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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10952844 No.10952844 [Reply] [Original]

Are you actually smart?
How did you determine that you are smart?

>> No.10952848

I have a piece of paper the says "Master of Science" with my name on it.

I use this to determine I am smarter than the average person.

>> No.10952854

But lots of uninteresting people can get a masters in science and do all the time. Does that really make them smart?

>> No.10952891

I'm very stupid and I don't say that because I know that stupid people know that smart people know that I'm smart and that stupid people would want to look smart in front of smart people and therefore do anything I'm valued for.

>> No.10952923

smart people believe in global research centres open to the public 24/7 ohh look its emporium 2020

>> No.10952928

I don't believe myself to be very smart based on the decisions I've made and continue to make in life.

>> No.10952932

>How did you determine that you are smart?
I interact with other people

>> No.10952940

this needs to die

>> No.10952958

1. IQ>135
2. Decent at math and logic
3. Thousands of interactions with people.

>> No.10953021

i love you too bunny x

>> No.10953022

>People largely say I'm smart every since childhood
>I could figure out on my own how to calculate the day of the week in any given date (esp. between 1800 and 2100, which I can do in half a second)
>I have synesthesia
>I'm left handed
>I display a way above average proficiency of the English language than my peers, as observed by myself and other people
>When I took the FCE certification (of English proficiency) I got the maximum score despite not doing the writing part because I write too slowly
>I intuitively understand the grammar of my first language (it's pretty hard and most people have a lot of trouble with it), to the point of scoring low in tests where I had to analyze sentences and say what's wrong with them and why but scoring very high when I just had to point out the wrongs and correct them, without having to explain why
>It took me 3 months of self study and 7 of private lessons of German to complete the elementary proficiency level (it usually takes 2 years)
>I have a large vocabulary, having to explain to people the meaning of the words I use
>I can do really quick math in my head
>Despite being introverted and nearly autistic I was able to lead the finance club from my university and make it grow

>My marks are painfully mediocre in college and HS (they are stellar up until I became a depressed fag though). I'm not that guy who can do well academically with minimal effort
>I scored 110 on Mensa's Raven's Matrices
>I haven't been able to do make the cut in the hard entry exam to enter the University I wanted
>I scored only slightly above average in my country's general exam after I finished HS
>I have little social skills (fortunately they are improving)

Due to past failures, I'm rationally inclined to believe that maybe (1) my achievements are not that impressive or (2) all people around me are really dumb. More (1) than (2) since I've met plenty of highly smart people.

>> No.10953031

nope. I compared myself to people like Gauss and Ramanujan.
turns out im pretty fucking pathetic.

>> No.10953033

Uninteresting doesn't mean stupid

>> No.10953035

day of the week of any given date*
they were stellar*

>> No.10953055

>>I can do really quick math in my head
real math requires abstract thinking. Quick arithmetic will only impress accountants.
>(1) my achievements are not that impressive
yes most definitely.
>(2) all people around me are really dumb
yes most definitely.
>>I haven't been able to do make the cut in the hard entry exam to enter the University I wanted
lol just be black.

>> No.10953056

think so, but also dont really care. was told it my whole life, did well in classes to get full rides to undergrad, currently doing a PhD, objectively id say im at least above average. But who cares

>> No.10953061

I have great intuition, spatial abilities and auditory as well, am very aware and consistent of my logic and rhetoric/dialectic, and tend to do well on tests and other areas of study without studying. I am lackluster in the educational system and always manage to just pass classes (obviously doesn't work so well in college). I am more individualistic and an INTJ. I estimate my IQ at around 120-130.

>> No.10953069

>tfw make bad decisions all the time, despite knowing the decision I'm making is bad and that I should be making better ones.
Right now I'm getting drunk alone, instead of studying.

>> No.10953082

>real math requires abstract thinking. Quick arithmetic will only impress accountants.
Those are two separate skills, not different levels of the same.
It takes a lot of abstraction to do upper level math, but a lot of working memory to make quick math. Hence why many mathematicians and physicists are not quick with arithmetic and many people who are quick aren't high performing academics.

>lol just be black.
In my country you are only admitted through exams and only poor people can benefit from affirmative action (though it's primarily aimed at blacks because most of the poor people are black).

>> No.10953091

yeah it does. if you're not smart enough to be interesting hten you're dumb.

>> No.10953117

>Those are two separate skills, not different levels of the same.
>It takes a lot of abstraction to do upper level math, but a lot of working memory to make quick math. Hence why many mathematicians and physicists are not quick with arithmetic and many people who are quick aren't high performing academics.
missed the point. I see why you're a fuckign failure.
>In my country you are only admitted through exams and only poor people can benefit from affirmative action (though it's primarily aimed at blacks because most of the poor people are black).
no poor person ever has benefitted from affirmative action.
should have studied harder faggot.
that wasn't very interesting.

>> No.10953123

Mommy told me so

>> No.10953129

By always being successful in what I've done
By watching Rick and Morty and discovered by IQ obsessed that my IQ is 148
By supporting homosexual rights
That's how I know

>> No.10953137


>> No.10953176

>missed the point. I see why you're a fuckign failure.
Your point is clearly that quick math isn't a big deal, and you compared this area of mathematics with another areas, of higher depth, that require abstraction. I said they are separate skills, therefore you shouldn't compare them as a proxy for defining which determines intelligence more.

>no poor person ever has benefitted from affirmative action.
You know you are pulling this out of your ass, right? I've literally seen lots of poor people using it to be able to go to college. I don't know if it's good for society as a whole, but it's real and people use it. Besides, that's way out of the purpose of this discussion.

>> No.10953188

Actually, I'm getting a Ph.D. in computational chemistry. Sound impossible for an underage person.

>> No.10953208

>Your point is clearly that quick math isn't a big deal, and you compared this area of mathematics with another areas, of higher depth, that require abstraction. I said they are separate skills, therefore you shouldn't compare them as a proxy for defining which determines intelligence more.
ok kid. good luck with being right.

>> No.10953406

computational chemistry is just physics for people who can't into physics

T. guy with PhD in physics who worked in an office with a bunch of computational chemists

>> No.10953425
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> Are you actually smart?
No. About half the people I know are smarter than me.

> How did you determine that you are smart?
This assumes that I am smart

>> No.10953452

physics is just math for people who can't into math

t. math PhD

>> No.10953454

i took ap calculus bc (basically calc 1+2) as a sophomore in high school and got a 5

>> No.10953462

No idea what that means, most here aren't obese ameritards

>> No.10953463

>.t burger flipper.

>> No.10953464

Kek anyone can get a degree these days, especially if you aren't a caucasian/asian man through government funding. Although i guess if you studied something useful I'd consider you smarter than the average man. >>10952848

>> No.10953480

ok i'll dumb it down for the europoors in the back. ap calculus bc is a yearlong high school course equivalent to the first two semesters of calculus in college, covering differentiation, integration, parametric equations and series.

>> No.10953503

I was 8/9 intelligent according to an army test, which turned out to mean I was a brainlet in university

>> No.10953509

So basic shit any retard can learn
I failed maths in high school as I was too busy abusing drugs and having sex, then I started studying maths at the age of 23, after working as a bouncer and drug dealer, within a year I covered differentiation, integration, series, etc, starting from long division and multiplying fractions. I got into manchester university by sitting an entrance exam without any A-levels (the prerequsite for university education in bongland).

>> No.10953514

math is just math for people who can't into math

>> No.10953516

National merit scholar, triple majoring in STEM fields at a top 20 university, doing research at the same time, 35 ACT, 1550 SAT, got second place in an essay competition with ~2000 applicants.

My verbal IQ is much higher than nonverbal, though. Only got a 33 on Math when I took the ACT, compared to perfect scores on the other sections, and I only score ~135 on semi-legit nonverbal tests like mensa.no or mensa.dk.

>> No.10953528

Underage fag spotted
To get a 5 you need roughly a 55% raw score. No one is impressed.

>> No.10953534

Why does that make you intelligent?

>> No.10953551

I took a real IQ test with a doctor one time. It said I was above average intelligence.

>> No.10953562

it's more like 65% but I remember even my teacher and dad (who has a math phd) struggled with some of the practice questions

>> No.10953571

>my teacher and dad (who has a math phd) struggled with some of the practice questions
People forget shit, even if it's conceptually easy.

>> No.10953581

I'm dumb as hell, but they still let me work on a particle collider, so it all works out I guess.

>> No.10953583

I know for a fact I'm a lot smarter than the average person. But untill I have something of note to show for it, not just exam scores, it is entirely meaningless. Here's to doing something to be proud of

>> No.10953592

Because if we accept intelligence to be the ability to perform abstract mental tasks with a speed and ease that most people cannot, then performing measurably better at standardized tests as well as producing commendable original work are strong indicators for that definition of intelligence. If you've got another way of describing intelligence besides doing mental things better and faster (which you might, and it might be totally valid), then I'd like to hear it.

>> No.10953607
File: 113 KB, 1080x1342, IMG_20190907_151338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the calculus BC exam last year. Seriously ridiculously easy, pic related is one of the FRQs that people unironically struggled with the most. On redd*t everyone was complaining about how it was impossible and they weren't prepared for this, likewise very few people I know got it right.

>> No.10953620

You’ve never done advanced calc or analysis lol

>> No.10953627

Because I truly want to learn and create based on what I learned. Only the intelligent ones long for truth.

>> No.10953695

>hurr durr my field is better than yours
t. computational chemist of before
I hate those chemist who do the same about biologist and so on..

>> No.10953717

>dad (who has a math phd) struggled with some of the practice questions
Yeah sure a Math Ph.D. struggle with this >>10953607
TOPKEK why are you lying

>> No.10953719

All those smarts yet I can't put on muscle.

>> No.10953723

Go to a dietician and ask for a diet specific for mass period in gym
I gained almost 12kg in muscle right now

>> No.10953742

Yeah that question stumped so many people....for some reason. Honestly all brainlets. Hurr durr polar, hurr durr can’t think abstract, hurr durr

>> No.10954283
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bumped under special assignment Emporium 2020

>> No.10954311

>covering differentiation, integration, parametric equations and series.
>first two semesters . . . in college
Do Americans really?

>> No.10954471

"Smart" is a word thought to be used to describe the amount of knowledge someone has but it's a very opinionated observation and doesn't exactly describe quantity. If you recognize someone as smart it may be used as a label to describe someone who has more, or just as much information committed to memory comparatively to yourself, or perhaps even how much they reveal to you. Those with a "big ego" may only see those with more information readily available to them, than themselves, as smart. Someone with their ego in "check" may view someone who knows less than themselves but more than the average person (based on anecdotes) as smart. However, if there is some hyper intelligent life in the universe, they may see all of humanity as stupid. Hell!!! they could not even have a concept of Smart or Stupid and see "intelligence" as simply data collected. There may be no positive or negative connotations to being smart or dumb to hyper intelligent life.

So, to answer your question. I consider myself smarter than a lot of people but also dumber than a lot of people. In the end it's just the amount of "data" that's readily available to me. (memory)