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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10974179 No.10974179 [Reply] [Original]

>spends months studying for an IQ test
>goes from 100 to 150
BuT tHeYrE vAlId BeYoNd TeStInG tO sEe If YoUrE rEtArDeD

>> No.10974184

>muh specific circumstances disproves all of the research on everything
That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.
Stay in your field, stay out of psychology.
>inb4 muh "replicability crisis"

>> No.10974425

Yes, the fact you can train yourself to be as mentally prepared as those who already are, is proof alone the test requires you to be as uninformed and mentally inept for it to be valid, which sounds a lot like it was designed to see how retarded you are, which it was.

See this is the uncomfortable truth because they primarily test pattern recognition, which you can train for, thus making yourself better at recognizing trends and networking abstract concepts - you aren't memorizing answers on a multiple choice here, you are educating yourself along the lines of general intelligence it's attempting to test.

>> No.10974427

boomers unironically think like this. go back enough and you'll hear people talk about how there shouldn't be study material for the SAT, or even as far as to say you can't study for it

>> No.10974429

>>disproves all of the research

It's not "research" if it can't be reproduced.
Admit it, If the majority of your experiments can't be reproduced then it doesn't abide by the scientific method. If it doesn't abide by the scientific method then it's not a science. And if it CLAIMS to be a science then it's pseudoscience.

>> No.10974430

IQ is the most reproducible research in all of psychology

>> No.10974433

(Citation needed)

>> No.10974435

How the fuck is this a Boomer issue at all?

>> No.10974438

>Shit_tier pseudoscience field that began as an occult discipline actually managed to do something sort of robust

This calls for a golfclap

>> No.10974462

Considering that only 15% of all papers published in psychology can actually be reproduced, you aren't starting from a good place

>> No.10974473

Then why can I boost my IQ to Einstein level. Y studying?

>> No.10974478

So it’s least smelly piece of shit?
Still a piece of shit you fucking /pol/shit. Lmao.
Maybe you guys wouldn’t be going extinct if you had actually science backing up your claims

>> No.10974491

Your entire field was started by a bunch of overgrown children who believed in the occult, magic and Asstrology and thought that they could predict a person's life and to this day you're still trying to do it and considering the replication crisis you're failing miserably.

>> No.10974515

frog looks like newman from seinfeld

>> No.10974533
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Right actor, wrong franchise

>> No.10974537

>Only /pol/ is allowed to believe in IQ


>> No.10974545

>>believe in IQ

I think you just perfectly described psychology as a whole. Shit just can't be replicated to the point that's a matter of faith now.

>> No.10974548

Belief is not only an article of faith, brainlet

>> No.10974576

Nice uninformed babytier answers guys, your knowledge of the field is showing

The "replicability crisis" in psychology is precisely because of the fact that most of the faggy hippy dippy children that are drawn to this field whom you're attacking DO NOT control for the few very things this field has begat that actually work and are statistically significant; IQ and Big Five trait psychology

>> No.10974583

Do you have a source that the majority of IQ and BFT studies can be replicated or are you pulling shit out of your ass?

>> No.10974584

IQ studies tend to have huge number of participants and are ongoing for decades, as opposed to many other studies in psychology. It is one of the most reliable datasets in all of social sciences.

>> No.10974585

Do you have evidence that they cannot?

>> No.10974588
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>Ask for a citation.
>Doesn't give any.

>> No.10974590

Are you fucking retarded? You're the one making the claim that they can be reproduced and so the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.10974591

Oh well the social "sciences", that changes everything. Petermeme said it was the most reliable indicator of success so it must be true!

>> No.10974594
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10974596
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Based sleepy Apu poster

>> No.10974600

Apu? I thought it was pepe?

>> No.10974603

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.10974613
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>Do you have a source for an entire field of study?

>> No.10974634

Hey man, here's some advice: If you don't even have the statistics, or if there's none, don't make shit up and assert that it's true.

>> No.10974636
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More like Sike-ologists, am I right?

>> No.10974728

Look up the stuff for yourself instead of forcing a random Anon to go over all of the stuff which he cannot. There are tons of papers including replicated studies etc. that indirectly or directly prove the statistical validity of such things like IQ.
And using the No-u argument because your obviously leftist college environment taught you otherwise doesn't work out here.

>> No.10974771


This is the most retarded escape hatch ever. You're just trying to create an illusion of credibility when in reality you don't actually know if what you stated is true but still have personal trust in your knowledge. I can right now make the most outlandish claim and just tell you to "look it up", And if you don't find shit then it's your fault for not looking hard enough. See how retarded that sounds?

As I said before, don't come in asserting that something is true before you have the evicdence or stats to back it up otherwise you'd look like a dumbass and waste everyone's time.

>> No.10974779

>And using the No-u argument
I did not. He is the one claiming that there's stats to back up whatever bullshit he is spewing. So logically he's the one who's supposed to provide proof.

>> No.10974788
File: 436 KB, 1080x1296, Spambot Bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10974828

What about homework?

>> No.10974832
File: 316 KB, 1080x1296, 1568546604672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His thread doesn't make a bingo, fuck off.

>> No.10974835

>Didn't circle "free space"

>> No.10974838

Yes I forgot but it still doesn't make a bingo.

>> No.10974858

>missing the point

>> No.10974860

You also didn't circle philosophy or /pol/. It's pretty close to a Bingo. But the distribution of options seems heavily skewed to thwart Bingo-getting

>> No.10974879
File: 135 KB, 600x600, DIY Bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real bingo cards are randomized and most are never winners. Chan bingo cards can normally never bingo unless someone tries.

>> No.10974884
File: 31 KB, 694x968, X on SCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10975051

>pointing out obvious flaws in IQ tests is "anti-science"

>> No.10975092
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>still utterly missing the point

holy fuck you autistic cunt

>> No.10975338

Damn I guess somalia and detroit are poor and full of crime just because. Gonna go and snatch up some of those 1$ houses since I have nothing to be afraid of now.

>> No.10975805

He's right though.

The only way we can determine your intelligence is to see if you can handle something you've been given an opportunity to try to master (i.e., to practice). This is why age is a vital part of non-pseud applications of IQ (hint: what exactly is the "quotient" in IQ?).

It's like if you wanted to see if someone has the ultimate capability of benching 225 lbs or not. Obviously, you would have to give them a chance to train or your study would be completely meaningless.

>> No.10975814
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>Look up the stuff for yourself instead of forcing a random Anon to go over all of the stuff which he cannot.
/sci/ is not the board for you anon

>> No.10975828

>no source beyond an assertion of rigor

yeah, no

>> No.10975838
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weishaupts Plateau

>> No.10975839

I can't imagine what it's like being such a retarded neckbeard that I would get triggered by the word belief.

>> No.10975842
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1555024964702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sources are out there, just look it up yourself!

>> No.10975894

>/Lit/ higher than /sci/


>> No.10975900


Ok Mulder. I believe they are out there too!

>> No.10975907

Typical comment without any valid argument. This website is shit.

>> No.10975975

well, that is true.
which is not a good thing for psychology

>> No.10975987

Stop deflecting, concede the main point gracefully.

>> No.10976003
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1568546871992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers not knowing the difference of IQ and g
Yes, your retard ass can get high IQ from a test but your g is still rock bottom.

You dumb motherfucker, absolute unit

>> No.10976339

Given how obsessed /sci/ is over iq and how we are flooded by /pol/tards I don't find that so doubtful.

>> No.10976439


>> No.10976455


>> No.10976456

spending what valuable time you have on this Earth studying for an IQ test proves that you are literally, medically, factually, unironically retarded.

that was the true IQ test all along

>> No.10976687

>>spends months studying for an IQ test
No you didn't. You made a shitpost in 10 seconds.

>> No.10977238

>never studied for an exam in his life
>in complete disbelief someone could do the same for an IQ test

>> No.10978570

>IQ and Big Five trait psychology
how dare u compare IQ to that garbage how dare u