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10977394 No.10977394 [Reply] [Original]

Which drug should I take in order to safely improve brain perfomance
Does a safe drug even exist ?

>> No.10977399

Animal protein, preferably organ meat such as liver and natural sugars (fruit)

>> No.10977400

80 mg IV DMT

>> No.10977431
File: 736 KB, 563x334, dopamine levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meth. It'll boost your performance to high rates and also give you the dopamine you were born to get

>> No.10977539

Coffee (caffeine). An all-nighter favourite before exam(s).

>> No.10977553

all successful and rich people dabble with cocaine on the reg

>> No.10977570

Aren't rich and succesful people more resistant to addiction just by virtue of having better lives? (Better lives meaning enjoying more success than adversity)

>> No.10977931

>>10977394 None. Also people in here were only trolling and nobody mentioned modafinil.

>> No.10977955

caffeine guarantees you better grades

>> No.10978150
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>Well, it turns out there's this guy who drank the equivalent of around 47 cups a day (Americano) for almost 25 years.
>While on world's hugest coffee buzz, Honore de Balzac wrote 47 novels, 12 novellas, 18 short stories, and 8 plays. Balzac also created the world's first continuing series with character crossovers--the model for all genre fiction.

>> No.10978235

There you go. Smiles

>> No.10978275

That's not evidence that coffee did anything useful. That's all stupid fiction and useless. This is a science and math board not /lit/. Erdos used Ritalin.

>> No.10978287

You do realize that writing a book, fiction or otherwise, is hard work?

>> No.10978294

You need to cure aging. Your brain is useless because of aging; you lose most computational capacity by the time you lose brown fat.

>> No.10978296

Schizophrenia. Proven to increase brain activity but side effects include insanity.

>> No.10978302

I don't because it's not.

Also, https://www.aarp.org/content/dam/aarp/health/brain_health/2019/06/gcbh-supplements-report-english.doi.10.26419-2Fpia.00094.001.pdf

>> No.10978319

Bipolar does. It happens when people manage to avoid aging ocassionally by accident. (which is why it is so common among celebrities; it geniunely makes them more youthful)

Schizophrenia doesn't exist as a distinct disease.

>> No.10978335

>Schizophrenia doesn't exist as a distinct disease.
One, it was a fucking joke.
Two, the DSM-5 seems to speak otherwise.

>> No.10978360

Nootropics, take nootropics, they work best.

>> No.10978368

Try death

>> No.10978396

vaginal intercourse improves brain function

>> No.10978399

>Writing fiction is hard
Stephan King was drunk, on pain killers, cocaine and wrote some of his best work. You're a fucking subhuman if you think it's hard. That guy is a literally who that contributed nothing except a coffee anecdote for a bunch of shit work.

>> No.10978405

Stephan Kang's best work was shit though.

>> No.10978409

And this guy's work? That's right, nobody knows, cares or heard of him.

>> No.10978419

The idea that the ideal brain performance enhancer is some exogenous chemical is pure bullshit

Lazy people are always looking to rationalize their behavior.

Seeking the stimulant cure for stupidity is absolutely a dumb person's idea of what they think a smart person would do.


>> No.10978488

There is a diagnposis of schizophrenia, but it basically means "we think there is something wrong with you, but we don't know what or don't care figuring out what."

>> No.10978584

>I don't because it's not.
t. underachieving faggot

>That's right, nobody knows, cares or heard of him.
might want to google him first before you continue

>> No.10978599

>implying achieving something is writing a book
You're on the wrong board, LSDnigger.

>> No.10978767

>Haven't heard of him
>Google him so you will
Sorry not interested in a nobody

>> No.10978788

Unironically LSD

>> No.10978821

>i don't want to know anything i don't already know
confirmed for not going to make it

>> No.10978878

>this thread
Let me tell you something, stemniggers. Being an illiterate philosophical zombie is incompatible with being a great scientist. Bazinga!

>> No.10978945

No, you go back to baseline happiness fairly quickly. Getting rich only feels good for a short while, then you need to get richer to feel that rush again.

>> No.10979305

Nobody cares about a useless writer.
/Lit/ called, go reread Harry Potter

>> No.10979307

>Which drug should I take in order to safely improve brain perfomance

>> No.10979329

wtf I want meth now

>> No.10979335

The only trade off is killing yourself at 1300% increased speed with all the involved benefits of aging. Also brain damage and a decrease in brainpower when you're not using it (not including the obvious decrease from the damage sustained).

>> No.10979343

b-but... 1300%... while sex is only 200%... that sounds so fun it just might be worth it

>> No.10979347

yeah, but your face will sink in, your teeth will rot out, you'll be so ugly you'll lose any chance of having sex ever again. just do heroin or something, slows your metabolism and there's some evidence to suggest you'll live longer if you use it regularly, just don't get hooked (it's almost impossible not to, don't do it)

>> No.10979424

They're not true. Your sample is failures of meth addiction. Plenty of successful people do it like traders. You're referring to seleguline the l isomer? Bad meth is like regs, good meth is like kush. Many addicts do well, Adderall users for instance suffer addiction with a very similar pleasure profile, 1000 vs 1300. Yet it's not an epidemic.

>> No.10979439
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>> No.10979461

cdp choline, racetams, semax, Lion's Mane, Gotu Kola, Ltheanine+caffeine in equal amounts, PRL-8-53

>> No.10979464

ignore >>10979335, that's only if you take tweaker-level doses. If you microdose and cycle to avoid tolerance you should be fine.
Meth has the benefits of amphetamines like adderall but with the effects being limited to the CNS.

>> No.10979493

PLEASE remember to cycle OFF

>> No.10979499

>not understanding how dopamine and its receptors work
>hurr durr more is better

>> No.10980070

He was also literally called Ballsack, so your argument gets nullified.

>> No.10980075

Good sleep
Healthy diet
Optimal Vitamin & mineral intake

Then some shit like racetams, semax, occasionaly stimulants, Bromantane. See what works for you and expect no Magic pill if youre not fucked in the head.

>> No.10980554

Dopamine only gives you the urge to act; prolactin gives you pleasure.

>> No.10980577

I'm looking into sage but I think it's bullshit.. I don't think you can improve brain function only do some thing to prevent loss of it

>> No.10980614

Lions mane, racetams, NALT, ALCAR, etc

>> No.10980645

caffeine, nicotine, ephedrine, amphetamines (eg adderal), methamphetamine (in controlled amounts like mentioned itt)

ephedrine, amphetamines, and meth should not be used daily (and need to be even more careful with the meth). if you're too worried about safety then just use caffeine and nicotine.

>> No.10980688
File: 88 KB, 700x461, 1542652281-hacker_bill_hinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix L-theanine and Caffeine, and you will be fairly focused throughout the day. No prescription needed.

>> No.10981028
File: 34 KB, 450x348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare and absolutely based pic.
Whats the story here?

>> No.10981049

>tfw adderall and meth are too expensive in aus

>> No.10981055

>6 to 8 cups a day
Fuck this! Fuck you!

>> No.10981071

Theanine + Caffeine does wonders.

>> No.10981445
File: 41 KB, 480x360, 1568745744852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoked/vaped meth/ice a bunch for about a year straight, every weekend - have I done any irreversible damage to my brain/self ?

>> No.10981523

Which ones faggot

>> No.10982650

Japanese green tea.

>> No.10982793
File: 77 KB, 800x533, Modest_Mouse_@_Esplande_Park_(23_7_2011)_(5993005117).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs don't work, OP, they only enable you to grind through schoolwork.
Been super Depressed for a year now, and been using caffeine, cigarettes, and other drugs to get through school. I don't kid myself, though; my memory retention would be greater if it were not for caffeine making me think sporadically and I would be able to learn better if I could enjoy the learning process instead of smoking every half hour.
I've been purging for the last 3 weeks in hopes of acing all my classes for this upcoming quarter, so wish me luck :)

>> No.10982880

> Does a safe drug even exist?
Universally and unconditionally safe, no.
It is possible to overdose on any substance or material. Yes, even things which are vital for preserving your vital functions or things which seem innocuous or things which are staples in your day-to-day.
Excessive consumption of water will result in water toxemia.
Inhalation of an atmosphere composed of a high enough percentage of oxygen will result in hyperoxia.
Consuming too much of any given vitamin or mineral will have negative impacts on your health.
Saturating your body with too much caffeine, glucose, or alcohol will, unsurprisingly, kill you.
Gluttony in regard to anything is deadly. The only question is the degree to which you need to overindulge to reach that point.

>> No.10982926

noopept ofcourse

>> No.10982932

in small doeses. any of the 'classic' stimulants in small doses are good. recreational doses prob not so good. You might end up obsessively cleaning the floor, or shagging the fat bird down the street just cos you are horny and not think of the consequences. everything in moderation.

>> No.10982936

true. 5 or 10mg good for essay writing. 40mg good for shagging the wrong people or going on mad 30 mile cycle rides.

>> No.10982940


>> No.10982950

>6-8 cups a day
I get irritable beyond belief. I'm talking, almost picking fights with people on the street who piss me off somehow. Nearly lost my job once thanks to my reaction to some chink's lack of spatial awareness.

>> No.10982994

it doesn't, just eat a healthy and balanced diet

>what is a healthy and balanced meal

1 can dollar store beans
1 can dollar store canned peaches (canned pineapple works too)
1 can dollar store vienna sausages (alternatively 1/4th can of spam)
1 bottle water

Have three of these per day.

>> No.10983000

>tfw my nanny state country banned literally anything psychoactive apart from cigs, coffee and booze
>tfw i will never get to experience the glory of noots

>> No.10983002


then drive to mexico for a weekend and trip out in a hotel room

>> No.10983004

My country banned fucking melatonin unless you have a prescription. MELATONIN

>> No.10983015


>living in new brunswick
>being a fucking LEAF

but seriously why not just drive to buffalo?

>> No.10983020

Your from the uk too right? I was shocked when i was told by a pharmacy that i would need a prescription. l can buy dxm otc but not a sleep hormone? Fucking ridiculous

>> No.10984383

>Implying that brainlet incels here would know that.

>> No.10984558

Lots of countries exist aside from North America you fucking brainlet

>> No.10986003

This, what is the pic?

>> No.10986194

lsd, magic mushrooms, cannabis, dmt

>> No.10986337

The lazy, accomplishes-nothing man choice of drug.

>> No.10987130

the rest have pretty well-documented benefits doe

>> No.10987168

>Nearly lost my job once thanks to my reaction to some chink's lack of spatial awareness.

>> No.10987484

Pretty mundane. Was just doing my usual job (afternoon stock fill) after a pretty stressful college day and about 5 cuppas due to sleep deprivation. You gotta fill stock at a certain speed or the whole operation falls apart. Was just stocking my shit and this fucking chink who had about 3 meters of space to walk past me, goes past with their little shopping basket and whacks me right in the spine with it. Didn't hurt too bad the sheer lack of consideration was infuriating.

While all I did at the time was turn around and sort of move towards them a bit, in my mind I was about to lunge forward and throttle them to death.Only thing stopped me was the small, non caffeine addled part of my brain. Had a coworker seen me just from my facial expression and body language they would've thought I was about to kill them. Little chink fucker didn't even react or acknowledge that they'd done anything. No wonder they're always dying in stupid and hilarious ways on liveleak.