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10998796 No.10998796 [Reply] [Original]

i honestly believe i have just solved the last remaining problem with cryonics, and this could result in cryosleep being as easy and as common as being put under anaesthesia.
so basically working off the work of this study https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/03/inductive-heating-of-magnetic.html
a method of reheating vitrified tissue was found that allows tissues as large as 1 litre to be reheated without recrystalization or heat stress fractures, it relies of evenly distributed magnetitie nano particles in the tissue sample to be heated using magnetic induction, a similar concept to magnetic hypothermia therapy used for cancer treatment. the nano particles are washed out using thermocycling exfoliation after reheating. the only limitation was that it was effectively impossible for larger tissue samples, say a whole body to have magnetite nanoparticles evenly distributed throughout it, i have solved this problem. what we will do is genetically engineer the intracellular parasite Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever) to be non pathogenic and to produce disordered magnetosomes (biomineralized magnetite) under a particular chemical signal. Continued in comments down below ...

>> No.10998797

patients weeks prior to vitrification will be infected with the parasite then be infused with the chemical signal prior to being vitrified, standard non toxic vitrification procedures will take place, perhaps being flushed with a humanized recombinant Alaskan wood frog insulin to increase the glucose concentrations in cells. the patient will have their blood replaced with cold saline and have their heart stopped and a excorporeal membrane oxygenator will be implanted. When the patient is to be thawed, the liquid nitrogen will be flushed, a magnetic induction coil around the patient will activate, thawing them at the exact rate to prevent recrystalization, the excorporeal membrane oxygenator will replace the saline with a blood over half an hour and then once brought to human internal temps a prior placed automatic defibrillator will restart the heart, the intracellular symbionts will predigest the nano particles and go dormant or undergo programmed cell death.
Alpha Centauri and Biological Immortality here we come !

>> No.10998821

now this is schizoposting
pics or it didn't happen

>> No.10998838

i havent tested it on a human yet though there is no theoretical reason it wont work

>> No.10998846

You need a human?

>> No.10998851

How much information does one loose in cryo stasis?

>> No.10998879

the method has already been tested for thawing all im suggesting is changing the nanoparticle distribution system

>> No.10998882

what do you mean? u dont loose anything u will be preserved just as u are ?

>> No.10998889

Will I dream?

>> No.10998898

Technically you would be clinically dead so I dont think so. Your brain activity would be too low for REM.

>> No.10998899

no, no biological functions will occur

>> No.10998902

Are you simple?
And no, no you do not dream while frozen

>> No.10998903

And here I thought I wasn't on /x/

>> No.10998909

why would it be /x/? vtirification is a well established and used thing, and this nanoparticle thawing has been tested too

>> No.10998917

Parasites aren't going to get to every single cell.

>> No.10998924

Well. You got a dying human who gives 1/256 of a fuck if you get to that legal point.

>> No.10998938

why wouldnt they ? especially rickettsia, if it wasnt pathogenic and was optimised it could easily get into every single cell including brain cells, it crosses the blood brain barrier like it was nothing, also it doesnt need to even get in EVERY single cell , the few cells which arent infected will warm by proxy

>> No.10998941

It's a reference

>> No.10998948

fuck that reference flew over my head haah

>> No.10999095

schizos everywhere

>> No.10999101
File: 377 KB, 1700x850, deathism chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10999115

the transhumanist chad is the final form of life on earth

>> No.10999125

Sounds good to me, give it a shot on a big clump of cells and publish something. Patent the process too once you've worked out any bugs.

>> No.10999147

take in someone homeless to test on

>> No.10999161

and how do you keep the brain unharmed?
because most people who had heart attacks forgot the moment they had one for example.
if you do this then the brain will deactivate and lose its information, giving you literal amnesia at best or become a mental toddler at worst.

>> No.10999185

this is a complete lie, you dont lose information, people have been put under super cooled saline for over an hour with zero cognitive side effects, the ONLY cuase of memory loss once your heart stops is brain damage caused by Ur oxygen availability being less than the metabolic requirements of brain, as you slowly induce hypothermia the base metabolic rate decreases, if you do it correctly there will never be a point where oxygen demand outstrips supply and hence zero brain damage, at this point the body will be vitrified which maintains all structural and chemical integrity indefinitely and then the body will be thawed and slowly brought back to normal basal metabolic rates. this idea that the brain is some kind of temporary memory storage that erases when its turned off has ZERO scientific basis.

>> No.10999200

Is it possible to have full blown de-facto infection in the entire body and keep it harmless?
Otherwise it seems pretty good. Publish a short story so that you can brag about it like A.C.Clarke did with satellite networks.

>> No.10999211
File: 177 KB, 739x1024, 1567486761286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your enthusiasm OP, but pointing to Next Big Future as a reference for legit science is like pointing to The New York Times as the end of Trump's presidency.

Stay in school, keep asking questions, and you will find what you are looking for.

>> No.10999223

i just posted the next big future website as a concise run down rather than the whole thing, i read the paper from the journal itself and then retroactively got a link tom post here
yes thats how endosymbionts are first formed, thats what mitochondria is, and there are some organisms which have algae inside their cells during development

>> No.10999227

here is the source work

>> No.10999228
File: 171 KB, 1280x898, F5.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once the bus have been worked out and 99+ % viability is achieved we will have something to work with

>> No.10999235

Seems legit. godspeed, OP

>> No.10999238

the majority of that loss of viability is a result of the cryoprotectants not the vitrification itself, using just glycerine or glucose like the Alaskan wood frog will probably result in 99.9% viability levels, sure that loss of viability would accumulate in the brain but as long as u arent thawed and vitrified literally hundreds of times it isnt going to be an issue

>> No.10999258

This thread is mega based

>> No.10999267

baka. Don't you know that in order to vitrify somebody you have to inject them with toxic cryopreservant? Also, the body cracks as it vitrifies. You did not solve cryonics.

>> No.10999339

what this faggot is trying to do is simple.
a gradual process that would take weeks.
we induce the human into a coma and slowly cool the body down during the weeks that follow.
alongside introducing a special chamber that can hold liquid nitrogen in 0°C and put the human there, lowering the temperature exactly 0.5 degrees every 6 hours until it reach its minimum temperature which would be lower than -200°C.
that and a special fluid that can be absorbed into the cells safely so that they freeze properly as if they were flash freeze when in fact it was a super slow cooling method.
it will be a medicine that will be administrated every minute, 0.4mg in a minute and then it will be digested and spread around the body, it'll be 20000ml of this medicine that will be administrated until every single cell in the body has this, it'll be a special compound that will probably have short-lived wood frog genes that will coat the cells from damage.
OP is a fag for not saying that it is a super slow cooling method that will sucessfully and safely freeze a person but that the process will take weeks or maybe months before the person is fully frozen and that it'll take the same amoubt of time to unfreeze.

>> No.10999351

>Rickettsia rickettsii

>> No.10999353

then they'll rot. You use cryonics on people that are dead. If they aren't already dead, they'll die.
>>special fluid that can be absorbed into cells safely so that they freeze properly
if we had that anon, there'd be no shortage of organs for donation. We can't even preserve organs via vitrification. It's going to take more than magic frog fluids and 'hurrr slow down da freezing' to preserve organs by vitrification.

>> No.10999384


>> No.10999815

maybe we can't freeze people through slow cooling...but it may work with organs.
if the organs are fresh then they would probably last a few hundred years.
I mean, it'll be submerged in liquid nitrogen and slowly but surely cool down the organ will prevent it from rooting.

>> No.10999922

Might have promise-make a proposal to a university bio department for looking into it, see if you can do it in rats and then in pigs.

>> No.11000708

They say your brain shuts down in cryo.

>> No.11002474

Based thread.

>> No.11002543

nope, brainlet thread.

>> No.11003755

Bringing tissue and cells down to necessary temps results in water ice destroying cells. Until they can solve that problem they wont be thawing anyone out anytime soon.

>> No.11003849

Why would you say this when you obviously don't understand the studies OP is even talking about?
Aren't you the brainlet here?

>> No.11003929

OP obviously doesn't understand how hard it is to engineer a fucking parasite to prefuse magnetite EVENLY in people. Have fun fighting the immune system and cooking your lymph nodes when the immune system eats them and they end up in the lymphatic system. Not to mention, non-toxic cryopreservation is not a standard procedure, nor have we figured out how to do it. There's also the issue of tissues cracking during the vitrification when they become large.

>> No.11004769

There you go -- see this kind of response is a million times more constructive than "brainlet thread".

>> No.11004882

No it doesnt not using this method please read the study before commenting retard, thermal fractures dont occur using this method. Also non toxic vitrification liquids exist the only reason why they use the toxic ones is there is a trade off between ice recrystalisation and toxicity. The less toxic it is the easier it is for ice recrystalisation to occur, for my method of thawing however the recrystalisation is prevented as are thermal cracks due to cellular level heating uniformity, just glucose antifreeze protein and a humanized recombinant alaskan wood frog insulin will suit for my purposes. I have a degree in biotech honoring in nanotechnology, stfu and read studies throughouly before commenting and making a fool of yourself.

>> No.11004883

>OP obviously doesn't understand how hard it is to engineer a fucking parasite to prefuse magnetite EVENLY in people
And you do

>> No.11004890

ricketsia never touches the blood stream, and how it spread cell to cell makes it actually very easy to manipulate to evenly distribute throughout the entire body, invagination of nearby cells means there is actually very little immune system response.
also yes we have figured out how to do it its just not as good at preventing recrystalization when thawing so it isnt used. but because my method deals with that its a non issue, also thermal cracks are primarily formed during rewarming NOT during freezing and caused by uneven heat distribution which this method works around holy fuck are u retarded and didnt even read the study

>> No.11004891

The only fool here is yourself making pointless shitpost threads on 4chan. If you were legit and your schizo ideas had any merit you would be getting published. You're here because you're full of shit. Your theory has zero applications and i'm just here to laugh.

>> No.11004895

its actually not hard at all, magnetite nanoparticle formation is controlled by a handfull of genes and we have shown that by removing one or two genes the nanopartices dont clump together and they evenly distribute inside the cell

>> No.11004897

nice ad hominem, kys brainlet

>> No.11004898

>degree in biotech honoring in nanotechnology
This is officially a non-brainlet thread. Doubters of science need to be removed.

>> No.11004916

So I am not a physicist, but is this basically saying that if you turn tissue into a big magnet, you can avoid causing fractures from the reheating process when coming out of cold-type suspended animation?
So this is a technology that would require the same level of operation as mature germline editing?

>> No.11004930

kinda but not really, if u distribute tiny magnetic nanoparticles throughout your bodies cells evenly, you can use magnetic induction to heat your body uniformly and with perfect heat rate control, ( this has actually been used in humans for cancer therapy) this prevents both recrystallisation of ice from a vitrified state to a liquid state, and also prevents thermal cracks caused by differences in temperatures and hence volume which create internal pressure.

also no it wouldnt, all this would require is the genetic editing of a bacteria to chance its life cycle a bit and to produce magnetite on cue, this bacteria is a parasite which lives inside of healthy cells and spreads cell to cell without enetering the blood system preventing immune response this is why rocky mountain fever is so deadly because it can cross the blood brain barrier or any cell barrier because it can move through cells like a ghost. it causes very little immune response DIRECTLY ( massive amount indirectly through cell death) and if manipulated to be non pathogenic it should be able to spread to 100% of cells in your body given enough time, probably a few weeks to months.

>> No.11004940

By "germline editing" I just mean "access to cell-by-cell levels of specificity." You're basically talking about an artificial organelle. Things that tamper with cellular physiology on that level are hella dangerous from any statistical method of analysis.

>> No.11004972

i honestly believe that this is WAY LESS dangerous than even normal gene therapy as with this method at any time in the infection process if the host has negative side effects the body can be flushed with drops and its done with, whereas other methods incorporate into genomic dna and can result in correct insertions causing leukaemia ect

>> No.11004976


>> No.11005008

>> thermal fractures dont occur using this method
Thermal fractures can arise from the fact that as stuff vitrifies it contracts. You ain't making ice, you're making glass. Oh and your cooling can't be uniform unless you invent the opposite of your magical heating nanoparticles. Oh and organs aren't uniform so different parts of them can contract at different rates. And if you have a fucking big piece of tissue unlike that tiny stuff(rabbit kidneys, rat legs...) they used in the study or previous studies, it's going to be pretty goddamn hard to prevent fracture. See section 7 here:
therapy through bacterial infection is still in early stages(IIRC there have even been some high profile deaths in clinical trials too). Making a virulent parasite not kill people while doing some crap is bound to be hard. Anything involving genetic engineering is hard.
great, but we've been unable to express magnetosomes in anything other than magnetotatic bacteria. And how do you mineralize all that magnetite with resources available in human cells?
>>ricketsia never touches the blood stream
eventually it does:
>>very easy to manipulate to evenly distribute throughout the entire body
since it's very easy, why don't you just tell me how you do it?
>>didnt even read the study
I read it 2 years ago fag.

>> No.11005071

1. fill the veins with air.
2.http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2010/0297022.html thats a straight up lie not only ahve we expressed magnetosomes in bacteria but we have done so in eukaryotic cells. and easy the artificial organelles will leach it from the body normally this would give u an iron deficiency but if u increase ur iron intake during formation u should be fine .
3. i plan on getting the organelle to express hydrophillic proteins to create a water "cloak" this has been done by other bacteria, i will humanise all surface proteins, and incorporate the genetic variants of some other strains of rickettsia which are known to leave the cell without causing cell death and to prevent large amounts of these bacterial load in each of the cells. if u can prevent cell death from the rickettsia from entering endothelial cells, immune reaction and having a low bacterial load u prevent nearly ALL parthenogenesis

>> No.11005676

>>fill the veins with air
for what fucking purpose are you giving someone the mother of all air embolisms? How do you get said air back out without the person dying?
the requirements for getting a patent are much less than a journal article. Come back with a journal article instead.