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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11004606 No.11004606 [Reply] [Original]

I was a poli sci major yesterday but now I'm a step closer to doing what I actually want to do. I did poli sci after spending all of middle school and most of high school on /pol/ and had this sense of civic duty to enter public service, but it wasn't what I actually wanted. I've always wanted to do physics, and I've always been really good at math.

This is all poorly written I know and it's a total blog post but I was so excited I skipped to my fucking car today. What can I expect? I know there's going to be a lot of math, but I love math, It's actually very pleasurable doing math for me.

Anyway, that's that.

>> No.11004700

dude I grew out of the /pol/ shit fast. after they kept calling me a nigger and saying I couldn't be a white nationalist I said "fuck this, I'm going to study math"
and here I am studying math.

>> No.11004710
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Yeah, it kinda started after I was informed that I was a mongrel mix of different european heritages. I rationalized it for a while but I've since gotten better.

>> No.11004794

The math is honestly the easiest part of physics. Physics problem are mainly solved with math, but they're different than most math questions. With math problems you mostly follow a sort of algorithm to solve a problem. With physics, you have some situation provided and have to structure the situation with math from scratch. I don't know if that makes sense, but you'll probably get what I mean soon. Also don't get bummed out if you have a hard time with mechanics and E&M, even physics professors have trouble with them; being a physics major isn't just about being able to solve the physics problems in your classes, it's mostly about gaining the skills and experience for you to be able to go into a field and do research.

>> No.11004848

Good on you for not making your life revolve around what you read on /pol/, even though that seems to be what you were doing before today.

>> No.11004969
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This makes me even more excited. I had the idea that it would be more about translating real world stuff into math. Right now I just need to qualify through a math placement quiz which I've taken before and I have a month to study for. I've already been in uni for a year so I have enough credits finished to pop in some extra classes I wanted to do. Probably general chemistry 1 because it has the same placement test as my pre-req math class. My university requires a cultural diversity credit so I'll probably stuff that in too. Then maybe an art class, linguistics, a 3rd language. Who knows.

Thank you very much. Despite my shame over the past I'm very hopeful for the future.
Also, I've started fantasizing about a qt lab-coat gf to snuggle with. Is this too bizarre and unrealistic a fantasy?