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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 1024x1001, greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11000924 No.11000924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ignoring the fact that people always talking about saving the earth, which will survive billion of years, what is an acutal argument for saving humanity? Has anybody ever come up with something reasonable or are we witnessing the biggest ideological cope in human history?

>> No.11000928

>what is an acutal argument for saving humanity?
I don't want to die, and I don't want females which I can copulate with to die

>> No.11000940

>I don't want to die
but why? do you have an existential reason that goes beyong muh self-preservation, which is subjective by the way?

>> No.11000955

>do you have an existential reason that goes beyong muh self-preservation
not really, why do you ask? is it not enough reason for you?

>> No.11000965

>is it not enough reason for you?
actully not. i cannot conclude an argument from instinct following any kind of objectivity. instinct is as is our nature, but that doesn´t mean that there is any normative order or moral.

>> No.11000989
File: 91 KB, 550x413, 65ea4ff91a4b6c05cad55e426de0e86d4a4dcff0cf40e91ab3d618fdfd087386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is an acutal argument for saving humanity?
To just continue to allow life to do what it does. There are some pretty spectacular people out there. Finding them is tough. You're generally not gonna see them in front of a camera. But you know, you could always be the amazing one to drag us all forward. Or at least some of us forward.

>> No.11000993
File: 436 KB, 1080x1296, Spambot Bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate spambot frog /pol/ threads.

>> No.11000996

>the biggest ideological cope in human history
Prior to saving the world, that status gets constantly updated.

>> No.11001001
File: 44 KB, 500x412, 1534695426943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't give a fuck about the climate change arguments or realities. I live a simple life. I'd like others to do the same but can't expect anyone to want to live like an animal like i do.

>> No.11001007
File: 99 KB, 1024x576, gettyimages-1164563560-e1567187355500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing for sure is it was maximum cringe watching Greta try and talk down to the people sayin shit like "how dare you" come on get the fuck out of here

>> No.11001010

nope, because you cannot objectively justify a terminal goal. that said, i couldn't give a fuck about humanity as long as i survive and my frens, senpaitachi and those whose existences benefits me, that's all that matters to me. in fact i'd argue a fuck tonne of people disappearing would be p great for my survivability.

also greta looks like an annoying propped up gremlin with fetal alcohol syndrome for mothers who need to feel speshul about thinking about 'muh chilrin'. so pls "kill yourselves to save humanity".

>> No.11001027
File: 105 KB, 829x890, 1556487397915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are we witnessing the biggest ideological cope in human history?
Can you say that again, but this time with out bullshit meme-speak?

>> No.11001029
File: 537 KB, 500x380, grs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she photogenic

>> No.11001035
File: 41 KB, 800x450, donald-trump-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fukken wot m8

>> No.11001036

I would get her pregnant. I like fieriness.

>> No.11001043
File: 12 KB, 209x209, 1568346636249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would have the highest level retard babby LOL

>> No.11001052

literally you are on /sci/ and making fun of someone with aspberger’s. i don’t have it but this community is basically 75% aspies

>> No.11001070

If a set of genes create an individual that does not strive for survival, that indivdiual will probably die. Therefore, that set of genes will also die. If a set of genes creates an individual that does strive for survival, it will have a good chance at surviving. Therefore, those genes stand a good chance at survival. Thus, at any given point in time, almost all sets of genes and almost all individuals strive to survive. That's evolution. And it's not a question of "why". It's simply a question of what will happen.

You and your genes might be an evolutionary dead end. Most others are not. You might require justification for your continued survival. Most do not. This subject is not cope on parts of others. It's ignorance of simple evolution by you.

Morals evolved. If something helps your genes propagate, your genes will try to make you consider it good. The same is true a bit more abstractly for cultures, but in that case you'd talk about memes instead. Survival is the source of your morals.

>> No.11001072

aspies that know their fucking place. this arrogant cunt is too young to know how fucking stupid she is and how moronic she looks. suicide within 15 years

>> No.11001074
File: 200 KB, 1012x564, greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.11001082
File: 66 KB, 500x478, queer-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she a miserable cuntchild, look at that face it screams "why the fuck didn't you fucking people leave me on the hillside to die what the fuck am i doing here" it needs to be put down

>> No.11001088

i bet you she wins the nobel prize and becomes the role model of all aspies

>> No.11001094
File: 84 KB, 1080x672, 1Ehnp3G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking horseshit award anyway

>> No.11001172

Genes, genes, genes! You said genes 8 times..

Hey miss, or mister, I don't know you but I know your 'genes' aren't really the same or really any different either from your or mine. Meaning, like, there's more to it than that..

Evolution.. is an ape escaping a lab, learning about where it came from, but then turning against it's master

You're ma- your parents. your lineage..

Is it just you? Is it just me? Is it just everybody? How about him? Or her? They aren't even here to say, how can you speak for them? The haven't said anything yet. Do you think you always have the last word?

>> No.11001175

If that's your honest belief then it would make sense that you would've already killed yourself. Since you haven't this is a troll thread ran by a pussy and nothing more.

>> No.11001176

based autism spectrum poster

>> No.11001198

this girl's story is so farcical it's like it's straight out of south park
>cartman goes on strike to skip school
>ends up speaking at the UN

>> No.11001201

>genes matter
in determining traits, that's about it. their survival doesn't. these sequences can always be recreated.

>> No.11001220

>what is an acutal argument for saving humanity?

You’re a fucking retard lmao

Most people don’t want us to go extinct, so we’re going to try and not go extinct.
That simple.

>> No.11001223

>i cannot conclude an argument from instinct following any kind of objectivity. instinct is as is our nature, but that doesn´t mean that there is any normative order or moral.

No one fucking cares you autist