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File: 177 KB, 740x582, 103_shutterstock_88550854-740px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10909768 No.10909768 [Reply] [Original]

If climate change is such a major threat to us, then why, each election year, does HALF the country say "What? What threat? What are you talking about?"

>> No.10909772

Its bogus it didnt even get that hot this summer. White mans lie

>> No.10909773

because >90% of people are dumb and functionally illiterate

>> No.10909811

That's where I agree. If there was something to it, only about ten percent would be worried about it. Then, I would be really concerned.
You gotta pay the bills.

>> No.10909822

The same reason that communism, an existential threat to civilization, goes unchecked. Democracy is incapable of dealing with these kinds of problems because they are slow to build up, easily forgotten between generations, and the person who demands crucial change is systematically unpopular and thus cannon do what is needed.

>> No.10910008

Here is an analogy:
>If economic collapse is such a major threat to us, then why, each election year,
>does HALF the country say "What? What threat? What are you talking about?"
Think back to 2007

>> No.10910200

Because most of them are going to die anyway and they are out to get as much as they can.

>> No.10910775

Because it's not a major threat to us, in the short term or in the long term. Humans are like rats. We're one of the most adaptable species in existence and can live in an incredibly wide variety of environmental conditions. Climate change will kill off a bunch of obscure species that depend on a certain niche to survive, but not humans or any other species with good adaptability. If you're seriously telling me that life on earth could survive a fucking asteroid strike but not the temperature rising a few degrees you're actually fucking retarded. And if anything survives, it'll be us humans.

>> No.10910795

Hurr durrp but when I took enviornmental science in middke school we were taught climate change bad and US evil for not helping and rich people are always to blame not my materialistic desires that ironically help me fund and support those who I am arguing against derr my teachers would never lie to me only facts

>> No.10910824
File: 1.06 MB, 640x4105, mideval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute this /pol/

>> No.10910836

>why, each election year, does HALF the country say "What? What threat?

The Koch brothers are mostly responsible for the denial-ism. They have been funding denial-ism for a long time and have a lot of weight to throw around.

>> No.10910844

One down, one to go

>> No.10910855

>BUT BUT BUT... It's the greedy democrats who are trying to take your money by switching to (cheaper) forms of energy!!!
>I swear! Republican good and want best for me. Democrat corrupted and evil.

>> No.10910858

except renewables are neither cheap nor effective.
Thorium fission or bust

>> No.10910870

>>10909768 It's your education system and your media (facebook etc). Sadly it's also ignorance and plasticity and people needing personal experience of direct immediate effects. Basically it's because people like the anons in this thread are wasting time. And simple voting was never an effective tool but it can be helpful.

>> No.10910888

the assertion that as long as one humans survives climate change isn't a problem is the most fucking idiotic argument possible.

>> No.10910890
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Just keeps getting cheaper

>> No.10910891

>Republican good and want best for me.
PSA: It was right wing conservatives that spread conspiracy theories in the Amazon and told the Amazon farmers to "clear cut" the forest by setting it ablaze. Yes, the Amazon was intentionally set ablaze as per order of government officials. I don't know why but it would appear these people have a vested interest that goes beyond denialism. Their goal is actively trying to speed up global warming. WTF is their end game??

>> No.10910896
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imagine actually believing this.
Your kind deserves to have their heads on spikes.

>> No.10910905

The earth was never meant for humans, the stars are our destination

>> No.10910906

Idk, assuming that's true, that seems a bit like they were trying to prevent something like the California fires, but it just backfired. I don't think you can for sure say
>Their goal is actively trying to speed up global warming
just from that.

>> No.10910912

Having to pay people to mine the fuel source vs a one-time installation plus occasional maintenance. It's kind of common sense, I'd have thought.

>> No.10910919
File: 141 KB, 529x508, GlobalEconomicImpact529px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF is their end game??

Protecting the economic dominance of global north.

>> No.10910929

Meanwhile they are absolute cucks to the terrorist-funding Saudi Arabia.

>> No.10910933

wind and solar are generally shit energy.
You need loads of them for it to be effective, all while destroying bird migration patterns and wind currents.
You nazi monster, think of the birds

>> No.10910938

windows and cars kill far far more this is an idiotic argument.

>> No.10910939

>all while destroying bird migration patterns and wind currents
lolwut? Explain.

>> No.10911719

Obviously bullshit, the late medieval warm period was warm enough to have Greenland be habitable and the following little ice age was cold enough to cause massive world wide famine. Some jackass just drew a line without actually knowing the history of the climate of the earth

>> No.10911739
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Meanwhile the actual data paints a different picture.

>> No.10911849

This is a textbook case of dunning-kruger. You don't know what you don't know, and so you assume that things will be okay because the magnitude of change, as measured by numbers, is so small.
To highlight your mistake, consider that as the earth rises in temperature, certain gasses which are trapped below ice and ocean pressure will finally be able to escape, adding enormously to the effect. This is a snowball effect in other words. The entire earth could then become arid, making life unsustainable in a majority of its surface and waters for millions of years.
All because we couldn't agree that climate change is happening, that it is a survival threat, that we have control over it, and that it should be reversed or mitigated. Kind of pathetic I think.
That is the grade school response to who is to blame. It's easy to blame them because our culture hates tycoons and billionaires.
The real truth is that climate talks occurred in the 70s with the intention of coming up with a consensus agreement between industry and scientists. The problem was that Communists and their sympathizers helped pollute those talks with bad faith ideology and distrust. The industry heads lost faith in the science as a result, and the koch brothers believed climate change to be a communist plot. All because, once again, communism poisons everything it touches and offers no solutions that work.

>> No.10911856
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>The same reason that communism, an existential threat to civilization

>> No.10911871

>>The same reason that communism, an existential threat to civilization
This was not bait. Communism is an insidious bait and switch ideology which spreads like wildfire because the full ramifications of its adoption never occur to people until after the country lies in ruins.
Presently, for the west, we are infected with a form of communism engineered and spread during the cold war -designed to weaken us from within so that we could be conquered eventually. Problem is that the Soviet Union fell and the world changed, and the consequences of this communism have all manifested in unforseen ways which make us powerless to solve impending disasters. It's like our civilization has AIDS right now, the smallest gust of wind could wipe us out, as a result of our lack of cohesion.

>> No.10911876

I would love to have a big brain like this

>> No.10911886

American having an average IQ of 98 means that over 50% of American's have an IQ below 100.

>> No.10912000
File: 503 KB, 1600x1067, 1566579604128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If David Koch and his brother hadn’t funded denial—as Charles is likely to continue to do—it’s possible that the world would have taken steps to drawdown carbon pollution decades ago. If the world began cutting emissions in 2000, it would have had to do so at a rate of 4 percent per year to keep warming under the 1.5 degree Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) threshold. Starting today means “monumental” cuts. If we don’t do anything for 10 years, we’re in deep trouble. All the funding Koch kicked in for arts and cancer research won’t matter if the world burns down, a thing that’s actively happening to the Amazon rain forest on the same week he passed away.

>> No.10912004

mean VS median VS mode

google it, PLEASE!

>> No.10912604

>Humans *wish* they were like rats
humans: 300kya
rats: 2.7mya

>> No.10912608

>little ice age was cold enough to cause massive European famine

>> No.10912609

>our culture hates tycoons and billionaires
...the election of President Trump puts the lie to that rash assertion, Anon.

>> No.10912610
File: 215 KB, 640x1007, 47A34B3B-4FAB-4B24-BFE7-8DDFD14D3502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s not a threat to my country

>> No.10912832

Apparently they compare apples to oranges in this paper.

>> No.10912835

>What? What threat? What are you talking about
Because of mass propaganda spread by right wingers denying climate change

>> No.10912870

Sweden which is a 60% carbon free uses mostly nuclear and hydro.

>> No.10912883

>Implying either side of the two party bullshit system is capable of addressing any environmental issues in any way beyond making up arbitrary taxes to give to their mates

>> No.10912884

In fact, three most carbon neutral countries in Europe are Sweden, France and Slovakia. They use a combination of hydro and nuclear to get there. Environmental loudmouths such as Germany are far below them.

>> No.10912888

It's almost like Hydro is the only viable renewable and that's only if you actually have the correct geography. It's almost like nuclear is the only other real green energy option.

>> No.10912890


>> No.10912907

Enjoy all the people from the red parts of the world, coming into the blue parts of the world.

But we'll just .... hahaha, enjoy pretending you can keep over 1 billion people out.

>> No.10912909

This is one of those shitposts that you just know is actually correct

>> No.10912913

looks at this genius. Man let me bring you to this beautiful place called the marketplace of idiiiiaz

>> No.10912925

It would be a trivial matter to defend the borders of Europe or America from even ten billion people if we weren't being fucking sabotaged from within.

>> No.10912926

Defend how?
Just shoot anyone who gets too close?
Detain anyone on the inside who disagrees?
Good luck with that.

>> No.10912941
File: 56 KB, 350x290, 350px-Military_Expenditures_2018_SIPRI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon even if we lacked cohesion for a two term presidency we have the capital might to win in any direct confrontation with these powers. Don't let fear mongers tell you otherwise.

We have the largest military on Earth by far

>> No.10912957

Yes doing both those things is exactly how defending borders has worked for thousands of year before this internal sabotage.

Except your military is for the express purpose of Israel's whims. You don't get a say in its use.

>> No.10914628
File: 18 KB, 745x224, Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude that's not accurate the medival optimum was much warmer than today and much warmer than what your 3nd graph suggests

also your first graph is completely bogus to the point of being an arbitrary fabrication



>> No.10914636


also the left hand column in the this graph isn't even measuring temperature, it's measuring some construct labeled "temperature anomaly" whatever that means

I don't know if climate change is happening, but what I do know is that the people supporting and arguing for climate change are outright shameless liars


>> No.10914721
File: 389 KB, 1280x961, 1280px-2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>addresses the middle ages
>posts the entire temperature footprint of the earth starting at 500 thousand years
bitch do you even brain

>> No.10914727
File: 308 KB, 990x682, 1504346849623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever that means
google it

>> No.10914728

jesus christ this fucking retard doesn't even know what temperature anomaly is and he's claiming all of climate science is wrong with zero data. Smart phones were a mistake.

>> No.10914749

>Eight committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.[15] The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged throughout the investigations.[16]

>> No.10914764

That temperature graph you posted is fabricated. You should watch this senate testimony from one of the researchers who worked on the Medieval Warm Period. He was threatened by other scientists that if he didn't change the temperatures he was reporting he would be discredited.


>> No.10914770

Gomen nasai bro. You can't argue with crazy? I hear you preaching.

>> No.10914827
File: 38 KB, 736x656, misquote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graph you posted is fabricated
rich, since you posted a lying hack

i am not even playing this joke of a video, this man is a sack of shit

>> No.10914829

Because the whites have been brainwashed into self destructive behavior and subconsciously want to die.

>> No.10914879

>That temperature graph you posted is fabricated.

>You should watch this senate testimony from one of the researchers who worked on the Medieval Warm Period. He was threatened by other scientists that if he didn't change the temperatures he was reporting he would be discredited.
Did you watch your own video? Deming doesn't even say he was a researcher on the MWP or that he was threatened. He says he "received an email" stating that "we have to get rid of the medieval warm period." This turned out to be a complete lie. He was told of this email and his "quote" is a fabrication. The actual statement was: "I get the sense that I’m not the only one who would like to deal a mortal blow to the misuse of supposed warm period terms and myths in the literature. The sceptics and uninformed love to cite these periods as natural analogs for current warming too – pure rubbish." Sounds pretty accurate considering that's exactly what you're trying to do.

Here's the email: http://di2.nu/foia/1105670738.txt

>> No.10914893

Willy brown was on the radio yesterday. (KCBS) Talking about the democrats upcoming circle jerk in SF. Saying dems need to stfu about it unless they are experts. It will not be a major issue in the shit show due to lack of interest and muddled information.

>> No.10914924

>Stock image
>Bait weasel word "half"
>Climate denial thread #2474892
This thread belongs in your shitbox >>>/pol/

>> No.10915616

I already addressed your argument. The koch brothers are a favored target because they fund efforts which undermine efforts which have become leftist tropes. I told you WHY this is the case with climate change: Communists sabotaged efforts between scientists and industry leaders to find common ground. If McCarthy would have succeeded in convincing the higher ups of the communist threat in America, it might have been rooted out successfully. If that happened, good faith would have probably existed between the scientists and industry leaders in the 70s.
The Communists undermined the climate change talks because for them it's a way to centralize government power, condition people to give up their individual rights in favor of collectivization, and it greatly undermines faith in capitalist industry. Just look at communist-inspired media. The industrialist is always the enemy of the environment.
>Starting today means “monumental” cuts. If we don’t do anything for 10 years, we’re in deep trouble
Then we are in deep trouble. We are never going to do anything because China and India are industrializing and are the major polluters. If we do anything then we hand the world's economy to them. They are never going to do anything because they covet what we have. So there you have it. Be sure to thank Marx when we all are dead and pass him by in hell.
You just couldn't resist an effort to tie Trump into this could you? Sad basket cases.
They deny climate change because presently it is a political tool being used by Communists to co-opt our government.
You actually can. If your nation is nationalist. Look at Israel.
Borders mean walls, guns, and war. This is common sense stuff by the way.
We have traitors in our gates. No it isn't hyperbole.
We are so thoroughly subverted that we can't even defend our borders from invading migrants without elected officials opening the gates and refusing to follow law.

>> No.10915625

On top of those elected officials betraying us openly, we have mibs of young people violently suppressing political support for border protection who are protected by said officials. Then there are the dual citizenship Israelis who lobby us so that we use that military to shape the middle East to Israel's whim, thereby weakening us politically and economically.

>> No.10915672

Thoughts on Bjorn Lomborg's argument that climate change will affect income per household negatively by 2-4% but continuing economic growth will make this irrelevant?

>> No.10916651

why in the fuck are people caring about GDP when the entire world is going to go down in flames...fucking politicians must hang by the longest rope

>> No.10916689

cause they want to know what is like having their countries invaded from all directions kek

>> No.10916736

Any thoughts on Bjorn Lomborg's innacurate analysis, massive cherrypicking, and quote mining?


>> No.10916774

Doesn't Bjorn complain about how harmful to the economy mitigation will be when it's less than 1% of GDP? What a hypocrite.

>> No.10917644

You idiot leftards in this thread realize solving the CO2 problem isn't even close to solve environmental and even climate change problems? Westeners have to take a massive hit in ther lifestyles in order to survive until we are capable of living in other planets. I haven't seen a leftist politician addressing this fact. We should probably stop fabricating useless things like fursuits or lgbt flags.

>> No.10917661

>You idiot leftards in this thread realize solving the CO2 problem isn't even close to solve environmental and even climate change problems
And your point is? Are you trying to argue a solution to one problem has to solve all problems? You have nothing but faulty logic and "hurr durr leftist." Just stop embarrassing yourself.

>Westeners have to take a massive hit in ther lifestyles in order to survive until we are capable of living in other planets.
Nice alarmism.

>> No.10917680



I see somebody doesn't want to change his lifestyle. You sound exactly like a climate change denier when somebody tells you you should probably stop buying useless stuff

>> No.10917691

>I see somebody doesn't want to change his lifestyle.
I see a /pol/tard making dumb assumptions again.

>> No.10918368

>You just couldn't resist an effort to tie Trump into this could you? Sad basket cases.
>somehow this makes it less true?
Youre functionally retarded.

>> No.10918448

And that would be easily achievable if you look at Western birthrates.
The greatest policy we could hope to enact to save the planet is to end all migration to aging Western countries, and cutting all aid to developing nations and their baby booms.
Yes, their would be a serious decline in living standards, but that's unavoidable if those climate predictions come true.

>> No.10918771

Gotta love how, despite obvious evidence that bad corporate players and oil interests have activeky undermined humanity from enacting real change for decades, the real problem is some caricature conception of """communists"""".

Take your pills or stick to the infowars consumer reviews section please.

>> No.10919817

propaganda is powerful anon, normies think the 300 film is in anyway reasonably related to reality beyond the names of the characters

>> No.10919853

honestly its disturbing that this guy doesnt know how to spell skeptic and uses pls

>> No.10919903

I think this guy answers the OP's question.

A vast number of people in this world are barely functioning retards who have no clue what they're even doing. They're easily duped to believe the most retarded theories as they lack the mental capacity for critical thought.
This guy right here is a perfect example.
These people should be caged and barred from voting desu

>> No.10920019
File: 36 KB, 1199x464, sceptic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"skeptic" is a disturbing amerimutt misspelling

and pls is the abbreviation of please

>> No.10920229
File: 264 KB, 4000x2000, bellcurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because HALF the country has a double-digit IQ

>> No.10920246

He would be discredited in the same sense that a mathematician who released a proof that 0=1 would be discredited.

>> No.10920275

When you multiply back in the zero, yes, they are equal.

>> No.10920299

>not wanting to shell out billions in gibs with no explicit spending plan is “denialism”

The governments track record with spending money is already atrocious, even with very detailed budgets and earmarking of funds. The ONLY solution climate alarmists have come up with is a nebulous carbon tax with no concrete technical solutions or even a path forward on how those money’s will ensure future climate stability. Sorry, I ain’t buying that, do better.

>> No.10920379

Cuz its not real

>> No.10920414

> then why, each election year, does HALF the country say "What? What threat? What are you talking about?"

Only a bit more than half of the U.S’ possible voters vote, so you’re overestimating the retard population. They’re stupid/have been lied to

>> No.10920425

Koch brother now. One was returned to the abyss.

>> No.10920458

the only people who do seem to be truly worried about it are the 98% consensus scientists who understand what it's going to do to the planet in the coming generations. the "liberal" tribe is mildly concerned about it as a part of their tribal-political identity, but not enough to actually understand the subject in full or do anything about it as a whole, and of course the "conservative" tribe is like 75% uneducated morons and science deniers who don't care about anything unless their hierarchical authority figure blesses it with his approval (which he never will because he's usually in charge of or on the take of one of the corporations responsible for the problem in the first place)

and on that note, a handful of corporations account for something like 80% of the problem in the first place, so even if every human on the planet banded together and made changes to their individual lives it wouldn't make a meaningful difference. and guess what companies are responsible for telling YOU to change and make sacrifices instead of themselves?

>> No.10920619

>Why is half the country so dumb

>> No.10920721


>> No.10920731

reminder that Barack and Michelle Obama just bought a $15million house on Martha's Vineyard, 3ft above sea level

they must be very philanthropic, buying that mansion that they know is gonna be underwater

>> No.10920743

So...enough above sea level that’ll be fine for a century?

>> No.10920762

because everyone is a fucking retard, more than half a billion people will die and these fuckers are like "those damn liberals want to take away my truck!"

>> No.10921234

>it's not a problem because only half the population are dead

>> No.10921851
File: 29 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You idiot leftards
no U /pol/itard

>> No.10921894

>why vaccinate kids, if life can survive an asteroid surely a few germs won't do any harm
>why have stop signs? if life can survive an asteroid surely a few car crashes won't do any harm
>why wash our hands? If life can survive an asteroid surely dirt won't do any harm.

>> No.10922136

While Climate change might be a problem in the future the attempts to prohibit it through CO2 reduction are futile and are very likely to damage the economies of the nations which enables them.
The reduction of CO2 output on a global scale won't happen because some states know that they cannot afford it while increasing their standard of living(for example China).
A more realistic approach to the problem would be to prepare for the problems that will arise like adjusting the agriculture for warmer temperatures or securing borders in advance of climate refugee waves.

>> No.10922149

hasn’t every single nation now agreed to CO2 reduction? It doesn’t impact economies that much if everyone else does it. Besides, the sun is going to be around much longer than fossil fuels, so long term the economy will be based on that. Might aswell get the transition over with at the pinnacle of human development...

>> No.10922180

>hasn’t every single nation now agreed to CO2 reduction?
There is a huge difference between "agreeing" and actually acting according to the plans.
>It doesn’t impact economies that much if everyone else does it.
What? It does merely mean that every nation which does it is equally worse off.
>the sun is going to be around much longer than fossil fuels, so long term the economy will be based on that.
That may be the case (it depents on developments in other alternatives like for example fusion) but the cost to abandon fossiles entirely would be way to high (in a really short timeframe) for many nations (and simply not realistic doable for others at all) to make a difference that would stop or even noticeably stall the effects of climate change.

>> No.10922192

More like we find israel to keep the rest of the oil sheikhs in line. Israels dominant position in the mideast is exclusively by our whim, as is Saudis position. Bend the knee

>> No.10922522

The same reason they say there's an invisible man in the sky who likes genocide and hates butt stuff. Conservatism is a mental illness, stop trying to apply reason to it.

>> No.10922555

We have record temperatures in my country. And data still says global median temperature is still rising.