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File: 142 KB, 722x1144, 02FDED6B-1AEF-46A9-9519-12E227D931EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10995726 No.10995726 [Reply] [Original]

With the climate emergency being one of the defining issues of our times, what degrees/career paths will be increasing in importance?

>> No.10995731
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>> No.10995733

Wrong pic. Can’t find the one I was looking for

>> No.10995737
File: 619 KB, 1920x2115, 36E5F3CA-155D-4D6A-BCCF-D394B9AD418F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard of the Amazon? Not the online store.

>> No.10995738

That top-right graph appears to end at 1905 (95 years before 2000 CE). By then global warming was just beginning.

>> No.10995740

you mean the jungle that didn't properly exist until the locals died of simultaneous influenza, measles, and smallpox outbreaks?

>> No.10995767
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Yup. Them darn Amazonian farmers were hogging all the land with their crops and what not. Good think us white folks came down there ‘n gave em all our STDs, hyuck.

>> No.10995771

Is this what they call rent free?

>> No.10995781

by convention 0 is actually 1950 so it actually ends in the 1850s

>> No.10995789

Unironically engineering and agricultural sciences.

>> No.10995835
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>With the climate emergency being one of the defining issues of our times, what degrees/career paths will be increasing in importance?

Certainly healthcare. We got an geing society, full of fat people with poor health. Global heating already triggers disasters like flooding and hurricanes. Heat-waves will also be more common. As a doctor you will never run out of work.

>> No.10996384
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>> No.10996393

Climate change isnt man made
Go read Henrik Svensmarks research

>> No.10996493
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There is no climate emergency

>> No.10996497

There are more fires in africa and there were more fires in the past.

>> No.10996534

>climate emergency
>its hot during the summer
>its hot near equator

>> No.10996541
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>If I misrepresent the situation, it'll go away

>> No.10996549

Military science, any of the missile degrees - aerospace, ee, comp sci, technicians of all kinds, political science, medicine, civil engineers

>> No.10996589

border guard

>> No.10997672

whew lad we went up by 1 degree

>> No.10997788
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from: https://insideclimatenews.org/sites/default/files/documents/AQ-9%20Task%20Force%20Meeting%20%281980%29.pdf

>> No.10997811


The 'climate emergency' is the most blatant communist plot in living memory.


>no nuclear
>no geoengineering
>no CCS
>no 'corporate power'

But it's the environment we care about! We just really hate corporations and first world countries totally incidentally. The fact that we are deliberately jettisoning the most efficient ways of managing the problem isn't a big deal. It's not like we're deliberately hoping to worsen the situation or anything to win political power.

>> No.10998281

Climate Inclusion Specialist
Environment Diversity Advocate
Polar-Bear Reintegration
Evidence Doctoring

>> No.10998284


calling it communist is a cop-out, the people leading it are retarded neoliberals who just want to defend the status quo. These are people who have no problems dumping piles of toxic plastic waste and used solar panels in shithole countries but get upset when a tree has to be cut down for a railroad track. They are delusional and they won't win, since the most they can plausibly win is a planet full of garbage and choked by traffic. They'll either be dead then or exposed as the cowards they are.

>> No.10998293

Be a hobo with the global warming being homeless wont be that bad. Ride the rails north as the temp creeps up.

>> No.10998302

Social media evangelism

>> No.10998318
File: 370 KB, 462x455, 1475447439618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheyenne Wyoming is apparently a little brighter than its surroundings

>> No.10998482

>listen to this random fringe scientists and his unproven hypotheses

>> No.10998769

What does this graphic disprove? You don't even bother to explain why you posted it, just some dumb quibble about climate change being a lie. Real effort there, big brain time over here

>> No.10998774

Ignored. Just more evidence that most are fucking stupid. Nice job, voice in the wind.

>> No.10998783

>Has no idea what he's talking about past infographics he got from equally uninformed posters


>> No.10998791
File: 271 KB, 1126x803, global-warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10999280

Enjoy your life, with those new coal plants that Zhang and Pajeet are building, none of that will even matter.

>> No.10999327
File: 371 KB, 850x1147, Comparison-of-different-methods-and-reconstructions-of-global-and-hemispheric-temperature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a single ice core. Try looking at the bigger picture, nigger. Look at Marcott et al, in Science 2013 for a more complete picture.

>> No.10999344

>solve global systemic issues with a personal response

>> No.10999346

came here to post this

>> No.10999362
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Oh you found a second ice core.
See >>10999327

Also, to compare today to the ice core samples, you need to combine measurements. An ice core doesn't give you reliable information about the last 200 winters.

>> No.10999363

I don't get this argument. Other countries pollute means we can't lower our pollution because you idiots think it won't matter is the dumbest argument.

1) Those countries usually learned industrializion from US and Europe so they're copying us. If we become more efficient and clean so will they just to stay competitive with new technology. Also doesn't help that we sell them our garbage. Not to mention we're the US and are generally leaders in the world so are pretty good at convincing other countries to do what we want through any means. But hard to do if we ourselves are the greatest polluters

2) Even if true that countries won't advance away from CO2 pollution so what? We can't improve because a shit country on the other side of the planet won't? Oh well fuck em. Let their air be shit and we'll carry them and prepare to be independent of oil when the world fucks over and disaster happens.

>> No.10999367
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professional privilege checer

>> No.10999374

But mooooom, niggers in Africa don't go to school either so I wanna stay at home

>> No.10999408
File: 61 KB, 1014x724, figure-2-negative-power-price-diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not matter any more. Coal is over.
Once there is enough solar capacity overproduction is pushing daytime electricity price below zero.


>> No.11000227
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>> No.11000854

There were literally signs at the climate protest saying capitalism is the problem. Also their mouth piece assburger child Greta said as much about capitalism as well.

Seems they're more concerned about fighting capitalism than actually fighting climate change.

>> No.11001619

Well that's what people like Greta observe. That the buy cheap sell expensive principle doesn't work when, we have to do the expensive, ineffective thing to not die.

In my opinion not capitalism is the issue. But the greed of people that, can change the world, but won't for profit.
As climate change will, harm the poorest first, its just a question of whether people that have power will be merciful enough to stop competing each other and help the cause.

>> No.11001659


>> No.11001696

>There were literally signs at the climate protest saying capitalism is the problem.
They're basically correct. Global warming is an example of a negative externality, which is a market failure that occurs in unregulated capitalism.

>> No.11001809

Keyword: unregulated

I don't think climate activists associated with Greta are interested in the nuance. It's possible to have a capitalist system and regulate it without resorting to full on socialism or communism.

>> No.11001842

>I don't think climate activists associated with Greta are interested in the nuance.
I think they're very much interested in that nuance, given that virtually every response to global I've heard get seriously proposed has boiled down to some kind of market regulation.
What do you think "let's make a market for buying and selling emissions credits" is, a communist idea?

>> No.11001984

B-but the market brought us pollution and is destroying our climate. How do you expect the market to fix that? Why do neoliberals always sound like they're in an abusive relationship with the free market?

>> No.11001992

Yeah, it's called social market economy. You burgers should try it out.

>> No.11002154
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God damn this nigga is right.

What the hell is so hard to understand that fission is zero carbon? And why the blatant double standard in China and India? Just more brainwashed liberals to poison the well and make society unliveable.

>> No.11002174

>paying people to use electricity
>not a bogus system designed to incentiveize gay renewable overproduction
Kek I can't wait to get all that solar energy during a cold snap in February when the sun hasn't been out for 2 weeks.

Californians fuck off.

>> No.11002178

How old are you?

Nuclear energy is a market based solution to climate change that won't necessitate enormous taxes on the productive members of society or the voluntary genocide of intelligent conscientious people.

>> No.11002243

>In other words, nuclear power is an option that is more expensive and slower to implement than alternatives and therefore is not effective in the effort to battle the climate emergency, rather it is counterproductive, as the funds are then not available for more effective options.

Nuclear is NOT a solution to climate change.
WNISR is the only report that's independent of the IAEA and its scope is not just military and civil use of nuclear power plants but the worldwide distribution of electrical power.

>> No.11002372

>Global temperature

>> No.11002373


>> No.11002376

Corporations are scum though. And capitalists are just as bad as communists.

>> No.11002926


>> No.11002946

"The World Nuclear Industry Status Report is a yearly report that explores the global challenges facing the nuclear power industry. It is produced by Mycle Schneider, a professional anti-nuclear activist"

Funny how deniers who have zero credibility and can't get into academia also describe themselves as "independent."

>> No.11002959

Gang gang we in Wisconsin coolin it gang gang

>> No.11003172

It´s not that simple
>Capitalism malfunctions unless market expands, it can´t deal with shrinking economy
>Capitalism promotes consumption for consumption´s sake
>Capitalism promotes inequality, that mitigates interests of the poor members in pursuing ecological agenda
>Capitalism will push the price of regulation on the poor members of society
>Capitalism represents established powergroups that will attack people who want to regulate them

Socialism works like shit for satisfying needs of the demos, but capitalism is incapable of collectively rational output (e.g. that´s why countries switch to centrally commanded economy in times of war). It´ll only pursue fata morgana in form of "technological solutions" that won´t work until it´s too late.