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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 97 KB, 1280x704, Alpha Centauri Bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10979940 No.10979940 [Reply] [Original]

i may have found a second earth guys, located around Alpha Centauri B in the habitable zone. It would have 2 earth masses and a gravity of 1.23-1.24 G's. based off density estimates its likely a rocky planet similar in composition to earth with less water. it would likely have a thick nitrogen atmosphere of a few bars. 4.5 lightyears isnt that far away a beamed core rocket could reach it in 6-8 years once we solve antimatter storage. what do i do with this info ? i want to go public with my findings but my worst fear is that it will be "diversified" and there will be forced multiracialism on it.
normally we used the changes in frequency of the sun caused by red shift and blue shift from the Doppler effect to discover exoplanets. This time what i used was the minuscule change in focal point of alpha centauri b's gravitational lensing effect of the stars and galaxies directly behind it to know when or if the sun has a regular predicable and significant radial velocity caused by a orbiting massive object. from this i can estimate mass, distance from the sun and even density to a degree (though only very roughly).

>> No.10979947

post findings on 4channel

>> No.10979958

clearly the only choice is to secretly build a slav rocket in some rich anon's backyard and load it with only master race anons who never used mechjeb and embrace the manifest destiny of spreading our seed to the stars

>> No.10979960

just noticed earth is backwards

>> No.10979963

me too lmao

>> No.10979966

doubt im gonna make tonnes of antimatter in some guys backyard

>> No.10979974
File: 999 KB, 2363x3000, 1461888924004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Earth
fine-print: we only know it's bigger then Earth, probably just another gas giant

>> No.10979975

slav rockets run on vodka, just grow potatoes

>> No.10979987

the water doesnt look blue enough

>> No.10979995

the oceans are being choked with algae, the planet clearly needs the presence of humans to counteract runaway plant overgrowth. they should bring some cows and chickens too.

>> No.10980014

Wait a sec, if it has 2x Earth mass, shouldn't the G be 2x Earth G?

>> No.10980031

its only double earth mass, well below the required limit to be able to retain hydrogen and helium, there is zero chance this is a gas giant

>> No.10980037

no gravity doesn't scale like that, mars and earth are the same density approximately yet mars has 38% of earth gravity despite only being 12% of its mass the extra distance from the core of the planet affects the effect gravitational pull on you from the mass directly under your feet, a rocky planet of 8 times earth gravity and earth like density would still only have a g force of 2 -3 g's

>> No.10980042

8 times earth mass you mean

>> No.10980060

yes sorry thankyou, 8 earth masses at earth density

>> No.10980164

Let's send there bacterias so they terraform it before humans arrive.

>> No.10980194

i have no idea of its atmospheric composition or even if it need any terraforming

>> No.10980199

kill sjws

>> No.10980313

What is the point of these shitty larp threads?

>> No.10980532

>we solve antimatter storage.
You mean a penning trap? Wtf do you need antimatter storage for?

>> No.10980767

You can analyse it's atmosphere with spectrum analysis.

>> No.10980777

they make my peepee hard

>> No.10980804
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1504399929003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10981973

because we are going to need TONES of antimatter to make a beamed core rocket fast enough to get there in 8 years

>> No.10981980

not a larp
i would need to set up cameras for YEARS to find it and even then its eccentricity may mean it doesnt transit earth

>> No.10982230

gee I hope it has no niggers already innit

>> No.10982286

never stopped us before

>> No.10982539

they come from a long lineage of thievery, it’s in their DNA. best way we can use them is having them be our servants, if you give them the freedom they’ll use it to escalate violence as history has shown us

>> No.10982607

no, they will not be allowed on this planet or we will end up with a america situation we will end up with
within no time

>> No.10982637
File: 1.51 MB, 640x360, 1482855420755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4.5 light years away
call me when we have a Fusion reactor that works on a fucking space ship, until then, all is talking

>> No.10982661
File: 322 KB, 1152x647, 1524788369911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this style of art.

>> No.10982850

You don't get it, even a light year is a really long distance
That's how far a light travels in a whole earth year
Given current tech it would take you ages to get out to 1 light year to the point that later developed tech could overtake you while you're going, also navigating might be an issue too

I already knew there was a habitable planet about 4 light years away, but it doesn't matter if we can't get there. We can't even get to Mars without suffering adverse effects, let alone exit the solar system

Here's a link to put this into perspective;

>> No.10983999

that's the earth when the poles shift soon™

>> No.10985063

shifting the magnetic poles isnt going to flip the planet u retard

>> No.10985802

the maps will

>> No.10986159

How do we get fast enough that 1 light year is doable?

>> No.10986238

Building a chunky rotohab to keep people from turning to jelly and packing the ship with enough supplies to keep humans alive for a couple of years or even a decade isn't fundamentally hard, just a matter of magnitude which won't be as much of an issue with up and coming larger and more cost efficient launchers. The difficult part is the drive, which will need to be either an NSWR or fusion torch. The NSWR is so easy we could build it now but it's also probably one of the dirtiest torch drives ever conceived and would leave a persistent cloud of fission fragments in it's exhaust which would take a while to burn out. Not terribly hazardous in space where everything is already radiation shielded but still far from desirable.

>> No.10986257

This would be a lot better without the silly comments interrupting it.

>> No.10986552

Research and money

>> No.10986792

>4.5 light years
>1 light year

>> No.10986988

>gravity of 1.23-1.24 G's.
Manlets would be kings as lankets crumbled into dust.

>> No.10988171

Unless tall people are /fit/
Then what will manlets do?