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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 326 KB, 1062x967, download - 2019-08-21T140410.283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10924546 No.10924546 [Reply] [Original]

im planning on injecting myself with crispr to reach superhuman performance, this is not a larp or a bant. i have a list of genes that i will be modifying or down-regulating to reach captain america level fitness, i also plan on reopening the growth plates injecting HGH and growing 1 foot in the next year and reach a total height of 6 foot 10. all for preparations for the upcoming race war. i personally have started a project to create one such supersoldier through self experimentation and in vivo genetic modification of specific tissue lines using crispr packed adreno viruses with cell specificity from protease molecular handcuffs. Many people have expressed interest to keep up to date on my progress, here is my email. KoscheiTheDeathless@protonmail.com
and below in the comments i will leave instructions to reach my blog where i will post details on my progression.

>> No.10924547
File: 267 KB, 1913x1040, DIY Supersoldier Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

officially started my blog, follow it to stay up to date on my project.
I have made this blog on the decentralised net for (((obvious reasons))).
I will NOT be censored.

In order to follow me, follow these steps
1. Download zeronet in order to connect to the decentralised web, it will interface with your default browser. https://zeronet.io/
2. Open zero net
3. Go to ZeroMe either by; searching in connected sites, going to zerosites on the opening page and searching for zerome, or by copying and pasting this in the URL once you have opened your browser through zero net :
4. Make a account on zerome, this takes 1 minute and its easy to follow the prompts.
5. Search in NEW users for Koschei or koschei@zeroid.bit
6. Follow me and check regularly to stay up to date.
7. Feel free to use a vpn or tor.

well here it is bucko's heres my blog

>> No.10924555

You have a 11/12 chance to die horribly from this.

>> No.10924569

More like a 100% chance with a n=1 sample size:

>> No.10924573

aaron traywick died from fucking drugs u nigger, he overdosed on ketamine and drowned in a spa tub

>> No.10924579

Couldn't you just take steroids?

>> No.10924580

But then he won't be able to create a /pol/ school shooter terrorist cell which is obviously OP's goal. Read between the lines he's a white jihadi.

>> No.10924582

no, steroids are not strong enough to cause the levels of performance enhancement im after
lmao stfu nigger

>> No.10924587

Sorry kid I've already sent an FBI tip.

>> No.10924602

>Dear FBI there is a man on 4chan who said he will use CRISPR to genetically engineer a superhuman alt-right army please ban him permanently from the general public thank you

>> No.10924605

lmao im not encouraging anything illegal, this is just personal bio hacking which is perfectly legal

>> No.10924606

Inciting terrorism
federal charge

>> No.10924607


>> No.10924609

how have i incited terrorism all i have advocated for is biohacking which is perfectly legal?

>> No.10924619
File: 475 KB, 2502x523, madman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The madman is back
>self experimentation is inciting terrorism

>> No.10924626 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, fuck jannies cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got deleted again despite my post probably being the highest quality political post on /pol/ in years

>> No.10924639

Nice meme <;^)

>> No.10924642

I have two questions.

1. How are you doing this in a home lab? Like specifically, what equipment are you using and how are you keeping things clean?

2. Can I have your shit when you die horribly?

>> No.10924645

he uses loopback to inject your computer with the genetic material and turn it into an advanced
machine for inciting race riots on the internet

>> No.10924646

You're gay for self promoting on a Burmese tiger penis trading forum I hope they ban you again. Also you are going to die from heart disease so bad, why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.10924650

Are you actually ass ravaged over someone experimenting on themselves?

>> No.10924668
File: 15 KB, 437x431, 1558593489071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that part is chill, it's the moron who is doing it that I don't like.
>Hurr durr my descisions affect global politics
>I am going to be an (super)hero

>> No.10924676 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 3078x2564, 1553067440423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they do?

>> No.10924681

Egomania is a hell of a drug

>> No.10924686

I think there is more to gain from increasing metabolism, look into it

>> No.10924689

Wait hold up, so this dude wants to inject himself with a bunch of poorly understood chemicals in order to become a superhuman to save the world from what he perceives as a vague, yet immediate threat?

When did actual supervillians start browsing /sci/, am I going to rock up tomorrow and see a thread about keeping pesky government agents from breaking into your volcanoe lab?

>> No.10924695

I'm a few years out, but hopefully I can provide such quality threads in the future. Not OP BTW. He's going to die painfully.

>> No.10924701

Can that brick shitmouse on the right even move properly?

>> No.10924714


>> No.10924716

A fellow man of taste I see, in about a decade or so I plan to crash Russia's economy with no survivors and bring down most of the middle east while I'm at it

>> No.10924725

I wonder how far we are from PCR machines, florescence microscopes, ect. being regulated.

>> No.10924747

Are you also planning to sell super resistant wheat rust to the chinese?

>> No.10924759

OP will become the superhuman icarus

>> No.10924772

Op is not going to do any of this, nor does he have the capability to do so

>> No.10924780

Nah, I'm going sell electrofuels to Europe.
Every economy based on oil production will tank once the technology proliferates and Russia gets double fucked because the new arctic trade route that Putin is betting on will freeze back over once carbon speculators suck all the CO2 out of the atmosphere.

>> No.10924791

>>10924772 This.

Related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Hanley_(microbiologist)

>> No.10924795

>this is not a larp
>all for preparations for the upcoming race

>> No.10924805

Extra bants available here:

>> No.10924813

Clearly it was only an attempt to tailor his post to belong on a board with 1/4 to 1/3 of this site's traffic, in order to be seen by a larger audience.
Just as clearly, the gatekeepers of knowledge do not want his stuff to be seen, and are clearly in a position to have things they don't like removed.
You could have gleaned this all by yourself, but you were too busy jerking off your ego by being on this board and telling someone they're wrong. Not that that's any different than what I'm doing, but at least I can see myself for what I am.

>> No.10924822
File: 26 KB, 460x276, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're going to just walk over to a bunch of billionaire murderers and take the titty out of their mouths? You think they're going to let you do that?

>> No.10924823

THIS my pol post was the most political thing thats been on that board and i still get banned regardless >>10924626

>> No.10924825
File: 314 KB, 1280x850, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we CRISPR a cat so he shoots lasers out of his eyes?

>> No.10924832

90% chance of nothing happening or getting an infection
9% chance of placebo tier effect
.9% chance of a major effect that will result in you dying
.1% chance of succeeding

>> No.10924833

You know exactly which cat related creature /sci/ would engineer first

>> No.10924839

there is no biological mechanism to do such a thing

>> No.10924843
File: 291 KB, 1280x850, WhatsApp Image 2019-08-27 at 10.56.58 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.10924850

Do it to a chameleon. All angle shooting hard to detect death machine.

>> No.10924857
File: 232 KB, 960x1280, IMG-20180413-WA0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I don't know

>> No.10924869

When will you begin?

>> No.10924910

>i also plan on reopening the growth plates injecting HGH
Retard here, how can one reopen the growth plates?

>> No.10924915

I would say that he has a 99% chance of dying

>> No.10924921

They can't stop me.
The amount of oil in the ground is only ever going to decrease, whereas the supply of ectrofuels is only ever either constant or increasing. So no matter what happens they will eventually become cheaper than their naturally occurring counterparts and will thus come to dominate the market.
I'm not going after big oil, I just plan to be on the ground floor of the tech that renders them obsolete.

>> No.10924993

based mentally ill incel

>> No.10924997

That is what they said about all the great thinkers and innovators of the past.

>> No.10925012

That doesn't mean that those two qualities make you a great thinker though

>> No.10925079

>for the upcoming race war
What's that crap about? Pls stop bullshitting people.

>> No.10925166
File: 10 KB, 250x241, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahaha, is, is that windows 10,hahahahahaha

>> No.10925210
File: 106 KB, 912x905, B9CAB7D9-EBA2-4158-9251-B4E374407C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10925273

every human has a 100% chance of dying

>> No.10925411

Do it and post results

>> No.10925425

>Not using Windows 10 for normie shit and a separate Linux machine for everything else
Get a load of this guy

>> No.10925428

>Highest quality post on on /pol/
You're really setting a low bar here anon post vids of you shooting up tho, and progress pics with biometrics

>> No.10925429


>Race war
>be white
>gotta inject myself with nigger genes to beat niggers
>dies because doesn't know how to science

Fucking moron

>> No.10925446

Sweet mother of God, somebody get delta force on the horn

>> No.10925449


>> No.10925526

Please archive the results so your achievements won't die with you

>> No.10925527
File: 108 KB, 499x488, 1481418675705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys you australian piece of shit

>> No.10925538

What are the odds that the jannies are just as retarded and prune this

>> No.10925860

I unironically like those odds. SOMEONE has to win the lottery, might as well be this dude.

>> No.10925887

I assume he is ass ravaged because the experiments have been done. Hence the heart problem mention. Look into it. This was possible decades ago. At the time nobody could make it selective so all muscles increased in size including the heart.

There were other problems getting it to turn off again. I have seen photos of men who had this done to them and they looked like the cattle. None of them lived for very long afaik.

Things like this are withheld from the public to prevent outcry before the technology has been perfected.

The media shitstorm after op can't stop his heart growing so fast that it can't fit blood inside it anymore would do a lot of damage to the human augmentation agenda.

>> No.10926099

and also every mentally ill village idiot, statistically there's about a 10000000:1 chance you belong to the idiot category.

>> No.10926107

>implying OP won't die alone in his mother's basement rotting for years before his senile mother finally dies and his body is found

>> No.10926120

>overdosed on ketamine
Highly doubtful

>> No.10926469

k, keep me posted