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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 608 KB, 1000x727, C0A34C4D-7B77-42F0-A824-A64B6F2E47DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10940672 No.10940672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My professor for intro to earth science dared anyone to give him evidence of aliens and ufos that weren’t misunderstandings. I brought up the USS Nimitz ufo sighting

>Seen by the USS Nimitz, multiple pilots, Superhornet F/A-18 FLIR cameras, E-2C Hawkeye, and the USS Princeton
>Appeared multiple times
>Is a tic-tac shape
>No wings, exhaust, or discoloration
>Went up to mach 25 in less than a second
>big as a fighter jet
>flied and suddenly turned instantaneously with little to no change in visible acceleration
>Disclosed by the US Navy
>They admit they do not know where “it” is from, or what “it” really is

My professor seemed like he wanted to stop me from finishing, like he was annoyed.

>> No.10940687

You're just taking any eyewitness opinion and giving it the same importance as actual data. There's no way to tell from the video how big, fast, what features it had, etc.

>> No.10940690

>the professor was visibly shaken

>> No.10940694

Video, radar, and eyewitness anon. Pretty insane coincidence if all three parts of this story were fooled by seperate effects at the same time. Clearly it deserves investigation.

>> No.10940698
File: 27 KB, 616x347, vibrations-earth-core-solid-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intro to Earth Science
Why does that not surprise me?

>> No.10940699

And then everyone clapped.

>> No.10940701

His question was a ruse to identify the mentally ill students in the class.

>> No.10940710

It's not a coincidence at all since they contradict each other. Fravor says that when they reached the merge point he saw nothing but churning water. Then in other accounts he said there was a tic tac shaped object the size of a fighter 40 miles away. How could he see something that small 40 miles away? Hint: because he didn't see it.

>> No.10940758

Maybe it's weather? Ball lightning is a widely known phenomena, but after centuries of seeing it we still have no idea how it works.

>> No.10940774

Perhaps it was a virtual object projected into the military computers as part of a training exercise.

>> No.10940802

Mainly because the UFOs themselves looked like shit.

No one really cares about UFOs anymore they want to see Creatures.

>> No.10940856

If it triggers someone, then it means its a psychological reaction, not a scientific response, regardless of what may come out of their mouth.

>> No.10940873


>> No.10940874

Ball lightning is caused by soil silica. It doesn’t exist over the ocean lol

>> No.10940886


>> No.10940893


>> No.10940917

Why are people so obsessed with ufos, even if it's true what does that change?

>> No.10940950
File: 807 KB, 2288x1712, used-500-gallon-propane-tanks-for-sale-near-me-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in their base. What do?

>> No.10940985

>dude im fucking obsessed with this one anecdote pls validate me

>> No.10941241
File: 8 KB, 500x500, PST1000AG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor, can we safely assume these creatures are some sort of propane based life form?

>> No.10941287

>Hahaha you fools don’t have any evidence for extra-terrestrials.
>Why do you focus on this?

>> No.10941471
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one man can save us

>> No.10941481

My french celestial girlfriend gave me a vision about the ufos and somebody was saying something about "anti-nuclear" at the scene and later she said something which I interpreted as potentially related, describing a craft which released a beam of radiation as a form of propulsion, it (maybe) uses nuclear reactions to propel itself

also jesus sent a message through somebody and told me something about how the ufos go back further than nimitz and there are a bunch of different shapes and brick walls in technology cause a pause in their research of figuring out the mechanisms but i dont' know if that is true maybe it's not really true


>> No.10941741

Bob lazar

>> No.10942324

Pretty sure this was just a publicity stunt by Ferrero to promote their hard mints. They used black technology to create a giant flying tic-tac.

>> No.10942340

Ask to speak to their leader.

>> No.10942780

Speaking of guilty pleasures, no gesture in the general direction of /x/ fails to bring these silly bastards to my mind:
Thence Uncle Rod's Astro Blog, where he records those nights he retires to bourbon and episodes of the show, or is driven from dark and remote parks by sudden, vague--but powerfully felt-- apprehension of the Skunk Ape or The Little Grey Guys From Zeta 2 Reticuli. Any tale that included a fully automated megastructure must have Gamma 2 Velorum as the site, if only because the name rolls on the tongue like a lozenge making its swift way to the blood-brain barrier.

>> No.10942829

The idea is that a ufo is the missing piece of the puzzle that could take us from stage zero civilization to galactic colonization in mere months or years. In order for a flying saucer to function as observed, it has to be immune to the surrounding gravitational forces of the universe, and experience no inertia. It needs to consume insane amounts of energy, so it obviously needs a very sophisticated reactor onboard. At least, that's why I am curious. Most people are just interested in bright shiny objects.

>> No.10942835

Well that's probably true, converting matter directly into radiation gives you the best possible fuel for propulsion. And yeah that radiation will kill you 10/10. It's super ultra high frequency, mostly.
t. Crazy hermit

>> No.10942851

Your professor is a nong, let me explain. My father is a very high-ranking officer in the US military. Over the years he observed some disturbing information regarding UFOs. My father is now involved with the Pentagon administration regarding the release of UFO information worldwide that he can't tell me fully the details of, beyond the fact that he is convinced that SERIOUS INFORMATION IS TO BE REVEALED ABOUT UFOS AND ALIENS before the end of this year.
The people of the world will finally have their questions answered regarding the UFO phenomenon and why it was hidden from the worldwide public. I can tell you this though, the answers are shocking and nothing like you imagined. Wish I could tell you more but I can`t. My father will be moving our family to a safe military base before this mind blowing disclosure. God Bless and get ready for the greatest happening in the history of mankind.

>> No.10942856



>> No.10942872

Actual Pentagon plans for space are so exciting right now Aliens wouldn't even be too much of a surprise.

>> No.10942997

>crazy hermit
I like your qualifications. Maybe you are on to something afterall.

>> No.10943009

God bless trump

>> No.10943013

Only if backed by the right technical team.

>> No.10943018

The U.S. government has the data, retard. It's just classified. They have the full radar data and the full video data, they used it in their AATIP program and concluded that the Nimitz encounter is not terrestrial.

>> No.10943038
File: 20 KB, 500x380, BtQkVFrIMAAvDCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a SCUD
don't trust eyewitness, especially sailors

>> No.10943045

>an entire battlefleet mistakes a SCUD for an entire fleet of gravity defying craft for weeks
Almost everyone that posts ITT doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of the Nimitz encounter and yet they still feel competent enough to make a comment.

>> No.10943122
File: 29 KB, 321x322, 1551465365796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me of roswell where the most important part of the story is always forgotten
The US Army fucking sat there and shelled and flakked the fuck out of a "weather baloon" for HOURS

>> No.10943164

You're confusing Roswell with the los angeles ufo incident

>> No.10943256

Your professor is an alien.

>> No.10943259

Didn't the recent naval pilot sightings show up on instrumentation as well? On multiple different jets' sensor arrays? And wasn't the data recorded? I feel like whatever it was it was real. Maybe not ayys though, just spooky pentagon stuff.

>> No.10943278

>an entire battlefleet
More like a handful of flyboys

>> No.10943436

It was an aircraft carrier, dozens of jets, several destroyers, and a nuclear submarine.

>> No.10943439

The UFOs are there because of the nuclear sub, at least that's the impression my french celestial girlfriend gave me

>> No.10943441
File: 9 KB, 224x224, reference captain america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10943447

Best post of the week so far, possibly of the year.

>> No.10943448

VIDEO UNAVAILABLE: This video is private.

>> No.10943449

>My father is a very high-ranking officer in the US military, in the Department of Nintendo.


>> No.10943454
File: 26 KB, 400x220, chevrolet-citation-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they used it in their AATIP program and concluded that the Nimitz encounter is not terrestrial.

Citation needed, here, have one of mine.

>> No.10943462

Hey guys, my dad is in the air force and he says the Nimmitz sighting is nothing to worry about, just a cloud and a tired pilot :)
Also if you guys could provide your email address and SSN so my dad can talk with you about any more questions you may have, that would be great :)

>> No.10943475

And yet only a handful of people claim to be witness to UFO

>> No.10943558

Its status was changed shortly after I posted the link and downloaded it for a later look. Weird. It's just a Ghost Adventures episode that was uploaded yesterday.

>> No.10943564

Talking about UFOs is basically impossible.

>> No.10943586

Does anyone have the version of the copy pasta where the professor shoota himself?

>> No.10943597

you are GAY

>> No.10943617

That's what I assumed, maybe they found a weakness in their systems that allowed for bogus targets to be created that could divert fighters in a real combat scenario, and wanted to see how vulnerable they were to it. Human element is either wrong or collusion.

>> No.10943662

>The U.S. government has the data
Cool story. They also had those propaganda psychic viewings of the past of Mars that they disclosed last year. Does that mean that psychic powers are true now?

>> No.10943686

Not sure what you're yapping about. The U.S. government has has secret programs filled with CIA and contracted engineers and scientists from Beoing, Lockheed, and MIT working for their secret UFO study programs, which they claimed they didn't have an interested in since the end of project bluebook in the 70s, but recently AAPTIP was revealed.
(1) Not all personel have access to radar
(2) Not all personel fly fighter jets.
The UFO's at the Nimitz incident were tracked for 2 weeks by all radars before jets were sent to investigate. So well over 2 or 3 dozens people witnessed it from on board different ships and planes.
As already mentioned, the pentagon AATIP program already concluded that the Nimitz encounter featured craft not owned by the U.S. or any foreign adversary.
The footage the pentagon released is a fraction of the full footage. They have the several weeks worth of radar data and several videos of footage. AATIP hired aviation experts from Beoing and Lockheed to carefully study the footage to help them draw an accurate conclusion of the incident.

>> No.10943690

So dont say "an aircraft carrier, dozens of jets, several destroyers, and a nuclear submarine" were all witnesses you fucking retard

>> No.10943698

Because people spit out their kneejerk reactions and irrational "skepticism" without examining the full evidence. This is intended, by the way. The U.S. government concluded in the 50/60s that it's a good idea to spread disinfo around the UFO subject. The CIA spent millions of dollars waging disinformation campaigns in the UFO field. They filled it with fake UFO experts, spread things they made up, etc, etc, to make the whole thing look rediciulous. You can find this in their declassified documents.

>> No.10943703

The people who mattered on those ships made the observations. Not the janitor. But the people who ran the damn things.

>> No.10943738

Your professor is basically brainwashed to be annoyed.

It doesn't matter how credible the source is, most peoples' initial reaction to "aliens" or "ufos" is one of disbelief or anger. They don't WANT to believe it because they think they're not supposed to.

Personally I don't think there's any aliens here yet, but there are UFOs which are probably made in secret by the big nations and especially the USA

>> No.10943747

Watch as the year ends and nothing fucking happens

LARPing faggit

>> No.10943921

>Fravor says that when they reached the merge point he saw nothing but churning water.
No, that's the first thing he saw. Soon after, his back seat pointed out the "tictac" to him. The back seater AND his wingman both confirm this.

>How could he see something that small 40 miles away? Hint: because he didn't see it.
That's because he didn't claim to see it 40 miles away

>> No.10944091

>The U.S. government has has secret programs that I know a lot about...


>> No.10944096

>As already mentioned, the pentagon AATIP program already concluded that the Nimitz encounter featured craft not owned by the U.S. or any foreign adversary.

Could you source that claim? Not trying to be an ass; that's big, if true.

>> No.10944101

And meanwhile,
>Because people swallow everything put in front of them by cranks and nuts on 4chins or YouTube, and abandon rational skepticism without examining the full evidence.

>> No.10944118

>They don't WANT to believe it because they think they're not supposed to.
Or they don't want to be known as falling for a hoax. People will generally look down on you for such, whether they themselves could have debunked it or not.

>> No.10945101


>> No.10945146

Nobody wants to believe that they are a retarded sheep, but nearly everyone is. In order for the mind to specialize, it is necessary that it deviates from what is normal, and all forms of deviation from normal are condemned as sickness.

>> No.10945149
File: 65 KB, 625x416, 0ad05f0f7073d1d6dffa943aff110d3bcf283b6cbeb54ed549036b29167a4882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10945786

They revealed the existence of the program recently.
Here is a lecture by a guy who ran AAPTIP. He goes into everything. Short lecture, 40 min long.

>> No.10945792

We have several decades worth of documented evidence from researchers and governments around the world. UFO's, i.e. craft with capabilities beyond our own, are real. This is a fact and the U.S. government now admits after denying it for decades. You are an irrational skeptic.

>> No.10946241

Swamp gas.

>> No.10946258

I don’t even know how he could mistake the two. What a retard. Even though he is right I will say he is wrong just based on that.

>> No.10946270


>> No.10946288
File: 63 KB, 400x475, ufo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a religion. They believe something for so long they don't WANT to change their view.

>> No.10946349

pic proves there's a giant nephilim in the earth's centre somewhere who dropped his cap and has to watch all his friends roll balls while he sits on the couch

>> No.10946806

He is suggesting that because there's this one known weather phenomenon that we can't explain well, than everything we can't explain well is probably another weather phenomenon.

>> No.10946839

ah yes, the only place on earth not yet meticulously covered by phone cameras

clearly aliens are too smart for us, next they will invent blur jammer

>> No.10946873

>all of the evidence is anecdotal or blurry photographs

>> No.10946931

Sometime ago, an anon made a thread with about 20 different videos of white/bright UFOs travelling at great speeds. They were referred to as 'fastwalkers'. Some could be bugs refracting light weirdly, some clearly weren't bugs or defects.
Anyway, these were caught by drones flying high with 4k resolution cameras or better, and can only catch glimpses of the craft. The videos have to be slowed down for you to actually see the blurry white UFO, and barely any of them had more than a few frames of 'blurry craft'.
I used to make the same jokes about UFOs only appearing where no one has a phone ready but now I understand why. They are simply too fast. They're faster at crossing your entire horizon than human reaction time (less than a second). Its unreasonable to expect someone to see it, recognise it as not being a regular aircraft, whipping out their phone and filming it. How the hell do you snap a shot of something that flies by your position at several times the speed of sound?
No wonder only hi res cameras mounted on top of drones or airplanes can actually even catch them, and even still, the motion blur makes it impossible to snap a clean shot.

What we all need is for someone with a hi res camera drone in a wide open field who has seen a few of them whisk by to put up a large transparent barrier in the hopes of downing one of the things. Either you get aylmao tech or you piss off some alphabet agency/military air force.

>> No.10946954

Where does this retardation of UFO = aliens come from? I saw a UFO at night the other day, it had flashing lights. It was probably a plane, but I couldn't make anything out, so I wasn't able to identify it. And it was high up in the sky so it was clearly flying. Literally a UFO, literally nothing.

>> No.10946980

>This is a fact and the U.S. government now admits after denying it for decades.

You guys keep saying this, but never provide sauce.

But say that is true. So NOW we believe something because the government says so?

>> No.10946994

>Some could be bugs

As far as I could see, they all could be bugs or birds.

>some clearly weren't bugs or defects.

Then those are the only ones that should be posted. Looking at the ones that can be explained as "bugs" just muddies the water and hides any video of an unknown phenomenon under a mound of unrelated trash.

>They're faster at crossing your entire horizon than human reaction time (less than a second). Its unreasonable to expect someone to see it, recognise it as not being a regular aircraft, whipping out their phone and filming it. How the hell do you snap a shot of something that flies by your position at several times the speed of sound?
Implies facts not in evidence. Something very, very close to the camera can "cross your entire horizon" at a few feet per second.

>the motion blur makes it impossible to snap a clean shot.

Or the fact that it is too close to the camera, which is focused on the more distant landscape, maybe.

What we all need is for someone with a hi res camera drone in a wide open field who has seen a few of them whisk by to put up a large transparent barrier in the hopes of downing one of the things.

I have a simpler proposal. Fly tandem drone, about 10 feet apart, and try to film them. Maybe put another drone 100 feet away. If they ALL catch an object at the same time, it is not an insect very close to the drone. Plus, we could use triangulation to see how far away the object really was, and from that calculate it's actual speed.

To make that last calculation easier, and avoid wasting time on slow moving close items which seem to be going faster because the drone is moving, have the drones hover.

>> No.10946995

Obviously we need to mount drowns and fighter jets with 4K ultra slow motion cameras with massive harddrives so we can capture these things.

>> No.10947003
File: 108 KB, 600x520, rods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else reminded of the flying cryptids called "rods?"

>> No.10947022

Yes, take your pills and go to >>/x/ you're asking too many questions goyim

>> No.10947033

werent these proven to be a camera artifact due to high speed insects? Do you still see them with ultrafast acquisitions?

>> No.10947035

So.. the aliens were just trying to be nice by flying away, if those super hornet pilots had gotten too close they would have had a pretty hefty dose of radiation.

>> No.10947091

Also would explain the dip underwater, nuclear power runs pretty damn hot, so taking a dip in the middle of the ocean would probably be a must to stave off super criticality.

>> No.10947112

Reading up on Wikipedia, I was made curious by this quote.
"The Navy has now updated their protocols for pilots to report UFO sightings in an effort to reduce the stigma associated with such reports."
What would the stigma be?

>> No.10947146

The stigma of arrogant scientists and unfair skeptics. For some reason, they’ll accept a “simulation theory” and will make made up values to “fix” the model of reality, like dark matter, but when you bring up Consciousness or UFOs, they get angry like soldier ants

>> No.10947182
File: 106 KB, 266x292, 1550445919588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dood i saw something i cant explain and i can't tell if it was real!
>holy shit, i wish i saw something like that, i will say i saw it too!


>> No.10947191

Naval pilots do not give half a rat's ass for the opinion of scientists, they care about the opinions of other pilots, and their commanding officers. Getting the reputation for being unstable with either group can be career-destroying. New reporting rules that remove a stigma in the eyes of COs and pilots is a good thing, as it might result in more and better reporting.

>> No.10947195

Yes indeed.

Which I suspect will be similar to the case with "fast walkers."

>> No.10947197

>Dude, we’ve only been seriously observing space for 150+ years, and we’ve only begun to find exoplanets a couple decades ago, but I think the reason why we aren’t seeing life isn’t because our tech isn’t advanced enough, there must be a type of... filter!

>> No.10947861
File: 25 KB, 1500x1175, American_Gods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell your professor to go fuck himself!

Sincerely, US

>> No.10947869
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x2448, Photo taken at Area 51. Sa 1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Podesta = White House Admin during Clinton era


>> No.10947887

who the fuck cares, it's not like the Ayy's are actually going to do anything.

>> No.10947898

>who the fuck cares, it's not like the Ayy's are actually going to do anything.

besides, the jews will use their mind control technology to enslave the Ayy's....

and the ayy's are too stupid and cowardly to do anything about it.

welcome to the end of the universe.

>> No.10947943



>> No.10947949

Sensible post

>> No.10948119

>what is radar
>what are government attempted interceptions

>> No.10948135

>Source : wikipedia
>Source : youtube
Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.10948160

>what is radar
Not very accurate.
>what are government attempted interceptions
You mean where they didn't see anything at all and produced no results?

>> No.10948279

>I saw something I can't explain.
>It must be aliens!
That's not how evidence works.

>> No.10948677

>wikipedia, which has links to primary soruces is bad!
>The guy who ran AATIP giving a lecture is bad!
Okay buddy, you are scared and don't want to learn, that's okay.

>> No.10948679

Go read about the AATIP pentagon program and its findings and the policy changes it has led to, dumb, dumb.

>> No.10948682

That's also not how the conclusions were reached, but okay, keep repeating "gotcha!" pop-sci comments from black science man if it makes you feel better. Anyone that has looked into the subject seriously knows that the planet is being visited by others with superior technology.

>> No.10948688

>Swamp gas

>> No.10949089

You are beyond retarded, all the declassified data shows is that periodically military assets pickup atypical radar contacts.

>> No.10949092

>>what are government attempted interceptions
Fucking lol. When your entire stance is predicated on a conspiracy theory youre 9.9/10 times wrong. In this case its more like 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10 because of the number of people involved and the timeline.

>> No.10949114


Because proponents of the Nimitz tic-tac will believe whatever they want to believe, in spite of peer-review.

>> No.10949120

Quran refers these beings as, creatures of smokeless fires. And that they are conscious and exalt in ways you will never understand. Exalting their way of presence in this earth. They travel the diameters of the earth in seconds and penetrates spaces. And have the option to help man.

Read chapter 72 and chapter 55

They also like to fuck up animals for some reasons, in order for us to trick us and play with us. 4:119 and make new ideologies among us.

They are hidden in the barzakh. Barzakh is a reality parallel to this reality. They have the power to transition between them.

And they travel like waves, e.g. and are byproduct of heavy objects. Whatever this means. And their structure is described as knots or braided patterns.

>> No.10949127

Prove it.

>> No.10949129

It could be that they are some form of bolt of lightning, a braided structure of electro magnetic waves that achieved conciousness. much like our brain, and they have the power to transition dimensions.

>> No.10949130

What peer review?
You can't take a UFO into a lab, retard.

>> No.10949137
File: 179 KB, 1626x950, 66202294_2306603359599155_395330569702998016_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2: 0 In the name of God, the most beneficent the most merciful.
2:1 "A, L, M" [Broken letters] 2:2 " "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of God"

Chapter The Thunder, 13 Al-Rad.

13: 0 In the name of God, the most beneficent the most merciful.
13: 1 " A, L, M, R" . 2: These are the verses of the Book; and what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most of the people do not believe.

Twice mention of, Thunder, [Rad] in Arabic, in the whole Quran.

2:19 "Or [it is] like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness, thunder [rad] and lightning.

13:13 "And the thunder exalts with praise of Him - and the angels from fear of Him - and He sends thunderbolts [rad] and strikes therewith whom He wills while they dispute about The God; and He is severe in assault."
Count: Number of words, 2: 19, 13:13 respectively.
19 words
19 words
Count: Number of letters

83 letters
83 letters

Count, The broken letters beginning of chapter 2:1 ALM supper imposed on verse 2:19 and 13:1 ALMR superimposed on 13:13
26 times
26 times

13+13 =26 and 2:19 is the 26'th verse in the Quran.

Count, the letters for "The Thunder" present in 2:19 and 13:13 respectively


Count the letters for "Thunder" present in 2:19 and 13:13 respectively

Solar winds modulate lightning activity and the formation of Madden-Jullian cycle associated with it the storms and winds, combined, the formation of thunder clouds. Hoffman, this is what you referenced of articles in your paper "...Madden–Julian Oscillation and the solar 27-day cycle" And from the geophysics journal, the paper you referenced and I quote :

Miyahara, H., Higuchi, C., Terasawa, T., Kataoka, R., Sato, M., and Takahashi, Y.: Solar 27-day rotational period detected in wide- area lightning activity in Japan, Ann. Geophys., 35, 583–588,

>https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-35-583-2017, 2017.

>> No.10949140

A fly on screen.

>> No.10949149

The numbers 83 and the entire numeral of 13:13 3737 is found in economics, these are cycle of units 37.37 and 83 units in 1000 units divided by 12 units. These occur in economic stock market turns.

32:5 He arranges [each] matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a Day, the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count.

97:3 The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.

The cycles are present in innovation waves and debt waves of around 50 years.

>> No.10949153

I really believe that the creatures we see are just natural forces..

>> No.10949159
File: 188 KB, 1050x535, F1.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

55:31 "O two heavy species"
55:33 O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the diameters of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority

Jinns are made of smokeless fire. Some are braided in structure.. of fire. energy of some sort.

79:2 and by those who untie the knot smoothly,

113:4 And from the evil of the blowers in knots


Angels and devils are mentioned 88 times each, equally.:


88 times angels

88 times devils

(beings of smokeless fire)

>> No.10949163

I do believe they are just forces of nature angels and devils that watches us from a place we cannot see..

LANE 8888 >>10949159

>> No.10949166
File: 6 KB, 250x116, Screenshot 2019-09-06 at 16.59.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> symbol for 8 in arabic
what is up is what is below

>> No.10949173

3:7 "It is He who has sent down to you, the Book; in it are verses precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation , they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.

>> No.10949193

Projections of 5 dimensional objects.

>> No.10949198

once you disregard actual science + the epistomology behind it and treat government funded theories as the tradition replacement for Western cultures, you have the scientific community

>> No.10949214

>That's also not how the conclusions were reached
Yes it is. There's been nothing posted in this thread but assumptions about aliens and numerology. If you have positive evidence then why aren't you posting it?

>Anyone that has looked into the subject seriously knows that the planet is being visited by others with superior technology.
You don't get to pretend that only the people who agree with you are serious.

>> No.10949790
File: 1.05 MB, 380x284, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intro to earth science
>"debating" with the prof with /pol/tier opinions
dont be that guy

>> No.10950108

hey look, it’s another autist wallowing in the goo of etymological fallacy. whatever UFO used to be an acronym for is no longer relevant. meanings change, deal with it.

>> No.10950163
File: 94 KB, 602x336, UFO_AAV_Nimitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the Feds call them AAV to point to an identifiable set of observations, pic related.
What kind of evidence will satisfy you, not to the level of belief but the level of accepting that there is something worth discussing?
>the planet is being visited by others with superior technology.
That's a huge leap from observed vehicles. It's not necessarily incorrect but there are plenty of other possibilities.
>Fourth Reich
>octopus gods
>breakaway civilizations

>> No.10950169
File: 19 KB, 250x258, MalReynoldsFirefly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one on the Nimitz SAW a ufo
"Advice from a tracker: you want to find something, use your eyes."

>> No.10950292
File: 105 KB, 1538x776, UFO_NimitzBattlegroupAnon2010_1559819743818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tic Tacs have played tag with multiple carrier groups. The Nimitz incident went on for a week, including multiple pilot sightings, IR and radar tracks on multiple ships including Nimitz and Princeton.
There were apparently three types of aerial vehicle spotted, in at least one of these encounters, maybe the Roosevelt in the Atlantic. Tic Tacs, flying crescents and the smaller spheres.
>ie. they did see these things

>> No.10950707

Keep coping, incels. Anyone that has had sex and looking into the UFO topic knows that some of them are technology not from our species. Whether they are terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or extredimensional is the question. UFO's, i.e. craft with features beyond our technological capabilities are real, the only question is their origin. There are no rational or convincing arguments to suggest they are man made. Science does not exist in a vaccum. Someone can't discover revolutionary science without someone else being close on their tale. When the atom bomb was invented, several countries were all following the same evidence to reach the same conclussion. There is no way humans have achieved technology as displayed by some UFO's while keeping the science hidden from the entire planet.

>> No.10950743


>> No.10950947
File: 1.29 MB, 1157x917, UFO_Cedarville1982_1559181511711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whether they are terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or extredimensional is the question.
Did you not note the list of possible Earthly origins? What I'm suggesting is that based on observation, these are physical objects that display certain characteristics. That's all we can conclude right now. Getting red faced angry over something none of us fully grasp is immature and illogical.
Personally I'm cataloging what I can that's somewhat verifiable, then analyzing that information to frame further questions.
>oh, right, this is a board filled with undergrads

>> No.10951141

>prove a negative
As I said, you are beyond retarded.

>> No.10951176

You're ignoring much more than just
>atypical radar contacts

>> No.10951180
File: 667 KB, 1499x1055, UFO_Cedarville1982_1559180443050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What peer review?
>You can't take a UFO into a lab, retard.
That's where bracketing known conditions, then interdicting on those conditions is going to make the right research team very famous.

>> No.10951214

Underrated post.

>> No.10951226

i know the Gs it pulled would have killed any living occupants, but does anyone else think it is almost definitely a pressure vessel of some kind?

that is literally the perfect shape to hold high pressure gas in an earth environment.

>> No.10951313

brainlet and/or disinfo agent

>> No.10951346

2300 Gs, my back of the envelope calculation, is outside human tolerances but not unreasonable for a creature in liquid in the right harness or couch. Maybe they're gas giant critters or going back to my post, octopus.

>> No.10951351

>facts are theories

>> No.10951390


Its simple, THEY dont want you to know the Tic Tac contains the immortal remains of ASAP Rocky.

>> No.10951918

>What kind of evidence will satisfy you
Any evidence that the object had an extra-terrestrial origin, rather than being built on / natural to Earth.

>> No.10951951

Earthly origins are the last likely possibility.
1) There are THOUSANDS, literally thousands, of UFO cases that from around the world that predate the invention of flying man made vehicles such as planes or hot air baloons by hundreds and thousands of years
2) It's not possible that secret physics has been hidden from the entire world. Just logisitcally and practically not feasible to do such a thing.
The only plausible explanation is that they are from something not human. They could be entirely terrestrial (though I also doubt that), but I don't think they are human in origin.

>> No.10951956

>The only plausible explanation is that they are from something not human.
That's not remotely the only possibility.

>> No.10951961

well memed

>> No.10951962

So what, then?

>> No.10951966

my friend told me about these in like 1998, I never saw pictures though. these look pretty much just like he described. I think he read about them in national enquirer or something.

>> No.10951967

Everything from "they're lying", to "unexplained weather effects" to "there's no actual signal, and the instances you're talking about are just noise".

>> No.10951981
File: 97 KB, 768x768, 7Mxh2P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emails john podesta
>a year later he's dead
you can't unsee the triangles

>> No.10951987

Ah, so you're one of those types, the irrational rationalist.
We have data for literally tens of thousands of UFO encounters. From all around the world, spanning decades, centuries, and even thousands of years. But of course, witness testimony (even if it's from pilots, generals, scientists, engineers, astronauts) and radar/video data isn't going to satisfy someone like you. It's not real unless you can do the experiment in a lab, right?

>> No.10951990

It's not aliens until you can actually present evidence that it's aliens. No quantity of "someone saw something" is evidence that it's aliens.

>> No.10952001

The evidence is this.
These craft are displaying capabilities that contradict our understanding of physics. They make mockeries out of our technology (disable our missiles, fuck with our nukes, out perform our best planes, etc).
And that's avoiding the cases of abudction and the retrieval of bodies, but lets not go into that as you're not ready for it.
The idea that weather phenomana can explain the 2004 USS Nimitz and 2014 - 15 USS Roosevelt encounters is simply ludicrous and you would have to argue for the simultanous mass delusion of dozens of people and the simultanous malfuction of equipment continously for months. We don't even need to look at those cases. There are hundreds of documented encounters by the Brazilian, French, British, and American governments with craft showing the same capabilities, in some cases, its even the same type of craft.

It's true that 95% of UFO sightings can be attributed to natural phenomeona, hoaxes, and misunderstandings, but there is the 5% that is the real deal and that is what I am referring to in my post.

>> No.10952006

I also never said it was "aliens".
There are several possible explanations for "not human" that doesn't entail space aliens from another planet.

>> No.10952022

>These craft are displaying capabilities that contradict our understanding of physics. They make mockeries out of our technology (disable our missiles, fuck with our nukes, out perform our best planes, etc).
That's assuming that they're craft at all. As anyone who's taken highschool physics could tell you, shadows can move faster than light. If you don't know what you're looking at, any attempt to reason about its properties is incredibly risky.

>And that's avoiding the cases of abudction and the retrieval of bodies, but lets not go into that as you're not ready for it.
Hahaha no.

>The idea that weather phenomana can explain the 2004 USS Nimitz and 2014 - 15 USS Roosevelt encounters is simply ludicrous
Which is why I didn't suggest it.
My point was that an unexplained sighting is just that - unexplained. You don't get to pick the explanation you want to be true and pretend that it's "proven-by-default".

>It's true that 95% of UFO sightings can be attributed to natural phenomeona, hoaxes, and misunderstandings, but there is the 5% that is the real deal and that is what I am referring to in my post.
OR: The 5% are also just natural phenomena, hoaxes, and misunderstandings, but in cases where we don't have enough information to know the details of how they happened.

Again, nothing you've posted is positive evidence. No amount of "a fighter jet can't turn like that" negative evidence is going to be enough to make a reasonable case for aliens.

This is a thread full of people jerking off to flying saucers, don't bullshit me.

>> No.10952036

>That's assuming that they're craft at all. As anyone who's taken highschool physics could tell you, shadows can move faster than light. If you don't know what you're looking at, any attempt to reason about its properties is incredibly risky.
Do you know how radar works? These are clearly physical craft that reflect radio waves.
Besides that, there is always visual evidence, either through testimony or video footage. If you are seriously going to deny the data gathered by dozens of governments for decades that UFOs (the 5% I mentioned above) are physical craft, then there's no point talking further as you are irrational.

>> No.10952038

>Again, nothing you've posted is positive evidence. No amount of "a fighter jet can't turn like that" negative evidence is going to be enough to make a reasonable case for aliens.
Yeah buddy, it's just a weather balloon, nothing to see.

>> No.10952044

>Do you know how radar works? These are clearly physical craft that reflect radio waves.
I feel like you're intentionally misunderstanding me. I'm trying to explain to you the difference between positive and negative evidence, not argue about the the details of a specific observation.

You don't have any positive evidence, you have observations and you have speculation about those observations. And I'm not buying your speculation.

>> No.10952048
File: 40 KB, 331x132, sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sane man

this thread is shit, fuck off to >>>/x/
you schizos

>> No.10952054

The U.S. government admits UFO's are real (i.e. actual objects, craft with capabilties) and have continued to study them in secret (and still do), despite stating in 1969 that they are no longer interested. Stay up to date.

Your position boils down to this
>Look at this object that is clearly a device made by an intelligence and far surpasses anything we have, BUT THERE'S NO WAY IT CAN BE NON-HUMAN IN ORIGIN.

>> No.10952059

My sources are the French, Brazillian, British, and American governments.

>> No.10952061

what do you guys think of the Rendlesham incident?
Multiple military personnel saw actual beings come out of a craft in a ray of light.
Shit's creepy.

>> No.10952064

your sources are your ass and anything the first google link gives you when you search for "r guberment men hiding ayyliums on erf?!11" so again, do us a favor and fuck off to the sub-80-IQ containment that is >>>/x/

>> No.10952073

There was no beings in the Rendlesham incident. They were in close proximity to the craft, one of them touched it.
It's not a unique incident, there are well over a dozen incidents (that have been declassified) with UFO's turning up at nuclear missile silos and tampering with equipment.
UFO's show the capabilities to turn on all the warheads at once, which is something that should be impossible. Nuclear launch facilities are designed in a way that each warhead has to be turned on individually and each have their own mechanisms. This means it's practically impossible for them to all malfuction and accidentally turn on at the same time. Yet skeptics will still throw out the tired old non-arguments that it's equipment malfuction and that the scientists, engineers, and military personel at these sites were under mass hysteria or delusion.

>> No.10952081
File: 139 KB, 1330x701, MUFON_Elizondo_slides4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no arguments
>childish insults
I think you need to go to /x/, you'd fit in there with the retards.
For someone that claims to be intelligent and scientific, you sure are close minded and emotional.

>> No.10952084

apparently they saw 'children' made of light.
The audio recording gives me the chills.

>> No.10952089

They sound absolutely shit scared.

>> No.10952103

no arguments cause you will just shit over anything even resembling scientific rigor by spasming about
>muh conspiracy
>muh made up """"facts""""
>muh cousin's sister-in-law is the head of the CIA and told me all about the ayys

you are not here for discourse, you are here to circlejerk in the 90327492374923749t thread with the same stale retard points because in reality you are too dumb and too ignorant to get into actual and factual science, so this made-up fantasyland of yours is cheap escapism where literally the more retarded you are the more sense everything makes.

but go ahead and waste more precious oxygen, at least that keeps you away from spreading your retardation to the human gene pool, so there is that shred of solice.

>> No.10952108
File: 229 KB, 1575x800, 0f3a3-elizondoslide2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) pentagon program (which was until very recently classified and still has most of its data FOIA exempt, meaning civilians will never get access to it) studied about UFO's. They hired scientists and engineers from the private sector and spent tens of millions of dollars to study UFO's. The conclusions the program reached were strong enough to lead to policy changes and classified briefings in the senate.
By the way, AATIP grew out of another UFO study program.
AATIP still exists, too.
Officially, the U.S. government ceased all investigation of UFO's with the end of project bluebook 4 decades ago.
Yet the autists ITT still think it's weather balloons and swamp gas.
Meanwhile the government is spending millions and hiring Lockheed Martin engineers to study UFOs in secret.

>> No.10952111

Stay in denial, dummy.

>> No.10952112

>can't even crop a youtube video screenshot properly

>> No.10952115

>doesn't address the facts

>> No.10952116

>lemme repeat my buzzwords and sourceless claims, that will show em'


>> No.10952119

yeah you can hear their panic set in at around 14:20 when the object starts approaching them and shooting out bits of light.

>> No.10952122

How exactly is anything I said sourceless?
You can corroborate everything I've just said with a few google searches.




>> No.10952134
File: 278 KB, 534x661, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some of the guys that were linked to AATIP and are currently working on the UFO topic in the private sector with TTSA.

>> No.10952142

>How exactly is anything I said sourceless?
can you not comprehend that you are just parroting clickbait from LITERALLY fucking CNN, THE posterboy for pre-chewed sensationalism and made up drivel?

>You can corroborate
a) burden of proof is on your end since you are making the claim.

b) you are just freely proving my earlier post from >>10952064

see how easy you are outed as a >>>/x/-tard lost in this board?

if I google "does the Moon give my grandma autism" you will get some dumbass claiming that too.
that is not how peer review works and that is why your shitposting is not welcome here.

>> No.10952163

>I don't like your sources so it's not true!!!!
The CNN article simply confirms that senators have recently recieved classified briefings on UFO's, there's a dozen other publications that have covered this. Here is a video of one of the senators admitting that he was part of one such briefing and he states that all parties involved, the military and the government, are taking the UFO issue very seriously.

>> No.10952168

he's probably a glowie, don't bother.
They all post in the same 'source:your ass' redditor vernacular

>> No.10952174

You got BTFO here buddy

>> No.10952189
File: 778 KB, 768x643, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recieved classified briefings
oh sorry I didn't know you had top secret clearance and can verify the contents.

>dozen other publications that have covered this
they are literally copying the single same message over and over from each other, it is called current day "journalism".
there is nothing beyond wild speculation fueled by your autism.

>he states that all parties involved, the military and the government, are taking the UFO issue very seriously
and if he said they are not you would be sperging about "muh denial! they hide da trooth!"

no matter how you spin this, you are bending it to lead into some baseless accusation, nothing more, nothing less.

thanks for proving my inb4 from earlier for a second time, this time the classic CIA boogey man as predicted in >>10952103

the only thing getting BTFO is the thread that died for the pathetic shitposting here.
but sure I will wait for some actual, PEER-REVIEWED sources that are not some youtube screenshot.

>> No.10952190

I just think he's a reddit fedora tipper, the "FUCK YES, I LOVE SCIENCE!!!" types.

>> No.10952193

So your argument is "you can't see the classified documents and classified evidence, therefore it's not real!!!!". That's absolutely retarded. I'm pretty sure you are just baiting me for (you)s at this point.

>> No.10952206

>peer review
It is peer reviewed, behind the scenes. That's why they are spending millions of dollars on UFO studies. I'm sorry you're too stupid to read around the lines and reach a conclusion without it being spoon fed to you.

>> No.10952207

getting stale now.
again, burden of proof on your end.

>> No.10952214

>peer reviewed, behind the scenes
one can only marvel at the amount of doublethink required for you to type this sentence and not implode from the sheer irony.

>> No.10952223

I've provided enough evidence to conclude that UFO's (craft with extreme technological capabilities) are a real thing and that governments spend millions in secret to study them. Alas, you need to actually be rational and interested in learning to understand the evidence, you are neither.

>> No.10952226

The videos TTSA released were certainly not classified, the Navy allowed them to be downloaded because they clearly contain nothing. The GIMBAL video is an obvious IR flare from a faraway plane and the "go fast" video is just a slow moving object like a bird flying high above the sea, but because the camera is locked onto it from high above it looks like it's going fast close to the surface. Yet TTSA holds these videos up as super secret evidence, ruining their credibility.

>> No.10952228

>I've provided enough evidence to conclude that UFO's (craft with extreme technological capabilities) are a real thing
You have provided zero positive evidence in this thread.
Actually post some, or fuck off already.

>> No.10952229

back to redit pal

>> No.10952233

you screenshotted a YT video and linked a CNN article about a senator not denying or acknowledging anything.

>you need to actually be rational and interested in learning to understand the evidence
you need to learn what any of those big boy words actually mean.

3rd confirmation of my inb4, thx bud

>> No.10952235

you're the only one who ought to fuck off, but we all know you're being paid to damage control :^)

>> No.10952237

Are you incapable of forming simple abstractions?
The U.S. government is sitting on mountains of data on this subject. This is a fact. They pay scientists and engineers to study this. This is a fact.
Do you seriously think they are not following a strict scientific method to study this problem? Of course they are, that's why they are hired in the first place, for their scientific expertise.
The fact that you expect them to release FOIA exempt classified information with massive national security implications is a demonstration of your own retardation, not a failing on their part of follow the scientific method.

>> No.10952238

I'm not even reading your schizo ramblings.
Just go back m8, you're insufferable.
Go enter a math thread and be retarded there, k?

>> No.10952245

>The videos TTSA released were certainly not classified
They were classified. You can check the emails Luiz Elizondo sent to the pentagon to get a FOIA request to release the videos. Secondly, the videos we got are a fraction of the entire footage. The videos were cut and segmented before being released to the public for national security reasons. As I mentioned above, some senators got a briefing on the topic and they were shown the full footage.

>> No.10952247

>absence of evidence is proof of claim
in retard land maybe, not here.
again, maybe >>>/x/ is more suited for your IQ bracket.

sure bud, whatever makes you happy.

>> No.10952248

Have sex and take your meds, schizo incel.

>> No.10952250

you glow in the dark

>> No.10952255

>if something can't be directly confirmed by me physically, it's not real
There goes 90% of modern science.

>> No.10952258

Nah, he's just an insufferable fat autist that thinks he is smarter than he actually is.
He needs to go back to r/science and black science man youtube videos.

>> No.10952259

>Have sex
reached that level, eh? ok.
getting plenty with ure mom ;;;)

the only thing that glows the vaccum energy created in the void inside your skull.

never said that, I asked for peer-reviewed papers, not your YT screenshots, not physical evidence mailed to me.
but nice strawman.

>> No.10952265
File: 58 KB, 489x623, d20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952272

i cri evertim :(

got any more CNN links?

>> No.10952275

lrn2spell vacuum before you start acting all holier than though, fedora boy

>> No.10952278
File: 9 KB, 330x153, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952280

I stopped putting effort into this shitfest thread long ago if you haven't noticed.
who cares, there is nothing of value in here anyway.

>> No.10952282

>never said that, I asked for peer-reviewed papers, not your YT screenshots, not physical evidence mailed to me.
So you're not willing to believe anything unless it's peer-reviewed?

>> No.10952285

that is how science works, welcome to >>>/sci/, now get out

>> No.10952286

then fuck off to some English lessons.

>> No.10952287

It's okay buddy. I too used to laugh at UFO fags. It's a scary reality to accept, but you'll get there.

>> No.10952291

That is how public science works. Black projects and private r&d works differentely. Do you think we did a peer review for the A-bomb before exploding it? No, retard. We tested it in secret and then used it.

>> No.10952297

>I used to be sane, but you should believe my ramblings now!

>> No.10952300

>You can check the emails Luiz Elizondo sent to the pentagon to get a FOIA request to release the videos.
Except the alleged FOIA request doesn't exist. Elizondo lied about how the videos were released and lied about running the AATIP. As usual, all roads in the UFOsphere lead to a con man.



>> No.10952303

it is enough 4 u bby

indeed, scary how retarded this thread is.

>peer review for the A-bomb before exploding it?
ok this is the first kek in this thread since a long time.
you realize the physics going into a nuke were literally peer-reviewed BEFORE the military got their hands on it?
that is how they learned of the potential of turning it into a weapon in the first place.

has this thread become a post-modern comedy?

>> No.10952306

I like how you didn't respond to the fact that even these "fractions" of video are easily explained by mundane phenomena, yet TTSA won't tell you this.

>> No.10952309

Except that it does exist and the accusation that he didn't run AATIP is a lie, it's been refuted several times now.

>> No.10952315

>I like how you didn't respond to the fact that even these "fractions" of video are easily explained by mundane phenomena
Yet the scientists and engineers contracted by AATIP thought differently, but listen to Youtube skeptics instead!

>> No.10952319

>ok this is the first kek in this thread since a long time.
>you realize the physics going into a nuke were literally peer-reviewed BEFORE the military got their hands on it?
>that is how they learned of the potential of turning it into a weapon in the first place.
>has this thread become a post-modern comedy?
That's true, but that's a different scenario from what we are talking about. We are not talking about mathematics or physics equations, we are talking about actual physical objects with security implications. While the maths and physics existed long before a nuke was created, the actual application was done in secret. So it's beside the point.
Now have sex.

>> No.10952321
File: 28 KB, 531x657, 1565053633621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of Fermi, Hahn, Rutherford and Meitner????????
Jesus Christ.

>> No.10952323

Ever heard of using your brain and actually thinking through what I said?

>> No.10952325
File: 1.12 MB, 726x400, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952332

goalpost shifting AND contradicting yourself now?
please by all means continue, this is sometimes amusing.

dude he is posting a YT screenshot crop and calls it evidence, what do you expect.

u angery? muhahah *trollface* >:D

>> No.10952335

go back dude. You're fighting an uphill battle and nobody is buying the horseshit you peddle.
Go watch a black science man video or some shit.

>> No.10952341


>> No.10952349

>dude he is posting a YT screenshot crop and calls it evidence, what do you expect.
If I posted a YouTube screenshot of an equation would that make it false?
No. Screenshoting a presentation by someone that was involved in the AATIP program doesn't make it false either. What's your problem exactly?

>> No.10952359

fighting? lol man I am just posting here every now and then here while I read other threads.
the only fight going on is yours versus sanity.

Nth time you repeated that, still not proving your claims, gg no re bud, stay woke.

>If I posted a YouTube screenshot of an equation would that make it false?
what kind of retard level of comparison is that.
a proven equation is, well, already proven.
a non-proven one needs to be reviewed first.
you are doing the latter.
not sure what is so hard to understand here.

>> No.10952372

>what kind of retard level of comparison is that.
>a proven equation is, well, already proven.
>a non-proven one needs to be reviewed first.
>you are doing the latter.
>not sure what is so hard to understand here.
We already know what AATIP was for.
We've been told by several people, including senator Harry Reid, who was one of the senators that got the program running.
So no, there's nothing wrong with my comparison, you just have a double standard and irrational prejudices.

>> No.10952379

>Yet the scientists and engineers contracted by AATIP thought differently
Where is their analysis?

>> No.10952381

Then post it.

>> No.10952386

Classified for national security reasons. But you don't need to see their analysis to know their conclusion.

>> No.10952387

>Yet the scientists and engineers contracted by AATIP thought differently
LOL how do you know that?

>> No.10952388

>We already know
nah, you claim it without providing any evidence.

>We've been told by several people, including senator Harry Reid
all he did, which you yourself linked, was doing the classic

>you just have a double standard and irrational prejudices.
that is rich coming from the retard who can't still prove a single thing and calls every straw he can cling to absolute proof.

>> No.10952393

That doesn't explain how you know their conclusions. Every post you make is an unfounded claim followed up by vague justifications. This is the mark of a liar.

>> No.10952399

Still waiting for that FOIA request that definitely exists and that proof that the government is lying about him not running AATIP which definitely exists.

>> No.10952409

I can deduce that by thinking about it. Here, I'll walk you through it.

1) The AATIP program is still on going
2) Much of it's findings are FOIA exempt
3) AATIP's findings have led to real world policy changes within the government, military, and news media

With these 3 indisputable facts, we can safely conclude that the U.S. government is taking this issue very seriously, so it follows that that the analysis by the scientists and engineers (i.e. the people with the technical and scientific expertise) employed by AATIP were affirmative and not dismissive of the UFO phenomena.

>> No.10952419
File: 150 KB, 955x1235, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now shut up.

>> No.10952422

dont you get tired of repeating what is at best a half-assed chain of false implications and total disregard for what the words you are using mean?
give us something new.

>> No.10952436
File: 108 KB, 598x792, When+i+grow+up+i+wanna+be+just+like+molinuu+_f4e4cc605b3a539707a1909bf601e84a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952438
File: 2.63 MB, 320x240, Top Secret.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intro to earth science
>aliens and ufos

>> No.10952440
File: 68 KB, 620x900, do not reply to alien posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that if ayyys exist, they have the intelligence and technology to post ayyyIDF propaganda on English-language imageboards.
Makes you think...

>> No.10952445

>I need everything to be told me by scientists, I can't think for myself

>> No.10952450
File: 17 KB, 300x300, ayliiums maybe dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have finally reached the googled reaction pics level of scientific discourse, as is tradition in these kind of threads.
gentlemen commence the mindless poo-flinging.

you are late to the party, your post has been already posted like 150 posts above yours.

>> No.10952460

I've made plenty of rational, evidence based arguments ITT, it's not my fault people here are emotionally driven children.

>> No.10952471
File: 46 KB, 631x1134, sfsdfsdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a single
YT screenshot

>it's not my fault people here are emotionally driven children.
>samefags his anger harder than the poster counter can keep up with

pic related

>> No.10952483

You're not getting any more (you)s from me.

>> No.10952491
File: 33 KB, 474x474, fsdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no the cia wont pay me without your yous ;((((

>> No.10952524

Video of Chris Mellon, ex-deputy assistant of defense for intelligence stating flat out: UFO's are real and probably not from this world.

>> No.10952527

Christopher Mellon is also from the Mellon family, a family of the American ruling elite, on the same level as the Rockefellers.

>> No.10952531

and a reptilian

>> No.10952539
File: 361 KB, 1600x1197, mellon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you elaborate more on this Mellon?
his published works seem to be in stark contrast to his media appearance.

>> No.10952558


>> No.10952568

Time for you to accept the facts, /sci/.