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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10993277 No.10993277 [Reply] [Original]

post 'em
Bonus: ask for reccs and post reccomendations for textbooks

>> No.10993285
File: 27 KB, 334x499, 41Zbb0xLfeL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any good mathematical finance recs? Also what prerequisites do I need to learn stochastic analysis? I found pic related in my uni course catalog

>> No.10993296
File: 885 KB, 838x856, Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 5.08.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome chart.
any analysis and group theory recommendations?
also I had a question about the red arrow, what does it imply?

>> No.10993320

Red arrows imply corequisites, you can learn both at the same time

>> No.10993324

Paul Wilmott on quantitative finance

>> No.10993575
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>functional analysis/operator theory
>statistic/information theory
>algebraic geometry

>> No.10993577

Number theory sucks the biggest balls

>> No.10994380

Taking it in 4 months. I'm worried it's gonna kick my ass.

>> No.10994386

Logic and set theory

>> No.10994424

College intro number theory is a joke you'll be fine
>durrrr priMes
>duh uhhhh moduLar aRithmetic

>> No.10994429

I really love complex analysis. Beautiful subject

>> No.10994448

transgender stuides

>> No.10994591

here's a (you) you stupid fucking whore. now leave this thread alone.

>> No.10994972

Is this something worth taking or should I just teach it to myself?

>> No.10994978

you should teach to all to yourself.
don't waste your time and money in uni with math.

>> No.10995028

>Also what prerequisites do I need to learn stochastic analysis?
A solid base in advanced calculus/real analysis is the most important thing. Other than that, a little prior exposure to measure-theoretic probability (just the basics is fine) and some stochastic processes is probably enough. PDEs tend to rear their heads eventually, but you can get quite a ways in before you're really forced to deal with them.

There are a pair of books by Steven Shreve called Stochastic Calculus for Finance that are excellently written and commonly used in quantitative finance programs. An added quirk of these books that I really like is that the first volume is very short and pretty easy while the second volume is long and difficult, so it's well-designed to dip your toes into.

>> No.10995245
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>> No.10995550

Thank you anon, I really appreciate the response

>> No.10995769
File: 1.62 MB, 2560x1440, guidefora300kstartingsalaryjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys want any edits?

>> No.10995797

did you just make this?

>> No.10995827

yes. I used the edits from the thread and made it.

>> No.10996153

good logic and elementary number theory books?

>> No.10996198

>elementary number theory
Ireland and Rosen
The first chapter of Munkres Topology