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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 528 KB, 2384x1414, 4DC41320-4904-4B1F-BE91-14F3E60D70E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10932581 No.10932581 [Reply] [Original]

The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing. How can any rational thinking man believe this?

>> No.10932595
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>If the matter in the observable universe is being diffused, then the entire universe originated at a single infinitesimal point with infinite mass and no volume

>> No.10932596

>hinges on the fact that
it explains the cmb and nucleosynthesis
you know, evidence

>> No.10932599

>at a single infinitesimal point
nope, three minutes after the Big Bang

>> No.10932603
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>There is literally no conceivable alternative explanation for these phenomena. YOU PSEUD

>> No.10932605

>The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing.
Not really. It's a theory to explain cosmic expansion, not an origin theory of the universe.
You need to figure out at least quantum gravity before you could meaningfully speculate about the pre-big bang universe.

>> No.10932612

It doesn't. It says everything already existed but was in a state of extreme contraction and compression until it exploded.

>> No.10932614
File: 73 KB, 733x800, universe from nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Bang theory does not say something came from nothing at all.

>> No.10932616

How do you distinguish between gravity and le quantum gravity? Why would you even presume to make that distinction when you are literally saying you don't understand the phenomenon?

>> No.10932619

>The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing.
No it doesn't. the big bang theory doesn't even explore this. All the theory says is that once upon a time everything was very close together. It doesn't speculate what happened before that. Though lots of people like to speculate about that.

>> No.10932625

extremely high energy is the distinction

>> No.10932626

Quantum gravity would describe the behaviour of gravity on very small scales. Right now we don't know how to do that.

>> No.10932630


>> No.10932632


It's well understood when general relativity breaks down so you can't just keep on using the theory past that point. This happens as one winds back further and further in time in the earlier universe.

>> No.10932641

Then you concede that there is a higher power? Atheists btfo

>> No.10932642

>General Relativity
I swear it always comes full circle.
General relativity doesn't describe the mechanism by which the phenomenon of gravitation is produced, it just states the approximate effects of the phenomenon on bodies of mass within a limited energy range and only in terms of acceleration. It's so obviously false, how can you not see that?

>> No.10932651

you know, evidence

>> No.10932657

*tips fedora and renounces own humanity

>> No.10932661

Get over yourself proud ape. Your classification as an organism doesn't depend on any higher power or similar delusion of grandeur.

>> No.10932674

Where did that come from?

>> No.10932675

>it just states the approximate effects of the phenomenon on bodies of mass within a limited energy range and only in terms of acceleration.
Exactly, but they aren't compatible. Each one does a well enough job of describing the universe and creating testable predictions that just keep validating the theory. Enough that it's safe to say it represents at least a model of the actual mechanics of the observable universe.
Neither one normally operates on the same scale as the other, so its not a problem.
You can contrive situations where they would have to interact, like in a black hole, or the early universe, and the math begins to break down.
It doesn't mean either one is necessarily wrong. Just incomplete.
Which is a fact that literally no one debates, except for dipshits who get their education from pop sci and /x/ tier infographics.

>> No.10932692

Dude hold my beer
Watch me
I bet
>Not conjecture because 999999.99999999% consistency with all observations
Relativity fags WILL respond to this

>> No.10932727

>The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing.

>the entire universe originated at a single infinitesimal point with infinite mass and no volume

>> No.10932749
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As far as I'm aware there is no claim of any level of understanding at or before the big bang. It actually says of nothing of why it happened it's just a model based of what we observe. I don't think the big bang model of the universe offers any insight when speculating on the nature of creation, and it doesn't try to.

>> No.10932753
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>> No.10932767

You must really hate yourself to not see anything supernatural about your life

>> No.10932773
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>Thinking the universe's inception can be understood "rationally"

>> No.10932775
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>> No.10932918


Would that mean that maybe the TOE is some kind of diffusion algorithm?

>> No.10932930

Answer this question honestly:
How long have you been here?

>> No.10932937


Gravity is literally just mass averaging toward each other, which is what we would expect of a diffusion equation scaling into infinite depth. The mass is just clumps of energy in the diffusion. Since these clumps trail into infinite depth they can diffuse forever, but the side effect of this is infinite expansion at all scales of reality, and eventually the clumps of energy that we call mass find their averages toward eachother. You can literally simulate this computationally.

>> No.10932941



>> No.10932945

The old /b/ memes are cringe as fuck, and I was there when they were a thing (fucks sake, I've come here for 15 years soon...)

>> No.10932952

The TOE is classical physics, everything can be explained by physical laws and there is no need for added axioms. Any theory that deviates from that is a guaranteed dead end. Whatever composes spacetime is the key to the TOE, it can't exist without a perfect description of the individual components of that medium.

>> No.10932955

>still believes there's something

>> No.10932978


Correct. And diffusion can be simulated as an infinite system on a continuous automaton grid. Its like absurdly easy to do.

>> No.10932984

Gary, the worst part about your theory is that there is a nugget of truth obfuscated by all of the unnecessary extrapolations and pontifications of an absolute madlad. Reel that shit in. Cheers

>> No.10933002

Fuck off Gary

>> No.10933011

The idea that spacetime can be represented as being cellular is spot on and I applaud you for your discovery, but without describing that cell in terms of the physical properties of the cell you haven't got the TOE.

>> No.10933025

nothing that's compatible with evidence

>> No.10933031

>i have no argument

>> No.10933039

>You must really hate yourself
in religion there's original sin
>Projection for $200, Alex!

>> No.10933053
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Each cell is a rotating surface of charge, a convection current of energy, a vortex, and it has angular momentum, and it is doing pretty much exactly this:
Please respond Uwu

>> No.10933068

>The idea that spacetime can be represented as being cellular is spot on and I applaud you for your discovery

Why is it that brainlets are always seduced by dicrete spacetime? Lorentz symmetry trivially disproves such notions.

>> No.10933085
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>> No.10933102


>> No.10933105

Corroborate that the universe is infinite, think of an experiment to test that claim, or get the fuck out normal fag.

>> No.10933132

You are the one who needs to conclusively prove the universe is finite, that is the claim that requires more assumptions. Otherwise, we shave it away.
Protip: universe expansion doesn't prove finite universe, at all (it actually indicates the opposite)

>> No.10933150

>Universe is not discrete
Do you subsist completely off of your own farts or do you supplement your diet of farts with nigger semen?
Prove it or shut heck

>> No.10933154

Why not? Primordial void is a symmetric state, and singularity is an asymmetric state, it's just symmetry breaking.

>> No.10933156

>Muh Occam's razor
Shut heck fag

>> No.10933303


>> No.10933309

It is the basis of both relativity and QFT
Shut the fuck up pseud schizo. Reality IS NOT the discretized classical structure that you desperately want it to be.

>> No.10933335

>The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing.

Nope. Cosmic inflation describes spacetime expanding metrically from a hot and dense state in the past. It does not posit that there was ever, for any period of time, a state of “nothing”.

>> No.10933343

Please don’t feed this troll. Anyone making bizarre non sequitors and lying should be obviously baiting to you.

>> No.10933363

/cripplechan/jesus/ raid today i see

>> No.10933371

>copy paste some hundred year old numerical algorithm into excel
>theory of everything

>> No.10933385

>time is subject to time
That makes no sense, how tf can time have a start or end, if both "start" and "end" imply time? This sounds like measuring a 36-inch yardstick with a 12-inch ruler, and determining that the yardstick is only 12 inches long.

And if you're saying that the infinitely small point always existed, well that makes no sense either, why tf would it stop being an infinitely dense point?

I mean stuff just doesn't work like that, you can't have an end without a beginning and you can't have a beginning without an end, likewise the infinitely dense point can't stop being an infinitely dense point (big bang) unless at some point it started existing.

>> No.10933410
File: 73 KB, 552x328, witten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in GR, all dimensions including the time dimension did not exist at the big bang. there was no before.

in string theory, spacetime itself breaks down at high enough energies like a big bang type scenario, and there are different ideas

one is here: >>10932753
another is pic related

>> No.10933415


>> No.10933474

General relativity and QFT are invalid you fucking cuck, INVALID. I don't care what your complete and total fantasy directly implies. It's fucking nonsense.

>> No.10933479
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>> No.10933486

That equation is fucking nonsense. This image was created by a total pseud. I hope you only meant to use it ironically.

>> No.10933503
File: 842 KB, 1594x1196, witten2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the equation is kind of silly, but that exact picture is something witten has drawn to explain his string theory approach to the big bang

sauce: https://youtu.be/RfwsvSjXkJU around 21:00-22:00

>> No.10933506

Brainlets all of you.


"Something" did not come from "nothing", the relative amount of energy in the universe before and after "der big bazingo" is the same.

>> No.10933508

>That makes no sense, how tf can time have a start or end, if both "start" and "end" imply time?

Just because time doesn’t extend infinitely in the past doesn’t mean it “started” at its earliest moments. To adapt your analogy, it’d be like saying the yardstick “comes into existence” at the first inch when it obviously doesn’t. Under these parameters, time can not be caused because causality implies time. Alternatively, time is infinite and it very obviously isn’t caused in that case either.

>And if you're saying that the infinitely small point always existed, well that makes no sense either,

There is no requirement for the singularity to have always existed. It could have been the result of a previous universe’s “big crunch” or existed extremely briefly.

>why tf would it stop being an infinitely dense point?

The same reason spacetime is always expanding?

>you can't have an end without a beginning and you can't have a beginning without an end

Both of those assertions are false.

>> No.10933874


Oh we are well past that. It will lit be 100 years before the rest of you catch up. We'll be sleeping with models n shit during the wait. Cheers.

>> No.10933878


Its not discrete. Its continuous. This is so tiring. One day you all will wake up and realize that physics is already unfied and anyone who says otherwise is just grifting tax payers

>> No.10933882

>physics is already unified

>> No.10933886


This is literally what the Optimum Theory models using a continuous cellular automaton. I know everyone hates Gary. He is a legit ahole who sleeps with dimes, is rich, looks like Brad Pitt and is also an above average musician and phenomenal athlete. Its infuriating. But... he's right on this. Unified physics has been so lionized that people just assumed that it could never be solved so of course so douche comes around just to rub shit in peoples faces. But hes fucking right.

>> No.10933892



It was peered reviewed by anon as well. You wont find the guys name at the site I dont think, but hes a Steve Jobs tier egotistical prick who get off on feeling superior, but... hes 100% right. Its done.

>> No.10933895

Aristotle and the first mover. The only valid explanation for the big bang is the existence of God which is why it was first hypothesized and expounded by two priest scientists.

>> No.10933897

Nothing coming out of something is similar to the internet coming out of no where. Where was the internet before we created it? Was it somewhere waiting to be created or discovered?

>> No.10933899

neck yourself gary

>> No.10933904

>>you can't have an end without a beginning and you can't have a beginning without an end

>Both of those assertions are false.

Well can you give examples of something starting that won't ever end, or of something ending that never started?
Intuitively it makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.10933937
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like a... box blur filter?

>> No.10933944

Lol. The priest who came up with it literally told the pope to STFU when he implied the big bang was evidence for the existence of god.

>> No.10933954

>This is literally what the Optimum Theory models using a continuous cellular automaton.
>It was peered reviewed by anon as well.
And I am going to help you out some more ... Optimum CA isn't continuous even with it's inifinitely small grids nested inside each other. Just like the rational numberline isn't continuous. This is freshman level math.
>You wont find the guys name at the site I dont think
Holy fuck. Such a shameless scheme to get people to toss your name around.
>hes a Steve Jobs tier egotistical prick who get off on feeling superior
Don't flatter yourself.

Honest advice even though you don't deserve it: Learn calculus properly. Pick up a textbook and work through it. Do a bunch of exercises. This will help you more than you can imagine*. It'll also make you as competent as ~80% of /sci/.

* Assuming your intentions are what you say they are. Which I highy doubt.

>> No.10933983

>Aristotle and the first mover.

Aristotle’s physics were disproven by Newton three centuries ago, and the “Prime mover” idea with it

>The only valid explanation for the big bang is the existence of God


>> No.10933990

Metaphysics != physics, brainlet. Newton did not disagree with the first mover.

>> No.10933998

First mover existing does not mean first mover was god. Jesus Christ. How much cope do you need to have to even think this.

>> No.10934000

Kek 7

>> No.10934017


Gary didnt invent Optimum Theory. No one did. Its like Bitcoin. It just exists. The World just has to deal with physics being unified and our species being smarter and more optimum. Pitty

>> No.10934022

>How much cope do you need to have to even think this.
It's the only view that requires 0 cope. I say this as an atheist.

>> No.10934026


Well, F = M*A is technically just multiplication but its a valuable model.

Sometimes simple models are useful. Its super weird. Almost like that was always the promise of a unified equation.

But with that said, the Optimum Automaton is closer to being an infinite fluid diffusion equation... and actually in that respect it is also revolutionary since it solves one of the Millenium problems, but everyone knows that Clay will just move the goal posts if a model banging hyper genius like whoever unified physics actually challenged them on it

>> No.10934037

>Optimum CA isn't continuous even with it's inifinitely small grids nested inside each other.

Congrats. You just figured out why space is lumpy. Its a packing problem. *yawn* please only reply to this if you are sup 140 iq. Thaaanks.

>> No.10934038

>Gary didnt invent Optimum Theory. No one did.
Self-promotion hidden as eccentricity.

>> No.10934042

I am not buying this. You didn't have a clue. Embarrasing.

>> No.10934045

>Learn calculus properly

How embarrassing would it be for you if whoever it is who unified physics, if she was a calculus teacher? As well as a certified teacher in almost everything else since the incoming singularity allows this kind of info packing and only faux boomers still act like morons?

>> No.10934048

>Metaphysics != physics, brainlet

Never equated the two. Why did you just lie?
Aristotle’s conception of physics was disproven three centuries ago by Newton, and thus the Prime Mover with it.

>Newton did not disagree with the first mover.

Irrelevant. The extinction of Aristotle’s physics killed the “Prime mover” despite whatever personal reservations Newton had

>> No.10934060

Why cant the first mover just be a particle?

>> No.10934066


The best guess humanity has as to unfied physics can find no other way than in a square infinite, cellular grid. The diagonals of each grid provide the packing problem since they cannot mathematical average with the rest of the neighborhood.

We're sick of waiting for boomers to catch up. Boomers want 100 mkre years of funding for string cheese theory... like, is that a shit test? Because we're taking that as a shit test. We live you, but fuck you.


>> No.10934073




Also we solves your religion (Judeo-Christianity)

Youre welcome, and in hindsight you will thank us since it will bring more money into you coffers from willing congregants.

Increased localized interaction, human interaction, was always our play.

Youre welcome.

>> No.10934078


Niggas act like this aint they one life.

Niggas be like, "yeah Im grifting tax payers for string cheese theory but im makin cak motha fucka!"

We say fuck that!

Us niggas done playing games!!!!

We movein on wit or without boomers!

>> No.10934081


Optimum theory is copyright. Cannot be modified for 70 years.

It simply is.

>> No.10934086


Now that physics is unified and basic income is incoming we can relax a bit. Anyone hear G1s new track. That shit bangs senpai!

>> No.10934093

>How embarrassing would it be for you if whoever it is who unified physics, if she was a calculus teacher?
Not embarrasing at all. I am not trying to unify physics, and calc is a basic tool used in cutting edge research in almost any field of science and mathematics ... Besides, you are not a calc teacher, Gary.
>Narcissistic ramblings
>Why cant the first mover just be a particle?
Why cannot a particle be god?
I am not a boomer, Gary. And I can also detect desperate attempts at intimdation by mildly coherently using terms you do not believe I know.
>Narcissistic power play

All of this got triggered by me revealing to you that you was wrong about something. This is how you react to constructive criticism. Time after time you bite the hand that feeds you. I know you, Gary. I know you very well.

>> No.10934094

Where can I listen to it?

>> No.10934103
File: 279 KB, 952x717, 7CC89314-A32D-49E5-9A37-7ADD4D729765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10934105

>This is how you react to constructive criticism.

Optimum theory can change at anytime it is proven wrong. Has already been proven wrong 1000s of time leading to its utter dominance of this forum... which is why it is such a strong theory.

By all means prove it wrong.

Hilariously no one has even been smart enough to get past the first hour of the 2 hour video yet.

We still have years of content to argue over!

Praise kek

>> No.10934107

God is meant to be a scientist being that is aware of humans. Sure God can exist if god can be a sterile particle.

God is my pizza

>> No.10934108

>utter dominance of this forum...
only because gary samefags at the post rate limit 14 hours per day

>> No.10934111


G1s newest banger.


>> No.10934121


I hear that G1 is trying to collab with Sabina Hossenfelder

>> No.10934125

Sentient being*

>> No.10934150

>By all means prove it wrong.
I just did. And it was such a waste of time. You reacted with trying to gaslight me, pretending that you knew about the error all along.
>Hilariously no one has even been smart enough to get past the first hour of the 2 hour video yet.
Haha. You frustrated that /sci/ is smart enough to only look the videos explaining the actual CA. That they know how to recognize what's fluff and what's not. And I am not helping you anymore. You don't deserve it.

>> No.10934195


Another way of looking at it is like this. The Universe originally existed, in its entirety, as something without our familiar 3+1 dimensions. Then suddenly there were 3+1 dimensions and the Universe existed everywhere all at once. Thee was no "expansion". It is everything, there is no where else. As for exact reasons yet unknown all the matter in this new 3+1 Universe started shrinking, which gives rise to the appearance of expansion to an observer. In this respect there is no difference between shrinking and expanding. Cosmologists and mathematicians understand this. I dont know why the meme of an "expanding" Universe persists, its really a complete misnomer.

>> No.10934231

Out of curiosity, who or what is this "Gary" that people keep referencing in this thread?

>> No.10934253

>please only reply to this if you are sup 140 iq.

>> No.10934255

Since nobody said so yet, I laughed my ass off at pic unrelated in OP's post. Serious top kek material

>> No.10934270


A few mo ths ago anon discovered that someone had computationally reproduced the double slit experiment using a single equation and a cellular automaton, aka Gary. Someone messaged Gary and invited him to 4chan to explain how it worked. ultimately Gary revealed that the automaton - which appears to model all of physics, not just double slit - was the center piece of an entire unified theory of science that he claims to have been developing over 20 years. can find it at www.optimum.center and uh... its something else. Gary is either the most insane crackpot ever to grace sci... or well... he might just be a Newton or Darwin esque revolutionary... the fact that Gary is young, rich, relatively well educated and his girlfriend is super hot adds to the allure. Last time I check Gary scrubbed any mention of himself from the theory and "gave it to the world" like bitcoin or a Banksy painting.

>> No.10934273

Fuck off Gary

>> No.10934274

Based maniac who is too over the top to be taken seriously, even though his cellular automata simulation is kind of interesting, and may hold some nugget of truth if you are willing to sift through his otherwise insane ramblings.

>> No.10934396

every second post. jesus man go to a therapist

>> No.10934412


You realize that not every post is Gary, right? At peak Garydome he had almost 80 subscribers in one day to his forum on his website scrubbed apparently all from 4chan anon

>> No.10934420

There was only one guy apart from you posting there ... There was maybe 10 posts in total. I doubt it was 80 that signed up. Stop lying.

>> No.10934422

>You realize that not every post is Gary, right?
But it's true. Stop lying.

>> No.10934428

>computationally reproduced the double slit experiment using a single equation and a cellular automaton
But it didn't replicate it. It only superficially looked like it. This an example of anons critique you simply ignored. Stop lying.

>> No.10934451


No. It reproduced it. What so many people are failing to understand is that Optimum Theory actually explains WHY the automaton works. All the "insane ramblings" in the theory... Truth is there is NO fat on that theory. Everything said in the 2 hour video is important. If you watch - at least the first hour - really understand it. You will understand why Optimists are so sure about the automaton.

The automaton looks cool. So many people agree on that... it "looks" like unified physics in that you can actually see the fields, particles, forces etc... like its a video game or the precursor to "the matrix" or "the simulation" (and it is fyi). But then the critique becomes, "well it only LOOKS like these things.


It IS these things.

The theory and understanding came first. Then came the automaton.

The automaton works because the developers understood the underlying principles.

It is unified physics. It is the base algorithm.

>> No.10934459

so what will be the mass of the next particle then? spin?

oh wait sorry i forgot, your excel spreadsheet needs to be run on a supercomputer so gibs monies plz oh

>> No.10934529

>so gibs monies plz oh

This is the most obnoxious critique of Optimum Theory. Literally every nonprofit has a cash / energy stream. Professors who give their work for "free" are being paid by tax payers a living wage. Optimum Theory was developed for free, in free time, at the expense of health and personal relationship, for the sole purpose of bettering humanity. I know that sounds like bullshit. It's not. You have felt this inside of yourself, I'm sure, the pull to understand the Universe - to "know God" if you will, and to help this tribe we call humanity. Tribalism is real, sure, and our society is setup like some kind of game-show competition where my loss is your gain... but that is not our evolved nature. In true tribe - in our natural evolved state - my gain is your gain and vice versa. I take down a woolly mammoth and you feast with me and vice versa. This is the promise of basic income btw, because it would give all of us a cut off the top, "but I digress" to use an overused phrase; however, this is the itch that drives the Optimum team. Yes, it feels like pissing into the wind. Yes, we know that the system is stacked against this thinking. But that itch is there - to better ourselves and others. To optimize.

The next mass & spin? The automaton starts at planck scale. I don't know how many times this has been explained but the expanse between planck and even atomic scale is... to say insanely monstrous is.... Well, someone did the math in one of these threads anyway, and if I recall correctly we need a desktop monitor the size of a galaxy or something to simulate an atom with the optimum automaton. Point being there are trillions of particles in between quark and Planck scale, and asking our team to model all of them is like asking us to pick up all the grains of sand on earth using tweezers. and FYI Gary has recently advocated for building a new collider if that is what this about. He says it will help prove Optimum Theory.

>> No.10934535

Bs. People, go back and look at the original optimum threads if you want to know where it fails. It's not worth arguing with Gary. He just wants to sway people for personal gain. He's not an honest scientist.
>If you watch - at least the first hour - really understand it. You will understand why Optimists are so sure about the automaton.
I saw all of the 1h vid "How the CA works" when you had it on youtube. And there's at least 2h more of uninteresting fluff I have skimmed through. That 1h video was all I needed to program the CA and develop it a bit further. I understand the CA very well. Some aspects better than you. And I testify that it does not reproduce the double slit experiment. It somewhat looks like it, but not really. Your counter in orig threads is that we need to scale it up to get correct results. We can scale up infinitely, thus it's easy to conjecture all sorts of behavior on larger scales we cannot yet reach due to computational limits. Interesting that you don't bring this up now as you acknowledged the issues earlier.

>> No.10934540

you realize that atomic scale is not particle physics scale. particle physics scale is where your theory should work Dr. Brainlet

>> No.10934582

>And there's at least 2h more of uninteresting fluff I have skimmed through. That 1h video was all I needed to program the CA and develop it a bit further

Fuck sake Anon.

The 2 hour video is VITAL to understand WHY the automaton works not just HOW.

We know the 2 hour video is... Well, it goes against the "program". It's "dangerous" to the status quo... But you will never understand WHY the automaton works without watching it and truly understanding it. Yes, it is like a new religion in the sense that religion - be it overt or otherwise - has taught us that these principles you see in the video are wrong - and yet, we fucking modeled all reality with them. This is what we mean by the society being setup against us: THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS IN THAT VIDEO. That video is the nexus of religion, politics and advanced technology. It is PEAK controversy - peak battleground...

And yet it is most likely all truly. As insane as it sounds: the Universe being a non-discrete fluid - all of it, including you and me - the Universe being infinite in DEPTH! Imply that multi-universes are in infinite abundance AT EVERY POINT IN FRONT OF YOU THIS INSTANT AT INFINITE SCALE! That we are TRULY BLESSED AND HAVE MADE IT THROUGH THE FILTER and will live for eternity if we want through technology because this Universe never dies, will never run out of energy, and as material beings we can simply upload ourselves. THIS SHIT IS INTENSE. I get it!!! But this is why the automaton works!!!!!!! And you will never understand WHY the automaton works otherwise!!

>> No.10934585

neck yourself gary

>> No.10934590

You're completely wrong and clueless, OP.
The Big Bang Theory explains how a high IQ manlet with severe lactose intolerance and a complete lack of social graces can end up marrying a hot blonde. Clearly you never watched a single episode.

>> No.10934594

>Fuck sake Anon.
>The 2 hour video is VITAL to understand WHY the automaton works not just HOW.
>We know the 2 hour video is... Well, it goes against the "program". It's "dangerous" to the status quo... But you will never understand WHY the automaton works without watching it and truly understanding it. Yes, it is like a new religion in the sense that religion - be it overt or otherwise - has taught us that these principles you see in the video are wrong - and yet, we fucking modeled all reality with them. This is what we mean by the society being setup against us: THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS IN THAT VIDEO. That video is the nexus of religion, politics and advanced technology. It is PEAK controversy - peak battleground...
>And yet it is most likely all truly. As insane as it sounds: the Universe being a non-discrete fluid - all of it, including you and me - the Universe being infinite in DEPTH! Imply that multi-universes are in infinite abundance AT EVERY POINT IN FRONT OF YOU THIS INSTANT AT INFINITE SCALE! That we are TRULY BLESSED AND HAVE MADE IT THROUGH THE FILTER and will live for eternity if we want through technology because this Universe never dies, will never run out of energy, and as material beings we can simply upload ourselves. THIS SHIT IS INTENSE. I get it!!! But this is why the automaton works!!!!!!! And you will never understand WHY the automaton works otherwise!!

ANON these truths are so intense that we have tried our best to blunt them in the common language of our "Judeo-Christian" heritage that inspired our ancestors.. Like easing children out of believing in Santa.

This Universe is more amazing than anything that anyone could imagine or write down. We live in awe and wonder. Words - not even numbers - will ever be enough to explain.

>> No.10934621

Based Hadron Anon, A new, bigger collider will help prove that particles scale into infinite depth.


>> No.10934626

Based Anon mod(s).

You will get far more value out of Optimum Theory being true than it's creator being some "Temple OS" type crack pot (RIP).

>> No.10934641

Infinite power

>> No.10934657

>Doubling down on lost points
>Overorchestrated textual power stance
Sorry, doesn't work on me.
Never said that.
Infinite pretence
Infinite arrogance

>> No.10934658

Infinite narcissistic rage

>> No.10934659

Except it wasn't nothing. Infinity is a thing, if you assume the universe is not a closed system, etc.

>> No.10934661

This idea is being hella challenged right now. I wish brainlets would stop posting this

>> No.10934664


Lol. the "game" has been over for sometime.

Everything has been recorded by this Universe (and thank you ANON, yes, you in this reply)

Humanity will never be the same. Maybe you do not understand the way this ripples outward. I do - to an extent.

All nations of Humanity by now understand these ideas.

This site is Global.

Bless you & thank you. You have helped improve Humanity's standing.

>> No.10934667

can we stop speaking in memes? thanx

>> No.10934671

Yes, Gary. You totally won.

>> No.10934676


Would you like to speak mutually? Because I would appreciate that. You know where to contact.

>> No.10934678

I would prefer not to speak to you at all. ThanX

>> No.10934718

>Yes, Gary. You totally won.

NoT GaRy

But in the possibility this is not sarcasm (though I am an optimist of course), then here is what we need to do.

We need to stop thinking in terms of "us" and "them", and we need to start thinking in terms of us v. our challenges. Humanity is one tribe - in fact the Bible says this, and science corroborates: "Adam and Eve" spawned all of us.

One blood.

As one tribe we all should benefit from our gains. These gains should go to us. I make $100 then $10 is divided among all of us, not through programs but directly, we directly get that $10, fractioned, (but only after adulthood to prevent birthing for paychecks). In other words, my gain is your gain and vice versa.

Do you think this is selfish & lazy? Gary invented the first smart speaker AND HAD IT BUILD INTO A WORKING CONSUMER MODEL(!) The "blueprints" which he gave away for free on Reddit and elsewhere because he did not have the funding / connection for a mainstream release, and approx 9 months later Amazon World Premiered the Alexa Echo Smart Speaker.

You don't think Amazon engineers stalk Reddit just like they stalk this forum?


WE WANT TO WORK. WE ARE ALL BRILLIANT. WE SHARE IDEAS AND WE ALL DESERVE THE GAINS OF THE HUNT. This is commonly called Universal Basic Income, and it has already been championed by Elon Musk (Tesla & SpaceX), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp & Oculus), Bill Gates (Microsoft & the Bill & Melinda Foundation), and others.

If they disagree with this plan (they won't) then we have their words on record, and then we... Well... it is not Optimum to lie at the expense of Humanity... And we attack. However attack will not happen: they are already on board and for good (and selfish - which is okay) reason: because UBI waters the roots of our economy - not just the leaves: (Pruned for length, more incoming)...

>> No.10934739

>because UBI waters the roots of our economy - not just the leaves: (Pruned for length, more incoming)...

The best way to grow a tree is by watering the roots, not the leaves. Andrew Yang calls this "trickle up economics" and he is absolutely right, but he is not Gary's boss, even while Gary respects the presidency (Including President Donald Trump).

Those who earn Gary's trust will see that Gary championed this idea of UBI ($1,000 per month), 6 years ago (and time stamped!), on his private social network to a community of seriously well connected, and high powered people.

We need to act like a community, a family. Of course there is nuance. Mexico doesn't play fair. China doesn't play fair. We get it.

But ultimately we are blood - all of us.. The resources in this Universe are literally infinite. They will NEVER run out. Literally NEVER & WE ARE PAST THE FILTER! And literal immortality is within our reach if we can work together. Immortality. Within 20 years. We can save the lives of our parents if not grandparents and great grandparents. FOREVER.


The time between the first wooden glider and the moon landing was less than a lifetime, and that was before the internet age.

We can do this. Seriously.

We can live in happiness, health and success forever. FOREVER. All of us. From the Bill Gates to the pan handlers in South Africa - even "them". But we are all blood Anon.

Paul prophesied this when he called on us to make immortal bodies, and we are very close indeed. Keep with us. Let's do this.

>> No.10934790

Just become a politician, Gary. It suits ya

>> No.10934795

Infinite attention

>> No.10934796



I was already chosen to be a "leader" of around 1500 adults locally. Which is fine. I always give my full effort and am leading best I can, but I was basically pulled into it.

And anyone honest knows that I was invited to 4chan and then basically the network didn't let me leave.

The crazy thing is what would happen if I actually desired power, like what if there was someone like me with that "mutation"? Cause I don't even want this sht I just want to be left alone!!! Lol!!!

>> No.10934797


>> No.10934799

Why do you keep posting? What kind of brain problem is this?

>> No.10934804


Yur right bye... Until tomorrow when my name leaves someones mouth here - again - and I have to defend and / or corroborate - again.

>> No.10934813

>The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing

>> No.10934839

Nice, you should lead bigger things. Why bother with this physics thing. You seem bored already. You already solved physics. Time to move on.

>> No.10934840


Okay. Bye.

>> No.10934842


... Oh. And so long and thanks for all the fish

>> No.10934844

You mean attention? ;)

>> No.10934846


I see someone is unfamiliar with Douglas Adams.

Anyway. Take care Anon (until next time ugggg)

>> No.10934856

I can not. Either matter has always existed, or it was created by something else that we can not comprehend (AKA God)
It makes no sense for something to have always existed, and the explanation of "God is incomprehensible and therefore we can not understand how he exists" is admittedly a cheap explanation, but a viable one, imo

>> No.10934878

>I see someone is unfamiliar with Douglas Adams.
Hehe, nope. You just aren't a dolphin.

>> No.10934881

And you didn't get fish either

>> No.10934894

You must be truly deluded to imagine that there is.

>> No.10934908


>> No.10934913

>it doesn’t make sense that particles always existed
>it makes sense that god always existed
I will never be dumb enough to be capable of the self delusion that Christ cucks are capable of. This makes me sad as fuck. I’d be a lot fucking happier if I could delude myself about tons of shit in my life.

>> No.10934991
File: 227 KB, 1104x914, 1565328163676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought fucking gases reacted and created stuff

>> No.10934996
File: 42 KB, 640x326, lexluthorcakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, why did someone invite another schizo to post on the sight? If he is here now, might as well make him get into an argument with the other resident schizo who thinks hes God. His name escapes me, but he was homeless for a bit and did go for an undergrad.

>> No.10935007

Just because something is beyond your comprehension doesn't mean it isn't possible. We have the cognitive faculties of apes, what makes you think our intuitions about causation are accurate? In fact, it's certain they are wrong: look up virtual patricles, we literally observe things coming into existence uncaused all the time.

>> No.10935015
File: 352 KB, 592x631, 1560955117406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke or a sincere question?

>> No.10935017

You literally have no idea what you are talking about, but it's okay. Just please lurk more

>> No.10935171

Being high IQ unironically renders all the other traits irrelevent.

>> No.10935195

Fuck off retard, I know what I'm talking about. If you could point out how I'm wrong you would've done so instead of spewing unjustified condescention.

>> No.10935536

LOL this is gay

>> No.10935550

New fag.
I've been visiting 4chan since it was a CB radio station ran by moots uncle's out of his great grannys basement

>> No.10935577

Literally can be done in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

>> No.10935593

It doesn't. The BBT describes the very early state of the universe, nothing more, nothing less. It says nothing about the ultimate origin of everything.

>> No.10935725
File: 6 KB, 202x159, 1506710490517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Big Bang theory hinges on the fact that something came from nothing.
>I don't know what the Big Bang theory is

>> No.10936692
File: 129 KB, 1000x432, smug retardand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>There is literally no conceivable alternative explanation for these phenomena.
what if the universe just be like that?

>> No.10936694

does the smallest particle possible feel gravity?

>> No.10936697

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, till nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started wait. The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall (we built the pyramids)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries
That all started with the big bang! Hey!

>> No.10936722

>we literally observe things coming into existence uncaused all the time.
By stating that there was no cause for a phenomenon, you have proven by definition that you do not know the cause of the phenomenon. Only the least imaginative, most gullible brainlets actually think any phenomena has no cause. Lurk more

>> No.10936899

definitely, if it has mass
so little tho that it can't be measured with today's methods

>> No.10938016

Imagine samfagging this hard

>> No.10938050

>Everything must be caused just trust me

>> No.10938319

>Stolen memes are soul

>> No.10938418 [DELETED] 


> it is refutable