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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 618 KB, 850x846, Sensitivity-of-two-dimensional-RD-The-image-located-at-top-left-is-generated-from-an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10964699 No.10964699 [Reply] [Original]

Alright assholes, listen up because I'm about to go dark as fuck and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm a research director in a facility that doesn't even have a name right now, but a hash to identify it. To enter, you need to know the password which is hashed into what we call the facility, as weird as that is. Literally anybody can enter if they wanted, but, it does have security and rules.

We're working on a project right now called "LOGÊ". When I heard what we had to produce, my first reaction was "this is absolutely insane and there's no way this is even possible". This is what I was thinking, but, I was wrong and we've made a product recently which as the research director of my department, have come here to share with you the scale of what it is we're doing.

Imagine if you would that you had a modulo function which could be used to generate noise or encrypt information. Well, that's very useful, but, what if the modulo function could also be used to completely circumvent the entire need for processing information in order for the information to produce an output from an input? Imagine if you would, that we had a formula which was 2+2 and we put it into a machine which consist of a number that represents the information, however, that number which represents 2+2 is a number we create when we put 2+2 into the machine. That number is merely like 1 basically. When we move the number from 1 to 2, we get an output of 4. The output of 4 doesn't come from adding 2+2 together. The output 4 comes from a formula we've created that is like noise. We call it melody noise. It's much harder to find out work on google this way because you have to search through a bunch of crap. (1/2)

>> No.10964701

So what good is any of this shit? Well lets say you want to train a neural network on getting a high score at something. This could take years, decades, and lots of super computers. Not anymore. Now we instantly train neural networks just by putting information into a noise formula and skipping forward as far as we like. We even managed to create a chess bot that instantly does the minmax algorithm without the need to alpha beta prune, and we can create a bot for any game that can minmax that game to any length we would like.

If any of you had any idea of what the hell we're doing with this, you would just get on your knees and worship in awe. We have real world models that accurately predict things in a short time and those models are so refined and elaborate that our business is literally pretty much going to end up taking over the stock market soon and we're likely going to be the next Amazon. Enjoy. (2/2)

>> No.10964703

Give us a prediction then.

>> No.10964706


>> No.10964709

>I Work For IBM
>Imagine if you would, that we had a formula which was 2+2
>Not using x+y in a computational thread

Fuck off

>> No.10964715

Yeah, I'll pass.
What you're working on, the bible predicted almost 2,000 years ago. So much for your cutting edge awe.
Google "Abomination that Brings Desolation", and know that you're working for pure evil.

>> No.10964733

lol. as somebody who actually worked at ibm I can tell you that you should come up with a better company for your story. ibm is one of the shittiest companies in the world and does nearly nothing novel or interesting. it's filled with low level workers trying to get a resume together so they can get a real job. everybody I knew there wanted out.

>> No.10964738

now this post seems legit

>> No.10964757

Apparently you work for one of the biggest companies in America but can't even spell beyond the level of a 10 year old? Yeah suuuuuuuuuuurre

>> No.10964924

insider trading info or gtfo

>> No.10964929


>> No.10964953

Imagine taking this garb seriously.
I mean, IBM doing something innovative? Come on my man

>> No.10964960

this has an email scam vibe to it, I was surprised when there wasn't some kind of "invitation" or something at the end. did you really write this just for (you)s?

>> No.10964962

I copied it off reddit.

>> No.10964989

Google isn't showing it on reddit so nice try.

>> No.10964993

I knew it

>> No.10965015

It's a private subreddit.

>> No.10965146

Grauhesch leers from his chamber, unbidden,
as we slink the shade of his view, unseen.
Grey king abed in his prison, unchained—
as our fear far stricter bids us silent.
That courtly mock: a wrinkled brow in thought,
repeated in bulbous and reaching flesh,
scornful wet facsimile of our own.
What hubris took hold and drove us here—
to cower before the insensate?
Long severed and silenced and bound but still,
the echo remains and shackles in turn.
Foul prophet those mouthless lines to lay,
not in mist and shadow but statute and stone.
What fault is this but ours, and ours alone?

>> No.10965217

End of the world when?

>> No.10965320

You know what's the worst about this post? While you were writing all this bullshit, you had the opportunity to think "what the fuck am I doing?" and just scrap it all. But no. You actually decided to post it. You genuinely thought it would be a good idea to post all this crap. Fuck you

>> No.10965354

I just borrowed 10x my net worth and used it all to short IBM.

>> No.10965363


>> No.10965364

Training a neural network would be the least imaginative thing you could do with that. You could solve any sized molecular dynamics problem, search through exponential spaces for impossible to optimize problems, and break encryption.

Put more effort into your LARPs next time plz

>> No.10965381

Can you render mandlebrot deep zooms quickly this way?

>> No.10965517

Sure but I had it sitting around anyway

>> No.10965546
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>> No.10965549
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>> No.10965748

This sounds like some basic FFT bullshit. If anything I would be shorting the shit out of IBM right now.

>> No.10965832
File: 344 KB, 472x329, 0fa6216744aa49eacab34bbf8ac5eb91718b8319b964af6f52f6f9d433eb13e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all very good and and I wish you and your team immense success in advancing the frontiers of human progression

The real question, if you would allow me to posit it as such, is simply this:
>How does this affect Porn?

>> No.10965835


>> No.10965941

Pops left IBM 15 years ago and never looked back. Was he wrong?

>> No.10965949


KEK how the fuck do you fucking retards come up with this shit?

>> No.10965992


What a waste of a shit post. Poorly contrived and terribly written.

You should have just made it simpler, used less jargon, and got to the point sooner. Also stating a concern that is less than the implications allows shitheads to think they have independently reached a OMG conclusion themselves and reinforces their inflated sense of intelligence whilst at the same time reducing their already low level of credulity.

>> No.10966098

Sounds like the smartest person in your organization quit.

>> No.10966282

i had a dream like this once
that the transformation from input to output of any sequence of functions could be captured by a single matrix
then i woke up

>> No.10966461

>I'm using an RNG to find minima to a loss function
>I'm literally genius no one has ever guessed this approach
this is literally the simplest optimization approach. pls stop shitposting your fake /x/ tier stories

>> No.10966591

>our business is literally pretty much going to end up taking over the stock market
IBM is or a specific business working for them?

>> No.10966599

>imagine if you would
Ah shit, here we go again

>> No.10966634
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 1566415445864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would your story ever upend or interrupt my Uluru Healing Dance?

>> No.10966639
File: 154 KB, 1918x1072, 1545774019597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan != subtlety required

Why lie about 'age'? What the fuck? Age = eon = epoch = chapter.

How the fuck do humans not get sharing their ego BEFORE sharing their identity already?

Christ, I've been bitch slapping everyone in public with this warrior-autist routine and it's fucking hilarious.

'But yeah, just 'ego shame' other people in public and then share your identity when you feel like you've banked enough *wink wink you're one of us*

>Because a group of humans were goin gto figure it out for all of history one day. 4chan /sci/ be those weird fucks. Woo hoo domain knowledge transfer!

>> No.10967346

That is the most retarded diagram I have ever seen
There is so little being conveyed its hilarious

>> No.10967755

>When we move the number from 1 to 2
how do you move numbers. what does moving a number entail.

do numbers like hot tropical places like the bahamas or do they like temperate upper-hemisphere locales. Do numbers have to pay for moving companies or do they carry everything they own and can just greyhound that shit.

>> No.10967987

There is no way this is possible.

Anyway, modulo function is a function that gives you the reminder of the division. (e.g 5%3=2) so I assume schizo unless proven otherwise.

>> No.10968019
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1515881711935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like a very stupid person's attempt to reproduce a description someone else gave him of the most basic sort of feedforward backprop network.
Which, yes OP, ***WAS*** a great innovation 80 years ago.

>> No.10968021
File: 19 KB, 500x600, 1558608938051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then maybe don't act as if your eyes are the divine interpreter of everything and let the Universe describe itself to you for a change, oh apparent dictator of my reality.

>> No.10968097
File: 1.33 MB, 1884x2164, 1567548992334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If what you want is an audience of impressionable idiots that will lap up any half-baked story so long as it bends to their biases, then head over to /pol/. Just make sure to say things like "i'm about to red pill you hard on..." and put (((.))) around anything you want them feel apprehensive and pre-empted about. Many (You)s will come your way, even discord groups and raid twitter spammers if you play your posts right.

Oh and don't forget to sign off as "Qanon" . Just trust me on this.

>> No.10968106
File: 1.17 MB, 2329x2985, TRINITY___God+al-Mahdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10968226

That’s nothing I had an acquaintance that worked with the Bremmers, whom are early investors in Microsoft. He got cheated out. Basically he was a part of a group of individuals that left IBM. So they say because there is trouble between the companies as there are two stories. A racial strategy game as well as regionalist. Most of the crap is mass parody. With open solicitors and what not. Towards the end of his life he turned Christian. Apparently he was able to make chips out of thin air using dust particles. Which is why they hated wi-fi apparently the wavelength and grid is dangerous. They never really liked Microsoft because they see it as a war strategy and deregulation of old time America. Which is how Europeans make their money. Basically Microsoft is into recreating memories. Which some agencies used to do with a choke collar to the neck that has little hairs right into nerves. So there is an arena of whom is American and who isn’t. One side says they’ve always been another side says no. Because they entered illegally and took advantage of the technology systems using ethnic municipal mafias. Many came here for land and did everything to recreate censuses and burial grounds. Basically they say whenever Microsoft gets pissed there is mass suicides because they learned how to control static. And IBM is in turmoil because of identity crisis. If you see pictures of its founders they are all Mexican looking. Seen one when they were celebrating their launch. When you investigate all those employees with IBM etc you’ll realise they live with a founder looking over their shoulders due to their layout.

>> No.10968242

As for Amazon. There is always the legal issue of transgenics going on. As there is evidence of a correlation of foreigners moving to ethnic soils since its inception. To further instigate the conspiracy they don’t want to split until they merge with black rock. There is a lot of legal tape in that company.

>> No.10968261

Supposedly in one of the companies ebay or Amazon. there are disputes amongst founders and some of the early investors as some found the perfect loophole to hide murders and integrate identities into different societies. Some of the victims or should I say many come from ethnic regions of the world. Usually innocent, peaceful people whom travelled for work.

>> No.10968293

Same thing with Microsoft some speculate Microsoft didn’t start as a software development company at all but was usurped. It was created as a way to raise funds for war and immigration prep due to sociological hardships other regions have endured with immigration. Something similar to techno-surgical. The answer is ‘well how were we supposed to know?’ This is why many are re-studying Clinton’s policies as president and hardships we faced as well as security clearances pulled. Basically this kind of war revolves around theft of business identities for greater profits usually at the hand of foreigners. So the sweeps that have occurred become something of a household conversation.

>> No.10968302

For example head of household according to FBI. Example:
An American contractor working in foreign land has his family in the US and sends them money. He pays her taxes but for safety he doesn’t write down his marital status. Now back in the US any tenant living in a building or renting a room paying taxes is treated as head of household. Equates to massive robberies and deaths.

>> No.10968307

Now what is peer pressure within the FBI? They must now have babies to the victims with DNA legality in order to hide thefts and acquire the funds back.

>> No.10968311

That's an actual Žižek quote.


>> No.10968346

ok schizo

>> No.10968354

Learn to speak English first

>> No.10968873


>> No.10968913

That's the most believable part though...