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10929860 No.10929860 [Reply] [Original]

How will an interplanetary internet(s) work?

>> No.10929865
File: 57 KB, 500x625, 4b2dba1683b7fb8140808d1df88e05de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ass radio scopes. TCP/IP model should be fine but maybe add a machine learning layer that corrects data errors (pretty easy I imagine with language and images to fix a corruption of like 10-20%) so constant retransmission isn't required as much.

>> No.10929874

Youd probably queue up search requests from everyone.
Your local server would probably be constantly caching popular sites like youtube and wikipedia to reduce latancy.

>> No.10929877

bloggers/vloggers would be basically the same
social media would have slightly delayed reactions/comments
forums would be a little different, often long lag between responses, /sci/ probably wouldn't notice the difference
IM chat between planets would be pointless, maybe emailing would come back into fashion

>> No.10929881

>invent faster than light communication
>establish interplanetary internet
>notice lots of "noise" in the FTL interplanetary network
>discover that the "noise" is actually an alien created intergalactic internet
>patch our human interplanetary internet into the alien intergalactic internet

Seriously, the moment we discover faster than light communication, we'll open the door to stumbling right into an alien communication network.
If aliens exist, and FTL communication is possible, then it's almost inevitable.

>> No.10929882

Fuck space internet. Send a wax sealed letter on a space ferry. They'll know you mean what you said then.

>> No.10929885

Intergalactic lan tournaments until FTL is invented. It's like how we never game across continents and only on local servers today.

And yes, the main priority in increasing network speeds will be gaming. Possibly also the stock market, but I'm putting my money on gaming.

>> No.10929888

Fuck gaming when you can play real sports in low-G environments

>> No.10929889

> TCP/IP model should be fine but maybe add a machine learning layer that corrects data errors
You can't just throw in semi-technical terms and hope that it somehow makes sense... because it doesn't.

>> No.10929892

Computer/TV gaming would be the only platform which isn't highly affected by gravity. You can't learn how to play football on the moon and then try it on earth, it would be completely different

>> No.10929905

oh man I didn't even think about the packet resending issue
we don't really appreciate how convenient it is that our whole civilization is within a light second of each other

>> No.10929907

I understand what he's saying

>> No.10929914

Imagine it being a really popular export tho, some sort of crazy low-g sport that everyone on earth loves to watch.

>> No.10929920

Well moon-golf is a cool concept, it would be a lot more difficult.

>> No.10929925

If you think that machine learning is a good method for data error correction you don't know what he's saying. TCP/IP? Like.. yeah, both exist? But it's insanely vague. There are surely much more suited protocols for intergalactic communication. If anything wireless long range protocols should be looked at, not the most common protocol used by wired internet.

So, he's just saying what he sort of knows, but he has no idea what he's actually talking about.

>> No.10929927

imagine if this actually happened. we suddenly have free access to alien wikipedia, assuming we can decipher their language
sounds like a good scifi premise

>> No.10929934

3d soccer.
they're in a room with the goals on the ceiling and floor, they switch sides whenever someone scores.
the room is full of obstacles they can jump off of.

>> No.10929936

It could also be the answer to the Fermi paradox.
Aliens don't need to travel the stars looking for other races because they just need to wait for a species to advance enough to discover FTL communication and inevitably join the intergalactic internet. Any alien species not smart enough to achieve this is not worth their time and effort it'd take to search for them using space ships.

I got more but it's far too /x/-tier and controversial.

>> No.10929947
File: 2.43 MB, 960x720, DTN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DTN is the model for future interplanetary internet, not TCP/IP.


>> No.10929957

It won't

>> No.10929960
File: 41 KB, 473x673, plutonian_gulag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if /pol/tards had their own planet to fuck up

>> No.10929973

>alien wikipedia
>doesn't immediately think about alien porn

stay pure, bretheren

>> No.10929978

I could be wrong but I think machine learning is sometimes used for error correction. also i just stumbled across this: http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/ajiang/Publications/2018/ITA_2018.pdf

>> No.10929995
File: 100 KB, 600x800, b47e123aec4db4f1dc1366c1766f48b6f3dab9f488cf19abe5b1ceaf46063326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god, systems "research" is the same five or ten ideas re-"invented" over and over again as each new postdoc who's only ever seen one kind of system realizes that the current industry standard is stupid in some ways, everyone who came before probably didn't notice that, right?

>> No.10930000

No machine learning needed there are already ways of dealing with packet loss. Big ass radio scopes indeed though.

>> No.10930005
File: 118 KB, 453x443, dm slowly looks up at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussing packet loss
>rolls 0000

>> No.10930008

Shit would be crazy. Imagine if there was some sort galactic commonwealth all networked up with standard comms, the amount of content. You could stream the best space movies of every planet and never even watch 1% of them before you die of old age. Imagine online gaming with members of other species, imagine spacechan.sol or glarbmafghthiggk.sirus, I bet those fuckers post some weird shit.

>> No.10930013

This is news to me, I'm taught in mostly natural language processing and could not see a possibility in machine learning. I stand corrected!

>> No.10930017


>> No.10930021
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>> No.10930022

Holy shit my first quints wasted on this shitty post.

>> No.10930025

But it's not quints

>> No.10930030

Meant to reply to>>10930000

>> No.10930031

it is if you first squints

>> No.10930033

not quints but quads

>> No.10930034

Yeah but don't existing methods require the host to retransmit lost packets? I'm speculating that you could handle lossy data with a machine learning algo to save on huge delays in requesting and waiting for retransmission of lost packets.

>> No.10930037

Huh? You're not me don't redirect my post

>> No.10930038

I would be something equivalent too sending telegraph messages across the Altantic back in 1860.

>> No.10930040

No. It's built into the message itself.

Here's an example using QR codes: https://blog.qrstuff.com/2011/12/14/qr-code-error-correction

I'm not very experienced in the area, but I suspect there's far more sophisticated techniques

>> No.10930041

>just throw machine learning at the problem
What do you actually know about the work on information theory in the past 80 years?

>> No.10930042

Oh shit I see now what you meant. But nah you're still wrong it's not quints. I thought you did it correctly first time around. It's QUADS

>> No.10930045

Would it really be called "inter" net? Shouldn't it be called "planetnet" or something by then?

>> No.10930052

the phrase "internet" was means specifically for the world wide web

Any other computer network was refered to as inTRAnet. I'm not sure if the distinction in those names are used anymore.

>> No.10930065
File: 26 KB, 586x578, brain limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the phrase "internet" was means specifically for the world wide web

>> No.10930333

what if you developed an intense fetish for some alien race but FTL travel is impossible/hasn't been discovered by anyone so it's physically impossible for you to ever get to that world in your lifetime
I feel like that would be even worse than being in love with fictional characters since you have to know that they actually exist out there but are out of your reach

>> No.10930349

>tfw you'll never shitpost on spacechan
imagine 4chan-like psychos but from completely different planets, completely different social norms and culture, it would be like 2chan but on crack, and with traffic

>> No.10930351

>fucking implying that biological alien exist

Lmao, the only alien thing that exist out there is probably some kind of AI, biological animal are just one step in the evolutionary ladder.

>> No.10930392

Laser communications between delay tolerant networked satellites. It'll be similar to how dialup BBSes used to do hold and forward mail.
JPL has a whole lab dedicated to it and there's at least one CubeSat module available for compliant laser comms.

>> No.10930413

Currently working. Tune in. Turn on. Drop out. Converse daily.

>> No.10930414

well stated my fellow le gentleman and le scholar

>> No.10930422

This, anon. This is what you should write your book about.

>> No.10930440

>I could deal with my 2d waifu not being real, it was almost a comforting hopelessness. But everything changed one day when I went on spacepornhub

>> No.10930473
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It's Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out, duh.

>> No.10930490

It's very doubtful that gaming will be a priority. In order to get any kind of meaningful improvements in latency you'd need FTL coms of some kind.

It won't be entertainment playing a significant role but rather strategic issues. For large distances(anything measured in light years) you're looking at years for messages to go from one side to the other.

For example, imagine a colony 1ly away from earth is in place, developed to the same degree as earth. If it runs into any kind of issues which require external aid the best case scenario is a response time of 2 years.

If for whatever reason aliens decide to fuck shit up we can assume that a message is sent from the colony to earth immediately. It will take one year to get there. At the same time part of the alien fleet can start heading to earth as well. In the end earth will receive the message 1 - x where x is the speed of the alien fleet as a fraction of the speed of light.

Strategic implications are a lot more important than entertainment.

>> No.10930645

dont bother. its full of space BBC cuck shit now

>> No.10930699

what if we discover the alien intergalactic internet, but the method of FTL communication has to do with some quantum mechanic quirk that's responsible for quantum consciousness. It's later discovered all conscious beings are able to connect to this intergalactic FTL network, but few are able to make sense of it and choose to block it out or ignore it for their own sanity's sake. Some choose not to block it out or are physically incapable and it can lead to mental instabilities or insanity. However, blocking incoming internet traffic doesn't block outgoing internet traffic, that is to say aliens have access to your thoughts, but are literally incapable of having any effect on them and can't do anything other than reading them. What if some benevolent aliens decided to not just read peoples thoughts but to copy their thoughts in order to preserve them upon death. Then upon death upload their copied minds in an artificial cyberspace construct that was intended to be a place where they can come to understand their situation "in their own time." The artificial construct/cyberspace would be as comfortable as possible, so calling it heaven would be an apt description, it not a literal description.
>write a book about it
your welcome, put me in the preface

>> No.10930710

>we suddenly have free access to alien wikipedia
This is basically the akashic records

>> No.10930741


>> No.10931246

space /pol/ would be legendary and quite frightening.

>> No.10931305

it wont

>> No.10931460
File: 226 KB, 850x1532, macroscope 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I read that book already.

>> No.10931475

It would be laggy and each colony would likely have it's own section of the internet.

>> No.10931539

A giant cable

>> No.10931628

Probably distributed and peer-to-peer like IPFS

>> No.10932276

Smelly dumb newfag scum

>> No.10932776

>How will an interplanetary internet(s) work?
Good bandwidth, lousy latency,

>Big ass radio scopes.
Lasers are better, being tested these days. good results so far.

Response time is slow but once the data flows the BW is good.

>you can play real sports in low-G environments
Or zero G sex.

>> No.10934730

only worthy way will be using laser technology

>> No.10935238

Based. They'd finally get their containment space. Then we could just IP range ban their dwarf planet

>> No.10935379


same protocols laser for data transmission at light speed

>> No.10935486

It wouldn't

>> No.10935495

every ideology will get their own planet to fuck up, then we can finally conclude which is best

>> No.10935496

Realistically people would just send emails/whatever to a company (paying whatever amount of currency per GB) and then the company would slap all the data in a big ass storage unit once a week or so and physically ship it to the destination planet.

It would be like sending mail to America in the 1600's.

>> No.10935508

>competing ideologies
>content to just leave others alone to prosper even when they're "losing"
That may be your ideology, but that's not how other ideologies work.

>> No.10935516

that is what the huge distances are for, turns out a few light-hours of hard vacuum is the best border wall / defense perimeter

>> No.10935519

I've often though of this. I don't think that an interplanetary internet makes sense. I think we would see local internets with, potentially, a laser bridge that messages can cross at extra cost.

>> No.10935520


>> No.10935521

If you could travel interplanetary distances it would be trivial to fuck an entire planet by accelerating enough mass straight into the planet. It wouldn't actually hurt the planet itself but everybody on it would be fucked. And there would be no way to prevent it other than a very large and capable military power so you would either need AI to be your masters and protect you or breed in huge numbers to have humans man the guns.

>> No.10935533

It would be trivial as fuck to detect such huge acceleration of an asteroid and fuck the asteroid up using multiple large nuclear bombs. If there is some kind of interplanetary warfare, it would be done through stealth nuclear missiles, if anything.

>> No.10935541

This could also be how they keep pre-filtered societies from ruining everything. If they cant survive all of the environmental and social costs that advancement exacts then they will be too expensive to work with.

>> No.10935548

>If there is some kind of interplanetary warfare
It would likely be done through the interplanetary internet. Use internet to sew discord and discontent through propaganda and misinformation in the opposing side. Divide the enemy force into two camps, then raise tensions and hostility in the two sides till it reaches a boil and they start a civil war. Trick them into destroying themselves.

Actually that's not far off from what Russia is doing to America today. Not just America. They're doing it to all the countries around the world.

>> No.10935586

>Actually that's not far off from what Russia is doing to America today. Not just America. They're doing it to all the countries around the world.
Brainlet, go back to r*ddit

>> No.10935793

Ultraviolet lasers beaming a constant information stream across 99.9% of the distance involved, between two or more high altitude satellites, which then relay down to a low orbit network which in turn uses phased array radio communication to feed data to the correct ground stations. The low orbit constellations are also used for ground to ground communications on each world separately.

>> No.10935820

too bad FTL anything is completely impossible, then.