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11006390 No.11006390 [Reply] [Original]

>emotional intelligence
>creative intelligence
>verbal intelligence

These are all a cope for low IQ, right?

>> No.11006391

IQ is a cope for low IQ

>> No.11006403
File: 20 KB, 450x307, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah spatial intelligence is the best intelligence because it is the most important for scientists and engineers, which is why you can see the overrepresentation of males and even autistics going into stem fields it is because high spatial intelligence is required for many STEM fields unlike the normies in liberal arts or humanities.

>> No.11006409

No, those are all part of IQ. If your IQ is high then you are good at everything. Being "good" at one thing but bad at others simply mean that you have a low IQ.

>> No.11006413

look at the graph I posted notice that engineers have slightly less verbal intelligence than the humanities but because of the huge spatial and mathematical advantage engineers are the smartest overall, spatial intelligence is different than verbal and in autistics it is observed that there is often a low verbal intelligence and an average or even above average spatial intelligence

>> No.11006536

Verbal intelligence is part of IQ, as alongside spatial and logical. As evidenced by word problems and puzzles in IQ tests.

But yeah, Emotional and creative are just copes.

>> No.11006538

What does "M" stand for?

>> No.11006552

It can be but these concepts in themselves are not cope or indicative of low iq.

>> No.11006562

All of those are within the I of IQ, which at it's core is a measure of your brain's horsepower in regards to things like pattern recognition, establishing causality, capacity to memorize information, etc. You need all of that to be good at emotional, creative, and verbal interaction with other humans. My conjecture would be that they're separated from IQ because people with luke-warm IQs have been trying to associate IQ with malevolent politics because they don't want to acknowledge difference in ability between humans. They can't quite bend their own brains enough to explicitly say "nobody is different!", so they say "oh we're different but all equal, if you're not good at one thing you must be good at something else" when in reality some people are just not as good at everything compared to other people as a result of mostly genetic inheritance they can't control and also somewhat as a result of incompetent or nonexistent education and socialization.

>> No.11006600

132 shrink-tested (not Facebook-tested, like you) here. If EQ is a meme, how do you explain some people ability to utilize behavioral pattern to their advantage? PSychologists simply haven't found a way to prooerly integrate this sort of intelligence into the IQ equation. IQ is supposed to measure your ability to pick up pattern in a timely manner, yet ones ability to read behavioral patterns, especially when based on false-positives such as lies or sarcasm, are missing from the equation entirely. It shouldn't be, given how no autist will ever be able to run a company. If IQ measures ones ability to think logically based on the information provided to them, isn't the skill to read, analyze and exploit people's habbits one of the most important to be successful?
You seem to be under the impression for IQ to be some streamlined system to measure your ability. It's not. It's just a number.

>> No.11006627

Harsh truth: super high IQ people are emotional/creative/verbal geniuses all at once. Also they are pretty and have good base genetics (bone structure and muscle development if they choose to workout). However there are also the occupational hazards of of sitting for hours of intense study, which include: slight social awkwardness at times.

>> No.11006643

This graph is extremely disingenious and is pushing a pretty transparent agenda. Lumping philosphy in with "humanities" is one thing, but excluding law schools is pants on head retarded. If you measure the average intellect Master's and PhD's, how could you possibly justify excluding other grad schools? The same with MedSchool, which I am assumed is being lumped in with biology and dental care. There's no way verbal ability of law and philosophy students doesn't completely shatter the other scores, but it's conveniently left out.

>> No.11006663

Verbal IQ is a part of your overall IQ you mong, it's even used as a reliable indicator for your overall score.

>> No.11006666

I used to think so but now I'm starting to have doubts. I score very high on standard IQ, I had the proper proper test administered in a lab. My IQ is very high, but I am literally a loser because I routinely make extremely stupid decisions because I cannot use the heuristics other people use to conclude what is a right decision. Particularly since society determines value, for example I actually make less money than all of my peers because I was really bad at interviewing and I also undervalue myself because I am always estimating the net value of my own work. I even turned down several promotions because I explained to my boss at length how these promotions don't make any sense given the current market conditions.
Ultimately you may not call it intelligence, but if it leads to better decision making and a more successful life, then your metric for intelligence may need to be re-evaluated. I met some people who couldn't reason their way out of a paper bag or sit through a lecture longer than 40 minutes, but have 'gut instincts' (aka heuristics) that let them climb social ladders with ease.

>> No.11006684

That ten girl at the bar probably has minimum 130 IQ. She just acts aloof and “ditzy” because it makes social interactions easier.


Take the fem-pill.

>> No.11006690
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Congratulations, you've just discovered why "high iq" is a meme. As you get older you will discover that the people who lead the most successful lives are typically extroverted and social, with a decent amount of intelligence as well. Society demands social behavior for success unless living as a recluse is your definition of successful.

>> No.11006691

Verbal IQ isn't even the same as what EQ is supposed to be. Verbal IQ merely tests your ability to understand linguistic guidelines. Do you think possessing the ability to match a few somewhat similar words is an indicator of your ability to read human behavior or emotion? Because it isn't.

>> No.11008318

It's obvious we need more measures of success than just IQ so these attempts are valid

>> No.11008320

Successful as defined by what the braindead normie hivemind thinks

>> No.11010475
File: 6 KB, 461x108, muh iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Actual smart people have plenty of logic, emotional, creative and verbal intelligence. For instance, there are plenty of mathematicians, physicists etc. who are influential researchers and excellent lecturers at the same time.