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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10934831 No.10934831 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best STEM field to find a qt 10/10 scientist gf? Serious replies only.

>> No.10934832

your mom lol

>> No.10934835


>> No.10934837
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pls no mean
Is nursing considered STEM?

>> No.10934854
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>8 years after the anime and /sci/ still longs for a Kurisu gf
Cute. Excellent taste by the way.

>> No.10934863
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>ywn have a 10/10 redhead neuroscientist anime gf to tease and cuddle
why even live?

>> No.10934868

pop science because that would ultimately be all you would amount to if you got into STEM you fucking incel

>> No.10934870
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>He's THIS mad

>> No.10934885
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Because she lives in your heart dummy.

>> No.10934888

dating a shrink is the single best move you can make in your life

>> No.10934890
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Why is that? When you say shrink, what kind of shrink, therapist/psychiatrist/psychologist? Also, are there a lot of cuties?
Thanks anon that cheered me up

>> No.10934896
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Every asian girl I've every qt asian girl I've like went on to do a Ph.D in one of the above.

>> No.10934901

Every qt asian girl I've ever liked*

>> No.10934904
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Are there any cutie Asians in other math majors, or do they seem to be contained to stats? If so, what do the cutie Asians in stats bring to the table that cutie Asians from other majors don't?

>> No.10934929

>science that isn't extremely obscure and well-hidden is just popsci lmao
I'll make an exception for high-level maths, but at least conceptually, if you can't articulate your knowledge in a way that makes it possible for a grade-schooler to understand it, you don't understand it.

>> No.10934951

Math tends to have more women in general (Physics might as well, but at least were I was there were a decent amount of women (pure math)).

Well assuming you like asian girls across the board I'd say the ones in stats are going to make bank (unless they go into academia which is still a good living). Statistics is really hot right now because of "Meme learning" and "Data Science" which means $$$. Also, Biostats is pretty hot right now also (especially here on the east coast US there are a bunch of big pharma companies that are willing to pay big bucks for someone with that sort of knowledge). So, I'd say if you are lucky enough to get with one of these girls you will be living on easy street and the girls are intelligent and not completely degenerate (think traditional). Of course I'm sort of stereotyping as I'm sure there are exceptions but yeah you get my point.

>> No.10934968

>meme learning
could you expand on this?
>Assuming you like asian girls across the board
From what I've seen of google images, most STEM girls are pretty ugly, specifically the ones in physics. I'd assume asians are the best bet in STEM then, considering from my observations a lot of Asian girls have a sort of base qt factor as opposed to being outright ugly.
Are there any qt white girls(specifically brunettes/redheads) at all in STEM? Or does it seem like the only choice is asians?
My main interests were pure mathematics and physics, specifically particle physics, but if it seems like I'll be making more money AND fucking more qt scientist gf's it's looking like math is the way to go.

>> No.10934973

Meme learning=machine learning.

>> No.10934975

Most in physics are either unattractive or just awful people, but the qts in physics are better than any other field.

>> No.10934981

I hate how much machine learning is being memed right now. Bunch of fucking normies using Python libraries without understanding anything.

>> No.10934986

>meme learning=machine learning
thought that's what it meant just wanted to make sure
>the qts in physics are better than any other field
So you're saying that, although the average female in physics is generally lower value than the average female in math, the high tier ones in physics are much better than the high tier math qt's?

Thank you for the help, this is unironically extremely important to me in choosing my career path.

>> No.10934990

In my experience (technical university) it's like this in terms of the amount of not fugly girls per major:
Chemistry = Biology > Math > Physics > Engineering >> CS
Math girls are generally going to be slightly more intelligent than chem/biology.

Keep in mind you could also just meet girls from other subjects with your minor. I'm a CS major but I minor in Math and it's insane how many females there are in my Math classes compared to CS classes.

>> No.10935000
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>you could also just meet girls from other subjects with your minor
Although I'm aware of this, I feel like it's also important to go into a field which there will be a lot of qt's in general, as opposed to just the qt's in college from other minors then none afterwards
Chem = bio > math > physics > engineering >> CS
Would you say there's a good bit of qt's in physics, or is it on the lower side?
Which fields have more marriage material qt's and which have more slutty/high maintenance qts? I'd assume math and physics are better for marriage.

>> No.10935004

> although the average female in physics is generally lower value than the average female in math, the high tier ones in physics are much better than the high tier math qt's?
That's right.

>> No.10935020

Psych hands down. 50 50 split men and women and you get to marry a non-autist. Easy decision.

>> No.10935022

In what ways? Looks or personality?
I don't want to deal with crazies all day

>> No.10935027

>Looks or personality?
Personality. If you are only interested in looks, then literally anything will be better than physics.

>> No.10935030

I care about personality to, but I need the girl to be at least 6-7/10 first before personality comes into play

>> No.10935036

In that case, it will be rarer to find a worthwhile girl in physics, but if you can manage to find one and get them to go out with you, it will be the best.

>> No.10935046

Do you think there's any cuties working on the LHC?

>> No.10935070

What exactly do you mean by slutty? Like actually sleeping around or just casually showing off her body?

>> No.10935075

I don't think he has ever talked to a real woman in his life. It honestly seems like all his knowledge comes from watching anime.

>> No.10935077
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sleeping around
that's rude anon, I talk to women irl. I just want to know what courses to take to maximize my chances of getting a qt3.14 scientist Christina GF.

>> No.10935080

>I don't want to deal with crazies all day
You can go into research or teach

>> No.10935307
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Just poasting a Kurisu

>> No.10935317
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Based, thanks for the Kurisu. Here's a chibi Kurisu in return.

>> No.10935491

Anything related to chemistry

>> No.10935637
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Forget girls, what field has the best qt boys?

>> No.10935649

any ivy league school
field doesn't matter
good looking men go to good schools that's just life

>> No.10935711

Do you have all the images for the artbook?

>> No.10935717
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Unfortunately no

>> No.10935744
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>> No.10935754

every stem field has cute girls nowadays. just go to a field you would like to study

>> No.10935781

I'm studying computer science and I beg to disagree with this statement.

>> No.10935817
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Unfortunately that book hasn't been scanned. It's mostly cosplay but it has a sexy Suzuha pinup by the same artist (pic rel) and a pic of Kurisu and Suzuha by Huke.

>> No.10935830

the worst feeling is when the guys get mixed with girls...

>> No.10935860

Had to actually team up with a woman last year for a project, I literally had to explain to her how fucking pointer work in C.
How she made it so far is beyond me.

>> No.10935864

Biology is probably your best bet. But honestly, there's no way you will get a 10/10 since she will have literally hundreds of other guys chasing, banging, or orbiting her.

>> No.10935867

affirmative action plus "extra credit" sessions with professors

>> No.10935895

Best girl

>> No.10935903

isn't that one the slut?

>> No.10935905

>qt 10/10 scientist gf?

>> No.10935918
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>best girl
>hurr dance move kill people le edgy
Absolute shit tier character in Steins;Gate 0
Season 1 was really good for her though
Either way Christina is better and my wife

>> No.10935925
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Actually I want a Mayuri gf, but different strokes I guess.

>> No.10935930
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Based. You just can't beat Christina.

>> No.10935982
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Due to differences in sociability and IQ distributions, STEM fields are all but guaranteed to be female dominated. The only possible exception is fields that are low in abstraction and high in social interactions, eg. medicine and nursing.

>> No.10935985


Male dominated* god dammit how does male autocorrect to female

>> No.10936017

I know this, but I'm looking for specific STEM fields that have the highest amount of qt's, despite STEM as a whole having very low amounts of qt's in general. So far Chem or Bio seems best, but I'm not really interested in those. I could go for pure maths and apparently there are qt's(specifically asian qt's) in there, plus I would be doing something I enjoy. The other option is to go for physics which is my main interest and hoping there's qt's in my other classes.

>> No.10936028

STEM fields? Maybe bio or chem.
Best bet is probably to pick up a minor in something more female oriented.
Maybe math if you're looking for a smart girl.

>> No.10936033 [DELETED] 

Well, the Jews have been trying to autocorrect males to females for the past 3 decades.

>> No.10936100
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I did biology. Lots of women, however most of my classmates were around 1s to 7s, at most. Also some of them were somewhat mental.

Also I observed that hotness depends on the college they attend. The more expensive the college the cuter they are.

Also Maho is best waifu.

>> No.10936204

Nursing/allied health/bio

>> No.10936259

>So, I'd say if you are lucky enough to get with one of these girls you will be living on easy street
Women marry men who are of higher standing than them, meaning that if you want one of these women you need to work your ass off to achieve high social status. You'll have to work way harder than she does if you want a chance at marrying her. Having some Asian mommy gf is a pipe dream.

>> No.10936343

>Also I observed that hotness depends on the college they attend. The more expensive the college the cuter they are.
100% true, the difference in women between the cc and expensive Uni I went to is night and day.

>> No.10936361

>Posts lol science animu girl xoxox :D
>Literally extremely qualified.
>Ends up using feelings to solve her crushes disappearance.
Not even once.

>> No.10936392

If you weren't terminally autistic you would've realized she was very emotionally guided from the original show. Also, the movie isn't canon.

>> No.10936645

biology, pre-med, pre-vet, etc.

>> No.10936654


>> No.10936871

>emotional, passionate scientists are bad

>> No.10936879

STEM or not, this nigga knows what's up.

>> No.10937170

Any classes that are shared between math/physics and nursing at all?

>> No.10937177

medical enginering maybe?

>> No.10937189

Any STEM field? nursing, dentistry, medicine.
qt scientist? biomedical/biological sciences or chemistry PhD programs.

>> No.10937237


>Math tends to have more women in general (Physics might as well, but at least were I was there were a decent amount of women (pure math)).
Since when? Where??

>> No.10937602
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How is this so far? Any additions/mistakes?
What majors will have the most overlap with classes that have qts?

>> No.10938232

Not sure if truth, but once an asian girl told me asian families usually send their girls to health/biology fields and boys to STEM. So you might find some qt nip gf in something like biology, pharmacy or whatever.

>> No.10938271

OP, if you don't want used goods, avoid girls in STEM and other math-heavy fields. Girls there are surrounded by men 24/7. If she happens to be cute, than that means she's been getting unhealthy doses of male attention every single day. So she'll fall in one of these three cases: (i) she likes the attention and become a slut; (ii) she hates the attention and go full sjw; or (iii) she says she hates the attention but secretly likes it, so she go full sjw and become a slut.

>> No.10938279
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Oh, by far biology or chemistry....defiantly.
There are so many women in biology, that you'll have no competition from other chads. Even if you're were a 5'0" guy, you'll have more than a 50% chance of getting lucky.

>> No.10939249

Biology or chemistry, seen quite a lot of 8.4Qts taking them

>> No.10939276

First, let us assume that gender discrimination is a non-factor and that all professions have an equal proportion of males to females.

Since this assumption is wrong, we have to change our reasoning.

1. The Human Life Cycle
...such that it will be necessary to either split a viable female from her natural pairing, or else find an intersection where many viable females cohabitate.

>> No.10939542


>> No.10939557


Has the highest ratio of f/m in any STEM field unless you count shit like ling

>> No.10939569

Biology its not even a contest, and at this point it is probably the best field to go into or interact with if you want a high iq wife in general.

>> No.10939705


>> No.10939730

The nurse NT and autist relationship is known in the psychology literature. It's pretty common.

>> No.10939991


>> No.10940007

Well, for starters I got trips and the post number ends with 88, so it has to contain an absolute redpilled truth
Now, for the explanation. A shrink is one of the best combo of IQ/EQ one can get. If you manage this, you get to mate with a person that's both smart enough to have gotten through med school, and most importantly, one who will *genuinely* deeply care about you. This criterion completely immunizes you against basic bitches and low IQ people. Also, the IQ part is important. While some men would prefer to neglect IQ for other qualities, IQ plays a role if you want to have children that are not utterly retarded. Shrinks are also notably good at raising children (through they might be busy). Basically, pulling this off means you'll be pretty much catered for, including your children, even during hard times. They have a thorough understanding of the human psyche so if you are messed up inside, it is the best choice by a wide margin.

Obviously, I'm talking about psychiatrists and not psychologists. The latter are usually low IQ, and sometimes low EQ too. They also lack true understanding/theory and just blindly follow statistics

Now, the drawback is that you'll probably never pull it off. To meet and attract one of these you'll most likely need to work in a med-related field. You'll also probably have to settle on looks that could be subpar. Also, if you are redpilled, you'll have to hide it to some extent, most of them are extremely blue-pilled in terms of politics, immigration policies, etc. and I don't mean this lightly, but believe it or not, this is part of the EQ thing. You don't want a redpilled partner anyway if you are male

There are much higher IQ females in STEM (outside med, if it is even considered science), but unfortunately they lack the EQ factor, and if they are really smart, not only will they not give a fuck about you if you happen to establish a relationship, but their standards are through the roof.

>> No.10940218

>tfw my therapist is a real qt, approachable and nice to talk to
Of course being a patient I won’t even think about it. But you’re definitely right.

>> No.10940948

Thanks for sharing

>> No.10940973

>STEM field to find a qt 10/10 scientist gf?
Seriously just in anime