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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11001140 No.11001140 [Reply] [Original]

Future generations will regard these people as poorly as we do evolution denialists and flat earthers.

>> No.11001163


Since liberal progressives see Black Africans as "historically oppressed minorities" they REFUSE to hold them responsible for anything.
The modern liberal Europeans would sooner economically destroy them selves turning off all their electrical generation stations and starve themselves sending food to Africans than be seen as "colonial oppressors" by asking Africans to control their population and be sure to use only renewable energy.

>> No.11001166

When you put forward a proposition that actually works, instead of the tax filled, de-industrialized dystopian hellscape you've given so far
Now stop fucking raiding this site 24/7

>> No.11001174

Climate change is alot like flying cars, everyone always defaults to "it's coming in the next 40 years!".

We already have the tools to reverse climate change, there's been no need yet and wont be for another 40 years.

>> No.11001178

How do we combat nuclear power denialism?
Future generations will regard these people as poorly as we do evolution denialists and flat earthers.

Oh, wait, never mind, that will never actually happen.

>> No.11001179

Let's just spray airosol into the atmosphere and plunge the world into an ice age

>> No.11001185

rofl good shit. but wait wtf r u talking about?

>> No.11001217

Stop making alarmist predictions that will fail. People tend to notice that shit.

>> No.11001294

kill everyone

>> No.11001316

Africans aren't responsible for climate change though, it's mostly industrialization of the western world. They may be responsible in the future, but they're not responsible for the situation were in now.

>> No.11001356

What's worse, 4 billion hot mad Africans or 3 degrees?

>> No.11001364

>Climate change is real.
>Nuclear power is the only answer.
>I'm an idiot.
Choose two.

>> No.11001366

they'll kill each other first

>> No.11001372

nuclear power isn't going to stop the consumption of oil for plastics. nuclear power is also non-renewable.
The only real answer is to reduce the population.

>> No.11001375

so, climate change is the solution to climate change?

>> No.11001389
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it'll kill off the idiots

>> No.11001394

If we only used oil to make plastics, the climate would rebound incredibly fast. And sure nuclear is non-renewable, but with no restrictions it could power the US for a long long time.

Long enough to work out the kinks with thorium and fusion among other things like maximizing solar panel efficiency, etc... Populations usually fix themselves.

>> No.11001398

Go to /pol/ and either mock or educate, depending on your mood. Most of them are too dumb to get it, but I like to think I've gotten through to some of them

>> No.11001401

Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.11001407
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I've accepted that the course we are on makes the US into Mexico 2.0. So why invest in stopping climate change?

>> No.11001414

Had you even heard of 4chan before 2016? I know that /r/the_donald likes to pretend the whole site is /pol/ but how are you going to claim that people who understand the greenhouse effect are the raiders?

>> No.11001439

Nuclear power will not cure your idiotcy

>> No.11001448
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At least people aren't talking about cheap energy so much anymore. The cheaper you make it the more frivolous uses they will find for it.

>> No.11001451

It doesn't matter to get everyone to believe in it. You only have to get them to change their behaviors to producee the result you want.

Marketing in other words.

Joe Sixpack isn't going to put solar on his house to save the earth. He would do it if you appeal to his wallet or make it into disaster prepping.

>> No.11001453
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Maybe being honest about the 'impending doom' would help.

>> No.11001461

>tax filled, de-industrialized dystopian hellscape
Oh, another alarmist.

>> No.11001464
File: 462 KB, 957x541, consumer27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate what she is trying to do.

But she's trying to convince a species that would, without question, eat the last fish or chop down the last tree just to keep its competitors from getting it. It just isn't going to happen. The CONSUUUUUUUUMERS are just too greedy and too stupid.

Easter island on a global scale is in our species' future.

>> No.11001474
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>The CONSUUUUUUUUMERS are just too greedy and too stupid.
What are you trying to say?

>> No.11001495

And let me guess, that population reduction needs to be exclusively in western, climate focused countries?

>> No.11001496

Oh, another cultist

>> No.11001624

indians + africans + amazonians + a small part of Colombia + below Mexico
10'000,000? ppl × 50 kg (+-70% of water)= 500'000,000 liters of water

just give 700 dollars to every woman in exchange of an intrauterine device

>> No.11001639

Yeah, based, I guess.

>> No.11001646


If she really cared about global warming, then she would be doing everything she could to slow or stop the African population bomb.
Almost ALL the population growth for the next 100 years is projected to be African.

>> No.11001686
File: 105 KB, 1005x930, Screenshot_2019-09-24 co2-emissions-per-capita png (PNG Image, 1005 × 930 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop climate kill an amerifat, worth 165 chadians

>> No.11001693

If she really cared about global warming, then she should be building a time machine to go back and kill all the boomers responsible for killing our planet.

>> No.11001773

prove the sun isn't doing it

>> No.11001780

> per capita
Now do total.
Do total and tell me where china is

>> No.11001800

Climate change is real, man made is not and if it is, which i will play devils advocate with heres some facts to consider.
The Goverment you vote for and praise to save you from it never does anything that would actually help the planet. They just make taxes on coal and oil. Thats like saying tobacco taxes stop people from smoking.

Gasoline and Oil aren't the only things we make and use from petroleum, there's litteraly over 1000 products we use it for.

Although alternative energy does exist, none are anywhere close to as cost effective. Tesla is doing beautiful work with the car problem, and ine day it will be an affordable tech but that doesn't solve the power issue. Nuclear is clean, and cost effective but this isn't Sim City. You risk meltdowns from naturual disasters and attacks.

If America decided to make gasoline and oil illegal and punishable by death tonight, what about countries like china and India? They would just eliminate all industry too? Fuck off

The Scientific consensus argument is a lie, it was 75 people and most were not even climate scientists.

Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson have the exact same qualifications on climate debates as Jimbo in the deep south of Alabama. That being, none.

Al Gore spoke at Dartmouth College in Hanover New Hampshire a decade ago and I listened to this retard say our fall leaves were a varitey of colors because of global warming.

It changes from global warming to global cooling on a seemingly monthly basis.

Every single prediction since the 1930's from your infallible scientific consensus has been completely wrong.

How were there warm or cold periods before humans existed? Kind of seems like we are fucked either way yes?

7.2 billion people on the planet exhale c02 daily.

Volcano's open to the atmosphere output more c02 than New York City.

So srry that im skeptical the same retards im supposed to trust have been lying to me daily about other things.

>> No.11001804

>prove the sun isn't doing it
Done: https://www.nature.com/articles/ngeo1327
>Here we present an alternative attribution method that relies on the principle of conservation of energy, without assumptions about spatial warming patterns.
>We find that since the mid-twentieth century, greenhouse gases contributed 0.85°C of warming (5–95% uncertainty: 0.6–1.1°C), about half of which was offset by the cooling effects of aerosols, with a total observed change in global temperature of about 0.56°C. The observed trends are extremely unlikely (<5%) to be caused by internal variability, even if current models were found to strongly underestimate it.

>China is a big country.
Congratulations, what an amazing insight.
I suppose it's okay if I just burn a bunch of oil barrels for fun, so long as I stand on a deserted island while I do it? After all, the island's total emissions will be smaller than most other countries.

Every sentence you just posted is either massively distorting the issue, or an outright fabrication. Where the fuck are you getting your "information" from?

>> No.11001808

Why do you guess that my agenda-waving friend?

>> No.11001813

Now add the fact that most of China's emissions come from manufacturing goods for the west, including the US.

>> No.11001820

Name 1 thing that wasn't true.

>> No.11001825
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>Name 1 thing that wasn't true.

>Every single prediction since the 1930's from your infallible scientific consensus has been completely wrong.

>> No.11001833

And where did you find that?

>> No.11001838

Hey yall, just got off my private jet then drove here to talk to you in my Limo Hummer. Climate change is real, now.lets talk about how everyone who disagrees is a retard and offer no solutions other than to tax oil and coal in western countries only which in no way benefits anyone politically what so ever. I swear.

>> No.11001856

Furthermore while i'm here, all white males are actually Nazis.
Non whites have never done anything wrong
Guns should be banned and everyone easily obtain terms weve made up like assualt rifles
Pepe the meme frog is a symbol of white supremacy
Everyone whos conservative is a religious fanatic nazi who also eats puppies.
Believe Jessie
Trump has a 0% chance of winning
Trump is a Russian agent, no no, a Ukranian agent!
Kavanaugh is a rapist i think maybe but there will be no trial because that would prove he couldnt be
Group of Trump hat kids harass innocent native who dindu nuffin.
And thats all just the past few years!
Trust me please!

>> No.11001860

>And where did you find that?
I could sit down and make an updated version if I get some time, though. All of that data is publicly accessibly.

Wow, you really do have nothing coherent to say.

>> No.11001871

>model with no sun blamed humans
not remotely convincing

>> No.11001874

not them but what is your solution to climate change if you had absolute power?

>> No.11001879

It took me all of 3 seconds to find counter points. https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/spectacularly-poor-climate-science-at-nasa/

>> No.11001886

How have millions of retards like you not realized google can find infinite data on any topic as fast as you can type the search? If i hear something i'm skeptical about, i go and try to find counter points to it then once looking at any and all points about the topic come up with a conclusion. If you just take everything in at face value I feel awful for you. You will always be a parot instead of intelligent. You're a useful idiot.

>> No.11001894
File: 138 KB, 946x284, forcing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>model with no sun blamed humans
>Although the estimates for most forcing agents are similar, we infer a larger energy flux from variations in solar irradiance as a result of the particular forcing reconstruction used. If anything our estimate of the solar contribution is likely to be overestimated (see Methods).
So now you're just going to lie.

>It took me all of 3 seconds to find counter points. https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/spectacularly-poor-climate-science-at-nasa/
That doesn't even mention the paper I posted.

>How have millions of retards like you not realized google can find infinite data on any topic as fast as you can type the search?
If you don't understand what you're looking at, google search results won't help you.

>If you just take everything in at face value I feel awful for you. You will always be a parot instead of intelligent. You're a useful idiot.
You're posting utter nonsense, and then accusing me of being a useful idiot?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11001896

I'd like her if she wasn't biased and her caretakers didn't decide to intersect modern progressivism into her beliefs. The moment she starts shitting on China and goes on to lecture the UN how Africa's growth should be restricted to minimize potential global warming, perhaps also including pleas for government programs in the West to further the development of fusion and thorium reactors, is the moment I'll start liking her. People who're against climate change and are incapable of putting forward any of the above points are dishonest ones trying to intersect an ideology with climate change and are only using it as a launchpad for that ideology.

>> No.11001897

If it is a fact the earth goes through hot periods and cold periods all the time, and we have had multiple ice ages without humans, and 2 with humans, 1 being very early industrilization, does that not prove it happens regardless? What is your explanation?

>> No.11001900

Or maybe it is real, however the people on tv are just whores so its hard to beleive the people who are not.
Politics is full of fakes who say shit they dont beleive or give a fuck about because its whay their voter demographic wants to hear.
Want the Christian vote? Pretend to be Christian
Suffering with Latino vote? Praise latin culture and counties. ect.
I don't think top political figures who spew nonsense are stupid, quite the opposite. They know exactly what they are doing and laugh about it later.

>> No.11001902

So you're not even going to respond to me pointing out that you lied your ass off? Why would I discuss anything with you if you can't even be bothered pretending to care whether the things you are saying are true.

Again, go fuck yourself.

>> No.11001905

>sun=solar irradiance
that's the lie

>> No.11001908

There's plenty of oil for plastics
Once EVERYTHING dries up, we could mine garbage, pyrolyse it and process it back to synthetic oil. The only reason why we don't do this is low price of oil. And whatever is left would be a decent metallic ore.

>> No.11001915

How do you know that info is reliable?

>> No.11001978

>How do you know that info is reliable?
What information?
The graph itself is just made from public information, I could throw something like that together myself.
The CIMP timeseries is the prediction in question.
The temperature data is a bunch of different recent instrument records. Those things probably have the highest confidence of any (global) climatology data.

>> No.11002339


>> No.11002341

I dunno shoot them

>> No.11002416

>it's okay if I just burn a bunch of oil barrels for fun, so long as I s
Well yeah.
Your emissions would be lower than the collective total of china.
Fix the big problems first fella before crying that i have my AC on 10.
Simple as.

>> No.11002534

This mostly. Also people tend to doubt when the media outright lies about stuff.

>> No.11002538


>> No.11002545

Why would you compare total? I'm Swiss, so should I be fine with running my house on diesel, just because we're few?

>> No.11002552

>every confidence interval up to 2010 includes 0
Fucking trash

>> No.11002556

Temperature stations have been progressivelly moved towards urbanized areas. This translates to bias.

>> No.11002565

>The Scientific consensus argument is a lie, it was 75 people and most were not even climate scientists.

That's a blatant lie.
>Several studies of the consensus have been undertaken.[1] Among the most cited is a 2013 study of nearly 12,000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers on climate science published since 1990, of which just over 4,000 papers expressed an opinion on the cause of recent global warming. Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is happening and is human-caused.[2][3] It is "extremely likely"[4] that this warming arises from "human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases"[4] in the atmosphere.[5] Natural change alone would have had a slight cooling effect rather than a warming effect.[6][7][8][9]
[1] http://stacks.iop.org/1748-9326/11/i=4/a=048002
[2] https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1748-9326%2F8%2F2%2F024024
[3] https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/publications/scientific-and-public-perspectives-on-climate-change/
[4] https://science2017.globalchange.gov/chapter/executive-summary/
[5] https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus
[6] http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/syr/en/main.html
[7] http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg1/WG1AR5_SPM_FINAL.pdf
[8] http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/syr/en/mains2-4.html
[9] https://web.archive.org/web/20140529161102/http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12782

A few bullshit arguments:
>7.2 billion people on the planet exhale c02 daily.
Yes, but the CO2 stems from plants (sometimes with a detour via animals), so it's carbon bound by photosynthesis and thus part of a fast carbon cycle.

>Volcano's open to the atmosphere output more c02 than New York City.
Possible. So what? The world doesn't just consist of New York. This also disregards all the emissions of stuff that's consumed by New Yorkers but produced elsewhere.

>> No.11002569

You didn't understand that anon's post. Sun total irradiance isn't the only accountable thing, the earths angle at which the irradiance hits earth produces certain effects. Antartica ice sheets are growing at the same time arctic is reducing. We've had one of the coldest winters in 60 years on the southern hemisphere.

>> No.11002574

The 97% figure is a fallacy of equivocation. Everyone believes the climate changes, most believe humans have an affect, but how much of an affect is what is in dispute.

97% of climate scientists do not believe humans are having a large impact on the climate, more like 2%.

>> No.11002576

>Antartica ice sheets are growing at the same time arctic is reducing
Simply untrue

>> No.11002579

start with the hysterical alarmists

>> No.11002588


Also, read the sources. It's pretty well defined, how much attribution they consider worth counting. If a publication says it's 99.9% the sun and 0.1% humans, it's not "global warming is human-caused".

>> No.11002589
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remember kids, they want to raise taxes and take everything from you, they don't give a fuck about Earth,

>> No.11002594

The 97% figure is deliberately obtuse and deceptive and simply acts as climate change propaganda. Alarmism lacks any nuance.

>> No.11002601

The problem right now is that environmental alarmism has been going on for nearly a century with a relatively poor track record. So many of the doom and gloom predictions haven’t panned out for the common folk. On top of this many environmental disasters that were predicted to be life ending recovered successfully. Now even if you present people with evidence they are naturally skeptical. And it’s the alarmists fault because now the common person is totally desensitized to being told that x,y,z is going to end the world. ontop of this they don’t care anyway.

>> No.11002624

>Temperature stations have been progressivelly moved towards urbanized areas.
I'm pretty sure it's the reverse - meteorology stations are built in the areas surrounding towns and cities, and urban areas have expanded out to them.

>This translates to bias.
Yes, the urban heat island effect. It's one of the better studied biases in raw climate data, and removing it is standard practice. It's also one of those "adjustments" deniers love to wail about.

>The 97% figure is deliberately obtuse and deceptive and simply acts as climate change propaganda.
No, the 97% comes from a plain reading of the data collected by the study. You don't get to call it "deceptive" just because you don't like the conclusion.

>> No.11002646


>> No.11002650

>Linking to PragerU
Was that supposed to be a joke?

>> No.11002653

How about you read the paper yourself and tell me what's wrong with it

>> No.11002655

the 97% number comes from looking at scientific papers dealing with the topic of climate change, and 97% of those papers seemed in support of the claim 'human activity contributes to global warming'. of course, this is deceptive because everyone agrees that, the theory being true or not, there is a big deal of interest in the theory of manmade global warming, and therefore, a lot of papers on this topic are going to come out. a better study asked scientists individually for their opinion, and that study seems to place the consensum at around 75%. it's already one in four scientists disagreeing with the supposed 'overwhelming consensum'. then, you have to consider that this study is also deceptive, in a different way, because they ask a very simple question: 'does man contributes to global warming?' and of course, even most climate so called 'deniers' are going to say yes. all three climate skeptics featured in this very debate would've said yes. the point is, we don't know how much, and it may be so little a contribution so as to be irrelevant.
global warming is a mass hysteria. there's very little scientific evidence, but plenty of money, reputation, and jobs at stake. you could say the same is true for the oil companies. ok, that may be true, but the same is also true on the 'green' side, within accademia, activists, journalists, politicians, and the scientific community. the consensum mantra is pure propaganda.

>> No.11002659

>can't rebuke the content.

>> No.11002667

>can't rebuke the content.
It's painful to even watch the content.

>> No.11002670

Because it deconstructs your religion.

>> No.11002672

Because it's a vapid, sourceless video shat out by a propaganda group.
You may as well just cite your gut feelings, because I'd find even those more credible than PragerU.

>> No.11002691

*pats head* there there. Greta is still on your side.

>> No.11002699

I was kind of hoping that after ridiculing your dumb propaganda video, you might get the hint and move up to posting something at least slightly substantial. It looks like you've done the opposite.

>> No.11002707

More scientists who think climate alarmists are faggots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ihYX7UR-3Y

>> No.11002722

>More scientists
Jesus fucking Christ. Is that passes for a "scientist" to you?

>> No.11002723

With the actual truth and not what you wish was true. You can't just stomp your feet and say shit is true until it is. Your kind will never be forgotten for all the lies vomited. You bring your own destruction. Your science is not science or math and you have shown that many scientists are not scientists.

>> No.11002726

>It's not true because I don't want to believe it!

>> No.11002736
File: 182 KB, 2154x1044, Screen Shot 2019-09-25 at 11.42.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are rates of change of temperature
>what is the content and change of CO2 of the atmosphere during glacial/interglacial cycles

>> No.11002741

Yes. As does Greta Thunberg.

>> No.11002743

Does that girl refer herself as a scientist?

>> No.11002753

Does James Taylor?

>> No.11002754

That's the exact kind of retarded shit that I'm talking about.

>> No.11003013

by eating bugs

>> No.11003025

Good. Now can you post that in the seventeen other climate threads.

>> No.11003040

its literally the solution, shitlord.

>> No.11003048
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By having a little ugly German girl whine about it at the UN on international television. Surely that will constitute action against climate change rather than a hollow gesture creating the appearance of revolution where none exists.

>> No.11003097

I honestly don’t think we can change people’s minds or stop climate change. The best we can do is start preparing solutions for future problems that will occur due to the change.

>> No.11003116
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The only way out of this mess is a carbon tax (somewhere around $20 PER GALLON of motor fuels) that would generate the funds necessary to pursue a Manhattan project to decarbonize the planet. Internal combustion engines don't make themselves. Regulations will ensure that the last ICE will be manufactured for commuter vehicles and after which COOOONNNSSUUUMMERS will have no choice.

All the world auto manufacturers already know what is coming and are starting to pull back seeing their subsidies threatened with extinction. Various other uses of ICE in shipping and logistics and specialized forms will continue but there must be a point at which all the fossil fuels, all the coal, all the natural gas which is being used now must be replaced with something else.

And I believe that the fossil fuel end-users should pay the premium. Airline tickets, imported goods, motor fuel, energy production, should be price-adjusted to include ALL the external costs of that pollution PLUS the cost to replace it.

And sure, it would produce economic chaos, but that that species of chaos is mitigatable and survivable, whereas the chaos later will not be.

>> No.11003119

>Now do total.
>Do total and tell me where china is

Somewhere around 1/4 to 1/8th American energy intensity.

>> No.11003135

It'll just be nuclear power and electric cars, relax kid

>> No.11003178

>Prager U
>heartland institute

>> No.11003190

>video has nothing to do with the climate scientists already posted in this thread like Richard Lindzen

>> No.11003191

I think climate change is real but using an assburger child as your puppet to push socialism by fearmongering about the world ending in 12 years as your trojan horse isn't really an effective way to win people over.

>> No.11003192

Yeah. What the fuck? Can't even agree without getting assblasted? That should tell you something about yourself.

>> No.11003209

>Oh, another alarmist.
wow that's ironic

>> No.11003215

>It'll just be nuclear power
Except these activists actively oppose using nuclear energy

>> No.11003222

Those "idiots" don't live in coastal cities though so explain to me how they'll drown?

>> No.11003223

it's not alarmism when it's real

>> No.11003235

>China is a big country
It's physically the same size as USA.

>> No.11003238

Exactly so if we destroy the american economy with insanely unrealistic green economy proposals and outright socialism then China won't have to manufacture goods for Americans anymore. Fucking genius plan anon.

>> No.11003241
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>Africans aren't responsible for climate change

Black people are black. The color black absorbs all light, thus generating more heat. Black people mass immigrate, to the northern hemisphere. The temperature starts rising and the ice melting.

Do the math.

>> No.11003244
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a-a-at least we got one right ?..
climate fags, cmoooon

>> No.11003252

so you're saying the best way to lower co2 emissions is to split china into several smaller chinas, each polluting less than the original

>> No.11003258

Wrong. China almost doubles the USA

>> No.11003260
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>> No.11003262


Here´s a critique of Christy´s work from from John Abrams (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Abraham_(engineer))..

>> No.11003264

Makes more sense than most of the crap I hear.

>> No.11003267

>How do we combat climate denialism?

as long as they don't care it's bullshit, you can't do shit. And many o them don't care.

>> No.11003276
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Imagine a world with 4 billion Negroes

>> No.11003277

I’m awful curious if this is a troll post or not.

>> No.11003278

Is there a climate change case for anti-immigration?
There's this sentiment among many politicians that we ought to fight the low birth rates with immigration, but why? Just to satisfy the tax agencies? The natural population decrease would be a boon to the greenhouse gas emission statistics.

>> No.11003289

Reminder that the recent myth that any attempt to combat climate change can only come from socialism/communism is only really held by conservatives in America. Conservatives in most other countries realise that addressing climate change and capitalism are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.11003290

It’s quite interesting how some cretins use the topic of climate change to Trojan horse into some pathetic fantasy of killing all Africans, even though barely any emissions come from Africa.

>> No.11003292

I don´t think more niggers would import more first world trash. More like they would just get caught in Malthus trap and the one billion would eat the three other in order to survive.

No. Migration is going to be the most important sign of climate change for Europeans. So if you ban migration, the plebs will have one less reason to care. The case against migration can be made either from nationalistic or socialist perspective, which are perfectly fine by themselves.

>There's this sentiment among many politicians that we ought to fight the low birth rates with immigration, but why?
It puts the price of labour in favour of the ruling class.

>> No.11003293

When they have to choose between sipping lattes in the dark with no AC or having scary nuclear their priorities will realign

>> No.11003295


>> No.11003299

Do not forget that these people are mainly coming from low footprint tropical countries, and adopt high footprint western lifestyles on arrival. This is not something developers want people talking about, as they require population growth for their industries to be viable. It's ironic that construction workers are some of the most racist motherfuckers around, yet for work they absolutely rely on more and more foreigners continually arriving.

>> No.11003300

Yes in a sense.
The reasin we have demographics is to determin patterns.
If we split them into self governing regions in terms of energy consumption, it would be easier to see where the problems lay

>> No.11003301

>addressing climate change and capitalism are not mutually exclusive
>Set goals and pray free enterprise will find a solution
Liberalism would be funny, if it wasn´t dangerously stupid.

>> No.11003306 [DELETED] 
File: 511 KB, 598x650, 1556070390917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don´t think more niggers would import more first world trash

They don't need to import if they can simply immigrate. That photo is what Europe will look like.

>> No.11003309

>Set goals and pray free enterprise will find a solution
Just like it did with CFCs and leaded petrol

>> No.11003311

Nice to see the economy worshippers out in force.
GDP growth is your God and the threat of imagined taxes are your Satan. It’s pathetic.

>> No.11003322

Baning the enterprises from using certain substances in order for them to stop using the substances? That´s not a "free enterprise" solution.

>> No.11003326

>Migration is going to be the most important sign of climate change for Europeans. So if you ban migration, the plebs will have one less reason to care.
It sounds like you think people won't really notice climate change except for migration, so you need the high fertility rates and the migration to sell your carbon tax.

The line of reasoning of you people is even more fucked up than even I imagined.

>> No.11003328

What are you smoking anon?

>> No.11003329

And yet here we are with unleaded petrol and CFC-free aerosol cans and the world/industry hasn't collapsed.

>> No.11003345

Because they weren´t that important. Now do the same with fossil fuels, plastics and livestock.

>> No.11003365

Too many dots for you to connect. I suppose they have the fact that the average person is functionally retarded going for them.

When the "most important sign of climate change" isn't actually climate change, it should really make you wonder if you're not functionally retarded.

>> No.11003381

>Now do the same with fossil fuels, plastics and livestock.
I agree, we should work to reduce dependence on all these things. As usual, industries will find alternatives and the alternatives will become cheaper as they grow in popularity, and we'll eventually be able to look back on fossil fuels like we did with CFCs: harmful products that powerful lobbyists spent a lot of money trying to convince people that they were fine, but eventually were recognised for what they were and phased out for the betterment of humanity and the planet.

>> No.11003387

Put down that joint and take a walk outside until your reading comprehension recovers. The question was "Is there a climate change case for anti-immigration?" not "What is the most important sign of climate change".

>Euros will have more or less survivable climate in the following few decades
>Arabs and Nigs will be screwed, hence they will go North
>Humans, especially modern ones, are more concerned with short-term issues and issues involving other humans (like millions of brown people arriving), than they are with gradually worsening weather
>Hence putting migration away from public eye would mean that public will place less stress on combatting climate change
>Hence there isn´t climate case against migration

>> No.11003391

>there isn´t climate case against migration
There obviously is, and a very good one:

>> No.11003401

All this climate change bullshit is a literal doomsday cult.


>> No.11003403

>As usual, industries will find alternatives and the alternatives will become cheaper as they grow in popularity,
Yea, and before they find the alternative the damage will be done. Any real solution can come from an overall reduction of consumption and authoritarian measures against specific products. Neither the Lead in fuel or freons were phased out by wishful thinking of the liberals, but by decisive action of an authority.

>> No.11003407

1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
1970: Ice Age By 2000
1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
1972: New Ice Age By 2070
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1974: Another Ice Age?
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
1980: Peak Oil In 2000
1996: Peak Oil in 2020
2002: Peak Oil in 2010
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
1970s: Killer Bees!

This time it's true! I swear!

>> No.11003409

There´s one missing factor. When they arrive in the west they dillute the overall pool of resources. You have constant amount of resources spend over larger population.

>> No.11003414

Match these with scientific papers. Then we talk.

>> No.11003417

>nuclear is non-renewable
Please let this meme die. All "renewables" get their energy from the sun, which is running on nuclear reactions, that will eventually stop.

>> No.11003434

Societies come to an end eventually. Look at the nazis.

>> No.11003436

*renewable within realistic lifetime of human civilization*

Here you go mr. philosopher

>> No.11003481

Renewable means replenished on human timescales you fucking pedant retard

>> No.11003484

You're a big fan of "sustainable development" too I bet.

>> No.11003517

Man fuck you. I was alive for all that shit. That dude is true enough.

>> No.11003532

No one gives a damn about your age.

>> No.11003543

Spoken like an inexperienced idiot.
How hard must someone work to satisfy you? We're not all suckling mothers tit in the basement.
You can see the truth yourself. Ask mom to hold your dick.

>> No.11003551

How is the sun replenished?

>> No.11003556

Just fuck off already.

>> No.11003559

Renewable Resources are defined as resources replenished on human timescales.
It does not matter if the Sun will die in so many billions of years, that is beyond human timescales.

>> No.11003588

How about, 1989: Acid rain kills all in a decade?

No worries. Nuclear war will put a stop to that.

That never happened because the end of the world was October 1844

>> No.11003589

It's not renewable if it is not renewed. The sun is not renewed. Renewable/non-renewable is a fallacious dichotomy. Also, there is more than enough fissible fuel to supply humanity until we develop fusion or go extinguished.

>> No.11003600

>It's not renewable if it is not renewed

Solar energy is renewed 24/7 because we’re being bombarded with its photons at all times.
You’re an idiot.

>> No.11003616

What you say makes no sense. Also, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.11003626

>What you say makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. You’re just retarded.
Solar energy is defined as renewable because it is not depleting. It arrives in constant amounts on earth every day and will do so for millions of years.

>Also, you don't know what you're talking about.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. I never took issue with the idea of nuclear goddamn energy.

>> No.11003630

OP can you never EVER post a thumbnail again?!

>> No.11003634

I kinda thought it made sense.

>> No.11003672

>Solar energy is defined as renewable because it is not depleting.
I understand that, my point is that the classification of power generation modes into renewable or not is arbitrary and irrelevant. Sure you can decide that "renewable" actually means "not depleting fast", but that's not providing any useful insight. It's just a word designed to make some industries look good and some other bad.

>> No.11003679

Baja California del Norte

>> No.11003693
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger. Running out of solar or wind is so far in the future it´s irrelevant. However there´s only so much oil, gas and fissile material on earth that we might run out of it in matter of centuries or decades with the current rate of consumption (well, unless Kudryavtsev was correct).

There´s clear economic distinction between the two.

>> No.11003751

>I understand that, my point is that the classification of power generation modes into renewable or not is arbitrary and irrelevant.

It is VERY relevant that oil and coal can and will be depleted in the coming centuries.
It is NOT relevant that the sun will stop producing solar energy in over two billion fucking years

>> No.11003823

>They may be responsible in the future, but they're not responsible for the situation were in now.

Western world is working on DECREASING climate change gasses, Africa will be INCREASING climate change gasses. So which group should get the attention of people who want to DECREASE climate change gasses?

If they really cared about the future they would be doing EVERYTHING they could to slow or stop the African population bomb.

>> No.11003838

The human race died off in 2005 due to the AIDS epidemic.

>> No.11003857

An increase in population results an increase in usage of manufacturing for needs, therefore an increase in carbon emissions.

>> No.11003872

>So which group should get the attention of people who want to DECREASE climate change gasses?
One kids eats half a bowl a rice a day. Second kid eats 3 burgers a day, one energy bar and drowns it in a bottle of sugary soda.
Second day the first kid eats a full bowl of rice. Second kid eats the same stuff, but without the energy bar.
If you had less food to distribute who´s food would be easier to take away?

There are margins where society is able to easily reduce it´s emission without compromising too much economic interest. Western world has quite a large margin. Also "western world" is quite a vague category which conveniently lumps together that ridicolously fat kid called north America along with slighly chubby kid called Europe.

>> No.11003884

i know you are a woman

>> No.11003890

If I was to guess the question would it be the first kid that’s easier to take food away since he can survive perfectly with a half bowl of rice

>> No.11003911

Well, he can´t survive perfectly cuz he´s already malnurished. In one case you are taking away 1/2 of intake in the second case you would take away 1/4. In the case of the fat kid you could take away much more stuff before he notices it. Diminishing returns, something.

>> No.11003924

Make the rich and powerful pay the price just as hard as the rest of us, else I will continue to squander resources with glee

>> No.11003935

>evolution denialists and flat earthers
The former are scientifically proven. Meanwhile climate change monkeys get laughed out of the room by high courts because they are unable to provide any legitimate evidence to cement their claims.

>> No.11003943

Well I know you wouldn’t believe me but I did expect that you were on about taking the food from the fat kid since he never cared about the energy bar but I doubted myself assuming that you meant the malnourished kid since he wouldn’t have to worry about losing half a bowl of rice

>> No.11003945

Point is for the powerful to take away resources from both you and the rich.

>> No.11003960

>You have constant amount of resources spend over larger population.
No. That's not how it works at all. And even if it was, why would the west want more foreigners? So they would have less because of foreigners diluting the pool of resources?

>> No.11003963

>climate change monkeys get laughed out of the room by high courts because they are unable to provide any legitimate evidence to cement their claims
[Citation needed]

>> No.11003969

Common sense over nourishment and necessity of the food items still applies.

In other words it makes more sense to focus on the subjects where more emission could be cut for the same fractional reduction of living standard instead of subjects that emit below-average.

>> No.11003973

>So they would have less because of foreigners diluting the pool of resources?
Duh. That´s how you get cheap labour.

>> No.11003996

Combat climate denialism by giving them another hot issue to get hysteric over. Hopefully, they'll forget about the issue.

>> No.11004042
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>What's worse, my racism or my racial alarmism?

>Why would you aim for net zero emission when you can achieve twice current emissions!?!?
Fucking genius argument. You must have an entire red pill filling up the space of an otherwise hollow skull.

>> No.11004062
File: 10 KB, 500x331, CO2_vs_Volcano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The actual irony
>Your head thousands of miles below

Fresh off of /pol/ town pal? Volcanos output far less emissions than humans. Either wise up or stop spreading lies.

>Irrelevant rant
>B-but m-muh maga!!
18+ site, zoom mong.

>> No.11004103

>Click bait yellow journalism is the same thing as scientific data
You must be quite the intellectual.

>The sun is not renewalble because it will die in the next 5,000,000,000 years
Wow, that's basically tomorrow!

>> No.11004195

>Be white supremacist
>Be retarded

>> No.11004202


>> No.11004204

Theree wasn't even internet dummy.

>> No.11004225

>>Be white supremacist
>>Be retarded


This is why even mentioning the African population bomb is "forbidden" to western climate change protesters.

The African population bomb will be by FAR the number one issue for climate change gasses. We could get ahead of this problem NOW, before it dominates the entire climate change gasses debate, BUT NO to even discuss this issue is to be a racist.

The African population bomb is the elephant in the room that NO ONE wants to talk about.

Western economies ARE decreasing their climate change gasses. If you really care then you need to face up the the coming FOUR BILLION Africans (the rest of the world is just about flat in population growth)

>> No.11004243

And when exactely are they going to get food to raise those four billions? Especially given that Africa will be increasingly scorched.

>> No.11004299

Find cuter children to use as sock puppets.

>> No.11004310

it's not the blacks we have to look out for it's the indian population, soon we will be over run by telemarketers

>> No.11004319


So you doubt that modern farming practices can be learned by Africans?
And you called ME a "White supremacists"???

Africa WILL and IS NOW experiencing a population explosion and with the Chinese help will begin to modernize and thus GREATLY increase their use of climate changing gasses.

Al I am saying is that anybody who claims to care about the future of the earth because of man made causes and does NOT have the African population bomb as their number ONE issue is an intellectual idiot.

>> No.11004347

I´m different poster, mr. Reddit.

African agriculture isn´t going to be able to support such a massive population any time soon. Especially with the climate change thing ongoing. Even if it does increase drastically, the bomb of their metastable geopolitics would defuse the population bomb.

Sure, give dem niggers fuckrubbers, feminism and abortion scissors but they aren´t going to "number one issue".

>> No.11004362

>African agriculture isn´t going to be able to support such a massive population any time soon

You are an idiot. Chinese greed to have a population to sell to and European guilt about things done many generation ago will keep Africa's population booming.

Modern GMOs and farming techniques can EASILY feed a few billion more people.

American farmers can easily have a massive over production if needed, and Africa has natural resources to trade for food.

>> No.11004368

>does NOT have the African population bomb as their number ONE issue is an intellectual idiot.

It's legit a non-issue. Populations are dropping in fertility rates and many parts of it are underpopualted.

>African agriculture isn´t going to be able to support such a massive population any time soon.

It can though. It's just hampered by shitty western protectionism and dumping. Most issues are due to infrastructure. People really have absolutely no idea how farming is booming in many African states.

African population boom" has always been a refuge for those always attempting to divert attention from the West being the real major polluters.

>> No.11004374

>European guilt about things done many generation ago will keep Africa's population booming.

What guilt? Europeans are never truly guilty about nearly everything.

>Modern GMOs and farming techniques can EASILY feed a few billion more people.

You don't even really need either of those in large amounts either.

>> No.11004398

>Be white supremacist
>Be retarded
Because it's the people who don't believe in science that are pushing for more contraception and easier access to abortion worldwide right?

>> No.11004411

Contraception as a field is super behind the times.

>> No.11004422

>Chinese greed to have a population to sell to and European guilt about things done many generation ago will keep Africa's population booming.
Funny how the perfect reply to this claim is hidden in it´s preceding sentence.

>Modern GMOs and farming techniques can EASILY feed a few billion more people.
And you are basing this statement on...?

>American farmers can easily have a massive over production if needed, and Africa has natural resources to trade for food.
Mutts can just bomb them to stone age if they wanted to or deny the foodstocks like they always do. The way you put it implies that USA has power over their population.

>> No.11004611
File: 809 KB, 2048x1431, nuclear power plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11004618

>And you are basing this statement on...?
From actual results allover the world.

>Mutts can just bomb them to stone age if they wanted to or deny the foodstocks like they always do.

>> No.11004620

You extremely exaggerate nuclear power.

>> No.11004780


>> No.11004785

What do you mean? No green economy is going to work with just solar and wind.

>> No.11004796




We build nuclear plants for baseload and run commercial shipping on nuclear powered cargo ships.

Instead of a pie in the sky "carbon tax" that no one has made effective to change consumer trends because even the woke greens aren't retarded enough to send their economy to a grinding halt over night.

Also carbon taxes are inherently regressive and disproportionately effect the poor and low income citizens.

>> No.11004884

>We build nuclear plants for baseload and run commercial shipping on nuclear powered cargo ships.

That costs a fuckton of money anon. Also many states won't be able to implement it.

>> No.11004894

And what do we do with the nuclear waste once it's done?
>bury it
Where? It has to be in an area that won't have earthquakes for thousands of years. The US literally doesn't have a permanent disposal site for nuclear waste.
I don't get it. Was the point of this post to let us know that you are gullible enough to believe revisionist history from /pol/ and also too stupid to understand science?
>muh global cooling that scientists said would only be temporary!
>muh ozone depletion that stopped thanks to science!
>muh acid rain that was reduced thanks to science!
wow anon you sure showed us that science is fake!
man fuck you I was also alive AND am not a drooling retard like yourself.

>> No.11004899
File: 303 KB, 710x517, 1569172251420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I embrace the Era of Darkness.

>> No.11004912
File: 16 KB, 300x300, this maggot has a point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly. I fail to comprehend how anyone can put 110% confidence entirely on solar/wind reliance.

>> No.11004917

hi friend :)

i like your fan fiction, although you lose points in terms of originality.

>> No.11004918

Then read some books, ain't something to be proud of.

>> No.11004988

Alright if you rule out nuclear then what else do you have? Wind and Solar isn't going to cut it alone and other forms of energy like hydro and geothermal can only be utilized in very limited locations.

>> No.11005006

>nuclear waste
You put it in a breeder reactor and get yet more power out of it
The only wasre that can't be used for energy generation is the shit that's harmless
You'd know this had you done even basic research on thr topic you decry

>> No.11005007

Any dum dum can observe that, after a car wash, a black car dries faster than a silver car. How many books do you think you read? The internet is not a book.

>> No.11005014

There's enough nuclear fuel on Earth to last thousands of years

>> No.11005025


>> No.11005030

It's fine if you don't understand the effects of industrialization on climate change, but just because it doesn't make SENSE to you (because you don't have the knowledge and expertise) , does not mean it is incorrect. I was referring to your ignorance of the topic. Unless you want to elaborate on what you mean 'most of the crap you hear'

>> No.11005034

I understand plenty. Why you want me to elaborate? Why are you even talking to me? This thread is a mile long and you single me out. You say nothing. You haven't said a fucking thing. There better be some science next time you talk to me.

>> No.11005050

>hydro and geothermal can only be utilized in very limited locations.

That applies to Nuclear too though lol. Trying to fanboy Nuclear and pushing it on everyone is just silly.

>> No.11005073


>> No.11005095
File: 5 KB, 159x159, 1490295424161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an answer.

>> No.11005102

You're still not offering a viable alternative. Shit on nuclear all you want just give me something that will provide enough energy to overcome the shortfalls of wind and solar.

>> No.11005137

unironically, better infrastructure, that will enable cross continental load balancing, overcapacity, and storage. Subsidizing Ev's that support vehicle to grid would practically solve the problem overnight.

>> No.11005142

>Subsidizing Ev's
Pay for yourself. Why make cars when we already made them? (Not Anon) just butting in.

>> No.11005186

why is /sci/ so pozz’d? You’d think they wouldn’t fall for memes

>> No.11005227

>You have to eat bugs and use inefficient alternative fuels so that Asians and Africans can have 20 children each

Yep, humanity ain't gonna make it. I'm just going to enjoy the inevitable collapse.

>> No.11005228

>if you read scientific paper on a science board then you're pozz'd
shut the fuck up and get reading you braindead moron

>> No.11005238

lol why come to the science board if you don't like science

>> No.11005282


Hockey Curve "inventor" Michael Mann sues someone for libel, yet utterly refuses to provide any evidence for his "research results" and delay the trial over and over without ever bothering to elaborate why he's not a bullshitter. Multiple delays (years in length) of him and his attorney refusing to communicate with court. If you go through the trouble of sueing someone for calling you out for being full of shit, it should be easy to provide the necessary evidence that you aren't. But if you have no actual evidence, well, then submitting it to a court, a court that will hold you accountable for submitting cooked up research, puts you in a bit of a conundrum.

>> No.11005283

By fuggin greta

>> No.11005284

Science is socially constructed. Science papers merely reflect a worldview that coheres with the prejudices of the (((grant organizations))) and reviewers.

>> No.11005356

What prediction published in scientific journals outright failed? (I mean wasn't even close to reality)

>> No.11005443

Low IQ post

>> No.11005444
File: 276 KB, 1894x1234, EC1R41CW4AAt959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ball's only defense is that "I'm old" and "people didn't take me seriously so it's not libel"

>> No.11005448
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>> No.11005454


>> No.11005466
File: 217 KB, 1300x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11005467

>trial runs for 8 fucking years
>fail to provide a single shred of evidence
>oh no, it's the opposite party who played ze law to get out of ziz trial
Doomers will use everything to tailor a story to their agenda, won't they? You realize these sort of cases tend to be over within less than a year, right? If you're the financially weaker party, dealing with a trial is pretty exhausting. It's very clear Mann didn't have jackshit to present, otherwise he would have done it and simply won the case.

The Facebook post you've linked is the epitome of a meme. He delays a libel trial for 8 (EIGHT) years and then claims nobody has found his *claims to not be valid*. Right, of coruse they didn't because he had delayed the trial for as long as humanly possible without providing a shred of solid evidence so nobody could judge on the matter.

>> No.11005470

>Transitioning to renewable energy
>electric cars
>Dystopian hellscape
Fuck off with your fossil fuel industry shill bullshit if you genuinely believe that any solution to climate that costs money doesn't work then you're retarded. Cuck governments all over the world are paying mining and energy comapanies literally billions of dollars in subsidies to keep them in business which is somehow fine but somehow the fact that using taxpayers' money to invest in renewable energy is necessary to save the planet triggers you autistic propaganda sponges Jesus Christ fuck

>> No.11005475

>Muh jews

Come up with a new meme.

>> No.11005477

>fail to provide a single shred of evidence
He didn't though. All his research has been on a public NOAA for years. Like I said, Ball's literal only defense is "no one took me serious so it's not libel". If the case goes higher he's absolutely fucked.

>> No.11005481

And yet, him and his attorneys delayed the process for 8 years. I hope you're only pretending to be retarded, because the way this went is a run off the mill extension strategy you use to save face. No need to do any of that if you had a case.

>> No.11005880

> elites use manmade climate change for product advertisements
> governments use it for justification to raise taxes
> plebs use it for SJW brownie points

Fuck your climate change, it's just about corporations and governments extracting shekels from the population. That also includes myself.

>> No.11005886

>Reee it’s all a big conspiracy I have no evidence

>> No.11005887

based and redpilled

>> No.11005979

>Reality is subservient to politics

>> No.11005990

>Now add the fact that most of China's emissions come from manufacturing goods for the west, including the US.
Add to the fact that this doesn't make it exclusively our pollution. At best the argument becomes that we should either force China to become more green or produce the good ourselves. You're not putting either on the table, you are just suggesting hand-outs to niggers. Fuck your fake bullshit

>> No.11006010
File: 164 KB, 1354x670, pollution_CO2_China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant picture to the thread. The Chinese have these last to decades built dozens of cities the size of New York, a bunch of cities, air ports, highways etc. in Africa. If you cut that one company's pollution by 20%, you would cut CO2 pollution by more than the total of several large countries combined.

By the way, the pollution of this company is either ignored our counted as Western in other studies. This is why you can have these insane discrepancies in claims

>> No.11006021

>How do we combat climate denialism?
Well, considering that conservatives biggest complaint is the lefts dishonesty, that would seem to be a good place to start. You can start by acknowledging that NASA has reported for over a decade that CO2 not only doesn't cause the greenhouse effect, but that it is at low levels and threatens agriculture.

>> No.11006039
File: 58 KB, 651x518, CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By lying like you guys have done for the last 70 years. Like a broken clock eventually you'll be right.

Tha carbon emitted by India and china is greening their forests. What a surprise Compressed trees aerosolized produces more trees.

Hurr Durr using pure gas models based on ideal gas laws to run your predictive models.

Flawed premise on flawed premise on flawed premise produces no real predictive power who would have thinked.

Your models are shit b/c the scientists running them are shit and the solutions are shit^2.

>> No.11006040
File: 237 KB, 727x868, 1562343515648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike climate change fags. What can I do as an individual to create as much harm as possible to accelerate this process of (((global warming)))? Burn trees?

>> No.11006087
File: 2 KB, 312x74, Bullshit the Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look at that a 5 sigma move by 2015.
No wonder you guys are clowns.

>> No.11006094

It is kind of hard because most of the people pushing climate change are 100% equally as retarded and propose stupid solution.
>We should eat bugs
>World is running out of resources
>Too high population

The best way is to start a new, unbiased movement with actual solutions.

>> No.11006103

The world's been running out of non-renewable resources since people first started using non-renewable resources.

>> No.11006113

>just give 700 dollars to every woman in exchange of an intrauterine device
If you Americans did this to half of Brazil, I would eternally suck American dick out of gratitude. That would be 700bi, but I'm sure you could offer a quarter of that.

>> No.11006159
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This desu, if they actually believed this shit it would be the only thing they'd talk about. Who cares about affordable housing, UBI, universal healthcare, gender inequality, etc etc when the world is supposedly ending in 12 years?

>> No.11006311

Where do you even pick up that kind of lunatic conspiracy? Or are you a 12-year-old troll?

>> No.11006377

run for office political solutions are the only thing which can operate on the scale you need

>> No.11006384

Ask forgiveness for all the bamboozling and proceed, cautiously, with truth.

>> No.11006399

Bowl of lentils a day.

>> No.11006407

Huh. That's my main food. Lots of cumin.
t. Denier.

>> No.11006412

Study a lot of chemistry and biology to develop something capable of killing algae in mass very easily and then start dumping it on the oceans

>> No.11006419
File: 18 KB, 640x360, nprnpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this clip on NPR yesterday. Its pretty hilarious.


>> No.11006424

Don't hurry son, Brazil's population pyramid is already turning, from here onwards it's already going to end on a population of mostly old and poor people

>> No.11006436

This is so dad that people actually feel so passionate and worried about a bunch of nonsense and think there's an emergency to do something when we have already been striving for efficiency since the industrial revolution and shit'll work out just fine. I understand politics and business want their money but poor stupid joe blow.

>> No.11006543

Well first you've got to stop pushing the anthropogenic global warming conjecture, since it squarely puts you right in the crowd with the flatties, geocentrists, and creationists, then you have to advocate strongly for the expansion of nuclear energy and slow phasing out of the less efficient petrochemical power grid sustainers, advocate strongly for a move from massive high acreage industrial agriculture to more spread out space efficient vertical hydroponic farming and longer cycles of crop rotation, a move from industrial factory farming to some kind of cloned meat growing which is possible and in the end more nutrient (thus energy) efficient, and strongly focus on technologies that make living in a warmer world easier rather than continue to pretend that human beings somehow invented climate shift. The sun is entering a period of maximum output which has always coincided with a significant spike in global temperatures followed by a significant dip afterwards as it enters it minimum, while the planet on a whole has followed a continuously progressing trend of cooling ever since the crust re-solidified after the Theia impact created the Moon, if you want actual control over Earth's temperature you have to be able to throttle the energy it receives from the sun which would require the manufacture of an enormous array of orbital films or mirrors to measurably reduce the amount of sunlight that can deliver energy into the global climate system. If that's what you want advocate for an enormous gradual expansion in space exploitation and technology which will be necessary for the completion of such a large scale project and cross your fingers that the environment survives when you create changes in it over the course of hours which would normally only occur over the course of decades or centuries of time.

>> No.11006951

woh, 130,000 years ago there was another industrial revolution?

>> No.11006957

>How do we combat climate denialism?
What have you tried?

>> No.11007100

Is this paragraph for a grade 8 writing assignment? If so, it's pathetic - you get a D.

>> No.11007109

>thinly-veiled racism
Fuck off back to >>>/pol/ you faggot

>> No.11007155

Get a white european girl to make a speech about how she's outraged that the world leaders denied her future because they didn't take climate change seriously. Also have her make angry faces at Trump. I'm sure that will show those climate denialists who's right.

>> No.11007160

Using it's shows possession and what's up with the hyphen? Why now start a new sentence?

>> No.11007168
File: 33 KB, 521x540, BlackScienceGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we combat climate denialism?

PUt a foot in dey ass, yo! Mic drop, biatch!

>> No.11007178

>we combat
Come again?

>> No.11007187

>Using it's
no. its shows possession.
Why "not" start a new sentence?
Because "it's pathetic" and "you get a D" are both equally linked to the idea "If so".

You pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.11007202

>what's up with the hyphen
suppose ; would have been better

>> No.11007219

>no. its shows possession
It is jocular anyhow. The rules have changed back and forth and I was testing you for age. Don't be so baitable.

>> No.11007437
File: 121 KB, 900x735, 1558976710617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironic answer: Restrict the availability of soapboxes to ignorant morons on both sides of the debate and encourage mainstream news/media companies to engage in self-censorship.

This is mostly a problem because it has turned into a social and political issue rather than a pragmatic one by attention seeking retards.

>> No.11007470
File: 88 KB, 316x581, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11007613


>complains about petroleum uses
>uses the internet
>uses electricity
>most likely owns a vehicle
>doesnt grow their own food
>wants solar but ignores how its produced and transported
>wants carbon taxes that would literally crash the world econo... oh wait, no only the USA gets that

Idiots. No one even bothers to skim past the top on what it would take to move away from fossil fuels, yet alone realizes its use in almost everything you touch or interact with daily.

Bunch of virtue signaling faggots.

>> No.11007667

Do most people agree with climate change? Yes? Who fucking cares what deniers think. God fucking damn everything about this issue is about the DENIERS and not the actual issue.

>> No.11007677

What do you expect from an issue that only people who want to look "socially aware" to their social media followers pretend to take seriously in mainstream society?

It's all about flexing and spite, none of them actually give a shit about saving humanity or any other canned slogan they spit out.

>> No.11007718


Good thing the vast majority of people need water and conveniently live close to sources of it as the final heat sink in nuclear power.

>> No.11007722


UAE spent 24 billion on nuclear, in an OPEC state, to run indoor ski resorts in a desert.

Germany spent 222 billion on renewables and now suffers rolling brown outs while emitting more CO2 than ever.

Nuclear is the cheaper option and is available for the majority of people who happen to live within 20 miles of a source of water.

>> No.11007844

>A fucking middle eastern barbarian dictatorship uses nuclear to power its obscene gluttony.

way to really sell it there, bud

>> No.11007848

>Yes. Who fucking cares what deniers think.
But they were given an opening by virtue signaling politicians who lack a full understanding of the issue on the left.

>> No.11007937

>issue on the left
This is /sci/.

>> No.11007942

>emitting more CO2 than ever.
Well that is certainly not true, at least from what we know via bottom-up emission estimates. The annual total of 2018 is definitely lower than in the year 2000.

>> No.11008003

It doesn't matter any more. We're likely toast within a decade and guaranteed to be gone in twenty. It's over whether everyone is on the same page or not.

>> No.11008017

Yeah. A fuckton of Nuclear porjects are going way over budget or having huge delays. China is making more but they need to slow it down or decommission older plants over a time period or else they'll burn through their labor and concrete. Nuclear does decent with government spending. Without it the risk and costs is very heavy for private entities to fiance.

>> No.11008019

>wants solar but ignores how its produced and transported

Lol it's far from as bad as it used to be anon. This ain't the 90's.

>> No.11008023

The costs of Nuclear vary a fuckton on the nations it is in and economy of scale as well as the type of plant used. The most innovative and modern ones are super expensive because the first nation to build it has to take the brunt of being the first one to do it. ON top of that the marketplace for Nuclear contracts is EXTREMELY competitive for bidding since you have like 7-8 nations who big in it bidding/pricing ways.

>> No.11008041

How is it rectified to Alternating Current? Do you need nasty batteries? Direct current Is very dangerous for kids to be dicking around.
>uses the internet
Probably burned six tonnes of coal shitposting about climate faggotry, this week alone.

>> No.11008081

This is your fault! Climate change is a serious issue and you all don't care. ARHHHh I can't breathe, we all gonna be dead soon.

>> No.11008103

Evidence for what, that climate isn't changing? It changes I don't want my wallet to change so it can be 1 degree Celsius cooler, if even those models are correct that xxx measure would cause the temperature to drop by a single degree. They probably aren't, and since it's up to politicians allocating funding and taking large scale macro measures it's very, very naive to think this wouldn't involve wealth extraction schemes from bigger corporations (e.g. oil & energy giants).

>> No.11008272

>Evidence for what, that climate isn't changing?
The changes are clearly measurable. Temperatures are rising rapidly, and Arctic ice volume is collapsing.

>It changes I don't want my wallet to change so it can be 1 degree Celsius cooler, if even those models are correct that xxx measure would cause the temperature to drop by a single degree.
I can't even read that. What the fuck are you trying to say?

>They probably aren't, and since it's up to politicians allocating funding and taking large scale macro measures it's very, very naive to think this wouldn't involve wealth extraction schemes from bigger corporations (e.g. oil & energy giants).
Goverments don't need "wealth extraction schemes". They already have the power to set taxes, without needing to resort to elaborate global conspiracies.

>> No.11008527

>Unironic answer: Restrict the availability of soapboxes to ignorant morons on both sides of the debate and encourage mainstream news/media companies to engage in self-censorship.

> Censor the opposition.

The Science Religion journal system already enforces orthodoxy, but I guess you guys could also start an Inquisition to purge the heretics.

>> No.11008612

Build a reservoir then? The state of Virginia has only two natural lakes so they built one in the middle of their state for a nuclear plant. It's not impossible.