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11005360 No.11005360 [Reply] [Original]

Why so many women study psychology?

>> No.11005363

>incels without any degree talking bullshit about psychology and women incoming
I don't know. But I loved every psychologist I had sex with.
t. Neurologist Ph.D.

>> No.11005392

>too retarded for engineering
>too retarded for anything but don't want a troll degree

>> No.11005395

how do I get a loving psychologist gf?

>> No.11005521
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>well od course I'm a psychologist. how could you tell?

>> No.11005666

First you have to go outside, find one and try to to approach her. Posting on 4chan surely doesn't help

>> No.11005699

>psychologist gf
I cannot imagine a worse hell than that.

>> No.11005726


>> No.11005729

>can't discern work from social interaction
virgin kek

>> No.11005842

At least be honest, 99% of relationships don't come from random people approaching other random people, but through common activities and friendships. If you are someone who generally doesn't fit in with people you are by definition already lacking those easy connections that come through other people. Instead if you are confined to approaching random people,--which no one else actually does nor has to--and at a serious disadvantage from everyone else by default.

>> No.11005848


i think most people simply take it for granted.

>> No.11005859

femme fatale training

>> No.11007855

ive actually fucked 2 memechology majors... trust me its a major that brainlets choose to avoid math and think it will make them look really smart. In reality, they have super high unemployment numbers next to criminal justice majors. But hey at least the thots that go into it are always dtf

>> No.11007869

psychologist aren't real doctors like psychiatrists, MD, etc. psychology is a meme.

>> No.11007890

because they're stupid, isn't it obvious?

>> No.11007893

>Psychologist gf
>rape her
>she wants to psychoanalyze why I did it
>>oh anon is it childhood trauma? Were you molest as a child? it's ok anon, you can use me all you want. It's therapeutic
>I want to rape her again
>she can obviously tell by my filthy lecherous face
>>a-anon you know we can talk about you feelings, we can do more than just sex.
all the fun is ruined.
I much more enjoy the new engie girls, they normally drop out or switch later.
>>well anon, I don't really know anyone, this is my first year. I'm having a bit of trouble of my Linear Algebra class, but I'm too nervous to ask the prof for help.
>no problem engie whore, I happen to have already done that and got a 4.0, it was almost as easy as you. I can always tutor you in private if you want. Ah, but I don't really have a place to study with you, too bad.
>>wait anon, we can study at my apartment, my roommate will be working late so it's ok
>while studying
>well engie slut, I've been tutoring you for a few now, where would you be without me?
>>you're a real life saver anon, I would probably fail without you.
>well what do I get in return for teaching a dumb engie slut like you? I mean I usually get paid for tutoring sessions? (I say in a cheeky manner to make it seem like a joke)
>>well it's a good things I have such a great friend like you anon! do you want a drink?
>>I have some cream soda, or...
>nah, I'd rather take a sip from that (point at her tits)
>>hahha anon, don't be such a weirdo (nervous)
>begin groping her, she'll struggle a bit, but she'll come to realize that she won't out strength a well conditioned 6 foot guy. But she'll try to hit you, it'll be like a fly "oh wow engie you like playing rough huh? I just wanted to get a good feel of your body, but I'll play with you" she'll probably try to yell for you to stop.

>> No.11007894

Self-Diagnosis compounded by an unwillingness to accept their pathologies are caused by gender.

>> No.11007900

>a well conditioned 6 foot guy.
immersion ruined

>> No.11007903

yeah, speak for yourself.
go on..

>> No.11007904

>That's when you pick her up like a hog and undress her. you then start degrading her: "oh god, you're kind of fat, but I spent all this time tutoring your retarded ass. Seeing how stupid you are makes me laugh, and worse part of it all is that without me to help you for the rest of the class, you'll probably fail". She'll probably get hysterical and cry. She'll be pretty passive after knowing you're stronger than her. She'll feel helpless and be forced to submit to your demands.
that's when you say "Whatever, I don't even want to fuck a fat whore like you anyways. I just wanted to show you that I was mad at you for wasting my time."
She won't talk back to you immediately, not until she realizes that you were right and she starts getting bad grades. The class is big so the prof gives no one much attention. You're the only person she really knows. She'll message you
>>anon, I'm really sorry I made you mad, but you're the only person I know. You're basically my only friend. I don't know why you got so mad, I still want to be friends
>don't reply, you need to make it look like you were sincere. after her grades get a bit worse she'll start getting really tense. she might try to message you again, but after a bit reply "why? you don't really seem like a good friend. you just want me to help you pass some stupid class. You're a pretty insincere bitch". At this point she's seen how smart you are, if another psychopath hasn't horned in on your territory to steal your easy prey yet, then immediately act. Tell her you'll come. Study with her. Wait until she gets back a good grade. Say this "you know engie, I might be having to limit our study time, sorry I know you have some important stuff coming up, but I'm helping this really cute girl with her calc classes. Were friends, we can talk about this right? well I really want to impress her, she's pretty smart and probably won't need much help but she says she wants to get ahead of the curve...

>> No.11007917

Most people studing psicology have issues

>> No.11007921
File: 188 KB, 750x1334, 33B89A05-2B56-4145-ACAC-93480E4F2BB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this post earlier.

>> No.11007923

Kek delete this

>> No.11007924

>(cont). I'll be helping her get ahead." she feels pretty insecure like leftovers, like total shit, and the worst part is that you're not even lying, you really are being a good guy to this cute girl because she is more attractive and smarter, you're actually treating her like a human being. The engie will be destroyed. freindzoned to oblivion. You've made her alone and insecure. She'll bother you to study, tell her you're busy that day. then agree next time. That's your moment. You've been working this girl for a while for a perfect rape. Comeover, ask about her. "how is it going anon? sorry I been ignoring you, I've been busy (don't specify why)"
>>it's good anon...
>don't let her talk it doesn't matter everything is in play. Touch her neck and grip her waist. She'll remember it and remember to be submissive. "I've been really pissed wasting my time with a retard like you and not getting anything out of it. I'll just take it" (some important test are coming up, she needs you) it's rape town from then on, she'll be crying and you'll be degrading her. It'll be perfect. treat her like an old flesh light.
you don't have to be that tall, just not smaller than her, but you do need to work out, it makes you approachable.
so yeah, psychology girls are shit. A sobbing pig to slam is the best. funniest part is that she's pretty cute, but not the prettiest. If she never ran into someone like me she would have probably had a great experience, she would have failed the class and learn engineering isn't for her, and switched majors.
sadly she's decayed and will be picked off by sicker bastards.

>> No.11007928
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absolutely based.
I don't get it though. Linear Algebra is so easy, why do people find it hard?

>> No.11007929

They are probably trying to self-diagnose their own craziness.

>> No.11007943

My sister wanted to study psicology "to help people" then she realized that ost of her classmates were fucking wakos...she quit and ended studing marketing, kek

>> No.11008060

Most psychology students I know used to have or still have mental problems themselves. I guess the driving force is wanting to fix issues or at least understand them. Make of that what you will.

>> No.11008061
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Just like pic related

>> No.11008066

Women are interested in feelings, hence psychology

>> No.11008075

women are often more interested in people as opposed to men who are often more interested in things

>> No.11008077

but people aren't interesting. there are things that are complex and unknown. how could that not tickle your fancy?
imagine...just ignoring all that. sad to cuck yourself out of such an epic journey.

>> No.11008165

Do you have aspergers?

>> No.11008211

why do you say that?
humans: me want money. me work as slave for big brother. me big cuck man can afford stupid shit.
not that interesting.

>> No.11008260

women can't conceive of abstract things like electricity so it's either bodies (nusing etc), bits of bodies (bio) or the mind-bits of bodies (psych)

>> No.11008278

the mind of an engineer. kek

>> No.11008464

pls never leave /sci, based rapist

>> No.11008525

a girl I went to high school with posts provocative pics of her in lingerie on instagram and has a bachelors in Physcology. She was also about to go for a PHD in physcology but I'm unsure if she is still in the PHD program. Basic physcology is useful but getting a 4 year degree in physcology is meme-land.

>> No.11009321

Being realistic here.
Psycholoshit is a meme degree so is a math degree from bumfuck nowhere school.
Unless if by the age of 23 you have created a new branch of maths or works like that poopoo guy did or like tht cuck frenchie boi who got killed in a duel.
Than maybe just MAYBE you cut it for math.
Otherwise you aint gonna make shekels like those engie chads or business chads.
Again psychology is a meme so is a math degree and anything with a ((bio))
is cancer meme tier.

>> No.11009991

Psychology is kinda like medicine light. It's not the kind of people that usually go into STEM, and although many may think it makes them look smart (and it probably does) I believe they choose it mainly because of the status, pay and the opportunity to work with people (although I think psychology attracts even more emotionally abusive people for many reasons, and dealing with abusive people in their practice may act as an catalyst for developing abusive traits as well). There's increasing demand for psychologist (and psychiatrists, but that's even closer to medicine, if not even less bs than general medicine) in the west. There's lots of jobs for them.

>> No.11010003

When I say
>the opportunity to work with people
I mean
the opportunity to work with cripples

>> No.11010004

It's probably the same /sci/cho

>> No.11010008

psychologists always, always, have weird issues and are high maintenance.

>> No.11010035

I dont recommend it. They almost are into some feminist bullshit like polyamory, cucking, or some other weird fetish.

>> No.11010300
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>> No.11010328

>doing biology degree
>cousin decides he wants to do STEM
>picks psychology
>now hes complaining he cant find a job
>still lectures me on how we're all the same and everybody just has a different experience

meme degree. it should be considered a social science. for his BS he literally just had to take 5 "science" courses with core psychology. at least with bio you are doing actual science like
>molecular mechanisms

>> No.11010450

>still lectures me on how we're all the same and everybody just has a different experience
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11010640

I don't know, but boy was I grateful every time I walked into a 200-seat class that was comprised of 80% single women who weren't hung up about sex for pleasure and 15% literal sperg manlets

>> No.11011088

you're no better than your cousin. Your degree is about the same

>> No.11011138

I guess I just don’t want a bitch that can beat me in an argument about myself I’m too fucking manly and based to have my personality deconstructed

>> No.11011269

I don't get the hate against Biology on /sci/, why do you guys hate it so much? It is due to woman and hippies and save muh world??

>> No.11011317

All the chads and stacies that major in it. Lack of advanced mathematics courses makes it inferior. Biochem is better.

>> No.11011356

If they had self respect they would ditch ((Bio)) and get into med.
A clear sign tht one cant med and cant cope hence fuck off to ((bio)).
Degenerates trying to pose as “le scientists”

>> No.11011370

but biochem is only two math courses more than biology, and they aren't even hard
>multivariable calculus
>linear algebra

>> No.11011410

I dont get it, why more math courses, you are studying BIO so more botanic and zoologic, the only math you need is for stadistics

>> No.11011413

Botany and zoology""""

>> No.11011776
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Because women often than men prefer to study "pseudoscience" like psychology and social science.

>> No.11011782
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Because men more often than women are studying "real science" I mean STEM.

>> No.11011791

I read that as ufology.

>> No.11012622


Sounds like OP touched a nerve. A lot of people go into social sciences because they have low IQ, anon. That's a fact.

>> No.11012634


Double digits IQs and shit work ethic, anon.

>> No.11012642

Can we have this exact graph but for incels? Then spam it on twitter, so women would pitty us?

>> No.11012674

women who graduate in STEM don't want to work in STEM...hmmmmmm women who get married to STEM men don't need to work at all because their husbands bake the bucks....HHMMMMMMM the area that holds most men in STEM is STEM HMMMMMMMMMMMMM if someone was in pursuit of a big buck autist they'd have to go to STEM HMMMMMMMMMMmmmMMMHMMMM
clearly the answer is sexism kill all men.
they go there, find their autist, are set. but 12% think "well I am smart enough to finish the degree might as well have bragging rights" 25% of those graduates actually wanted to work in STEM, or only 3% of those 100 bachelor students actually wanted to work stem.
hmm, women don't actually want to work. that sounds sexist as fuck.

>> No.11012681
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For what ?

>> No.11012690
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>> No.11012704

I can only name a few that are better than the average of the best men.
and it's not a very extensive list.
so I guess women are extreme in their extremes tending towards sucking ass.

>> No.11013374
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>> No.11013377

it says or worse you sensitive cunt

>> No.11013379

>from someone with autism too

>> No.11013398

>it either happens or doesn't that's 5050
oh yeah I forgot the above statement is false.
what does autism have to do with it not being a science?

>> No.11013424

Between History, philosophy and Psychology
how does /sci/ rank these majors?

>> No.11013432

1. real Philosophy
2. History
3. psychology

>> No.11013518

from your replies in this thread i feel you'd have a better idea about that than me

>> No.11013537

well I really don't. bitches be dumb I guess.

>> No.11013567

she was making a joke

>> No.11015647


>> No.11015891

>from someone with autism too
my fucking sides

>> No.11015945

I don't get it.

>> No.11016039

>First you have to go outside, find one and try to to approach her.
You literally have zero clue as to what actually the real world is like.

>> No.11016196

My LA class was proof heavy, and used a lot of mathematical formalism i was unfamiliar with. I didn't do well in it.
Took real analysis after, that would have been a far more gentle introduction to pure math concepts. I got A+ in that and complex analysis.

>> No.11016272

>from someone with autism too

>> No.11016286

why is that funny, they are both autists...haha?

>> No.11016294


>> No.11016300

>Why so many women study psychology?

because they like manipulating people.


>> No.11016348

Because they can't understand engineering