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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 89 KB, 1600x900, Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10966765 No.10966765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For what it concerns science, Reddit is way better than /sci/.
The so-hated Karma system works better for what it concerns science.
/sci/ is just a bunch of /pol/tards obsessed with iq and pop-sci/pseudoscientific shit
Give me a reason not to prefer scientific subreddits over /sci/

>> No.10966769

Yeah, pretty much. /sci/ has always been shit.

>> No.10966770

normie cuck get the fuck out reeeeeeeeeee!!!

>> No.10966775

kek it's astonishing how people who say this sort of thing and truly believe this don't realize how stupid and retarded they're being

>> No.10966782

Is there some subject at which 4chan is better than anything else, even the pleb reddit? Serious question

>> No.10966784

To be honest, no, I don't think so.
But you know, opinions.
But what in comes to science, it's "impossible" to "prefer" pseudoscience shit over Science
Also, that being shit isn't an opinion as well
I was born in 4chan, but as I grew up, reddit is way better. Yet I'm still here some mornings, when I don't know what to do

>hurr durr freedom of speech

>> No.10966786

*When it comes to science

btw, sorry for my english. Furthermore yesterday I was at a party with friends and I never never drink. 4 beers destroyed me KEK

>> No.10966787
File: 1.53 MB, 1421x721, c5c133aa0e68bd97d77a2d483c3f0a67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit science: race doesn't exist but there are infinite genders.

>> No.10966789

trannies aren't science
iq is

>> No.10966791

Gender is part of human culture and irrelevant to science.

>> No.10966805

For what it concerns?
Are you literally retarded??
Go back to /b/

>> No.10966812

I don't think one is better than the other. You are right that there is a lot of pseudoscience here but it gets mocked and proved wrong every time.

Reddit science subreddits are full of retards too. They only read the headlines and jump immediately into conclusions.

> scientist is working on new experimental technology in a lab
> most upvoted posts: this will change our lives in the future!
> no, it wont u fucking retard the technology isnt scalable (+ 10 more reasons)

If you want to discuss things without censorship 4chan will always be the better choice.

>> No.10966814

the problem with /sci/ is it is too slow and too many uni threads

>> No.10966821


>> No.10966829

idiot on /sc/: doesnt even know what gender means or how it is properly used
"... especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones"
Read a single book in your miserable life you twat.

>> No.10966836

low quality bait
come on dude
Nope, just translated literally from my native language. Checked up now, I should have written with regard to.

>> No.10966842

schizos > redditors

>> No.10966843

>You are right that there is a lot of pseudoscience here but it gets mocked and proved wrong every time
It still invades the board, from so long and it will continue
>Reddit science subreddits are full of retards too
As long their claim and the topic is scientific I don't care, it shouldn't care
>without censorship
how the fuck does censorship fit in science?

>> No.10966846

You know exactly it's not used in that way when people talk about genders.
>The so-hated Karma system works better for what it concerns science.
The so-hated Karma system also allows for easy manipulation of public opinion and pushing paid posts since Reddit's algorithm is based on karma.
>/sci/ is just a bunch of /pol/tards obsessed with iq and pop-sci/pseudoscientific shit
Argumentum ad hominem. Troll thread. Case closed.

>> No.10966848

>Words mean whatever we redefine them to mean
Ten years ago, you and everyone you ever knew would have said gender was a synonym for biological sex. This social construct business is something created by mentally ill activists and adopted by virtue signalling outcasts to feel better about themselves.

>> No.10966849

>how the fuck does censorship fit in science?
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? Of course you can censor science by discouraging research, cutting funds, preventing people from publishing etc. I mean it's obvious you're a Redditor. The naivety leaks through.

>> No.10966855

>preventing people from publishing
Give me an example of a modern scientific research that has been censored not because it's unethical

>> No.10966856

Weapons, probably.

>> No.10966858

Everything that is "unethical", whatever that means, ought to be censored. Unethical is whatever I'm told is unethical.
Proving the point that you're actually a special kind of stupid.

>> No.10966863

>public opinion
on science
are you fucking retarded?
How the fuck the "public opinion" is gonna push up a research in a specific subreddit composed by expert in that field?
>Argumentum ad hominem.
Kinda. But that's not the point, that's because they have no education about a field. I don't go in a fucking computational chemistry subreddit to speak because I'm a fucking neurologist

>> No.10966868

Bizarre experiment by nazis on jews during ww2 were unethical
Analising a dead body isn't unethical

that's over what I meant, shifting the debate on a philosophical level of what is "something", what define "something" etc in this case "ethic" wasn't my fucking point

>> No.10966871

me >>10966868

>Unethical is whatever I'm told is unethical.
How many episodes of Rick and Morty have you watched before coming to this mindblowing conclusion?
God, it's like debating with a teen whose daily purpose is getting into debate to show how smart he is.

>> No.10966874

me >>10966868 (You)

>Unethical is whatever I'm told is unethical.
How many episodes of Rick and Morty have you watched before coming to this mindblowing conclusion?
God, it's like debating with a teen whose daily purpose is getting into debate to show how smart he is.

>> No.10966875

>/sci/ is more obsessed with pop-science than reddit
nothing matches reddit regarding pop-science

>> No.10966878


>> No.10966879

If Reddit's so good then why come here? Go back.

>> No.10966881

>If pasta so good then why are you eating rice

>> No.10966891

>Dude words can’t change in meaning or gain new definitions ever because I said so

Better go tell that to all the cultures that have transgender people traditionally.

>> No.10966958
File: 67 KB, 720x843, 4AD8CBA9-259D-471B-A0A5-7AA9F60E8FDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming to 4chan really is an experience.
Just like /pol/ , /sci/ here does the same thing to you just with added ego/schizoid/autist flavour.
Spending ones time here turns you into a bitter resentful person n makes u hate everyone who does not pursue “higher truth” maths.
The only benefit from sci is like taking the black pill, its true Maths is god-tier n everything is pseudo-tier.
I was a brainlet engicuck(already graduated) with hopes n dream to live the materialistic consumerisms high life n a year here makes me like a schizoid n i start to resent my pleb med gf. Because sci told me Medicine is fake shit and psychology is fem-tier bullshit(not wrong tho)
In fact sci convert me to doing another Bach.math n altho im amaze with shit i learnt it not gonna give my high life n my cute med gf back.
Fuck this thai shoe making forum!

>> No.10966981

I like /co/ a lot better than any other comic forum. Mainly for storytimes and talking about releases and bullshitting about comics and getting recs. Other comic forums end up kinda nerd pissing matches and who can be most "informed" for karma forum points to their name.

But the cartoon part is trash.

/Sci/ really is trash about pseudo science and iq race bait. There's maybe one good thread at anytime.

>> No.10967080

Browsing Reddit science boards makes you feel better about your intellect. You're too lazy to read journals and do research for yourself and you don't have any genuine scientific interests. you'd rather mindlessly browse whatever some groupthink mechanism tells you is the most interesting articles of the week and what to think about them. I guarantee you don't retain the majority of the information you find on Reddit. what little you do retain you don't actually understand, you just parrot the top comments opinion. It's highbrow pop science at best. Also no one can take a joke and everyone likes to pretend they're a reviewer at Nature and not just shitposting on the internet.

if you don't like the topics discussed on /sci/ then maybe you should start threads about topics your interested in. Oh wait, you can't because you don't have any interests. If you're genuinely bothered by based schizos and trolls then you clearly havent thought through your beliefs. If your threads don't get attention it's because you have boring ideas

>> No.10967085

Just update your filters to filter buzzwords. Then it's slightly better. But /pol/tards still leak into other threads from their containment IQ threads. Sci has been better for me since I updated my filters

>> No.10967087

I think /a/ might still be slightly above r/anime and r/animemes simply because it's not 90% recommendation threads and your can filter all the generals. Albeit the discourse itself is absolutely abysmal

>> No.10967088

You're a fucking moron if you think mass = correct. It's a fallacy, in fact.
Second, 4chan was great until subhumans such as yourself came along to ruin everything. Fuck you.

>> No.10967117

I agree with this point. Dumb people want smarter people to spoonfeed them information. Redditors don't want to learn anything; they want to consume information that makes them feel good. You see daily posts on reddit about "something something new technology" to battle climate change that doesn't actually work that gets a lot of attention.

I remember that a few months ago I got interested in gender disphoria and read studies about it. I found that most of them were invalid because they lacked a control group or a long term tracking. Of course redditors don't like this. It's impossible to discuss these kind of things on reddit; you will be downvoted to hell or get banned.

>> No.10967118

>explains things in terms of food
I thought you were trolling but you really are from leddit.

>> No.10967127

That's how peer preview works. Mass=correct.

>> No.10967130

>if pizzas so good why do you eat burgers?
Well that's because burgers are with 1 dollar and pizzas are worth 5 or more.
4chan is the burger

>> No.10967159

I have adhd as well as autism, reddit is way too slow for me.

>> No.10967164

Can reddit solve the flies in a jar and golden/silver balls problems?

>> No.10967166

Imagine actually using 4chan or reddit for something useful. Let me guess you go to /biz/ for financial advice? The only thing this website is good at is shitposting and memes because it's full of degenerates, and reddit is full or normies so it's average as fuck so you might as well watch a youtube video for discussion, but that's still shit tier compared to reading a book

>> No.10967179

/sci/ isn't any better. Not exactly a lot of linking to journals. And even if you do if op is some faggot going on about race or some gender iq bs or aliens and you point out how iq is bullshit or provide links on how no aliens didn't do this it's got a perfectly normal observable explanation you get called a shill.

But I like it cause some of the questions are just so damn dumb it makes me research just to prove them wrong and even though that's impossible I learn more details about a subject than I did before.