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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 800x420, theeggkurzgesagt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10946641 No.10946641 [Reply] [Original]

The video that saved /sci/

>> No.10946646

No, it's this.

>> No.10946976

fuck you -w-

>> No.10947201
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1553176518659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded history and absurdly human centric. Why would a complete different form of live have the same values of humans? The author is a brainlet

>> No.10947208

Epstein general?

>> No.10947215

Maybe humanoid civilizations are a natural occurrence in the universe and in fact this entire reality is set up so they come about. In the exact same way you get patterns of stars and planets and galaxies you also have a pattern of life and then humanoid civilizations emerging.

>> No.10947515

It's such a cucked video
>you're dead but don't worry your kids would have hated you anyway and your wife didn't love you

>> No.10947589

>lel you could just be everyone so be nice
Absolutely retarded. Humans always astound me at how they can subvert billions of years of evolutionary pressure to dominate all other competition.

>> No.10947654


>> No.10948848

What if they are human beings, just superior. And that's their method of elevating a person to a higher state of being. You would definitely become a wiser person if you lived life numerous times from different perspectives. From the SS soldier gassing jews, to the actual jew being gassed. From the slave and the master. The proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The conquerer and the conquered. From every historic time period and cultural context. You would have lived through and understood their perspectives first hand.

What you are talking about is called convergent biology.

>> No.10948931
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Kurgestantwhateveritscalled is well known for stealing other people's content and making their own videos on it. /youtubedrama.

>> No.10948968


>> No.10948983


>> No.10948986

I tried watching this video and unironically couldn't understand the point of it

>> No.10948996
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>You are just atoms and your self is an illusion, once you die you will dissemble and be reborn somewhere else with no memory.
>Also you will reverse our universe's entropy and be reborn as chinese girl in 540 A.D

>> No.10949004

this is the one

>> No.10949009

>treat others nicely because we are all the same--hurting a stranger would be hurting yourself

>> No.10949078
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The idea of the video is fucking stolen from one of Alan Watts's lectures


>> No.10949090

reminder that bipeds seem to be an inevitable course of evolution, hinting the universe’s wish for continuation

>> No.10949119
File: 183 KB, 800x1009, 1490228337552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't this actually a creepypasta?

>> No.10949123

>Author's little imagination.
This should go to /rk9

>> No.10949128

This. Cucked is sneaked in there.

>> No.10949131

not even /x/-tier

>> No.10949272

WWG1WGA Patriot. Be sure to come back home when it opens its doors sometime next week.

>> No.10949319

You have to go back

>> No.10949379
File: 88 KB, 1080x1350, 1560110344014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, is wast just a shity story.

>> No.10949394

based post

>> No.10950908

I wish I was a Chinese girl living in 540 instead of being a fat American (redundant I know) autistic fuck in the current year

>> No.10950915

Have you tried not being fat?

>> No.10950925

I'm an American. I have a gene deep need to be fat.

>> No.10950926

How could he just steal this idea from the big lez show?

>> No.10950932


This, I've literally read this before. It's called "the egg" as well.

>> No.10950935

Because it's explicitly not o completely different form of life. Did you even watch the video?

>> No.10950937
File: 28 KB, 645x729, E283215D-4723-48AD-8550-E5C72719D607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would a complete different form of live have the same values of humans?
>what is convergent evolution

>> No.10950943

Except for the vast majority of evolutionary paths, which didn't lead to bipedalism.

>> No.10950949


>> No.10950952
File: 565 KB, 1264x2483, Egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the truth /sci/.
At some point in the future humans master time travel and immortality. Having scientifically proven heaven exists humans are left to ponder the consequences. Shortly after we learn the terrible truth. Humans create human. Future humans pull peoples "souls" from their body at the moment of death. Soul being their physical and mental imprint at the quantum level. Humans save themselves.

I think you are imagining things.

>> No.10951004

the problem is, i've had an LSD trip which was basically this same thing, this same "theme". i don't know if heard the story before that time, or maybe heard the concept before, but it felt very real to me at the time and i felt very upset at myself for the cruelty i put myself through.

it was different in the details. it was like the LSD brought me to that place, and the other individual there manifested as my little brother, and we sat on a couch and discussed how i die and come back and i have to play every person until i've done them all.

looking back i realize it was just a psychedelic trip. it was just the drugs affecting my mind, and creating this story, but after learning about hinduism in college, the core concept of the Atman and Brahman is effectively identical. it's an easy idea to accept. it would be cool if it was the case, instead of just lights out when you die.

>> No.10951038

That's the normie explanation. But if this pseudo religion picks up expect to be forced to slave away for the benefit of a few well connected powerful people, who will simply state that "don't be so selfish, your misfortune is temporary, my comfort will be yours once you die, so keep slaving away".

>> No.10951088

it's just a short story. it resonates with some people because it's effectively the "golden rule". i'm not going to get too into normative ethics and religion, but "The Egg" by Andy Weir is a western retelling of the concept of dharma in hinduism.
how in christianity, it's a bit fucked up that an all powerful and all loving god allows babies to die of AIDS, and for people to brutalize and torture others; the hindu mentality is that it is of course fine that it happens, because you are the only one that suffers. YOU in the collective sense, because you are everyone. it's like masturbating or self harm, and it's no more unethical to kill yourself than to kill another human. you ought to treat others nicely, but even if you don't you're just fucking yourself over because you'll have to experience that suffering that you've dealt out, the next time around.

the concept of "enlightenment" is when you (as your current incarnation, the you that is reading these words and sitting in front of the screen) realize that this is the case, and then the illusion (Maya) that you're different from your neighbor is broken. your neighbor and you are not "both human", you're both exactly the same "thing". as they look out of their eyes, that's you looking out of your eyes. you're "it". the great whatever-it-is.

i'm not trying to sell you on the idea as in converting you to it, just putting it forward as an idea to play with.

>> No.10951105
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kurzgesagt is a kike channel

>> No.10951593
File: 538 KB, 614x676, 1567088577673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are just now learning about the egg idea because of some fucking youtuber
i havent been here in a few years but jesus christ what happened to this place

>> No.10951739

You act like you've never been initiated into the mystery schools before.
How can you not know about cosmic egg?

>> No.10951875
File: 1.16 MB, 1263x709, soygr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I am subscribed to Kurzgesagt. What gave it away?

>> No.10951888

Remember when the director of kurtzegat visited /sci/ and we all told him to dilate?
I've just about McFuckin' had it with these normal fags.

>> No.10951954

Its narrated and animated in a really shitty way, I'm not surprised.
The original short story is here: http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html

>> No.10952024

>le convergent evolution
I cringe every time someone brings this as an argument for anthropomorphic aliens. Read a fucking book.

>> No.10952157
File: 9 KB, 320x240, 1489292948158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their speculative argument is much worse than my speculative argument!

>> No.10952183


>> No.10952204

We have one of the weirdest bodies and methods of locomotion in all of animalia. There are other bipeds, but they walk and run in very different ways. As far as we know, we are the only creatures to have had this kind of a body in the entirety of the planet's existence, it's just as and maybe even more likely that aliens will walk on all fours (or more) and have elephantine prehensile noses, if they aren't even weirder than that.

>> No.10952211
File: 1.46 MB, 2526x1716, 1428037490531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952276

Stfu modernist

>> No.10952293
File: 1.65 MB, 1333x574, emporium hall 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belive me i wish i could but this new zone is what we are missing

>> No.10952301
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, 1547695733780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the collaboration of all projects a new research centre for public analysis needs to be a thing

>> No.10952302

>it's just as and maybe even more likely that aliens will walk on all fours (or more) and have elephantine prehensile noses, if they aren't even weirder than that.
According to whom, exactly?

>> No.10953614

According to convergent evolution. Prehensile noses have evolved far more times than has our particular brand of bipedalism, or even our hands. Humans are weird as fuck.

>> No.10954080

>Diablo 1
Based basedlo

>> No.10954146

>why would a child have the same values of their parent
Did you even watch the video.

>> No.10954150

Do people seriously think this story is supposed to be some sort of "like lets just all be nice man" hippie propaganda? Its literally just speculative fiction you spergs.

>> No.10954219
File: 964 KB, 672x787, 1566234304588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first non-dualism vid, but it's still an appreciated video since it can reach those who have not delved into the topic. Which is necessary to explore the ontological ramifications of the possibilities within the quantum realm.

That being said assuming "the egg" is true, what kind of problems would need to be solved that require an individual to force their offspring to live through billions/trillions of human lives. This would also assume that universe simulation theory is correct or that time engineering (reverse entropy or revisit entropy states) is feasible. The later is implied possible through the recent quantum darwinism experiments reported on Quanta Magazine.

>> No.10954228

It happened once, who's to say it can't happen again? Space is big.

>> No.10954229
File: 36 KB, 618x590, pp 650x642-pad 750x1000 f8f8f8_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never tap someone on the shoulder then do a 4th deminsional lateral juke and surprise them as someone else 1400 years in the past

>> No.10954233

What chapter is this

>> No.10954237


does none of you retards use 4chanX?

>> No.10954246

Unironically if I were to find out that this was true it would motivate me to kill people

>> No.10954264


Anon if this was true you would just be committing murder on yourself and eventually live out those experiences later.

>> No.10954270

That's my point, it wouldn't fucking matter

>> No.10954271

>quantum darwinism
>But although these studies seem consistent with QD, they can’t be taken as proof that it is the sole description for the emergence of classicality, or even that it’s wholly correct. For one thing, says Cabello, the three experiments offer only schematic versions of what a real environment consists of. What’s more, the experiments don’t cleanly rule out other ways to view the emergence of classicality.
Sounds like another meme theory that only works in a lab under specific conditions.
As for the video itself, it's popsci gibberish, like everything they make.

>> No.10954414

>scientifically analyzing a moral story
please don't be like this