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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10993201 No.10993201 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking, what will be the benefits of SPACE FORCE?

will space force accelerate us to colonize the moon? or will it simply own the anti-science libs?

>> No.10993214

It was formed as a response to certain Russian satellite that has a goal to deny space as an asset during conflict.
Orange man here will fund development to satellites similar to the Russian ones that will patrol space and ensure there is no foul play like nudging satellite till it deorbits,unauthorized rendezvous where sabotage can be done and so on.

>> No.10993242

transferring more of the bloated military budget into spaceflight

>> No.10993256
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>> No.10993592


If chinks, terrorists, or any other bad guys blow up our satellites, we're FUCKED. We need something up there to protect them. I saw a military channel doc when I was younger that said that WW3 will probably start up in space with that kind of satellite fuckery

>> No.10993603

France is the only country with a space force. And it's pretty based.

>> No.10993611

you are a naive inexperienced low iq retard

>> No.10995226

>scientifically speaking, what will be the benefits of SPACE FORCE?
the air force does a ton of research already. the space force will likely have their own research capabilities. most of it will probably be for defense related purposes, so examples might be deep space GPS which might bring new knowledge of pulsars, and computer vision for detecting and tracking hard to see objects.

>will space force accelerate us to colonize the moon? or will it simply own the anti-science libs?
yes, weirdly enough because cislunar space and the moon are considered the next geographic frontier in space militarization because china has it's sights set on the moon. if china wasnt pursuing it however, then the space force probably wouldnt have much interest in the moon for the foreseeable future. that said, alot of people in the space security community feel like that is hogwash and that china and america arent competitors racing for the moon, but instead that lobbyists and shills are using china as a scapegoat to expand militarization towards the moon. either way there is an interest in cislunar space and the moon for national security purposes.

>> No.10995239
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btw come join us in /spaceflight general/ (>>10992807) because i talk alot about national security space in those threads. the field is expanding like crazy just like commercial and civil spaceflight are so there's news just about every day.