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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10991966 No.10991966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10991968 [DELETED] 

heh, classic

>> No.10991970
File: 2.19 MB, 2553x2553, 1558912534301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 not science
the population explosion of NIGGERS is literally the biggest danger to humanity and this earth right now

by 2100 there will be 5 BILLION NIGGERS, many will be in white western country with western standard of living, our planet cannot survive this

>> No.10991971

super AIDS

>> No.10991972
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tell them they aren't egyptian.
just like im not fucking greek or roman.
however, I am a based moorish Spanish conquistador.

>> No.10991981
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Imagine what they will do to our planet
have you ever been near NIGGERS? do you think they recycle their trash? its an incoming catastrophe

climate warming, depletion of natural ressources, environmental collapse, imense pollution

we need to contain this before its too late

how could we go about stopping their exponential growth, in a realistic manner?

I mean its fucking terrifying

>> No.10991982

egyptians were never as based black-wise as ethiopians. hence the old school reggae Selassie stuff

>> No.10991986
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well yeah no shit egyptians were coptic, except for some foreign dynasties, they had some semitic pharoes and european pharoes too, the 18th dynasty of pharoes/golden age period were europeans tested as western euro R1b

>> No.10991988
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come on /sci/ I need SOLUTIONS



>> No.10991992

yes the people of africa have no right to come to the west.
the only blacks with legitimate claim here are the slave descendants or based moor spanish rape babies.
I think we as western nations should invest in making a highly successful pseudo nation in africa as a homing beacon for all the refugees as a way to trap them and keep them from coming to the west.
They destabilize themselves, destroy each other, huge conflict in africa.
africa dead.
anyone got better proposals to saving western civility and advancement?
we could also civilize them and place them in border areas of africa so that the africans will be trapped there and be forced to expand south. The civilized africans will find the other ones to be a huge threat to their nation's civility and progress and we'll aid them in "protecting them" and devastate the rest of africa?
just spit balling off the top of my head.
if we have a pseudo nation with western influence we could have total control of oil, mines, land, etc.

>> No.10991994

-> /pol/

>> No.10992001
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this would be appropriate for /pol/ but I am here to ask for superweapons to curb the NIGGER population explosion so /sci/ is perfectly appropriate

>yes the people of africa have no right to come to the west.
wow hey there lets not talk politics buddy! this is a science board, we re discussing solutions to the NIGGER question right now

>I think we as western nations should invest in making a highly successful pseudo nation in africa as a homing beacon for all the refugees as a way to trap them and keep them from coming to the west.
the NIGGERS will just keep breeding with insane fertility rates until they run out of food and starve to death, stabilizing their population
creating a stable nation in africa is first impossible without foreign administration, and second would just make the problem a lot worse

>we could also civilize them
do you have any studies that would indicate that is possible?

>> No.10992004

i still think super AIDS is a good solution to overpopulation. it forces smart breeders to wear condoms (unless they are already “muh virginity till marriage” idiots which are dying off since that leads to divorce most of the time) and idiot unprotected sex practitioners kill themselves and even if they have kids in their pre-symptomatic years, they will die around 30 too and so will their offspring

>> No.10992015
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>i still think super AIDS is a good solution to overpopulation. it forces smart breeders to wear condoms (unless they are already “muh virginity till marriage” idiots which are dying off since that leads to divorce most of the time) and idiot unprotected sex practitioners kill themselves and even if they have kids in their pre-symptomatic years, they will die around 30 too and so will their offspring
super aids would be nice, but sadly some (((wealthy people))) are putting a lot of money into AIDS research, and now people with AIDS arent even dying anymore

I mean there are so many NIGGERS with AIDS right now that there arent enough base chemicals on earth or chemical plants to make enough AIDS medecine for all the AIDS infected NIGGERS

>> No.10992024

>we need to contain this before its too late
im sorry faggot but who was the one that gave women rights? and who was the one that created the ability for liberal ideology to flourish? who invented progressivism? Who split the philosophy of hegel?
we fucked ourselves so fucking hard.
we should just fucking dip. Come to south America with me bros, there's plenty of white communities there. we'll be safe with each other.
we'll repair Latin America, and preserve western knowledge until the dust settles.
this is a holocaust level event for more than just the jews, every westerner is at risk.
even the minorities that reap the west's benefits should be afraid.
>the NIGGERS will just keep breeding with insane fertility rates until they run out of food and starve to death, stabilizing their population
>creating a stable nation in africa is first impossible without foreign administration, and second would just make the problem a lot worse
we introduce a virus that causes infertility or extreme birth defects.
or create a "tax" so that only africans with less children will get resource aid
send in a bunch of religious types too, enforce no sex before marriage.
they'll take it so seriously the now christian locals will kill whores.
eventually they'll just form an immunity. it's pointless.
focus should be in ebola.

>> No.10992027

ebola has been cured, clamped, and vaccinated. ebola is so old and busted, anon... keep up with the times

sooner or later super AIDS will come, and it will be back to its old hijinks, killing mostly faggots but then also poors and low-IQs. good for the species.

>> No.10992033

Let's compromise
super ebol-AIDS

>> No.10992038
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>im sorry faggot but who was the one that gave women rights? and who was the one that created the ability for liberal ideology to flourish? who invented progressivism? Who split the philosophy of hegel?
that would be the jewish people on all counts, for example there was an overrepresentation of around 40000% of jews in all feminist movements, progressivism is a derived form of marxism that went away from marxist leninism, and aimed to replace class warefare by "everything" warefare, every single author of the movement being jewish, do some reasearch on frankfurt school, it was an academyu of communist jews who fled nazi germany to establish themselves in american, and then creted progressivism there.

but please no antisemitism here, this isnt a political board.

>> No.10992049
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>we introduce a virus that causes infertility or extreme birth defects.
hmm like zica? I am afraid those biological solutions will never be enough, there are just too many godamn NIGGERS

4 fucking BILLIONS

>or create a "tax" so that only africans with less children will get resource aid
yeah thats gonna be hard, read this text^^

>> No.10992058
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>overrepresentation of around 40000%
oops sorry what a ridiculous number

that is simply taking their overrepresentation compared to every other ethnic group, not accounting for the population difference

let me correct myself

Jews were overrepresented as movement leaders and feminist writters by a factor of roughly 3.000.000%

>> No.10992073
File: 467 KB, 750x1261, F49D490F-347D-483B-88C0-8FCB58817CE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... what race is this guy!?

>> No.10992079

>beings a sperg about jews
you're anti-Semitic delusions are hurting you. even if these jews made ideas, they were idea that the American people agreed with and allowed.
civil war was always an option.
The US and west cucked itself willingly. this wasn't a rape.
stop coping loser.
now if you don't have any scientific ideas related then leave your anti-Semitic cope at the door loser.
how about water in exchange for testicles? we call it a human ethics program, make the excuse that introducing children into that environment is unethical. We trade water for the male's reproductive abilities.
introduce white western criminals to do "service" and they'll work there for basically free as punishment, and they'll breed that african women, therefore whitening the population.
we provide whitened children with extra relief, and continue castrating the men, continually whitening all of Africa. Africa becomes a white continent and we stop castrating the men.
fuck what the laws say, we change them.
we call this an ethics program and figure out the logistics later. who the fuck is making the Africans follow ethical code? no one, they don't have any.
we can also create civilization programs and rejects 90% of the graduates and send them back out into the wild, but they'll resent the uncivilized people.
do you have any other solutions?

>> No.10992109
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>these jews made ideas
wow calm yourself with this insane antisemitic ramp, what the hell is wrong with you? who hurt you?

anyways as I have said countless time this isno place fo rantisemitism, and your antisemitism is very misplaced.

jews might have been the originators of every single one of the things you cited as an issue, to an extreme degree, be responsible for propagating those ideas through the media and academia that they own, but that IN NO WAY means they are responsible for any of it. last time people spoke like you did millions died, you should be ashamed.

>> No.10992114

jews don't own academia, anon. stop reading jordam peterson. old white christians mostly own it, just look up the history (most ivy league schools were christian divinity schools originally)

whether or not capitalism has corrupted the whole thing, and whether or not jews mastered capitalism while christians had some laws against "usury" is another issue. but the idea that academic institutions are cucked by capitalist shit is pretty tenuous, since even jordan peterson retards think somehow marxists control academia

>> No.10992123
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>. stop reading jordam peterson.
you mean this guy?

>whether or not capitalism has corrupted the whole thing, and whether or not jews mastered capitalism while christians had some laws against "usury" is another issue. but the idea that academic institutions are cucked by capitalist shit is pretty tenuous, since even jordan peterson retards think somehow marxists control academia
you simply CANNOT stop with your biggoted and antisemitic ranst can you? I started a thread for the discussions of solutions to the NIGGER problem and you always bring it back to politics. get help.

>> No.10992125

Unironically, a combination of education and the emancipation of women has proven to slow birth rates even into the negatives. Africa, India, and China have neither.

>> No.10992132

ROFL, that's a deepfake right? hilarious!!!!

i think my post is pro-semitic, not anti-semitic. go to /pol/ and you'll see stuff like "jews have a secret cabal" or "da jooz got them reptilian illuminati connexonz, yall gotz ta be white nationalists cuz fuckin nazis be based nigga"

all i'm saying is that jews are rich (thanks to cultural norms that christian society adopted) and rich people win the game in capitalism every time. then the whole "culturual marxism is jew socialism" makes absolutely no sense and is completely retarded reasoning

>> No.10992147
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>"da jooz got them reptilian illuminati connexonz, yall gotz ta be white nationalists cuz fuckin nazis be based nigga"
no one says that, show me a single person saying that on this site or outside

>go to /pol/ and you'll see stuff like "jews have a secret cabal"
thats ridiculous, they dont have a secret cabal, they have hundreds of secret cabals, the word "cabal" itself comes from the jewish khabalah practitioner, like most of the pop stars, actors, or american polititians

>all i'm saying is that jews are rich (thanks to cultural norms that christian society adopted)

>and rich people win the game in capitalism every time.
to be fair jews invented capitalism, heck the first money on earth was the shekel, they even invented money!

>"culturual marxism is jew socialism"
I mean marx was a jew and a socialist but I see what you mean, no really I do

anyways can we stop talking about politics and refocus on the NIGGER problem please?

>> No.10992196

look jew did nothing wrong. just cause you're too fucking gay and lazy to do anything yourself and are poor that YOUR own problem.
I happen to like fucking big tit cow jew girls. BTFO nazi incel
you're not the ubermench, pal. you're a pathetic slime.
kek that was good
but I don't think there's anything wrong with blacks coming here. I think we should only let the women in because we need some choco QTs
so we should civilize Africans into fine people and uncivilized ourselves into nothing more than white rape monkeys.
get help incel. Blacks coming here is a good thing. You're just pissed you won't pass on your genes.

>> No.10992210
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>but I don't think there's anything wrong with blacks coming here.
oh but there is, my concern is simply ecological, not political

NIGGERS are more like cancer cells, we are being faced with terminal planetary oncology, and we are in desperate need of some chemotherapy

>> No.10992220

samefagging is pathetic

>> No.10992225
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I am not selffagging, I used a username for most of the thread even

not my fault this board didnt fucking invent ids, talk about high tech

these are my posts


>> No.10992227

explain your reasoning?
if black people came to the west in mass exodus, then the former westerners would not be afro-europeans, still using western knowledge and thinking like westerners.
do to the climate those Aeuropeans would eventually develop to favor white skin or reduced melanin. after time they'd be white again and hate the pure africans again and mass African exodus would happen again.
You act as if the properties of evolution stopped working.
the only thing we should fear is the loss of western knowledge, so many preservation and education programs should be created to ensure the safety of western knowledge.

>> No.10992230

>posts a huge list of posts he made not replying to anyone
>thinks he wasn’t samefagging

>> No.10992235

I consider myself liberal but the biggest thing we need to do is stop importing them. If we want to help Africans, we need to help them build communities where they live, having them be leeches to western government or some charity isn't going to help them in the long run.

>> No.10992236
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there is one post out of the entire list where I was repolyign to myself and its a correction

check all of them faggot

>explain your reasoning?
>NIGGERS survive of western food aid
>their population surges
>they live off a dolar or less a day, small carbon footprint
>they get fasttracked to the west
>they start living on 100$ a day
>2 BILLION NIGGERS now live on 100£ a day
>yet the planet is finite

dont tell me you dont see an issue here

>> No.10992237

African immigrants outperform natives in every metric.

>> No.10992242
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>we need to do is stop importing them
ahahahahahahah you think you are given a choice?

>> No.10992244
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do you have a single exemple of those metrics? crime and birthrates dont count

>> No.10992251

based. african communities are actually sustainable and the only issue that needs to be solved is the birth rate. we should support education for women and birth control in africa

>> No.10992256

>African immigrants to the US are among the most educated groups in the United States. Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma. This is more than double the rate of native-born white Americans

>> No.10992262
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> African Immigrants in the United States are the Nation's Most Highly Educated Group
>The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
>No. 26 (Winter, 1999-2000)

>>Preview not available


also dont you have both quotas and racial discrimination in admission in america? lol

>> No.10992263

unfortunately we don’t recognize most of their degrees. well maybe it is justified. but i’ve had taxi drivers in NYC who claim to be MDs in their country. would I trust them to give me medical treatment? open question

>> No.10992267

Black amerikunt =/= African

>> No.10992273

>Preview not available
Pay for the access poorfag. Prove me wrong, please.

>> No.10992277
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>unfortunately we don’t recognize most of their degrees. well maybe it is justified. but i’ve had taxi drivers in NYC who claim to be MDs in their country. would I trust them to give me medical treatment?
oh yeah I forgot america is basically a pile of capitalist pyramid schemes lol


man its funny when you compare the standards of living of americans to the absolute state of their workforce, the next recession is gonna be something funny lol

>> No.10992302
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>Black amerikunt =/= African
I am sorry but we are discussing NIGGERS here not egyptians, stay on topic pelase

I am sorry but a non peer reviewed "study" by an organism called """The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education""" locked away behind a paywall from 20 years ago used as a source for w*kipedia propaganda isnt what I would call a valid argument

wanna play a funny game? just google
"*the name of any large american city* shooting" and look at the images, kek

>> No.10992316

It sounds like you're not willing to seek the truth. Get the proper immigration data then.

>> No.10992336

>the next recession is gonna be something funny lol
invest in math
I wonder what those educated black poets and writers would say about modern blacks?
the US doesn't practice aestheticism, it should make all the citizens civil people.

>> No.10992351
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>I wonder what those educated black poets and writers
oh yeah like shakespeare?

man I rmember all the black philospher I use to read, I just cant quite put my tongue on their names...

>> No.10992372
File: 29 KB, 233x300, Phillis-Wheatley-engraving-Scipio-Moorhead-book-frontispiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phillis Wheatley
>am I a joke to you?

>> No.10992376
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>>Phillis Wheatley

On Being Brought from Africa to America.

‘Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,
Taught my benighted soul to understand
That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too:
Once I redemption neither sought nor knew.
Some view our sable race with scornful eye,
“Their colour is a diabolic die.”
Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain,
May be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train.

>>am I a joke to you?

>> No.10992380
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>be Charles drew
>am I a joke to you?

>> No.10992384
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what next talcum X?

>> No.10992388
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Sterilize the niggers before it is too late.

>> No.10992393

>Charles drew
also that fag is literally the only guy blacks have, he didnt even invent either heart transplant or prosthesis, same with the peanut butter guy

how fucking sad is it that there are billions of you and you only have 2 third rate inventors?

finally someone wants to stay on the subject, the question is how we do it

>> No.10992402

still going with super AIDS

>> No.10992410
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>be Mae Jemison
>am I a joke to you?
his mom was a whore so what?
>sterilize the greatest group of human biodiversity
not a scientist are you?

>> No.10992411

You can't do it. That anon went off topic precisely because OP asked what we CAN do. Ultimately, anything we can't do is irrelevant and beyond the scope of this discussion.

>> No.10992413

>finally someone wants to stay on the subject, the question is how we do it

Compulsory tubal ligation for negresses and vasectomy for niggers.

>> No.10992419
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>be Mae Jemison
>am I a joke to you?

>> No.10992422
File: 1.83 MB, 720x1280, PRIVILEGE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sterilize the greatest group of human biodiversity
>not a scientist are you?
what kind of scientist needs 4 billions specimens to study a species? plus I think we ve learned enough

>> No.10992429

This is why I refuse to see nigger """doctors""" because like every other scenario, they're criminals.

You can try to fund the mexican mafia, they were ethically cleansing niggers in comtpon a while back. Other than that there's really nothing else you can do for the current population unless we find a nigger gene that can be targeted.


>> No.10992437
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>You can try to fund the mexican mafia, they were ethically cleansing niggers in comtpon a while back.

>> No.10992438

looks more like karl marx
cringe. tell me why exactly you want to sterilize black people? what's your great reason?

>> No.10992444
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i ve told you several time, the earth cannot handle 4 BILLION NIGGERS, it will be an ecological catastrophy, near compelte collapse of civilisation, complete depletion of ressources, ireversible polution, and probably end of humanity s hopes to reach the stars

the situation is urgent

>> No.10992447

>cringe. tell me why exactly you want to sterilize black people? what's your great reason?

Not OP, but it is fairly obvious. They are not only less intelligent but more violent than other humans. They are incompatible with civilization.

>> No.10992451
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>hopes to reach the stars
loser. what a waste of a trips.
the earth already has 7 billion niggers and they're called humans.

>> No.10992453

So sterilize all criminals and low-IQs, no? Why target a skin color?

>> No.10992455

>So sterilize all criminals and low-IQs
That is an even better solution, I agree.

>Why target a skin color?
Race is not skin color.

>> No.10992457

>So sterilize all criminals and low-IQs, no?
yes, that's what we're all saying. Sterilize niggers.

>> No.10992459

Not all niggers are criminals or have low-IQ.

>> No.10992460
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>So sterilize all criminals and low-IQs, no? Why target a skin color?
>implying there is a difference

NIGGERS have an average iq of 55, do you know how gaussian curves work? killing anyone under 100 iq is killing 99.9% of all NIGGERS

which would be a wonderful thing

>> No.10992462

>NIGGERS have an average iq of 55

False. African niggers have on average an IQ of 70.

>> No.10992463

but in a genetic fitness perspective that makes them superior.
they have better birth rates they will out last us.
frankly I think we should just document everything we have and retreat into a well protected oasis because there is no fucking way we're surviving this.
We lost. we're inferior, well I'm not YOU are.
I rape on the daily.
I'd rape half a million bitches if I could.
if they come here, we breed with them and our offspring will live into the next generation and probably succeed over the fire blacks because of the increased intelligence.
I say we take a few intellectuals and women for breeding and just keep them safe as society corrodes.

>> No.10992465

Wtf I love hispanics now.

>> No.10992466

>but in a genetic fitness perspective that makes them superior.

I'm talking from a civilization and science development perspective, not simply genetic fitness.

>> No.10992474
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>Not all niggers are criminals or have low-IQ.
yes! all but one or two!

there are many shades of african NIGGERS
some have as low as 55!
I believe pigmees have an iq of 40, they are TINIGGERS

>> No.10992486
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civilization destroys science if it's not science based.
most countries are liberty based/morally based.
that results in the distraction of science.
look at how much liberal hate science.
science was never going anywhere as industry's slave and everyone shitting on it.
you're fucking delusional.
great they are just smart enough to be engineers

>> No.10992490


They are good and pacific little niggers. Leave the pygmies in peace. They are being genocided by the evil niggers, the Bantus.

>> No.10992493
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>They are good and pacific little niggers. Leave the pygmies in peace. They are being genocided by the evil niggers, the Bantus.
whenever I say NIGGER I generally only mean bantu

pigmees are funny, they re like hobbits but also NIGGERS

bantus (NIGGERS) hunt pigmees like wildgame and also eat them like wildgame

>> No.10992515

fukcing do it then dude!
go fucking do it yourself and your comrades.
the public and government will condemn you.
an engineered virus is one of the best ways, you just need to give it a simple cure that has only been manufactured by western societies.
MEANWHILE I'll be making an outpost, keeping document of all the world's knowledge and researching in math and science, allowing only the most prestigious people to come in to join to pursuit.
i'm a passive person. I think nature should go it's own route. I don't want to interfere.

>> No.10992545

What is your solution to the nigger problem?