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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11000833 No.11000833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to schizo joe's. Join me on an irl war game.

> Weaponised, collective autism VS rogue former CIA

The stakes are real. The risks are real. The butthurt shall be real, too. OP WILL deliver. Worst case, my
death man switch will trigger and my real name and address will be revealed along with my adversary.

It's been a while. Last thread was baked by another anon.

I'm indebted to every single helper anon. For archiving
purposes here a list of some great ideas that originated from this board so far.

> Hit her on the head with a block of ice
> Fry her bugs with your modified microwave
> Low/High Pressure Injection Hypothesis

So for those who are new to schizo joe's threads a real quick run down.
> First post on /b/ because I panicked. Thought someone drugged me. lol
> 3 chemical pneumonitis, 2 ambulances, 1 hospital trip later... turns out she is indeed poisoning me
> She can inject (and possibly extract) poisonous chemicals into my flat (not through windows/doors)
> She bugged my whole apartment
> She's a textbook OCD, odor fanatical, anorexic, non-sleeping, gucci wearing, retired former foreign affairs official.
> See previous threads for pics u sick wankers
> military level intelligence operations
> By far the highest level opponent I've ever had.

This time I'll try maintain a slow and steady thread by posting daily at the same time. I'm sorry about last time, I really lost it.
The other anon was right, the chemicals were messing with my head.

Like always feel free to AMA. There are many news, we've got new equipment, more intel and more proofs. But the /science/ just started.


>> No.11000847

Fake and gay. Cool post though, OP. Still a fag.

>> No.11000884
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Old Threads

> Rules
> Schizo posters must post high quality memes
> Don't hold back on crazy. I'm down to fuck. All her gucci are belong to us.

So what happened since last time?
> Temporarely lost my apartment and had to retreat to our second base of operations in the basement, provided graciously by my dad
> A hand full of rather shocking revelations regarding her powerlevel
> As suspected, she followed me to my dads place. Second base is thus also compromised. To what extend I don't know.
> Some kind of surveillance is present. Like a camera or a microphone and of course the chemicals.
> It's been a real hard time. Feels been hitting hard. My first time being the schizo anon.
> Inb4 former CIA
> She is most likely reading this
> I suspect at least one family to collaborate with her
> SHE MIGHT BE FUCKING AIRBORNE. Some kind of drone, I think. How do I know? Even my dad smelled her spray in his basement.
> I know it's vague but I can't wall of text every incident. feel free to AMA.
> Yesterday I got my apartment back with a stroke of genius
> Pic related
> Told ya I would live stream

So that's actually great because the more we know, the harder we can hit.

Now to the new equipment.


>> No.11000956
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Oh yeah. We are going electronic now. Fully programmable low cost gas sensors. 24/7 data feed for plotting and statistics.

Unfortunately OP is a faggot and hasn't gotten into microcontrollers yet. So I may or may not have fried the sensors by connecting them to the VIN pin on my arduino board instead of the 5V pin. If any anon has a rough idea on how to design the circuit, that would be great. Once we are done with the bread board prototyping, I'll make sure to get us a custom designed /sci/ PCB with custom casing.

I took the freedom to dub this device
> Bitch Box MK1


>> No.11000967
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> Wifi Shields
> Relays
> Bluetooth

>> No.11000981
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Behold the GYBMEP barometer for the High/Low Air pressure hypothesis. Unfortunately the selfmade barometer, as suggested by a kind anon, wasn't powerful enough. Or OP was too stupid to assemble.

If someone knows how to wire and program this little beauty, you would save me a lot of time.


>> No.11000984

are you the guy that had the neighbour lady 'spying on you' and spraying 'poisonous gas underneath your door' ?

>> No.11000992

That's me. Furthermore I intend to regain dominion over air space.

We are going to assemble a quad copter with the next batch of equipment.

>> No.11000998

based smashing the matriarchy OP

>> No.11001017
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oh my god this thread is way tl;dr op srsly holy fuck how can you expect me to read all that

>> No.11001051
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Now for this particular item, I just can't resist but to point out the goddamn irony.

Last time we had a problem with the current gas mask with the ENA1 filter not working anymore.
> inb4 wait 90seconds for microwave to heat up food
> mask isn't filtering jack shit
> headache of my lifetime
> 90 fucking seconds
> she used to opportunity to get rid of evidence the very day before the private investigator was sweeping for bugs
> does the same shit to re-deploy bugs the day after

Anyways. I bought a A2B2 filter for field operatoins.

Type A: For use against certain organic gases and vapours with a boiling point higher than 65?C, as specified by the manufacturer. •Type A filters are required to be marked with the colour code Brown •Type B : For use against certain inorganic gases and vapours as specified by the manufacturer (excluding CO). •Type B filters are required to be marked with the colour code Grey.

Class 1 - low capacity , up to 1000ppm
Class 2 - medium capacity, up to 5000ppm

Turns out it doesnt fit my current gas mask.
> sad.jpg

turns out that in some box from at least a decade a go, i kep just for nostalgia purposes, there was a rubber full face gas mask for smoking bongs. Back in the days we laughed at it for looking so hardcore. Just kept it for shit and giggles. Turns out it's a 40mm gas mask that fits our new filter perfectly. Tested it yesterday. Works like a fucking charm.

> depending on gas concentration it expires within an hour
> hope she doesn't know that
> that's a 30EUR ride for emergencies


bitch is poisoning me with unknown chemicals. please help. U subhuman insult to nature

>> No.11001079
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>bitch is poisoning me with unknown chemicals. please help

fukken run away lol wat is this what's the hang-up can you not survive on your own out there in the world where are you?

>> No.11001109
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Now for some rare audio proof. When I reclaimed my apartment yesterday and brought the two birds over, it meant check mate for her.

She can't inject high enough concentrations of gas anymore to get rid of me without killing the birbs. I used the opportunity to keep my door open and rekindle my recently discovered passion for cooking
> inb4 that's driving her insane

I saw her driving away like the devil was behind her. That's really great but by experience I know that this also means that she has to escalate the situation even further. I'm unsure about what's coming next but it will top everything so far and it will be brutal. A reason more to have the gas sensors up and running by then.

Anyways everytime she goes into core meltdown mode, she makes mistakes. That's when I can catch and record her. So for the first time ever I managed to record her spraying/injection sound. Need a few minutes to isolate audio from video file.

spot the fucking beta. I'm at a point in life where running away isn't an option anymore. The apartment is owned by my family and she owns the one above and below me. This is my home and this is where I'll take my stand. I won't rest until justice has been served. Help out or post better memes.

>> No.11001131
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>> No.11001209

I was just outside (my dads place) to have a smoke. Chemicals confirmed. She is airborne AND reading this thread.

You sick bitch merely adopted the shadows but we were born in it. Once I post your name, the times of only 1 google result will be over. Your reign of terror comes to an end and I'm glad your dad raped you. Shame he's dead by now because I'm sure you missed the chance to tell him how much you liked it.

Here the audio file
> she is going insane if you don't notice her
> been spraying outside like this for 15min straight
> inb4 there is no use in spraying outside
> inb4 she is master of false flag. this sound doesnt have to be related to her injection method at all
> but as a rule of thumb. when i hear this, it's lethal
> the moment i took my phone out she was spraying less loud
> but you can still hear it


What do you think anons? It's not your usual spray can is it? It's also not the really loud spray (i suspect that one being the shoe spray or the sports hall spray).

>> No.11001219

ffs i think vocaroo converted audio. couldn't post anonfiles link. maybe shortened url works tiny dot c c SLASH z1bcdz

>> No.11001224
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Our defensive game is now strong enough to make a stand. We need to gather more intel. Start thinking about methods to track drones in the middle of the night.

Drones are controlled. There are signals in the air. they can be intercepted or jammed (she can jam too). Also can u still sneak WPA pre shared keys with the old AP method?
because the collaborating neighbors are the biggest attack vector. her network is too dangerous.

Once we have enough intel, we can finally prepare our offensive. And yes, I'll allocate sufficient funds to fuck shit up.

Anyways it's way too late for me and the headache is still quite intensive. I'll post again tomorrow around same time.
Fuck bitches and NEVER SURRENDER!