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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10935213 No.10935213 [Reply] [Original]

Stop bifurcating nature

>> No.10935229

we know you come from >>>/lit/ so go back

>> No.10935242

Based on the extensive use of both boards, I have found that /lit/ is SIGNIFICANTLY more intelligent than /sci/ in every way.

>> No.10935243

two words: Julius Evola

>> No.10935244

Absolutely. /sci/ is pretty dumb

>> No.10935360

that's a /pol/ meme, not from /lit/

>> No.10935365

Stay triggered christcuck

>> No.10935369

Whitehead isnt a christcuck

>> No.10935934

This is what is meant by "/sci/ is really fucking stupid"

>> No.10935957
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>> No.10936134

cringe and back to /cripplechan/jesus/

>> No.10936139

Stop what nature?

>> No.10936148

it’s some dumb “muh consciousness” /lit/ crap

>> No.10936207

Get off this board, you aren't intelligent enough to be here.

>> No.10936214
File: 2.93 MB, 1716x1710, 239678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think leddit might be more to your speed

>> No.10936276

quit larping cripple channers. shilling jesus and consciousness woo in a circle jerk is basically a variant of gary’s samefagging, and nobody falls for it

>> No.10936285
File: 99 KB, 1600x900, skeptic wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upvote to you my fellow skeptic!!!

>> No.10936289

I'm loving all of humanities' seethe coming off you right now.

It's hilarious how philosophers and dilettantes with philosophic pretensions will hum and haw over some "metaphysical" problem for decades, and then some STEMchad just walks up and goes, 'yeah, this is the way nature works and here's the data to prove it.'

it's so blatant how insecure philosofags are about devoting their life to outdated methods of investigation. year after year, another scientist offers another explanation for an "age old question" that the humanities swore was an unsolvable mystery. and year after year the philosophy departments become more and more desperate as they try to poke holes in scientific systems they don't have any fundamental understanding of at all.

goddamn I love that I chose the right major.

>> No.10936290

good comeback. next you’ll use a pepe rite? or is it back to basedjak?

>> No.10936297
File: 27 KB, 538x404, i fucking love richard dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I just fucking love science and feel enlightened by my INTJ-A, 140-IQ brain and my PhD in pure mathematics that will make me a Wall Street VIP any second now.

>> No.10936340

Please. I really love Whitehead, but just go >>>/lit/ if this is what you do. You don't want to be second Guenonfag

>> No.10936368

you sound schizo

>> No.10936369


>> No.10936372

>goddamn I love that I chose the right major.
Based fellow communications major. Upvoted!

>> No.10936396
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>> No.10936427

>/pol/ meme
im sorry to say, but this simply isnt an argument. if you are so strongly and so adamantly opposed to the right wing mindset, then just go off yourself in ghetto alleyway- for 4chan has always and will remain to be a board of right wing nationalism.

>> No.10936430

>This bait

>> No.10936449
File: 54 KB, 424x504, neck breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you quoting?

>> No.10936840

god damn you are stupid.

>> No.10937471

F3 bifurcat

>> No.10937628

You are the only person in the thread talking about religion or jesus. Shut up, brainlet.

>> No.10937632

>year after year, another scientist offers another explanation for an "age old question" that the humanities swore was an unsolvable mystery.
Name a single concrete example/time where this happened.

>> No.10937846

Completely disgusting, I live in the same building as a lit major and she´s the most pretentious, closedminded, leftist, and dumb person I have ever met in my entire life. I also consider her a failure, also ugly af.

>> No.10937857

Philofags are pompous cunts and retarded.

>> No.10937859

He was btfo by Parmenides and Guenon