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10996391 No.10996391 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why can't we run an inflation-only country? By this I mean have 0 taxes, and print more money to fund government activity. Printing more money is equivalent to taxing a flat rate, and if you want tax brackets you can only print more money to tax higher, and then give cash deposits to those in lower brackets.

This is literally equivalent in all ways. So why do we make monkeys write tax returns?

>> No.10996411

You're a moron.

>> No.10996419

If you don't get it, you are retarded. If your complain is that we are taxing savings too then that is also solved by giving cash deposits. The government already knows your net worth.

Seriously, after you have a strong widely circulated currency, you can run on inflation.

>> No.10996443

the ways and amount of times a person pays tax is fucked up when you think about it. Feels like more often than not, establishments merely charge "tax" as a surplus tip. Everyone has to pay taxes but establishments skirt that responsibility by collecting the taxes they're supposed to pay from customers, which means these establishments aren't technically paying taxes at all.

>> No.10996445

Worked for Obama.

>> No.10996446

You're right, there were 0 taxes under Obama. Fucking moron.

>> No.10996448

Then owning money in that currency would be a massive liability. People would exchange their money as soon as they're paid. The exchange rate would plummet and importing good would become prohibitively expensive.

I hope you didn't put a lot of thought into this. National banks were invented exactly to prevent the government from messing up the national currency for short term gain.

>> No.10996451

flat tax rates are completely fucking retarded

>> No.10996461

>Fucking moron
You missed my sarcasm.

>> No.10996462

Okay then how about this: We genocide all government creditors, obliterate all gay social programs, and now the ungodly amount of money we already print is enough to run the US government 10 times over. No taxes needed.

>> No.10996464

Flat taxe rates are only politically stable when average income is the same as median income.

>> No.10996467

who's the cutie to the right?

>> No.10996569

i think that's Lisa Randall

>> No.10996572

The value of the currency would be nothing because there is no Bid.
The only reason the state is able to print money right now is because you are also required to pay your taxes with it.
And a lot of people owe the state taxes that is why there is demand for it.
If you abolish all taxes everybody immediately switches to gold and ignores you precious currency.

>> No.10996578

Infaltion would be 50% per year or so.

>> No.10996609

However what you could do is to abolish all government debt that is owed to the central bank.
Germany in WW2 tried it, Libya tried it, Syria tried it. All of those regimes were obliterated and got a Rothschild owned central bank.
If you want to know how the perfect money system works look at the Reichsbank during Hitler Germany.

>> No.10996630

you need to be clear what "print money" means. no entity can gift itself money it creates. in reality, money is never "printed" like that.

>> No.10996655

This desu.

The value of fiat is held up by the fact that you must pay your taxes with it.

There is a story in Wealth of Nations about a prince who covertly collected a specific type of seashell, and after having a large store of them decreed taxes must be paid with it driving up the demand and value of the shells, effectively making himself rich.

Another example is Andrew Jackson who caused an economic crisis by passing a law that all land taxes be paid in gold and drove up demand and value for it to ridiculous levels.

Currency is an extension of political power and an inability to collect taxes to create demand for it gives no reason for people to value it.

>> No.10996715

You're forgetting about the petrodollar which is what really values the currency.

>> No.10996721

Please kill yourselves

>> No.10996775

Flooding of any kind permanently halts a market. This isn't something you can fix, because the effect is sorely and truly permanent. In the absence of any other irreversible process, the progress that the economy makes is irreversible. When a civilization collapses, some fragment of knowledge is always left behind that changes the analogous genetic coding of all future civilizations. Since not even collapse can result in a true reversible economy, we have to assume that everything traded once, is lost forever. Money is like blood for civilization, so anything else—including economic actors—will necessarily have to act analogously to some other tissue type. Trade goes on, because it is always useful in agrarian societies, making it the single most archeological activity we can measure.

In reality, yes; your economic model would be flawless. Rather than civilization slowly corrupting from political influence and the shifting seat of glory, becoming subtly parasitic in ways that only oppress "the people who would have already been going to have been oppressed" in the process, the market would naturally move away from your governing interior space at a truly organic pace. It would certainly be the least "violent" collapse of any government since the beginning of time. Yes, by leveraging the inherent value of trade, you would create the most successful "type" of government humanity would ever know.

It would also be the single least great thing humanity had ever accomplished.

>> No.10996814

It's a good idea until you realize that no one would be holding currency and people would be using it to only swap items as fast as possible, within a day at worst. The point of inflation is to rob the people who hoard currency and you'd be taxing no one if everyone's playing hot potato with it - the prices would adjust way too fast for the "taxing" effect of inflation to be realized.

However, there is a way to make this work. Banning the usage of any other currency inside the nation and only allowing banks to engage into forex, all the while controlling the oil supply in the Middle East and forcing other nations to use your currency for oil or trading privileges with you - that might as well be enough for this to work but that'd require such a massive reformation of pretty much everything that its never happening. Good idea nonetheless. I like to think of inflation as the enforced entropy on the markets which then forces the market to evolve systems designed to minimize that entropic decay, so increasing it in a stable manner would technically promote higher competition and growth of these systems, but also wealth inequality as well. Unless the freshly-printed dollars are going to the poorest, you'd have a corporatist dystopia within a decade.

>> No.10996824

If I am understanding OPs question correctly. You want a zero tax policy but a government who can only generate new capital to fund state projects? If so, I see a few problems:1. No wealth circulation back to source without taxation. 2. Wealth Hoarding will may well be even worst than now; A government who barely spends will be an economic drought to oversaturatration to one that does.

>> No.10996882
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>> No.10996956

I do not mean *only* to fund the state. I'm sure 2008 type events will necessitate increased printing to ensure our oligarchs get to eat, but in general the idea is to have no taxes. If the government needs 1 million bucks, it prints 1 million bucks, effectively taxing that out of the economic value of everyone.

>> No.10997110

Well the petrodollar only exists because of the US military and force projection on the world, so the point stands.

>> No.10997160

They payed tax when acquiring the raw materials. If they were offering only a service it should be self evident that only the customer should pay tax.

>> No.10997163

Nigga how can low quality threads be real? Just don't open them, I mean Just use a filter HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.10997889

This is like the Pan-African Zimbabwe situation. They give their ambassadors, elected royals rights to unlimited funding. Their jobs is to convert currency and spend it as they like...real estate, business, partying etc. Until the fun is over and they have to move to the next state to do the same thing over. Ultimately leaving them in debt to pools of creditors.

>> No.10997987

Knuckle heads like you don’t even deserve the privilege of being in a first world country. You’d be better off in Africa sucking cow tits for milk and growing wheat. You sir have a non functional brain

>> No.10998675


You could do it, but you would have human psychological limits on how much the money supply could grow. Most people don't notice 2-3% inflation, so your government budget would be that. That's below even colonial levels of funding so not realistic with today's gibs.

There is also the chance people understand what you doing and notice it immediately. You would basically have a lower threshold for inflation.