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10996413 No.10996413 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying to figure out how it is tribes as small as 20-30 people have been surviving for thousands of years without having serious medical issues.


I've figured it out now. In nature only the strong can survive, those who inherit weak genes tend to die off. Usually when they are still very young. Because of this only those with the strong genes survive.
This would explain why Tribes have so many children and how such small groups are able to survive thousands of years in isolation.

>> No.10996972

Which is why places with high birth rates and low infant mortality have worse health. The weak are propped up via technology and allowed to breed.

>> No.10998246

The more I study genetics and human adaptation the more I am lead to believe mankind was never meant to live in a civilized fashion in large cities, but instead in smaller tribal settlements in nature.

>> No.10998251

What do you think the last 6000+ years of holy wars was for, anon?

>> No.10998255

Large scale civilizations can only survive if they are at war. Without war they will degrade and fall apart.

>> No.11000516

Divine apoptosis: The notion that no civilization of any size will be able to perpetuate itself unless it is so friendly with the notion of primitive life that it's willing to interbreed.

>> No.11000524

Awww why is froggi sad, I wanna comfort him!! :<

>> No.11000529
File: 153 KB, 718x960, 1568948060922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is sad because he was not allowed on the snake train

>> No.11000537

that ain't 'sad' anon
look deeper

>> No.11000546

Humans are too smart to keep themselves in small groups but too dumb to not take an insane time to do it properly.

>> No.11000560 [DELETED] 

The destiny of humankind will be unification.
First we did it politically and economically: globalization.
Than we did it technologically: the internet.
Next we will do it spiritually.

>> No.11000565

The destiny of humankind will be unification.
First we did it politically and economically: globalization.
Then we did it technologically: the internet.
Next we will do it spiritually.

>> No.11000588

>I've been trying to figure out how it is tribes as small as 20-30 people have been surviving for thousands of years without having serious medical issues.
Because they interbred with other neighboring tribes of 20-30 people. Either to cement political alliance, or because they raided them for some fresh fuck meat.

>> No.11000593

I was talking about the tribes that had been living in isolation from the rest of the world Anon.

>> No.11000597

Well done, it's called genetic purging. The worst possible case for inbreeding would be a population that has been very large and exogamous for a long time being suddenly reduced to a small population. For generations after that event they would exhibit a whole bunch of weird new genetic abnormalities, which would eventually disappear.

>> No.11000626

>Usually when they are still very young
how young?

>> No.11000633

Incest only causes health problems because negative recessive traits are allowed to manifest. If those traits aren’t present, it’s pretty much harmless.

>> No.11000649

Usually anywhere from birth to around age three.

>> No.11000666

>In nature only the strong can survive, those who inherit weak genes tend to die off.
WOW it's that simple? I'd love to hear what you think defines 'strong genes' because i need a laugh and you sound like a mediocre high school student. Go for it!

>> No.11000671

Yummy Burger Koolaid.
Why would fuckwits who think like this shoot each other so much? Oh right, not enough war.

>> No.11000712

Dubious. Violent crime tends to be rather uncommon in developed nations. It’s the worst in the U.S because the U.S has a retarded culture and government.

>> No.11000868

>I'd love to hear what you think defines 'strong genes'
Ability to build muscle

>> No.11000911

Strength, Larger Size, Greater Intelligence, Not having serious medical conditions at birth, Reduced risk of developing medical conditions,
And also what this Anon said >>11000868
Also nice Trips.

>> No.11000927

>Strength, Larger Size, Greater Intelligence, Not having serious medical conditions at birth, Reduced risk of developing medical conditions

But what if this person requires 10x as much food as others? Not so simple is it?

>> No.11000949

I'm sure he wouldn't have very much difficulty getting around this problem given his traits

>> No.11000988

Nah. He can't win versus 10 people.

>> No.11001014

I wouldn't be so sure Anon.

>> No.11001034

Then you're a moron.

>> No.11001050

>you dont agree with me so your stupid
1 Chad Warrior could easily beat a group of 10 Manlets
Also he wouldn't have to eat as much as 10 people, or even half of that

>> No.11001064
File: 175 KB, 1200x630, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna spirit fuck you so hard LOL

>> No.11001087

Oh look it slick slogan guy again.
He comes up with catchy bullshit to sell to retards.

>> No.11001089

Why did you attach this retarded image of a dog. The dumbass look on its face is pissing me off.

>> No.11001106
File: 22 KB, 486x469, JeSZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
