife, so other people's insecurities rubbed off onto me. I moved schools and had the feeling that "hey they don't look at me like im bad" but I was much more self conscious. I liked a girl and confided for advice, "just go for it". So I did, but I was totally rejected and laughed at, my soul was hurt so bad. I started being mean because I didn't trust people, I was violent and not willing to listen. I have usually tended to be the smartest kid but always hid my power level, just reading math textbooks as a form of escapism. I made friends with a new kid and a loner, we were tight. My mother worked all the time so I ate really poorly and gained weight, so I was always treated like a fat loser (I was)1

>> No.11008175

2. my confidence was completely fucknig rekt. Then my family got really poor because my mom had to change her job. So I had to live away from my mom. I got so fucking pissed and philosophical. I started reading schopenhauer, nietzsche, and camus. I never understood their vague optimism and still don't. I become a pissed off nihilist, ready to die. So I became the biggest clown I could be. I stopped eating and became pretty skinny. I made a few friends, but my real homie was this kid that lived next-door, he was a fucking bro. He was so fowl mouthed and real, I was impressed. I liked another girl but I had just assumed it was pointless that life was meaningless and there's no point in tryning just to face more failure. Thing was that she actually really liked me. It was weird, but I made things cold by being mean because I wanted to attack first. That was who I was, first to insult even when nothing was said. that was the beginning of my troll phase. I didn't give a fuck about school cause I knew I could just cruise with Cs and do nothing.
only class I got A in was math.
I just did origami all day in school. waiting to play minecraft with my bro or halo and skyrim at home
I jerked off so much it was sickening.
Then I went back to living with my mom, and honestly I wish she just fucking abandoned me forever I fucking hate her, I was happy never seeing her again.
But I went and she took us to live with our new random ass step dad that come from nowhere, but it was just something to live with. I started getting obsessed with math(more) and the internet. I went to 8th grade I believe, just one year of middle school, everyone had friends I had no one. I remember falling one day and just kind of laying there thinking for a while "why should I even get up" juts some big guy stood over me and said "hey, you should watch your step" and helped me up. I hung out with a few loser who forced themselves onto me but I didn't care for them. I was just passing time. 2

>> No.11008179

No exercise and poor selfcare/eating.

>> No.11008184
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>> No.11008186

Gymcels exist

>> No.11008195

3. that same guy that helped me up turned out to live close to me and we'd end up walking home a lot. he made me like music and shit. he was a cool dude but I was so distant from humanity I really didn't care about making a real connection. I remember getting pitied by my teacher and just given a free grade.
I remember just staring at my math teachers ass and not giving a shit about anything she said. I already knew the shit she was saying, the only thing interesting was her fat ass.
I remember she bent down to talk to a student and I was right behind her and her ass basically sucked in my head into it. She didn't even seem to fucking notice or care. ah the smell, the smell was so good.
I didn't care about girls at all, I just couldn't be fucked with. I was living in space.
High School came, I didn't care, I was just being dragged by the sands of time. That guy I walked with was there, a good friend. I didn't make any real friends. He was the only guy that even asked for my social media. I lied and told him I forgot my phone, truth was I didn't have social media. I downloaded snapchat that night and he was my only contact. then I made a few black friends because they thought I was mixed and one of them or some shit. I am but that doesn't matter. They were ok but I just wasn't into what they were. So we only hung out during lunch and shit. Then I got boring to them. I started to not eat lunch and just chill in the library. Not a single girl was on my mind, I could care less. BUT THEN...the worst day of my life. I was grouped with this smelly white thot. I wasn't violent throughout any of this time, I just didn't want the attention, I was just a serious troll on 4chins, started on /b/ and fucked around on kik. I was nude farming since 8th grade but my mom found my shit twice and wiped my stuff. I spent hours studying good algorithms to successfully acquire good ass nudes. Fuck I convinced this delusional black chick into being my online gf and she sent 3

>> No.11008208
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-me some videos of herself nude, and playing with her pussy. I was exhausted from porn and only got off to real women. I didn't transfer my technique or confidence to the real world because there are too many consequences, I wasn't used to it at all. anyways I'd convince these girls into sending me jerk off material, I'd just lie about my age and ask for tits, I had this weird fetish where I liked them to send voice messages of them telling me they love me and goodnight. I was pretty damaged and needed it. I had a noose in my closet just waiting for something to trigger me. Well I has stock pilled a ton of nudes after getting them erased. such good shit. Then my mom found it again, took my video games and I found my noose. fucking kunt.
so I just got corrupted by /b/, no delivery, rolling, trolling, shitting, frogging, farming, sharpie in pooper (fuck when I got delivery on that I felt blessed by god). So I was basically spilling with troll faggotry, this bitch must of liked plebbit or something cause she thought I was gold, my based 4chins content was basically like original shit, top quality and not censored. I mistakenly got some confidence and got her snap. I've never tested with a real girl before so I was always so nervous. I couldn't talk to my kid bros, whom I traded female nudes with, since it was deleted by my bitch mo and faggot computer science step fag. I fucked up hard, I got violent, I got expelled, I went total autismo and remained that way. I started to hate women and actively avoid them. I never talked in my new school, I never made friends not even acquaintances. My only friend, the bro I used to walk with, gone, became a druggie and I didn't want to hang with him. I became math, I breathed math, I went to college two years early and went to a state school with a huge head start. Now I'm here, and nothing is fix. I'm still prone to violent, but now I just hurt myself. I must scream, but I have no mouth.

>> No.11008213

First step is to look good, second step is to approach and socialize. You can skip first step, but it is not reconmended.

>> No.11008215

I skipped the second step, why isn't it working?
are there any guides that depict scenarios and what im supposed to say?

>> No.11008218

I see what the problem is...

>> No.11008225

Decreased socialization due to technology

Ineffective and absentee parents due to broken household and wage slaving

Cultural isolation and discrimination

Increased mobility and pools of communication leading to less desirable friends being selected out of the friend pool. Back in the day you were stuck with whoever was around.

Decreased sunlight, physical activity, and decrease in variety of nutrition created by overconsumption of processed goods and lack of variety in diet

And of course now the increase discrimination of certain groups which further isolates (the white guy, the nerd, the late bloomer, the virgin, the atheist)

>> No.11008233

Only females can give birth, so they naturally want the best men they can get. Which excludes a large proportion of sexually undesirable men.

>> No.11008248

Put down from Enviroment and not enough Testosterone to deal with shiet to grow,

If ya cant get something save face to your own self that you never wanted it anyway hello scapegoating

>> No.11008253

elucidate me, please...

>> No.11008268


>> No.11008286

>Women are outspoken, spoiled, hypocritical cunts (at least in the US)
Men realize they don't need to be slaves to women
Thots recoil in horror and blame men for not begging to fuck them because it threatens their livelihood; being a leech