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10926759 No.10926759 [Reply] [Original]

>People 50 and older have a lot to look forward to, according to Juvenescence’s Greg Bailey—mainly that we won’t be aging as fast or poorly as our parents. “Science fiction has become science,” said the UK-based anti-aging biotech’s CEO about the company’s completing its $100 million Series B round of financing last week.


>> No.10926890
File: 11 KB, 292x172, DE5D62F7-2033-49B1-9BB1-009C47B62D65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shit as the last 20 years along with balding. All a scam.

>> No.10926906


I will gladly drop half my income into a company that has a decent chance of having me live decades longer AND in a more youthful body.

To truly show that they are on the right track I want to see a 90 year old wrinkled bald man rejuvenated with thick long dark hair and a youthful face.

>> No.10926915

Scientists: uhh we might be able to do it this century maybe if we're lucky

>> No.10926934

No, that’s what the CEO of the company said. He has just as much reason to lie, though, to get investors “buy NOW NOW”

>> No.10926954

The thing is if anyone had a LEGITIMATE "anti-aging" technique which could be used to restore the cellular function of an old man into a young man they wouldn't need publicity they'd be making trillions from all the old rich fucks terrified of death.

>> No.10927045

why not just pump a person full of stem cells?
sure they'll get cancer in 20 places, but they'll be young again

If only we had a magic bullet cure for cancer.

>> No.10927050

Have you talked to old people lately
"Sucks to be you faggots, glad I'll be dead soon. Sorry for the mess!"

>> No.10927055

Well it's not really the magicness of the bullet, it's the aim of the shooter

>> No.10927059

Because you need stem cells with the person's own DNA.

Also, cancer doesn't matter if you can just cut all of it out and replace the meat you removed.

>> No.10927062

Yeah when you can live hundreds of years or more you'll actually have to give a shit about the long term effects of what you do even if you're a sociopathic politician.

>> No.10927068
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>To truly show that they are on the right track I want to see a 90 year old wrinkled bald man rejuvenated with thick long dark hair and a youthful face.

>> No.10927075

Isn't induced pluripotence pretty easy now? Just take any old somatic cell.

>> No.10927085

But they're not going to do a very good job repairing the body if a lot of the ones you take are damaged. You would somehow need a way to filter out the bad cells, though maybe this is what you meant by causing cancer.

>> No.10927102
File: 365 KB, 1162x850, merchant1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, don't!!! Imagine how much wealth immortal jews can accumulate.

>> No.10927141

oh the other hand, rich people will live long enough to be sued for global warming and then die from preventable diseases cause they can't afford treatment and they lobbied congress to remove medicare for all

>> No.10927415

>Anti-Aging Breakthroughs Happening Now:

>> No.10927607

>1940: I bet we'll go to space soon
>Fuck off
>1960: I bet we'll go to space soon

>> No.10929487

Wrong, they will be the more equals one in the world communism that soon is going to come since you want it so much. Then you will unironically live in a wage factory while your kids are taken to vacancies to some island, for education of course.

>> No.10929523

space is useless to us. If anything leaves this shithole planet it'll be robots.

>> No.10929596

>implying we won't be the robots
Shed your meat prison and embrace immortal technological ascendancy.

>> No.10929733

I nurture a faint hope that these technologies become viable before I completely lose grip of my mental faculties so that I may restore my body to youthful condition then kms myself to show them what's what.

>> No.10929747

is it bad that I recognize the tranny face thats shooped on that guy

>> No.10930180

Something that I never really got
What is the point of all this?

>> No.10930208
File: 716 KB, 572x576, 1566855366083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of being part of a machine race that has been empancipated from genetic slavery.

>> No.10930238

We've found one correlation that shows that some signs of aging are getting reversed by product X, though we're not sure if it works long term or if it produces good enough results long term to halt aging in a human population.


>> No.10930567

Great more people on this rock

>> No.10930593

Theranos 2.0. VCs geting dunked on again

>> No.10930599

robots will be our proverbial children, or the next step in the evolution of lofe, if you will.
You won't be a part of it.

>> No.10930600

Post TLDR or source from a respectable publication.

>> No.10930726

What do you think life extension therapy is for? And if all else fails, cryonics?

Enjoy permadeath, meatbag.

>> No.10930763
File: 798 KB, 1240x2700, Science News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah "research" blah blah
>blah blah "____ SOON!!!" blah blah

>> No.10932050
