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File: 5 KB, 203x249, 1568404632776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10972994 No.10972994 [Reply] [Original]

What is the science behind his looks? How is he able to fuck any woman he wants?

>> No.10972999

Half of being good looking is facial symmetry.

>> No.10973009

he has an exotic face which women will like because it's like have a limited edition only 5 made in the world action figure. some other bitch will have some basic white no jaw too many chin fucked up hair poop brown eyed husband fates that looks like another white dude.
and the women will know that if their kids come out like that then women will want to fuck them too and that's just called biology.

>> No.10973013


>> No.10973016

Because he can build muscle.

>> No.10973021
File: 79 KB, 614x768, 398A7AE4-2170-44E0-8766-2FB0718EDACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10973034

The picture is a jail mugshot. It's real

>> No.10973038

This is even worse than "what is the X of Y" on media boards

>> No.10973131

This. His baldness gave it away

>> No.10973136

He's mixed and didn't goldberg tell you that mixed people are more attractive already?

>> No.10973234

Nice try, gurls of all races were storming social media sites saying he was "too beautiful for prison." If this isn't the ultimate blackpill I don't know what is.

>> No.10973251

Massive brow, vertically short blue eyes (when you realise that vertically short eyes are very attractive, you will never forget it), broad jaws, forward-grown cheekbones, broad nadal base, hollow cheeks, low body fat, symmetrical face, non-thin lips, healthy skin tone, thick neck, badboy tattoos, the fact that he’s a criminal

>> No.10973286

Isn't he a cellmate?

>> No.10973290

>vertically short eyes
whats that?

>> No.10973294

What are you talking about?

>> No.10973304

What we consider beautiful are often just patterns of things that helped us with the survival of our species in our evolution. Detecting partners for healthy offspring is one of those patterns.

>> No.10973434

Im outta here fags.

>> No.10973495

He's a successful model now, and his girlfriend is the daughter of billionaire Phillip Green, all because of his hot mugshot. Btw he was literally a Crip and had been convicted of multiple violent offences. How's that for a blackpill?

>> No.10973509


>> No.10973568

He was, and women donated $25,000 to bail him out of jail when they saw his mugshot.

>> No.10973617

He looks threating, which means he is a good protector.
Everyone else is wrong.
Women like thugs.
Also They HAVE to submit to him because they can’t fight him, so they trick themselves into it was a choice

>> No.10973623


>> No.10973638

He's ugly

>> No.10973746

Mostly his jaw, eyes, skull and lips

>> No.10973755

Beauty is bone deep.

>> No.10973787
File: 13 KB, 211x300, marko_jaric_wolvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly eyes stand out so much. Holy shit.

>> No.10973789


>> No.10973791

This is the real blackpill. Literally betabuxxed for somebody they don't even fucking know and would likely never even meet.

>> No.10973793

How is that cope? Facial symmetry is very important.

>> No.10973799


>> No.10973801

Jesenia Echeverria

>> No.10973808
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>> No.10973811

Also I said half which leaves an entire other half for ratios and other features.

>> No.10973814

If those are the kind of women you want to date, you deserve everything you get anyway.

>> No.10973846

Who said anything about dating?

>> No.10973853


>> No.10973857

Those Elliots implied it, else they would not feel the need to "blackpill" themselves.

>> No.10973864

you can be fat and bald and have 'sexy' eyes and you can still bag a 7.5

Eyes are number 1 easily

>> No.10973867


literally kys

>> No.10973879


Okay, can I go absurdly nerdy on you as to the science of attraction?

The actual algorithm of physical attraction is the morphological average of our ancestors going back x generations. This allowed attraction to evolve as a floating point based on proven sexual success which is a determinate for future success.

This is when you average, ahemm, average faces they become more attractive.

So why is this mans face so hot? Because he pulls in the average from both ends. Actually this is why mulatos in general are so gorgeous, and no Im not a mulato, just a person with eyes.

Any questions?

>> No.10973887
File: 94 KB, 650x1595, 1567882709887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girls will let chad get away with anything.

>> No.10973892

>This allowed attraction to evolve as a floating point based on proven sexual success which is a determinate for future success.
Shut the fuck up

>> No.10973898


Oh, and if you are wonder if this algorithm has any value... um yeah... it is the algorithm that essentually drives all of evolution, which itself is a product of a deeper optimization principle, and which can be leveraged by AI in relation to, um, AI to, um, warpdrive the rise of machine intelligence since the equation applies to algorithms as well as it does to morphology.

And you might be thinking, "jesus fuck thats a multi-billion dollar thought". No shit Sherlock, I have proven to have already had many of those. So why the fuck do I share them on this forum rather than at some company? Because I am far more based than that, and if some company, or the US Gov wanted to snatch someone of my absurd caliber they could have done so when I was given an IQ test in high school when the teachers thought I was a literal retarded person for not paying attention in their moron classes.. oh, and FYI my IQ said I was one of the smartest people on Earth. Gov could have swooped in then to recruit me. Instead they put me on meds.

Fuck everything.

And the corporate world is the same way. Nancy in HR has no idea what real talent is. My intelligence is a threat to the Bezos of the world in our false and fake heirarchy system. I would never even make it through the front door. Steve Jobs proved this for all of us by being too smart for his own fucking company when they fired him the first time!!!

>> No.10973908


So what exactly do you disagree with there or are you simply someone at a lab who does not believe that autists should be privy to this knowedge?

>> No.10973910

>Actually this is why mulatos in general are so gorgeous, and no Im not a mulato, just a person with eyes.

I will bite, the percentage of uggos is far far higher to those that end up good looking.

>> No.10973913


>> No.10973916

Society at large

>> No.10973926

He's not bald :p

>> No.10973943


Society at large has strayed far from the model of reproductive success considering that any hamburgler these days can have children rather than get eaten by a lion, but take an average white person and average black person and their kid has a good chance of being not average but smoking hot. See Hallie Berry or Angelina Jolie.

>> No.10973944


Rihanna is another great example. Pretty normal parents, but pulling from opposite ends of the curve their daughter was retardedly hot.

>> No.10973950


If I may continue: Hallie Berry is product of two average people, black and white. For Angie it was White and Native. Rihanna was Black and Mulato.

Also Asian mixes are absurdly hot. Lots of examples of this. White and Asian. Black and Asian etc..

Its all because the law of attraction is a morphological average.

>> No.10973955


Continuing, on the male end we have Lenny Kravitz, Drake, Obama... All mulato and all Chads whether you want to admit it not.

>> No.10973957


And all from pretty average members of their bifercated "race".

>> No.10973989

That's shit cant be real
Looks like some account made by a /b/tard as satire

>> No.10974015

It's not real, the account was made to prove a point. There were tons of females replying and willing to put the child rape charges aside.

>> No.10974318
File: 622 KB, 1268x1645, age of consent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10974712

post results, just 4 the lulz

>> No.10974804

Built for BBC

>> No.10974809

there is an article about him on incels.wiki

>> No.10974928
File: 508 KB, 3300x1840, 0_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10974931

Of course there is; He's the undeniable blackpill that inceltears can't refute.

>> No.10974967

>children raised by screens can't think beyond visual stimulation
A person can LOOK as hot as hell but to you, smell like a wet dog. That means your body chemistries are not compatible and you're kids won't be optimally healthy. Drinking, drugs, poor diet, depression and the contraceptive pill can all alter the way a person's smell appeals to you.
>b-but she's a 10/10
yeah a hot looking person is a hot looking person, but they may not be a good match for parenting and even then they may not be a good person FOR you.

>another simpleton thread in /sci/

>> No.10974974

>My intelligence is a threat to the Bezos of the world in our false and fake heirarchy system.
Except you haven't said anything groundbreaking, just claimed that you have. Maybe the meds help with the narcissism?
>my thoughts are worth billions
>i live in a rented crawlspace and talk shit on the internet
ok m80

>> No.10974978

I read an article on this about 13 years ago that showed mixtures of faces that averaged out. The extreme anglo morphed across 12 images with the extreme japanese, the middle one was always the most beautiful looking. That was about the time all these averaged out facial images got popular.

So i guess my question is, why are you trying to sound like you know something when it was dropped on the public around about your 5th birthday?

>> No.10974980
File: 109 KB, 995x1360, Chris_Hemsworth_Hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes that are wide in the horizontal plane but narrow vertically, eyes that look like slits.

>> No.10974983
File: 96 KB, 913x1024, GoldenRAtioMask1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky for him that mask does not fit, because that's the female mask.

>> No.10975065

Ok incel have sexs weetieqeq

>> No.10975605

that's the exact opposite of cope though

>> No.10975620

Facial symmetry is not that important. It's just the most easily measured trait that is considered good, so people think it's important. Facial features and overall harmony are what is important

>> No.10975655
File: 45 KB, 618x412, piercebrosnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is ugly as fuck.

Here's somebody better looking.

>> No.10975670

Keep coping oldcel

>> No.10975912

>yeah a hot looking person is a hot looking person, but they may not be a good match for parenting and even then they may not be a good person FOR you.

Many people don't care about shit like that.

What makes you think facial symmetry doesn't fall under overall harmony?

>> No.10975931

We both know that's not true.

>> No.10977057


Correct. My interpretation is new. The data is has been out there.

>> No.10977154
File: 128 KB, 868x776, chad_002_perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the book "deep nutrition". His face is basically the signature of perfect health and nutrition.