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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 624x351, sperm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10972078 No.10972078 [Reply] [Original]

I want to increase the size of my individual sperm cells to be as large as possible. I have no ulterior motive here -- I don't think it will make me more reproductively successful or anything like that -- it's more of a body-modification thing.

On the theoretical side: The largest known animal cell is the ostrich egg. So let's put that as a sort of 'stretch goal' for sperm size. The basic goal will be more realistic, at 1mm long, counting the tail. That's small enough to fit in a testicle and through the vas deferens, while also being appreciable to the naked eye. If I can make my sperm measure 1mm, I will be a truly happy man.

>> No.10972084

We already know that for 25% of people, increasing muscle cell size past adulthood is impossible, so don't get your hopes up. Maybe dick curls could help if you are part of the privileged 75%

>> No.10972178

even if it were possible, it would take an intense and daily environmental stress to inflate the size, upon which it'd naturally bounce back the second the pressure is removed, thus defeating the purpose to begin with

besides, since you're incapable of quantifying the size of your sperm by the naked eye, it sounds like you want thicker semen more than anything, which could be obtained by supplementation

>> No.10972182

Lol wtf

>> No.10972242

At this stage I would accept a temporary "inflation" as you put it, but of course a permanent solution would be preferable. I do indeed want the individual sperm cells eventually to be visible to the naked eye.
Yes, perhaps in the long term this sperm-size project will have applications for people who can't built muscle. However I see no [math]\mathit{a\ priori}[/math] link between spermatozoon size and muscle building.

>> No.10972258

U need sperm steriods broski

>> No.10972287

The average width of spermatozoa is 2µm, the finest width a human eye can resolve is 0.1mm. That is to say, you'd have to inflate the size of your sperm 500 times for it be visible, which for reference you'd be 205m wide and 875m tall, assuming equal scaling

Physically impossible, not even tumours grow that big before killing you

>> No.10972333

The human ovum is already 0.1mm across, and it's a solid sphere. Therefore I think a spermatozoon 1mm in length, being much smaller by volume, is very doable, at least in this kind of back-of-the-envelope theoretical calculation.

>> No.10972370

You say there's no a priori reason why this isn't possible, without understanding physics, evolution and the chemistry of macro molecules

Even lengthwise you'd have to increase the tail 20 times in length, which a) wouldn't be able to be powered by the head unless it scaled 500 times as well, and b) wouldn't be controllable because the overwhelming majority of the weight is in the tail, which would cause it to flail in circles, more than likely breaking apart

Even if such a thing was made inside your testicles it would clog them and cause your balls to rot, because they aren't designed to handle cells that large

Additionally a sperm being the same size as an egg makes no sense because all the genetic material necessary for producing a human is contained there, there is only a tiny fraction needed from a male to fertilise it. The reason why there's millions of sperm instead of 1 is because of the vastly superior odds of passing on healthy and random genes instead of copy pasting something that has incredible odds of being worse for adaptation for the offspring.
Another thing a sperm the same size of an egg wouldn't be able to penetrate the egg, thus making it useless

>> No.10972371

I mean even if you get your current sperm bigger just a bit there are plenty problems.

1 size of your organs.
2 energy produced by your body is also going to sperm production.
3 heat distribution if your testicles will not get enough heat you will experience a lot of problems
4 with all of this you will also need to have better heart because of blood pressure
5 as you can see just this one thing is tied to many things

>> No.10972395

>larger sperm cells will raise blood pressure
I have no doubt there will be many ramifications. But I am willing to work to overcome them and even accept certain tradeoffs. Where do these predictions come from, exactly? Why will larger sperm cells affect my blood pressure?

>> No.10972451

To produce sperm that size your testicles would need to be 50 maybe even 100 times larger than they are, and in order for those organs to exist would require vastly more blood, and since human blood circulates instead of being deposited, in order for the heart the circulate blood even further than before, you'd need a greater pressure to reach that distance, which would also require a larger heart as well, and larger lungs to oxygenate the blood, and so on

>willing to work to overcome
Not only is there nothing you can do dietarily or through exercise, even genetically engineering 1 gene to cause elongated tail length can have catastrophic effects across the entire body over 10,000 different genes

>> No.10972542
File: 24 KB, 300x224, Zoidberg_e0c5a2_443068-300x224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Zoidberg

>> No.10972565

Eat more onions. Go vegan diet.

>> No.10972582
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-heavier-than-air-flying-machines-are-impossible-lord-kelvin-53-3-0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure you realize how small-minded you sound right now

>> No.10972591

Guy under explain it pretty much, when it comes to human body everything is connected, one change will change another things there are some limitations from <> but once you pass the limitation you will start having problems with current settings of your body.

It's like old masters said whole universe is equal to fine tuned clock work everything works because its perfectly balanced and it's not just our body or anything in universe if you study psychology and everything else there is some sort of balance in everything once you go off from it whole system crash. You can go big or smaller but you literally have to scale whole system down.

Thinking about that it would be funny to think that ant will chocks because air would be thicc enough to breath in only for humans and not for them :D so volume is in play here.

>> No.10972595
File: 198 KB, 1968x988, 1568415646197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by small minded you mean I understand it's impossible and serves no practical use in fertilizing an egg, and that your own genes would erase the change through a couple generations through natural selection because it makes no sense evolutionarily, then yeah, I think gigantism for what is clearly a sexual fetish is small minded, and I think forcing human evolution along the lines of a sexual fetish is dysgenic and awful for societies at large


>> No.10972596

He was kinda right when it comes to actually mindset of 1800s physics because anything that is heavier then air can't really fly unless you have power that lift it off the ground.

>> No.10974175
File: 50 KB, 300x300, CqJz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at these stupid flying machines, nothing more than a dangerous carnival ride for daredevil children, or those awful "bicycle" enthusiasts

>> No.10974398
File: 236 KB, 276x395, 1568414843713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please waste hours of your life pouring your life's knowledge into entertaining my /d/ tier cum fetish

>> No.10974900

Idk how. But you trying to find Sasquatch. I’ve witnessed him before. I bought several from imaginative works lab. To make them fight. However living in a lake of piranhas is dangerous. I called my champ skunky. He has his cage microscope. Every time I have all objective on him without a slide people go to pet my friend skunky. However they get turned off. My cousins once came to visit him. They have keys to my apt. They acted like they didn’t say hi. But I realized they witnessed him when they took my focus from him. No I know why every time they overlook my pet shoulder they go in intruding but leave running. Beware of skunky. He’s an intimidation to behold.

>> No.10974930

They lock themselves out my apt. That’s why you need pet skunky. Nothing is more intimidating than watching him swim with the fishies. Like an anaconda in a swamp. He don’t bite. But it can leave people intimidated for such a small guy. My micro pet.

>> No.10974934

Sput nick hahaha!

>> No.10974942

He no play fetch.

>> No.10974955

Not saying he’s the biggest but it’s intriguing seeing and giving testimony to his noble kind. In the land of unicorns ehh?

>> No.10975030

reincarnate as fruit fly

>> No.10975106


>> No.10975378
File: 91 KB, 634x360, treatment-options-for-low-sperm-motility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want your sperm to be faulty?

>> No.10975419

I was under the impression that balls typically overheat thus reduce sperm production. Cold showers ftw