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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10932135 No.10932135 [Reply] [Original]

Is Psychology completely bust now? He literallly exposed the fraud and junk math in psychological studies.

What is left there?

>> No.10932136

He looks Moorish

>> No.10932138


>> No.10932142
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>> No.10932147

Nonsense those are pure levant_N phoenician merchant craniofacial features

>> No.10932148
File: 36 KB, 890x469, 2018.11.04taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BS vendor

>> No.10932150

He is a proud Arab from the Levant.

>> No.10932163

What is he claiming to be?

>> No.10932189

>Fat Tails
>If IQ is Gaussian by construction (well, almost) and if real world performance were, net, fat tailed (it is), then either the covariance between IQ and performance doesn’t exist or it is uninformational
Amazingly retarded

>> No.10932384

Black Swan man

>> No.10934677

Hes a genius

>> No.10934906

It's spelled 'penis' dipshit

>> No.10934946

He's just salty because lebbos have low avg IQ.

>> No.10935065

christian lebanese are actually a higher IQ group for the region, something about islam seems to select against intelligence

>> No.10935074

>mixed grip for a 2pl8 deadlift

>> No.10935134

I don't know which was more laughable, his feeble attack on IQ or his feeble attack on GMOs.

>> No.10935192

He needs to debunk the Holocaust next. It's really low-hanging fruit, a smart guy like him will have a field day.

>> No.10935199

I know parts of the story are true and used to lend credence to the false parts like the gas chambers but which are the other main fallacies?

>> No.10935207

Imagine being a racist shitskin, lol. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.10935209
File: 122 KB, 606x849, fat_tailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His latest attack is quite tight not really how you can argue against it. He went over the dataset others use himself from scratch and exposed legit grievances.

Maybe one tell we will be able to measure intelligence but IQ is not it.

>> No.10935211


If you're a psych there's no logic in your way of doing anything, combined with a danger towards others. There's no logic in maniacs, but there is jurisdiction and law enforcement for crimes.

Psychology, on the other hand, has done numerous documented crimes towards humans. Read Tchehov (tent no 6).

Deeper roots of psychology suggest some mystical nature that lies in the origin of said branch of science (as many others, too). I've read somewhere that "psychia" was a Greek goddess cult, and wikipedia links panpsychology to a religious teaching. There's some gloomy minority-esque undertone of "if we understand the criminal we can prevent the crime from happening" which is somewhat a dangerous POV by itself (catching the person makes you a criminal, allowing the crime to happen by knowing you could've prevented it makes you somewhat similar to a bystander, and warning the victim to get away really means there never was a victim).

Tl:dr: watch minority report.

>> No.10935218

I'm just stating facts look at the numbers.

>> No.10935228

Western psychology is a religious movement developed by sociopathic essentialists, hence why it was illegal in the soviet union up until the 1970s.

>> No.10935398

Based shrink shrinker

>> No.10935455

Does that mean my schizophrenia will be properly treated instead of feeding me anti-thought drugs that make me feel stoned?

>> No.10936181

What is the crux of the problem with Taleb's argument?

>> No.10936189

>parts of the holocaust story are true
Shiggy a diggy, my niggy.

>> No.10936960

I would also like to know.

>> No.10936965

There is none, people in social science simply think that r squared measures being tiny is natural and that low correlation coefficients are somehow unaffected by noise. Not too mention that they ignore second order effect, If they have a measure where the correlation coefficient starts of high and then starts shrinking to zero with each sd move to the right you can simply take the average and present it like any other.

>> No.10936998

That’s because whites are using nepotism to elevate fellow Christians

>> No.10936999
File: 157 KB, 1838x2048, 1559811888591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taleb does high school math
>concludes IQ isn't real
>My stereotyped world view has been reinforced

>> No.10937000

Social scientists, /pol/tards and psychologists can’t into basic data science

>> No.10937002

Maybe you should learn basic university level statistics and data science. You think a low correlation with tons of NOISE is okay, in a real science paper, it would be torn to pieces. Why do you retards only use pseudoscience to try and red pill us? How about real sciences?

>> No.10937015

>Maybe you should learn basic university level statistics and data science.
Muh no u-card
Anoyne can select data in such a way as to reinforce his own point of view.
>Oh no, there is noise in it.
No shit, sherlock. Doesn't make it invalid. Taleb's arguments aren't motivated by mathematics, otherwise IQ, an idea founded on ideas that go back to Galton and Gauss (both of them considerably more intelligent) would have been long debunked.

>> No.10937021

It does invalidate it

>> No.10937024

He's 60 years old

>> No.10937027

I will simply add some things here since I'm not going to waste my day here.
From what I gathered, Taleb bases his arguments primarily on the correlation of IQ and factors of real-life success like income, employment etc. Now, where's the joke here? The assumption that IQ is the sole determiner of real-life performance. A incredibly naive claim. There is very few actual evidence he provides with which he can actually disprove the connection of IQ and intelligence. Saying that IQ doesn't correlate with success is tantamount to saying intelligence doesn't correlate with success because there is "noise". By shifting towards the rights, restricting data to those with above average IQ, he of course finds out what every actual psychologist has known for years. That the meaningfulness (correlation) of IQ tests becomes considerably smaller in the extremes.

>> No.10937034

Taleb, just like Zizek, Peterson or Bill Nye is bought trash presented to the people as actual "thinkers".

>> No.10937169
File: 168 KB, 749x3349, Screenshot_2019-09-02 Nassim Taleb on IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taleb is dumb as pigshit.


>> No.10937201

How is Bill Nye in any way comparable to the other 3?

>> No.10937225

it is always ok to bully psychology because these deparrments produce sjw pc npc cucks

>> No.10937234

What's this? Soc-sci pilfering surface deep methodology from the 'hard' sciences in an effort to piggy back off their credibility while woe-fully misapplying the methodology then claiming the sciences they 'borrowed' the methodology from is actually wrong?

Surely this has never happened before.

>> No.10937235

IQ is psychology

>> No.10937236

He's really intelligent, probably got a high IQ, so that's irrelevant to him.

>> No.10937244
File: 10 KB, 546x199, g1gZOCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Lebanon doesn't so it is relevant to him.

>> No.10937251

Why should it? He's a nationalist or something?

>> No.10937254

Any self respecting man hates his own country

>> No.10937256

Yeah, he literally is. Just look at his twitter if you aren't banned.

>> No.10937268


All those words and he still fails to even grasp Taleb's main argument.

>> No.10937269

>That the meaningfulness (correlation) of IQ tests becomes considerably smaller in the extremes.

The left end of the curve would like a word with you.

>> No.10937410

Banned. You nitpickers.