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11007690 No.11007690 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Saturn

>> No.11007692 [DELETED] 

If you are a leftist or believe in man made climate change kill yourself do us all a favor.

>> No.11007696
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>> No.11007699


>> No.11007737

Hey OP, maybe you could answer this for me.
Why is it that Saturns rings are not captured as still on camera?

>> No.11007740
File: 2.14 MB, 2772x7526, Red Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars is still my all time favorite

>> No.11007757
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not exactly sure what you mean by "as still"
mars is pretty cool, but titan is so much cooler. it's smaller than mars but has an atmosphere thicker than earth. at high noon it is as bright as twilight, imagine stepping out and seeing the lakes of methane under a dark orange sky

>> No.11007760

the moon

>> No.11007766 [DELETED] 

For me, it's Chainlink. The best cryptocurrency. I even buy extra in the smallest dip and the price increase just keeps on its spirit to oblige.

One time I bought Chainlink for 50 cents. I said, "Chainlink for 50 cents!" and the nice friendly Binance worker laughed and said, "Wow, Chainlink for 50 cents!".

Now the Binance staff greets me with "Chainlink for 50 cents" and ALWAYS give me three extra LINK over a purchase of 100 or more. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Binance currency exchange, I go there at least 3 times a week for buying the dips and accumilating in lower price periods, 1-2 times for buying more LINK on the weekend, and maybe one extra time when I'm in a rush but want a great cryptocurrency exchange that is fast, and can match my daily cryptocurrency needs.

I even sold my BTC for CHAINLINK, it's amazing! What a great cryptocurrency.

>> No.11007770

Well, Saturns rings are moving at some 10,000mph at different times, and are comprised of mostly solid rock and particles. Shouldn’t it appear as a moving cars wheels do when a photo is taken? Depending on the shutter speed of the camera I feel like it could be possible to see the rings as still. Either that or I’m forgetting an important variable or variables.

>> No.11007771

Fuck off roboshilligger

>> No.11007777

Earth, duh. But yeah - Saturn definitely gets the "cool" prize. But it's interesting to see Jupiter's moons do things in real time in the scope, too.

>> No.11007779


>> No.11007809
File: 122 KB, 450x449, neptune1.en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neptune. Look that kino blue. Its a shame that we dont have more images of it

>> No.11007829


My favorite planet's the sun. I like it cause it's like the king of planets

>> No.11008068

I like Jupiter because it's the biggest and most beautiful planet in our solar system!

>> No.11008086


>> No.11008338
File: 25 KB, 840x840, E9166F5A-6CFC-4330-B620-B7BFB6CBF6F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i see what you are saying. i think we would have to get very close or inside saturn's rings in order to see the various particles. most of them are only about the size of a snowball iirc, so from a camera that is hundreds of miles away we can't distinguish any of the particles. we can see the various guiding moons orbit inside the different rings, and we have also seen the possible creation of a new moon inside of saturn's rings (pic related)

>> No.11008426
File: 83 KB, 1023x870, 40766165905_725ca85cbd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, look at this beauty

>> No.11008431

Jupiter's magnetic field also!

thanks Jupiterbro <3

>> No.11008490

The one that's hiding behind the sun

>> No.11008949
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>no love for tsunderes here
for shame.

>> No.11008969
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Jupiter is pure kino

>> No.11008997
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Always will be one in my heart.

>> No.11010005

Why is Jupiter so active at the pole?

>> No.11010038
File: 99 KB, 528x399, magfield-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jupiter has two south poles causing a magnetic ring around the planet.. we should use Jupiter to build a giant tokamak reactor

>> No.11010062


>> No.11010072

For me, it’s Kepler-186f

>> No.11010166

they are still, dum dum

>> No.11010180
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>> No.11010186

Cuz its blue AND has a ring

>> No.11011070

i tip my fedora to you, sir
Based answers.

>> No.11012130

Neptune is based

>> No.11012310

The diamond planet

>> No.11012320

If you dont say earth you are a liar

>> No.11012325


>> No.11012332

Imagine the smell

>> No.11012409

gas planets, other than their moons, are objectively shit, with the exception of Mercury which just takes the piss for being the most boring planet

Earth > Mars > Venus > Pluto > Jupes > Saturn > Uranus > Neptune >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury

>> No.11012439

The first one outside the solar system that we will colonize one day in the far future.

>who am I kidding; we'll never even go back to the moon

>> No.11012889

i think mercury is really interesting, it's so close to the sun and has a nice tidal locking that really tricked people for a while

also takes a lot of fuel to get to, more than people first think based on simple distances

>> No.11015619
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What I don't get is why the rings are as thin as they are in comparison to their width: A scale model of them wide as a football field would be thin as a sheet of paper. Then there is the matter of how sharp the boundaries of areas swept clear by shepherd moons are, as in pic related. I looks as if some sort of weak electrostatic effect is giving the particles just enough adhesion to to prevent chaotic perturbatations & collisions from scattering them loosely as one would expect if gravity were the only force at play.

>> No.11015629

*It looks*
God I hate that kind of typo.

>> No.11015827
File: 2.00 MB, 500x387, 1534227667357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. its a monument to my home

>> No.11017655

get the F*CK out
Pluto is a Maenad, not a planet.

>> No.11017663

The fact that we don't have Uranus and Neptune orbiters of at least Cassini scale and scope is a crime and NASA should be slapped for it.

>> No.11017692
File: 30 KB, 1280x720, 1569784078613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus, because it's basically how earth will look like eventually.

>> No.11018034

Jupiter Optimus Maximus!

>> No.11018071

Based Saturnchad
Jupiter is my close second

>> No.11018079

She's got cellulite.

>> No.11018091


>> No.11018350

The Sun

>> No.11018353

>Neptune. Look that kino blue. Its a shame that we dont have more images of it
>Implying those colors are real.

>> No.11018604


>> No.11018852

Jewish shill

>> No.11018855

for me it is FUCKING EARTH, dipshits.

>> No.11018874

Which one is your second favorite?

>> No.11019382

Gliese 436 b

>> No.11019561

Jupiter for me. It has the galilean moons, really cool weather, comets have been seen to collide with it, it's possible that it helped the Rocky planets form, etc.