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10990686 No.10990686 [Reply] [Original]

We will never go beyond having more than 20 people in space at a time, am I right?


current year: 2019
fuck this world and it's idiotic priorities

>> No.10990688
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>> No.10990690


i've heard that space and our neighboring planets aren't very nice places to be.

>> No.10990691
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>> No.10990696
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you can stay here

>> No.10990700
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>> No.10990704

fuck newton and his retarded gravity and fuck einstein and his gayass relativity. they are the ones keeping us down with their too intrusive and restrictive laws

>> No.10990707


even though the first mars colonists will be immortalized in history, i don't think i'd go if i were asked. you'd never see a forest or a lake or an ocean again in your life. nobody right in the head would trade earth for mars, even if they hated every last person on this planet. honestly i think it's a bit pointless to attempt colonizing inhospitable planets.

>> No.10990712

this is just fantascience

>> No.10990717

Just wait a century or two lol

>> No.10990719

Nobody right in the head would choose earth over mars. It’s true because I asserted it

>> No.10990720
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wow, such a realistic point of view
he doesn't get fooled by silly sci-fi

It's fucking 2019 and we are arguably worse off in terms of space flight than we were in the 1970s.

>> No.10990725
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and then what?

You think somehow magically we will have widespread space flight and bases on other planets?

Fucking nothing will happen (just like nothing happened in the last 30 years) unless we find something in space that feeds the human greed.

>> No.10990730
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we need to find an actual earth-like planet that you can walk around and inhabit

so that our corporate overlords can smell the money in exploiting it

maybe then something will happen

>> No.10990735

>Corporate overlords will exist in the future

Sorry to tell you but the very concept of currency is on the way out.

>> No.10990744
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>Sorry to tell you but the very concept of currency is on the way out.

lol, please tell me you are 12
at least that would be an excuse

>> No.10990745

>we need to find an actual earth-like planet that you can walk around and inhabit

Your typical cybernetic post-human could walk around on Ganymede. We don’t need living worlds at all.
In fact, the small ones with no gravity and atmosphere are MUCH, MUCH better, because we can construct space elevators with current materials on them to extract their mineral wealth.

>> No.10990750

>Dur we’ll still have money when robots started doing everything eighty years ago

lol, please tell me you are 12
at least that would be an excuse

>> No.10990762


space exploration is interesting but i think we should put more effort into developing sustainable habits here on earth.

>> No.10990766
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>Your typical cybernetic post-human could walk around on Ganymede. We don’t need living worlds at all.

That's about as realistic as somebody inventing a Warp-Drive tomorrow that can go into mass-production next week.

What you talking about is basically human consciosness transference into a fully robotic body that doesn't need air and is unaffected by extreme temperatures. We are not even close to something like that.

>> No.10990771
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>space exploration is interesting but i think we should put more effort into developing sustainable habits here on earth.

>> No.10990783


OP was complaining about our priorities, and imho, the colonization of dead planets should not be at the top of our list. it's an interesting diversion, but why should it be such a high priority?

>> No.10990792

>>Dur we’ll still have money when robots started doing everything eighty years ago


>> No.10990795

>That's about as realistic as somebody inventing a Warp-Drive tomorrow that can go into mass-production next week.

It’s much more realistic than that since it’s supposed to be centuries away.

>What you talking about is basically human consciosness transference into a fully robotic body that doesn't need air and is unaffected by extreme temperatures. We are not even close to something like that.

You can keep the brain in a little aquarium and control a mechanical avatar remotely. I never said it was “close”, but it’s much more viable than finding other fucking planets with life. Just getting to them would take millennia if not hundreds of thousands of years unless we pull wormholes or something out of our ass

>> No.10990800

Not an argument.
Work-saving machines and robots have shrunk the amount of workers involved in just about everything, and this will only increase until they are absent.

>> No.10990801
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>but why should it be such a high priority?

oh gee, I don't know, maybe because the whole of humanity sits on one rock in space

god forbid something happens to that one rock

>> No.10990815

>god forbid something happens to that one rock

the earth would still be a far more hospitable planet than mars.

>> No.10990817


that depends on what exactly happens, doesn't it?

>> No.10990867
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Antarctica is a good model for what will happen, exploration started about 200 years ago. But for 100 years it was mostly sporadic. Then it gradually became more professional. Today there are several permanent bases and about 1000 people. Space exploration happens faster, there is already a permanent base. So it's possible there might be more then 1000 people in space at the end of this century.

>> No.10990953

>you'd never see a forest or a lake or an ocean again in your life
Plenty of cities like this on earth, populated by lots of people that never have the chance to leave them and see those things you mention. And things are only going to get worse. Ireland for example is planning to ban cars and shift everyone into Singapore style cities with only public transport/cycling/walking available. Nice future eh?

>> No.10991152

Now that is what I call antenna pr0n.

It is comfy. Also: dream no small dreams...

>> No.10991161

We are all in space.

>> No.10991170

Fine. Can I have yours, then?

>> No.10991174

I came here to post this.

>> No.10991641

>A video from RT
Did you even try??

>> No.10991659

>We are all in space.
It bears repeating

>> No.10991789

Why the FUCK would you spend that much time and effort hoisting a ring into space when 70% of the Earth's surface is just WAITING for a floating habitat to be built?

>> No.10991795
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wow, so eye opening

>> No.10991979

I think there are people who thrive on attention and on exploration. Earth feels like a dead zone. Everything is explored, there is just incemental progress. On mars you could be the geologists that discovers some major shit, and you can also explore it's vast terrain.

Basically be immortalized.

>> No.10992009


>> No.10992031

you live on a planet with literally limitless biodiversity to explore and understand, where it is possible to discover completely brand-new species with a microscope and some dirt, and you would rather study rock striation on a dead planet filled with poisonous dust?

>> No.10992032

what are YOU doing to help?
if space X and blue origin just disbanded and those rich asshole just put that money they're wasting into funding nasa then we'd be moving faster.

>> No.10992059

That might be true if NASA had set priorities that don't change every time a new president is sworn in.

>> No.10992090


As far as priorities go, leaving this planet is and SHOULD be a low one.

You can't possibly think that interstellar space travel, or even interplanetary space travel should be a priority right now, right?

I love this shit as much as the next person, but this helps society minimally.

>> No.10992285

>I love this shit as much as the next person, but this helps society minimally.


>> No.10992294

>helps society
fuck society they can rot in hell all I care.

>> No.10992350

>why should it be such a high priority?
Because solving the problems posed by space travel and habitation would mean coming up with novel technologies and methods that may also be useful here on earth?

>> No.10992489

Significant progress can be made in space right now for the (relatively) low cost of a few tens of billions of dollars. Consider also that we do have the technological capability to get a lot more done in space than we are currently doing, several modes of rocket propulsion already exist which are dramatically superior to conventional chemical rocketry especially beyond an atmosphere which would allow great strides in space expansion. Consider as well that it is not intelligent to hold all of one's genetic eggs in a single proverbial basket, it is within the best interest of the human species to proliferate to at least several other self-sustaining or semi-self-sustaining habitats outside of the Earth so that we may be able to preserve ourselves in the face of certain disasters. It should also be noted that once developed properly even a small fraction of the solar system represents an essentially inexhaustible supply of resources for humanity which could ease a number of our needs. Petrochemicals for plastic from Titan, rare metals from Mercury and the asteroid belt, cheap electricity from new powerplants designed for space and from large solar arrays orbiting the sun. In a competition to expand and develop space new technologies which improve our lives on Earth will inevitably be developed, it should never be forgotten that the space race and adjacent programs gave us avionic software and the compact computers on which it ran, new and useful metal alloys, and other valuable technological advances.

>> No.10992498


Wait, you actually think that strawman of an argument is cogent? Oh boy... Not once did I say we should fix all of the problems on Earth before looking for the next place. All I mentioned was that interplanetary travel should not be a priority above climate change or feeding everyone or figuring out what to do once everyone loses their jobs to AI. There are far more pertinent things to worry about.

Does that mean we should stop space exploration? Fuck no. But it does mean that it's NOT A TOP PRIORITY in the same way climate change is.

To be honest, I don't think we should leave Earth until we figure climate change out, either. Or else the same bullshit is going to happen on the next planet, and the next one.

>> No.10992506

It's always the AGW evangelists who are the biggest brainlets.

>> No.10992510


Doubt it. When we went to the moon for the first time in '69, the things we learned and gained from NASA's construction of the spacecraft are far fewer than what people actually believe. Velcro was not created by NASA or for Apollo, despite a lot of people believing that.

The greatest accomplishment from landing on the moon was morale. That's what improved. Our tech, standard of living, economy, didn't improve from the tech and solutions that came from getting to the moon.

>> No.10993226

Maybe you need resources from space in order to do that?

>> No.10993230

warp drive is banned by laws of physics, artificial consciousness is not

>> No.10993235

not when it gets burned by the Sun in about a billion years

>> No.10993237

SpaceX and Blue Origin budgets are a mere tiny fraction of NASA budget, you collosal retard.

>> No.10993239

>he does not know about Starship

Next decade will be amazing in spaceflight.

>> No.10993289
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>To be honest, I don't think we should leave Earth until we figure climate change out, either. Or else the same bullshit is going to happen on the next planet, and the next one.

we shouldn't be making space a priority while we are still having racial segregation here on earth, first we should work on equal rights for everybody regardless of race

we shouldn't be making space a priority while we are still having wars like the war in Vietnam, first we should work on being a peaceful society

we shouldn't be making space a priority while we are still having a Cold War with Russia, first we should figure that out

yeah, the Cold War is kinda over, but there is so much poverty all over the world. How can you justify going to space when children in Africa are starving?

Dude, Terrorism! National Security! Space? Are you crazy?

Man, the economy is in shambles. Stop with this going to space bullshit.

>muh environment

>> No.10993327

except that we are putting two orders of magnitude more effort into sustainability than into spaceflight already

>> No.10993328

I like this post a lot

>> No.10993349

kek, good one anon.

>> No.10993355

Launch a giant bottle garden to live in then.

>> No.10993373


Which would hold some water if anyone was actually helping society. But at the present all that is being done is hand wringing and applying band aids to a situation that is growing worse every year.

That is even if we agree what "helping society" actually is. I suspect we might have wildly different ideas about that.

>> No.10993375

is this the delusional thread?

>> No.10993380

We automate dangerous and expensive jobs. Being an astronaut is dangerous and extremely expensive so we obviously put the most effort into automating astronauts. The more robotics and AI advance, the less the need for astronauts.

>> No.10993796
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Unmanned missions have been remarkably successful the last few years. At some point people will want to go, it is part of human nature.

The meek shall inherit the Earth. The rest of us shall go to the stars.

>> No.10993934

What is with the constant fetishization of outer space? Sure, some parts of it look beautiful, but in reality it is a completely hostile and virtually empty wasteland. There's nothing to gain out there other than the one-note "beach front view" of a planet, just like that picture you posted. "Oh, wow, what a sight. These plebians are literally and figuratively below me. I am le transcendant human."

>> No.10994093

The sun is going to kill us all eventually so we literally have to go if we want to survive as a species, very important even if it is just baby steps.

>> No.10994170

>fuck this world and it's idiotic priorities
2010-2020 is literally the worst decadeever. Twitter, reddit, facebook, instingram, trump, brexit, pollution, internet 2.0 (any idiot thinks that he is intelligent and that his opinion is valid), etc., this is what we will remember from this decade

>> No.10994552
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As I wrote, there is a human urge to go out and explore. Also much of Earth is hostile to the stone age human. We depend on tech already to survive.

>> No.10994562

If people wouldn't stand in the way of Trump and his space force then we would already have a platoon of space marines on the moon

>> No.10995754

Comfy collection of images, care to zip them and post the archive?

>> No.10995837

To fight rocks?

>> No.10995872

the problem is some idiot or incel will be fu chad, and blow out the windows.

>> No.10995877

yeah m8 that extinction event meteor fucks ur nice habitat.

>> No.10996094

No, it's actually the only legit way to colonize outer space and migrate human out of Earth.

>> No.10996104

That would be enough for him to be reelected, for life, scrapping the term limit with total support.

>> No.10996401

We will become space living species. ut we never colonize any other planet. Habitable planets will have their own life, ie. viruses and bacteria, remember what happened to Incas, same would happens to us if we contact new virus or bacteria. And transforming another planet is so monumental task that we will probably never even try it. But space stations oneil cylinders etc is where we will live in future.

>> No.10996404

Nope bacteria and viruses and probably even proteins will wipe colonists.

>> No.10996412

oxygen atmosphere isn't natural
it would need alien plants and they would mean alien microbes and whatever else, unlikely to be compatible with Earth's biota

>> No.10996485

You don't know that

>> No.10996505


And you don't know that he doesn't know that.

Nobody knows anything 100%.

But from what we understand about the life cycle of a star - yes, the sun will die eventually.

>> No.10996513

>remember what happened to Incas, same would happens to us if we contact new virus or bacteria
salmonella were adapted to some humans, but some humans were not adapted to salmonella
encountering a species that had no chance to adapt to our genome and immune systems might be completely harmless

>> No.10996545
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Sorry, but the space empire has been canceled.

>> No.10996600

except that we do know Sun will make Earth uninhabitable in less than a billion years, as it ages the output of sunlike stars increases

>> No.10996701
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nice try /pol/tard

>> No.10996745

See >>10993796

>> No.10996752


>> No.10996753

There will be more. But why would you need people in space anyway? People suck, robots are way better. Robots will do the bulk of all work in space. Humans will be tourists and scientists.

>> No.10996759

No, it will happen, but most of us will be left behind. The space economy will be a disparate section of humanity, and they will not have time for the politiks of earth.

>> No.10997111

It's true, too many damn grey's taking er jobs

>> No.10997558

5 billion years*

>> No.10998225

>To be honest, I don't think we should leave Earth until we figure climate change out, either. Or else the same bullshit is going to happen on the next planet, and the next one.
Why do so many faggots seem to constantly regurgitate this contrarian shit non-argument? Who cares if we strip mine a few asteroids and lifeless rocks hundreds of years in the future (and potentially terraform others?) Why do you want that to keep happening on Earth, the only naturally life-bearing planet we have and likely will ever know, until our society starves itself of resources to the point of catastrophic collapse and the planet is basically destroyed?

Developing space-based resources *is* a means of combating climate change and environmental damage among other things. And it's no less a pipe dream than 10 billion people suddenly deciding to live a more primitive, sustainable lifestyle, or world energy infrastructure converting to 100% renewable overnight... or ever.

>> No.10998228

>no less a pipe dream
No more. I fucked myself, hah.

>> No.10998622

>you'd never see a forest or a lake or an ocean again in your life
Only if you chose to stay permanently.
God I'm so fucking pissed at that Mars One scam for putting it into the group mind that going to Mars means a one-way trip. SpaceX is actually looking like they're going to be doing Mars flights, and they are definitely planning on two-way transport. Elon even said the return ticket is free, because he understands the most important thing about colonizing Mars that people want; the option to leave if they think it sucks ass. The chunk of people that would sign up to go to Mars for two years and come back if they don't like it is HUGE compared to the chunk that would sign up to live on another planet until they died, guaranteed. Hence if you want your colonist market to consist of more than like twenty guys, you need that return capability.

>> No.10998655

Go colonize Mars and in the process you will build out and gain loads of experience with an interplanetary transport system fleet, which will give you a chance to respond to a discovered object on a crash course with Earth in time to maybe divert it.
Go further and colonize Mars, Moon, and the asteroid belt, and now the only thing you need to really worry about are comets and gamma ray bursts from other stars.
Go further and colonize out to the Kuiper belt and now you aren't just catching and diverting every dangerous object a little bit, you're strip mining them down to nothing and building them into nice comfy space habitats, but you're still worried about gamma ray bursts.
So you go further and start spreading across multiple star systems, not need to move quickly just coast between stars at 1000 km/s in giant flotillas of generation and factory ships, stop briefly in each star system you pass by to build out a decent seed colony and replenish your fuel and resource supplies before leaving again, continuing to spread in all directions and slowly converting every star system you colonize into a Dyson swarm of quadrillions of habitats containing millions of people each until you've colonized a few hundred billion stars and the human population is up in the nonillions, and you're pretty sure you're not gonna get set back by a GRB any more (especially since you went ahead and put preventative measures in place around every likely GRB candidate star that will prevent that from happening in the first place.
But the Andromeda galaxy is heading towards the Milky Way, and it could also flare up its central black hole and the matter jet could cause problems, so better get over there and colonize that too, so a few hundred trillion of your black-hole engine propelled megaships start leaving the galaxy boosted by stellaser highway up to close to light speed and coast across for a few million years . . .

>> No.10998657

Going /out/ is my favorite pass time and I would still sign up to colonize Mars in a heartbeat. Even if it was a one way trip (which it isn't), the chance to be one of the first humans on another world and to make that world your own through hard work and willpower would be worth any price or effort.

Besides, Mars has it's own natural beauty. I would kill to see Olympus Mons and Valleis Marinaris up close. Or to see a Martian dust storm racing towards me from the ground.

You have no sense of adventure or wonder if you wouldn't dig going to Mars as a colonist. Your gay ass can stay on Earth and rot for all I care.

>> No.10998669

Why do people think Mercury has an especially large amount of valuable metals
It's surface is all rock, and it's nothing but rock down to several hundred km down.
Mercury has a big iron core for its size but we think that's because it started off as a much bigger planet (maybe even Earth sized) that got fucking BLASTED up the ass by an impact big enough to strip off most of the rock layers, completely melt the entire remainder, and resulted in a small yet dense planet, effectively the core remnant of an ancient proto-planet. You're not likely to find valuable metals on Mercury's surface though, since it was fully molten for a while the super-majority of all valuable dense stuff like copper and gold and iridium would have simply sank to the deeper core layers.

>> No.10998765

>Sure, some parts of it look beautiful, but in reality it is a completely hostile and virtually empty wasteland.
The same could be said of the ocean a couple of hundred years ago.

>> No.10998829

get the fuck in here bros i just invented cryosleep >>10998796

>> No.10999016

Because we are the only species (that we know of) on this planet with the capacity to predict our own doom. In the interest of the continued propagation of the species, we have a responsibility to mitigate the effects of any world-ending events, be they nuclear war, GRBs or the sun going all jolly big red giant on us.
This have to be solved before the fact, and the sooner the better.

>> No.10999076

Fuck this gay earth and fuck you. I fucking hate nature and never seeing a forest again is reason enough to go. I a;ready spend all my time indoors anyway whats the fucking difference

>> No.10999078

I will fucking kill you bitch

>> No.10999634

Kek you people are being deluded by freemasons. Space is fake and gay.