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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 87 KB, 1200x810, Greta Thunberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10944761 No.10944761 [Reply] [Original]

Is this our gal /sci/ ?

>> No.10944768


>> No.10944774

Why does she look like a retarded 6 year old?

>> No.10944792

disgusting euromutt. let me guess, she's norwegian?

>> No.10944794

She's literally autistic, like 90% of this board, so I'd assert that yes.

>> No.10944832

It's fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.10944906


>> No.10944979

She has downs or FAS. why would she be /ourgal/

>> No.10944992

excerpt from Wikipedia
>Greta Thunberg was born in 2003.[8] Her mother, Malena Ernman, is a Swedish opera singer and her father is actor Svante Thunberg.[9] Her grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.[10]
>Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[11] Three years later she became depressed and lethargic and stopped talking and eating, and was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,[12] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[12] and selective mutism.[12][13] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her autism as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[13]
>For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and life-style changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9] The family story is recounted in Scenes from the Heart, which was published in 2018.[15]

TL;DR, what a cunt, comes from highly successful parents, ruined her mothers opera career because she wanted to focus her autism on climate change, she'll never live up to her family, they probably should have a 68th trimester abortion

>> No.10944994

Pls report

>> No.10945051


>> No.10945067

Doe snot say she was a *successful* or even a good opera singer. Maybe it was a a humanitarian gesture that she stopped, and we have Greta to thank for that. I'm not about to believe an international successful career ended because of tantrums.

>> No.10945095

she looks more like a Mongolian jew

>> No.10945139

says she had a career as an international opera singer, if they're flying you across the world you must be decent

>> No.10945187

She's far more likely to believe in /sci/ rather than /pol/ You forgot twitter, instagram and what ever the fuck

>> No.10945219
File: 16 KB, 383x384, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruined her mothers opera career because she wanted to focus her autism on climate change

>> No.10945316

>hurr durr disgusting euromutt bad! race above individualism, piss off to /pol/
hello /sci/fags, glad to see you.

>> No.10945317

Yes greta a qt:3

>> No.10945320

yes absolutely

>> No.10945343
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>they probably should have a 68th trimester abortion
Topkek, anon!

>> No.10945354

Jesus christ what a disappointment

>> No.10945436

>based Canadian politician calls her mentally unstable and backs it up

>> No.10945441

>/pol/ normalfags hate her
>trolled her mother and father into destroying their careers to enable her vendetta against niggercorps destroying the earth
>depopulationist and race realist
Yes of course

>> No.10945445

Let alone making her parents go vegan... if my kid tried to do that, I'd take a bite of my veal and tell them that they're next.

>> No.10945643
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>if my kid tried to do that, I'd take a bite of my veal and tell them that they're next.
thanks for the dad joke my 90IQ friend i'll remember to use that at the next work barbecue

>> No.10945689
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes anon

>> No.10945693

>lol xD i destroy environment and support industrialized murder

>> No.10945699

>types on a computer made from parts assembled in sweatshops
>thinks killing "animals" who are specifically bred to be eaten is bad
So you consider Chinks to be worth less than life stock. Good to know.

>> No.10945701

Very faggy

>> No.10945704

Aren't they?

>> No.10945709
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>> No.10945710

no but srsly that fucking face is in dire need of an ass whooping

>> No.10945714

fukken lol

>> No.10945738

Smug little know-it all? No thanks.

>> No.10945743

The whole Wikipedia article is a biased disaster.

>> No.10945746

liberal faggots have extreme perception problems

>> No.10945831

Conservatism is, at its core, an unwillingness to change one's view, and is therefore inherently incompatible with science. Conservatives view new information not as opportunities to learn, but as something that must be defended against. They are only interested in hearing what they already believe.

>> No.10945877

[math] BASED [/math]

>> No.10946018
File: 67 KB, 980x490, Malena-Ernman-Greta-Thunberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT snowflakes as usual trying to spin bullshit by ignoring the fact her mother """"""chose"""""" not to pursue a career in opera. Both parents opting instead to believe in their daughter & the greater good as they all perceive it. And before you /pol/ sorts hyperventilate, mother & father are dedicated climate activists too.

>> No.10946020

Progressivism, at its core, takes a YOLO heuristic towards solving difficult social and environmental problems.

>> No.10946030

You are just describing extremists. It happens in the left too, particularly the feminism side. If you try discussing transexuals or anything about minorities with feminists you can only lose because they will never change their mind. You will also be called all kind of names when they have nothing left to defend their stance.

>> No.10946035

Jesus Christ, in what version of Hell is this rat's nest? Oh, China, right. So, umm, how come they are all still standing?

>> No.10946036
File: 79 KB, 600x792, F3591FBD-0EC2-48F0-A4B2-BEB0AAD5F413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children should be seen and not heard.

>> No.10946037

Because she's an autistic 16 year old.

>> No.10946041

The whole of Wikipedia is a biased disaster

>> No.10946048

I thought it was Asperger's? Which ever one, she is 4chan af. Too old for pedo /b/ and too climate science for /pol/ tards. I'd say she is ours now.

>> No.10946063


I dont get the hate. Sure, she's not the first person to make a personal crusade for the environment. It matters not whether she is being prompted, or whether she deserves the recognition. All that matters is she is getting attention drawn towards the environment.

I dont really give a damn about climate change, which is what she is on about, but anything that helps to prevent the other associated environmental problems, such as atmospheric and oceanic pollution, to name just two of a multitude of issues, is a good thing in my book.

Look, the majority of the world's population are absolute idiots. Otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. We have things such as declining water quality, soil degradation, population collapse in a host of species, habitat destruction, micro-plastics...the list goes on. Yet little of strategic significance has been done about it. If this girl can harness enough popular support then just maybe we can see some sensible and meaningful changes in the way we manage our natural resources.

>> No.10946884

If our girl is a fucking retard hypocrite then yes.

>> No.10946898
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>> No.10946908

I was thinking more about the $5 million dollar sail boat and trying to pass that off as a “green” alternative to a cheap seat in coach. Which is what the sailboat’s crew is using.

>> No.10946951

not just industrialized, i'd be in support of your murder.

>> No.10946952

She's basically an uneducated Lisa Simpsons.

>> No.10946979

Y'know her mother has claimed that she can "see CO2" if this is the case I think she'd make a great chemist, then she can truly be our gal, if she can see carbon dioxide, I wonder what other chemicals she can see with those miraculous autist eyes.
Anyways, I wonder if she's pro-gun, living in Sweden and all, I wish she'd focus her superpowers on fighting for disenfranchised countries who own less than 30 guns per 100 people especially in unstable overpopulated countries, then maybe we can have some population control and it would help serve the climate as well.

>> No.10947098

Fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.10947124

Is she age for humping?

>> No.10947128

She's obviously astro turf, she never proposes a solution she only says ITS!! HAPPENING !!!!! over and over again.

>> No.10947152
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>> No.10947164

Me me me.

>> No.10947198

I'm all for the environment and all, but do you really think a literal 16 year old GIRL can change the minds of politicians who choose to not believe in climate change in the first place? Those are probably the same people who think her opinion are useless and that anyone who doesn't have a dick need to shut up because they need to stick up for their model of exponential growth that apparently does not take into account the opportunity cost of climate change

>> No.10947211

American politicians will never try to fight for climate change anyways. You have all these democrats with green deals that won't get implemented because America is owned by corporations and anything that reduces profits gets scraped.

Politicians won't solve climate change, scientists will.

>> No.10947265

> I KNOW! I'll just call them what everyone calls us!

>> No.10947349

scaring and throwing out outrageous ultimatums to people into 'fighting climate change' is perhaps the lowest, weakest, and childish (fits the bill) approach to solving the problem

>> No.10947411

What are those eyelids?

>> No.10947450

You know you're delusional when you consider the truth to be a terrifying outrageous ultimatum

>> No.10947464

>refuse to talk, eat or go to school until your parents agree to be vegan and end their careers
>not an outrageous ultimatum
okay. I feel sad for your parents.

>> No.10947466

delusional? what's even more delusional is thinking society will just bend over backwards and radically change how it functions in the span of a few years. retard

>> No.10947478
File: 19 KB, 261x215, 1563626051309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10947488

holy fuck you people are stupid....

>> No.10947492

>I can't come up with a constructive response so I'll criticize others for not reacting to things in a purely emotional manner

>> No.10947498

actually anon failed to understand a simple metaphor - suggesting he is indeed pretty stupid.

>> No.10947563
File: 8 KB, 200x200, brian_peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even considered Greta Thunberg has autism

>> No.10947569

she's a 16 year old girl why the fuck would she have come up with a magic solution no one else has?

>> No.10947573

>complains nonstop for other people to fix the problem
typical female.

>> No.10947582

have sex

>> No.10947586


>> No.10947588


>> No.10947591


>> No.10947598

cry more incel

>> No.10947603

have sex

>> No.10947617


>> No.10947619
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>> No.10947628 [DELETED] 

just leaving my crib for a rendezvous, I hope you can manage the same,

>> No.10947653


>> No.10947660

Some of you ass-wipes are literally just that.

What harm is she doing? None. At least she is trying to do something positive.

>> No.10947668

she's just a capable attention whore with a smug smelly bitch cuntface

>> No.10947685

FAS + stunted growth from vegan diet

>> No.10947687

She did a whole lot of negative for doing something "positive" aka pr stunt to gather followers like a typical attention whore.

>> No.10947692

She would have been last weeks news otherwise. What would you suggest her do to get her message out?

>> No.10947696

*suggest she do

>> No.10947703

>68th trimester abortion
I keked

>> No.10947712

We already have every solution we need to solve climate change, it's entirely a political and social issue at this point, so the most effective course of action is to communicate.

>> No.10947718

What are her contributions to science exactly? How many cited documents has she published? Why, other than pushing some dumb political agenda, would you be so half witted to even suggest this?

>> No.10947737


Yeah, lets publish yet another paper. Let's see, what should it be this time?

Atmospheric pollution?
Soil Degradation?
Wetland destruction?
Species extinction?
Declining water quality?

Lets add to the all papers that were published since at least half a century ago and watch as nothing significant gets done again. Decade after decade.

>> No.10947748 [DELETED] 

They don't care about any of those other things because there is no tax that could be hypothetically be applied to prevent them from happening.

>> No.10947749


Including the only solution which would have a long term beneficial environmental effect.

Stopping further population growth.

But to seriously suggest enforcing limits on population is political and social suicide. It will never be accepted. So no, we are fucked regardless. Well, bugger, eh?

>> No.10947750

They don't care about any of those other things because there is no tax that could hypothetically be applied to prevent them from happening.

>> No.10947756

Let countries with high birth rates duke it out. That's how overpopulation has historically corrected itself.

>> No.10947787
File: 239 KB, 700x466, DSC08924_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get to choose your champion. Your opinion is irrelevant.

If you don't support Greta, you don't support Science. Period.

>> No.10947803


Historically yes, but it is obviously not the case now. Mass economic migration, mass transport, modern medicine, global economy, nukes.

>> No.10947812

It will revert to the mean. Whether its between nations or between neighborhoods, overpopulation will sort itself out one day.

>> No.10947815
File: 28 KB, 300x351, v47j52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are her contributions to science exactly?
She's the advocate. She understands the science.
>How many cited documents has she published?
Doesn't matter. Her agenda is political.
>Why, other than pushing some dumb political agenda, would you be so half witted to even suggest this?
Its a smart political agenda. Via weaponized aspies, with youth and energy to outlast a coalition of foot-dragging boomer politicos... a multicultural cult personality and media darling to shift public opinion and threaten policymakers with public spectacle or revolt to institute the policy changes which they have already agreed upon.

>> No.10947826

Why do liberals take political advice from children?

>> No.10947839 [DELETED] 

You can feel /pol's influence when nobody comments on the genetic advantage level or the fact she's an ultra-Nord

Its all about the silence between shitposts

>> No.10947848

"children" is kind of a dehumanizing slur.

You could for instance figure you could just cut foreskin off children's dicks...

So why wouldn't you deny them the expression of their own self-interest?

Maybe you'd want to build little concentration camps and maybe force them to go and take "lessons"

you'd separate them from their parents... force-reed them information...

Then you'd brutally sort and grade them..

Really makes you think

>> No.10947933

>She understands the science.
No she fucking doesn't. Hardly anyone *understands* the science. Whether or not the whole "the world is changing" idea is true, nobody speaking these points truly understand anything. Don't make these people out to be more intelligent than they are, they're just reacting along with the crowd

>> No.10948036 [DELETED] 

One day you might understand the science too, kid. We're not waiting for you.

>> No.10948040
File: 28 KB, 578x204, Image26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for the animal kingdom

>> No.10948050

the science is actually pretty simple, highschool physics is the only background you need to be able to have a pretty strong grasp of the subject.

>> No.10948057
File: 130 KB, 1280x960, EDBIoYFXUAA2h1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the science. Greta for the win

>> No.10948068

>Is this our gal /sci/ ?
She has fetal alchohol syndrome.

>> No.10948177

Christ, is it 2013 again? Get out redditnigger.

>> No.10948189

Can you elaborate on just what the fucking fuck you are fucking talking about?

>> No.10948516

It's their future. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.10948520


>> No.10948643
File: 200 KB, 942x1405, 2019-09-06-222811_942x1405_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, is this the pure ideology of 4chan in a nutshell?

>> No.10948654

I came here to write this.
t. Former contributor

>> No.10948765

You'd fuck a corpse if you'll ever have the occasion. Stop acting like you wouldn't fuck any females in the world. You pathetic fat cheesy virgin

>> No.10948802
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>no mention of thorium as a solution

Not our gal.

>> No.10948804


>> No.10948809

mommy had too many drinks while pregnant

>> No.10948813

Some autists focus on music, mathematics, chess, etc. Imagine having an autistic child, having huge expectations of what may happen, and ending up with an autistic activist.

>> No.10948824

Imagine having an autistic child focusing on lifting and who can't build muscle
That's why I'm never going to have children

>> No.10948831

You incels are evil and rotten to the core

>> No.10948842


Expand neo-vagina.

>> No.10948850

You know you can just rape, right? That's why God made women physically weaker. Women literally by default can't build muscle.

>> No.10948857

she seeks to level mankind to make us equal once more with the rest of creation

>> No.10948861

Yeah man I know you fucking love Dr. Stone but real life is not anime.

>> No.10948867

>God made women physically weaker.
Citation needed. A lot of them are stronger than me
>Women literally by default can't build muscle.
This is completely wrong, women who lift outlift me. Recent research show that inability to build muscle is evenly distributed, 50% of them are males and 50% are females

>> No.10948871

Dude I can't build muscle either but I am at least 10 times stronger than my girlfriend. You are overestimating women's strength. Try raping one. Just obviously don't find your targets near the gym. Go to a ballet studio or something.

>> No.10948874

How did you get a girlfriend if you can't build muscle? What are your lifts

>> No.10948915

There are people out there that actually believe that all this shit is a totally organic gras-roots movement. Think about that. The fucking media treats her like a saint and that the world will get destoyed within the next decades. It drives me insane. People whine about overpopulation but god forbid Africa gets too hot. Then we have to let all these fucking niggers in our countries. That's what it's really all about, isn't it? With the explantation of 'climate change lol' they don't need a war in a completely different country to let millions of borderline-retarded niggers into Europe to turn the countries into soulless, easily controllable multiethnic states.

>> No.10948948 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 647x404, madarsa_647_112915063746_033017090429_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of the hate is just prejudice against females, prejudice against environmentalists, prejudice against scientists, but most of all I think its prejudice against young people

After all she's not advocating anything thousands of peer-reviewed scientists don't already believe. Prejudice against people who happen to be young is institutionalized and widespread and largely invisible (perceived as normal or natural).

Of course, many people have an extreme bias toward Law and Order, even if those laws are killing the planet, and the order is a kind of tyranny, whether in the nuclear family, or wider society- check history as . Plus they were socialized in the culture that prejudiced them toward children- probably went through the same literal child-hating, future-discounting socialization institutions- the compulsory "education" which seems to be churning out anti-science adults at a rapid clip, who go on to be perfectly malleable puppets for authoritarian rhetoric.

First you have to destroy the ability to perceive your own self-interest. Socialization is an intense brainwashing. Every natural instinct of self-esteem has to be undermined and all rational self-interest has to be crushed. Its easier if your dominant culture is authoritarian. In respect ot Greta's liberal culture, there was some enlightened philosophy that allowed her to escape.

There is nothing a good little slave hates more than a freed slave. You get social reinforcement for being obedient and social punishment for being a conformist. So the nonconforming are hated. If the compulsory education (brainwashing) is successful the brainwashed will resist any awareness of that process; they become the jailer's, and adjudicators, of the dogmas and doctrines that that were impressed on them.

Many don't know and can't see how it is they are actually pissing on themselves because their natural identities have been replaced with a groupthink beyond their comprehension

>> No.10948952

I'm romantic, funny and smart. I lift women's brains all the way to my bed.

>> No.10948955
File: 47 KB, 647x404, madarsa_647_112915063746_033017090429_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of the hate is just prejudice against females, prejudice against environmentalists, prejudice against scientists, but most of all I think its prejudice against young people

After all she's not advocating anything thousands of peer-reviewed scientists don't already believe. Prejudice against people who happen to be young is institutionalized and widespread and largely invisible (perceived as normal or natural).

There is a bias toward order and authority and I think it comes from compulsory schooling, but also products of compulsory schooling- the adults that are so "well adjusted".

>> No.10948966
File: 98 KB, 1878x297, screenshot-boards.4channel.org-2019-09-06-15-23-41-742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10949003

>>depopulationist and race realist
Lmao, did she say Africans shouldn't breed?
I need to see this

>> No.10949012
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>Including the only solution which would have a long term beneficial environmental effect.
>Stopping further population growth.

>> No.10949016
File: 32 KB, 479x768, lolita_storyofacovergirl_jamiekeenan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically only dislike her because she looks like a FAS babby and is a popular activist
Though I do think she's right and doing a good thing, I admit I also instinctively don't like being on the side of the mainstream

>> No.10949020

Probably related to the topic at hand.

>> No.10949034

>implying praising greta isnt mainstream
open your eyes, "hating" greta isnt conformitist, its the absolute opposite, so your whole argumentation is faulty.

>> No.10949195

Born with the brain of a man, sculpted into the brain of a cockroach... You don't deserve the X chromosome you carry

>> No.10949199 [DELETED] 

>why do you have Greta?

*Spews incomprehensible memespeak gibberish*

>> No.10949209
File: 156 KB, 800x800, 1567113890821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you hate Greta?

* Spews incoherent memespeak gibberish *

>> No.10949213

go back to /r/chapocel, faggot

>> No.10949236

Idk what all this shit is about but you can increase strength without building muscle. Arr you a larp? I could bench 300 percent when I was younger but never got big. That came with age. Now i have more slow twitch strength and can crack walnuts by hand but probably can't press 30 percent.

>> No.10949316

>that fucking doggo

holy shit that's awesome

>> No.10949345
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Yeah thats why I follow a third way. nationalism with environmentalism

>> No.10949466

you can't pretend to be an oppressed minority when the official stance of the united states government is that climate change doesn't exist

>> No.10949470

honestly we just need to socialize the grid in the US and adopt nuclear power, too bad all the free market fucktards will never accept this.

>> No.10949479

You can increase strength but only by around 30% of your initial strength, whereas people who can build muscle can increase it by more than 300%

>I could bench 300 percent
whats 300 percent, you mean like 300lbs or 3 times your initial 1rm? Either way, you had to build muscle to get there

>> No.10949532

nuclar iz ebil

>> No.10949581

The fact that she's not old enough to understand the topic or even comprehend "the future"
Only liberals would take political advice from a child. Political stance refines with age and liberals are letting the students run the classroom

>> No.10949593

>whats 300 percent
maybe the reason you can't build muscle is because youre a fucking retard.
why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.10949610

>the US government is the center of everything in this world
burger-tier post

>> No.10949622

she is kinda against nuclear so no

>> No.10949743

3 x bw? anyway you're the larper, nobody who lifts, let alone more than 4-5plates, use percentages, you should kys

>> No.10949912

Meme diagnosis.

>> No.10950201
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>> No.10950306

> Takes a sail boat across the Atlantic, letting a return crew fly in and her crew fly out, thus causing more CO2 emissions than if she had just flown.

>> No.10950314

she has fucking aids and looks like a fucking wheelchaircarrot

>> No.10950342

autists are often observed as having preternatural sensory perception, many claim they can taste trace amounts of toxins in the air, feel vibrations through surfaces propagated over great distances, and all manner of other strange and animalistic senses.

>> No.10950374

>claimed that she can "see CO2"
might be possible to feel the extra thermal radiation from it on a cold clear night.

>> No.10950396

have sex

>> No.10950418

no lol

>> No.10950563

>autists are often observed as having preternatural sensory perception, many claim they can taste trace amounts of toxins in the air, feel vibrations through surfaces propagated over great distances, and all manner of other strange and animalistic senses.

I actually believe normal people can sensitize to these things too, they just don't can't into being autistic

>> No.10950613

Yikes, have sex virgin.

>> No.10950646

Too new to have fallen down yet?

>> No.10950771

So I should be two Ys?
What the fuck, I though I was posting in /sci/

>> No.10950777

I unironically think that the national budget should be completely controlled by technocrats. Else petty politics always get in the way

>> No.10951186

>300 percent
Of body weight.
>had to build muscle.
No. Without gaining weight.

>> No.10951193

go back to b pedo

>> No.10951228

>3 x bw?

100% bw = 2x
200% bw = 3x
300% bw = ?x

its a tough one i know maybe itll occur to you while lifting.... nah.... who am i kidding

>> No.10951255

anyway dude i am SICK of hearing about how you cant build muscle. And If you haven't figured out yet that no one on this autistic kyrgistani koi fish breeding forum has an answer for you than your probably are an actual retard and should kys.

>> No.10951377
File: 78 KB, 1201x714, 1rqyxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's literally just a loli George Costanza

>Hates school
>How can I get out of school?
>I know, I'll go on strike in eco-protest

>> No.10951381

can't gain muscle anon: go to gen.lib.rus.ec and download "scrawny to brawny" by John Berardi and Michael Mejia

>> No.10951387

Why is the media paying any attention to a literal child? This is worse than when they pretended bill nye knew what the fuck he was talking about

>> No.10951407

>For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer
Fucken hell, then again, people often crap out of careers and call it a principled move.

>> No.10951673

This would be hilarious if it were true

>> No.10951736

You're an idiot.

The US government and is military have been well aware of climate change for a long time. We even have redundancies in place to address them. God forbid rising waters threaten our hegemonic empire.

The whole reason there's any conflict on this issue at all is because of the oil lobby. They grip our media, our politicians. And if republicans can get paid to disagree with democrats, why wouldn't they?

>> No.10951756

Half of this thread is people who don't understand swedish culture. Career is much less of a focus there. Educate yourselves a bit guys.

>> No.10951780

She's unironically BASED and btfo /pol/tards on a daily basis.
Climate change deniers should be lined up and shot imo.

>> No.10951786

So, you're cool with guns?

>> No.10951788

Yeah, although how is that relevant?

>> No.10951806

/science/ not pedo /b/ear

>> No.10951890
File: 8 KB, 420x420, 1479734904045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greta is legal to FUCK in her home country

>> No.10951936

>ugly asperger who can't keep her mouth shut and thinks her autism is a superpower

She is pretty much the embodiment of /sci/

>> No.10952002

you're too young, go back to roblox, kid.
Americunts don't understand the value of individual achievements. All they think about is how to piss off their neighbours by making more money for their masters. Slave mentality.
It's not only the oil lobby.

>> No.10952012

>Why is the media paying any attention to a literal child?
Greta Thunberg
Why indeed?

>> No.10952023

I wouldn't hit that even if the globalist cabal funding climate alarmism paid me.

>> No.10952026

Sadly this is it. The only difference is that she chose a politically correct talking point.

>> No.10952045

you are embarassing yourself, burgerboy

>> No.10952047

>i can't build erection

>> No.10952056

>Educate yourselves a bit guys.
>Greta is legal to FUCK in her home country

That isn't what I meant.

>> No.10952197

>The whole of Wikipedia is a biased disaster

>> No.10952236 [DELETED] 

I can get an erection just thinking about redpilling Greta through my dick by fucking her asshole so hard she is reformed and decides to become a buttslut housewife. But then I still wouldn't fuck her because Jesus Christ.

>> No.10952251

She's passed around epstein island

>> No.10952260

It's called being rape by satanic pedos. Don't worry little girl. Jesus loves you unlike your rappy parents

>> No.10952270

Shut up comi. Go back to redit sodomite

>> No.10952279

If you support greta you are a satanic pedophile. Get out sodomite!!

>> No.10952299
File: 165 KB, 300x351, comibull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix it for you

>> No.10952304

And there are all rapist who don't give a shit about your comunist bullshit. Now get out shill

>> No.10952307

I was raped at 5. Greta for epstein island. Get out comunist pedo

>> No.10952308

>another pedo christian thread

>> No.10952311

Still smarter than redit and all of cucked europe

>> No.10952354

those fucks have been failing for 3 years to sabotage brexxit, they don't deserve respect

>> No.10952369

Why should we be equal, anon? Only we have the power of higher thought. of complex emotions and a concept of time.
This universe belongs to us, and no FASaburger could ever hope to stand in our way.

>> No.10952501
File: 45 KB, 300x431, 01-5-2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10952582

She´s doing something. Even if it´s in autistic way, it´s probably more than all of us combined.

>> No.10952630


>> No.10952647

Yes !

>> No.10952651

Fuck you, how dare you.
She´s a fuckin disgusting braindead swede !

>> No.10952660

All Bullshit.
The mother brainwashed her, made her sit outside, food striking and now she´s the politicians dance monkey !
It´s quite sad really

>> No.10952990
File: 26 KB, 540x268, 5f5300d1-f9cd-4978-bf79-41a842974f79-Moore_Cain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Republican party

>> No.10953017
File: 34 KB, 300x410, 01-5-2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10954898


>> No.10954945

>environment activist
>90 percent of this board are pol brainlets who look like stunted teenagers in real life, denying climate change
Yeah, she isn't our "gal"

>> No.10954964

What subject? Climate change? And all it's implications? Such as it's impact on life of all forms/shapes/sizes? Over the course of the next 100 years? Trying to factor in the variable of 8,000,000,000 people doing what they do as well as what the fuck ever else?


>> No.10954984
File: 213 KB, 456x285, consumer7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty amazing the retarded crap people are willing to brainwash themselves into thinking to avoid taking responsibility


>> No.10954987

No i get it everything is fucked and everything is gonna get even more fucked as time goes on. So fucking what? People are stupid. I don't give a fuck. No matter how bad things get i'll be fine. What the fuck do you want out of this? What the fuck do you think you're gonna get? What the fuck do you think is gonna happen if you don't do anything? Everything will be fine.

>> No.10954988

>I dont take coke

Fuck you people are stupid...

>> No.10954998

haha cokehead.

>> No.10955042

Why should she keep quiet. She isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in.

>Politically correct
A word which means nothing in science

>> No.10955058

She should keep quiet because she is a child that doesn't know how things work. Being a whiny bitch because "i cur bout da virenment" isn't helping anything or anyone

>> No.10955066

Mmm, wait and see. As another anon already pointed out she is more than an advocate of climate change. She is a representative of the youth.

Some things are going to change soon. It is interesting who sweden has chosen as a representative.

>> No.10955217

>It is interesting who sweden has chosen as a representative.
an autistic child. how suitable.

>> No.10955223

an autistic fingolian admixed star child the first of a coming tidal wave of this new breed which will wipe clean the infested cities and favelas of our dying planet

>> No.10955427
File: 99 KB, 1024x576, gettyimages-1164563560-e1567187355500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the dream of a stunted inexperienced immature retard child who's actually a closet-attention whore with a convenient excuse to put it's faggot face everywhere and be lauded.

>> No.10955447

Climate activist
Interesting combination.

>> No.10956412

You are psychopaths. You can't talk reason into psychopath. You can't negotiate with a psychopath. You can't run or hide from a psychopath. There is only one thing that can be done when faced with a psychopath.


>> No.10956598
File: 59 KB, 399x600, bd55623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10958216

that corner makes me uncomfortable

>> No.10958220

>claims to be pro-life
>cheers for pre-teen to drown

>> No.10958229

>Stopping further population growth.
1 child from the US pollutes as much as 15 in Africa
If you advocate population control (I don't), you have to start in the USA

>> No.10958232

Why do conservatards attack the person instead of the facts? Oh wait, because they can't argue with facts

>> No.10958260

Why do faggots answer their own questionss in the same post?

>> No.10958298

Damn I wanna fuck this girl? Do you think she would let me? desu she looks like the kinda woman who will be a virgin for life out of principle.

>> No.10958299

>Another ad hominem
Thanks for immediately proving my point