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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10990064 No.10990064 [Reply] [Original]

I'm enjoying math but I'm afraid it'll make me autistic. It feels like it's reprogramming my brain to function on logic like some vulcan level sperg. Is it possible to ruin your brain with math?

>> No.10990084

>make me autistic
Literally not how anything works.

>> No.10990088

Maybe you will get the tetris effect. You start seeing tetris scenarios.
I almost had to quit chess because of this shit

>> No.10990098

Explain vaccines then /s
I don't mean literally autistic I mean more aloof and awkward. Surely filling one's head with abstractions is counterproductive in some regard

>> No.10990103

When I played chess I started to only see chess moves when I was going to sleep. Shit was not fun

>> No.10990107

Only if you're a brainlet that's easily distracted. It's a good sign that you can feel your brain adapting, so keep with it and continue growing. There is always more room if you want there to be.

>> No.10990114
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I can only think in set theory somebody fucking help me.

>> No.10990121

Actually, this points to another subject I have been wondering about, whether we have a finite amount of "brain space" like a sort of hard-drive. It seem counter intuitive to me that we can learn as many things as we please without necessarily forgetting other things. Do you have reason to believe there is always more room as you say?

>> No.10990126

There isn't always more room. There's only more room IF you want there to be. You won't suddenly develop amazing recall just by chance. People like that were born that way, so if you aren't already like that, you'll have to choose that you want to exercise your memories that way.

>> No.10990127

It's funny you should say that, this question was actually prompted by me taking a walk yesterday and being entirely preoccupied with the contemplation of infinite sets while doing so. I felt quite removed from reality, almost like I was inhabiting another world, a world of abstractions

>> No.10990131
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>almost like I was inhabiting another world, a world of abstractions
well it's a better world anyways. fuck reality, I'd rather be a schizo mathhead, any fucking day.
real life has hurt me and damaged me beyond repair. I'll never go back.

>> No.10990132

People with photographic memory can apparently recall everything they see. There is probably enough room in your brain to last you for a lifetime. If you were to live for 10,000 years maybe you would run out of space.

>> No.10990140

I hope you find peace, friend. There is beauty in the world beyond mathematics, but maybe you can't see it right now. Until then, there is always comfort in the contemplation of the infinite.

>> No.10990159
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>He wants to be a normie
>He gives a fuck about trivial social interactions and isn't willing to dedicate himself to the art

Never gonna make it anon

>> No.10990160

I did what 4chins told me "have sex incel"
and so I bought a hooker, and still feel pathetic.
I hope I find it anon, thanks.

>> No.10990176

I hardly want to be a normie. There is undoubtedly value in having strong social skills however, and spending your days slaving over equations is perhaps not particularly conducive to their acquisition. I believe it is possible to have the best of both worlds to some extent, although maybe you're right in that the greats need to spend the majority of their time in the realm of abstractions, which might come at a price

>> No.10990182

There is more to life than sex, although sex can be fun. Try to find contentment in the world, whatever that means to you personally.

>> No.10990194

In a physical sense, the amount memories and by extension knowledge you can store is limited by the amount of unique links in your neural networks, which afaik is practically limitless. The more of these that you build up, however, the harder it gets to recollect obscure memories since that means revisiting neural pathways that are structurally similar to a bunch of other ones and might be less connected to your "main" ones - similar to looking for an obscure file in an old folder stored among other old folders.
Also, the more connections you build up the more predisposed you become to register patterns between new memories and old ones, since forming completely new pathways becomes more taxing as you age.

>> No.10990210

Holy shit I was just thinking today about how the more I learn math the more I become disenchanted with biological sciences. I'm a math and neuroscience major and while for almost 7 years I've been enamoured with neuroscience, I'm starting to lose interest because of how "pure" math is compared to the bullshit that riddles cognitive and biological sciences. I'm thinking of going the full math autist route.

Has anybody else been hard mathpilled? Like you used to enjoy softer sciences before you started learning math?

>> No.10990215
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I used to like porn but now I just jerk off to MIT lectures of slightly hot profs.
pic related, it's me.

>> No.10990453

For the most part, you can't make decisions without emotions.
If you want to counterbalance your math spergramming perhaps also study psychology or sociology or do group activities.

>> No.10990454

cringe and not science or math.

>> No.10990456

Learn to see the beauty in how the messiness and chaos of the universe is able to create and support life

>> No.10990663

>studying the humanities or social sciences makes you more emotional
absolutely retarded. you can't study and thrive in either one of those unless you already are a strongly emotional person with a high degree of empathy (except for philosophical logic, which is based).
besides, it's impossible to ever lose your emotions. it's impossible to ever cut yourself out from pain or pleasure.

>> No.10990972

This happened to me too
I was literally thinking of my GF and then I started automatically thinking chess moves, it felt like I was thinking about my GF in chess moves

>> No.10991662

I can and I still appreciate molecular biology, biochemistry, etc and that was what initially got me onto it. But that reverential beauty is only experienced initially and now I'm bored of it so I've now moved on to math. I'll still probably eventually pursue computational/mathematical neuroscience knowing that the obsession with math is probably temporary, but I'm riding the enamouration to its end. Maybe I'll become a quant.

>> No.10993269

Programming will do more to ruin your brain than mathematics will. The real redpill is that to truly do well in mathematics you need to have an artistic mind and have the ability to communicate effectively with other human beings.

>> No.10993271

>infinite sets

>> No.10993547

>Maybe you will get the tetris effect. You start seeing tetris scenarios.
i had similiar shit with Lumines 2 on PSP

>> No.10993561

>Programming will do more to ruin your brain than mathematics will
What do you mean?

>> No.10993596

Not your brain but if you focus too much you could piss yourself.

>> No.10993608

Not him, but programming will make you more close-minded, more family oriented, your views on religion will change too, you'll start craving interaction with god. Not to mention you'll start seeing all the evils of the world, the lawlessness, immigration and democratic party. Programming fucks your brain up more than any other STEM topic could.

>> No.10993619

No you won't become autistic. Sounds like you're just uncovering the beauty of mathematics and it's changing your worldview. You'll get used to it kiddo

>> No.10993622

I mean, that shit happens to every man in his twenties

>> No.10993626

This shit happened to me when I settled down. I noticed it and resisted at first, but now I'm almost full Boomer.

>> No.10993664

Yes but it happens even earlier to guys who program.

>> No.10994012

why is that? whats there in programming that changes perspective?

>> No.10994033

I thought programming for a living made you automatically a trap.

>> No.10994043

> room in your brain...
Memories aren't stored in the brain. They are stored in resonant plasma in the universe. Please read "Living in a Mindful Universe" which describes how even temporarily brain-dead patients can remember NDEs after they wake from a coma. If memories were stored in the brain, they wouldn't be able to remember this. Its legit science.

>> No.10994052

this. I became a super sperg when learning how to program.

>> No.10994064

It happens REALLY early for guys who read all day like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. They went through it at 12.

>> No.10994077

This happened to me, though I still suck at chess

>> No.10994082

Math might turn you asexual though

>> No.10994163


If you want to do mediocre mathematics, you can enjoy your party life on the side. If you want to excel, you'll have to give up a large portion of your social life at least temporarily and periodically. If you don't automatically accept this, you probably don't like math enough to make it in academia.

>> No.10994175

not him, but it's probably because you are forced to use logic to come to practical, tangible results, and learn quickly that when a mistake was made it was your fault - a logical error in your code that you are accountable for, not some pie in the sky that you can rationalize away. Makes you focused on tangible work and results, logical and practical thinking for efficiency, etc - things that are all antithetical to weak-willed emotion driven idealists